Reva tells Jon he needs to go to the wedding. Jon says he likes it at Cross Creek, it’s rustic, “There’s things on the wall for snow walking, and Sarah and I want to do that,” making Reva laugh her trademark laugh. Reva tells him he has to convince Sarah that this is her home, not just another pit stop. Jon startles Reva as she leaves, then says “Thank you.” Jon calls Mel, says he needs her help.
James stops by Company to talk to Daisy. He asks her to go to the wedding with him as a date. Going together. She says her dad will be there. He can handle it.
Buzz and Lillian kiss while Blake looks on.
She then goes to the computer and types to her chat buddy (Frankie). Frank is at Marina’s typing to his chat buddy, Blake.
He asks her to go to this thing with him today (the wedding). She says she has plans (the wedding). Frank says it figures and shuts the lid on the laptop.
Phillip tells Beth she looks beautiful, and she does! Emma comes in with Nat and Olivia and runs into Phillips arms.
They are all excited to see Phillip looking so good. They head off to the wedding. Beth says that Olivia and Natalia see close. Phillip says yes, they are very close.
Ed thinks Alan will be able to go home this evening as long as he takes it very easy.
No board meetings, no cigars, lots of rest and relaxation. Alan says it is the best gift he has ever been given. Alex says she believes him. Ed believes him too. He tells Alan “You did a fine thing. You saved your son.” Alan replies, “I think he saved me.”
Lizzie walks in as Vanessa finishes dressing. Mindy and Maureen are helping Vanessa.
Maureen tells Vanessa that she looks beautiful, and she does! Vanessa says it is all Mindy’s doing. She designed the dress and made it. They pass around champagne. Lizzie brings out a garish blue garter. Vanessa tries to get out of it until Lizzie cracks up saying they are kidding. Vanessa, says No.
The Lewis boys are fishing by a stream. Reva comes to heckle and get them out of the water. She brought food. Billy says they have to go fishing and what you catch is what you have for breakfast. Reva says he has to eat something. They will starve; there are no fish in this stream. It’s not Tulsa! Just then Billy catches something.
Only love can save the world, only love . . .
James comes in the room where Phillip and Beth are waiting.
Phillip straightens James’s tie. James says they didn’t have to wait; he has a date, with Daisy. Phillip and Beth both smile. James leaves. They leave arm in arm.
Emma, Olivia, and Natalia stop by to see Rafe to see if he wants to go to the wedding.
He says he can’t because he’s getting ready to leave for the Army. Natalia says it’s fine, no pressure. Emma wants them to go as a family together. Rafe explains that he has plans to go with a friend. Emma asks if it is his girlfriend. He says no, she’s a girl and she’s a friend, that’s it. He asks her to dance with him at the wedding. She says sure. Natalia hugs him.
Rafe says one step at a time. Nat tells him she loves him and they turn to leave. Olivia looks back at him. He meets her gaze.
At Marina’s Daisy tells Uncle Frank and Cousin Marina that she is not going with them.
She has a date. With who, Frank asks. Just then James walks in. He hands her a daisy, which she puts behind her ear.
Frank tries to give her a hard time, but it doesn’t work. Daisy leaves with James.
Blake is helping Lillian with something when Bridget Reardon walks in! Nola walks in right behind her!
Long time no see in Springfield! Bridget looks around and says the place looks good. Buzz and Lillian see them and exclaim! They ask about Peter, who is starting at Springfield U this year. This whole Vanessa thing brought them her, Nola explains. They leave with Buzz and company, but both stop to look around the joint wistfully before following.
The wedding party waits at the door way of the country club as the white stretch limo approaches.
Wanda runs up and opens the door.
Maureen is the first of the Bridal party to exit the limo. She is followed by Lizzie, who is Mindy, who is followed by the Bride, Vanessa!
Then a black pickup truck arrives, the music changes to hillbilly, and the Lewis boys have arrived. Billy jumps off the back of the truck, picks up Vanessa and swings her around!
Jonathan is hanging out around Alan’s hospital room when Emma, Natalia, and Olivia show up.
He slips away and looks in on them.
Emma hands Alan a picture she made to thank him for saving her dad’s life.
Alan tells them that he only did what any parent would do for their child. Olivia says he surprised her. She is impressed. Alan says he is full of surprises.
Emma tells Alan that they are going to a wedding and her whole family will be there, her dad because of Alan, and her brother Rafe. Alan says, your brother Rafe? and looks up at Nat and Liv, “So that means you two are together?”
Olivia replies, “Yes, and we’re family” as she puts her arm around Natalia. “I see, I see. Are you happy with your new family, Emma?” Emma replies that she has the best two mommies and the best dad! Alan says, you sure do! Emma says she just wanted to tell him she loves him before the wedding. He says he loves her too and gives her a big hug before sending her off to the nurse’s station for a lollipop.
Liv tells him Thank you. Alan says that Emma seems happy and that’s all that matters. Jonathan is listening to the entire exchange. As Olivia and Natalia leave for the wedding, Natalia tells Alan that Rafe will come by very soon. Alan hopes he gets a chance to talk to him before he leaves for the service.
After they leave, Alex says, that was a beautiful thing you did. Alan says them seem very happy. It is the kind of happiness he always ran away from. Alex says you and me. Alan says he is not running away from it any longer. Being in bed has taught him something. Jon is still watching Alan.
Mindy is fixing Billy’s tie.
She tells him how proud she is of him. “It has taken you a long time to get to this point.” Yeah, he says, too long. She tells him she loves him.
Phillip, Beth, Rick, Daisy, and James all meet at the country club before the wedding.
Beth and Daisy exchange compliments. Rick asks if he looks okay. Phillip says he has never looked more lovely. Rick has been waiting for weeks for Phillip to say that. The kids take off. Beth says, you scared her off. Rick says he was just kidding.
Raph, Ashley, and Emma are goofing around when Doris walks up and introduces her date.
“Jemanda Weeks, this is my daughter, Ashley and her friend Rafe.” Jemanda (I think that is how Doris pronounced her name) says it is nice to meet Ashley who replies in kind. Jemanda goes off to get a drink and Ashley gives her mom a big hug.
She is so glad Doris is finally letting her in. Doris says she wishes she had done it sooner. Ashley says it is never too late to start. Doris says, true, kisses her, and walks over to where her date is talking to Natalia and Olivia.
Lizzie and Bill are on the terrace. They agree that it is a great day, a great week.
Her dad and her grandfather are recovering and she just spent the day with her little girl. She just wonders when it is going to fall apart. Bill tells her not to think like that. And by the way, he tells her, you can handle anything. We can handle anything, she says.
Remy and Christina are also out on the terrace talking about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Isn’t that what we do at weddings? She says they can renew their vows when they get home.
Reva walks up to Josh and Shayne, takes a swig off Shayne’s beer, then hands it back saying it smells bad.
She asks if they showered. They smell like fish. She tells them to do something about it. Billy caught a big fish, they had to clean it. She says, before you do anything else, wash your hands.
Vanessa and Billy greet Nola, Bridget and Mindy. She tells Nola she is so glad they are here.
Nola asks, really? And Vanessa says, Yes, of course. Nola says, “Well I did call ahead to make sure we weren’t wearing the same dresses.” Vanessa laughs at the memory of their big cat fight way back when. Nola says that she and Quinton (he must still be with her!) wanted to give her something.
I miss this show. The best of the soap operas.