Previously - Dinah and Shayne meeting, Reva making the toast that she wants to live, Shayne Lewis reporting for duty.
At the Beacon, Marina and Mallet knock on Josh's door.
They want to talk to Josh before Eleni gets up. Mallet questions if Josh is still ordained since he left his church. Mallet and Marina ask Josh to marry them. They want a very private ceremony just the two of them with no family or friends. Josh questions why? Marina says the Cooper clan can be a bit pushy. Will he do it or not? Josh questions what they have for him. A cranberry muffin and a latte. Josh says it's a deal.
In Germany, Dinah is looking for Sgt. Randolph to give him back his watch. She meets the real Sgt. Randolph, an African American man in a chair.
Dinah is perplexed. If he is Randolph then who the heck is the other soldier that she was talking to?
Reva and Jeffrey hunt for the perfect Christmas tree outside. Reva suggests a scrawny Charlie Brown tree. Jeffrey questions why. Reva loves rescuing things. Jeffrey suggests this can be their family's tree finding day. Reva loves the idea. Jeffrey suggests trees all over the house and tons of lights. Reva questions what is up with him. She laughs and tells the baby that Jeffrey is crazy. It's the reason she loves him so much. Jeffrey questions if Reva is ready to head to Cedars to being her chemotherapy? Reva says she is. She wants to put a request for the small Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
At Cedars, Lillian talks to Jeffrey and Reva about the chemotherapy. Jeffrey is fluttering around all nervous. He feels so helpless. The baby is doing more than he is to keep Reva calm. He's never felt so useless. Reva tells Jeffrey how the last time Billy was there for her. Bill got her an MP3 player with country music. It helped pass the time. Jeffrey could go get her one. Jeffrey agrees. Lillian comes into set up the line for the chemo drugs.
Jeffrey is visibly worried. Reva senses it and boots Jeffrey out. She's in good hands. They both are.
In Germany, Dinah finally finds Shayne.
She makes a crack that he and Randolph could pass for twins. Shayne says it's not his fault if all she did was read the sign above his bed. So he's not a soldier? Shayne says he's nobody. Dinah badgers Shayne for his real name. Shayne says it's Travis Bickle. Dinah says it's nice to meet Travis. She questions how he injured his legs? Shayne tells Dinah to buzz off. Is she always this nosy? Dinah sits down and refuses to leave. Shayne tells Dinah not to make him her pity case.
If she is looking for a reward for returning his watch? She's out of luck. Dinah offers to help Shayne. She can help him find his family. Shayne again tells Dinah to buzz off. She can't use him to make her own sad life better. Dinah says that Shayne is ungrateful and she questions why she even bothered to help him. Dinah leaves. Shayne pulls off the blanket and attempts to get into his wheelchair. Dinah who is outside the door is watching. She's visibly worried about Shayne.
At Mallet and Marina's house, Marina enters. She hears Eleni move upstairs and frantically changes so Eleni will not know that she was gone. Eleni comes downstairs and says that Marina is up early.
Marina says she just loves to clean. Eleni says that is a joke. She offers to make breakfast for Marina. Eleni says this is fun just mother and daughter time. Eleni tries to ask Marina about her life with Mallet outside of work. Mallet is definitely older than her so he has different interests. Marina laughs and says that Eleni is not very subtle.
Age has nothing to do with Marina and Mallet's relationship. Mallet has been married a couple of times. Marina says she can list her bad relationships. Eleni says Shayne was not that bad. Shayne was years ago when they were kids. He left town but she found Mallet. Eleni says that is great. Marina says but... Eleni can just say it. Eleni tells her daughter a lot goes into making a relationship work. Look at Frank and Eleni's relationship. Eleni moved out of the house. Why is she asking so many questions? It's hard to have a good relationship. Marina says she has a good relationship and she's grabbing onto it. Eleni questions why Marina is rushing into a relationship with Mallet? Has Marina and Mallet already made wedding plans? Eleni is happy for her daughter. She just wants Marina to be sure.
In Germany, Dinah calls Mallet.
He never expected to hear from her again. Is he glad that he did though?
At Cedars, Reva talks to the baby while she is having chemo.
Reva says that her baby boy was the most unexpected surprise. It's funny he's inside of her yet she doesn't know that much about him. He doesn't know much about her either. Reva says that she's a bit of a hell raiser. She's fun and a bit crazy. She's not exactly the mom of the year but she will make it different this time. She's sorry she's sick again. He doesn't deserve that. Reva says she's a fighter. They are in this together. She can't imagine him not being there. There is nobody better to have on his side during this fight then Reva.
A Cross Creek, Jeffrey is frantically finding stuff for Reva. He accidentally knocks down a picture of Reva and the ultrasound of the baby. Jeffrey slumps to the ground and looks at the picture.
Jeffrey says they have to be alright. If there is anything more bad that is coming lay it on him not on Reva or the baby. He'll take the hardship. Both his wife and son have to be alright.
At Towers, Marina is sitting at the bar looking at a beer when Cyrus shows up.
He's surprised to see her there so early with a beer. Marina says it seemed to be the right thing to do. Marina says that Cyrus should congratulate her. She's getting married tomorrow to Mallet. Cyrus is surprised by the news. Marina starts to walk away. Is she having cold feet? No not at all. Marina turns to leave then looks at Cyrus. A little.
At Mallet and Marina's house, Mallet continues to talk to Dinah. Where is she? He would never guess. A spa getting the works. Nope, in Germany outside an American Army hospital. Mallet never would have suspected that. Dinah says she's trying to do a good deed this time and help out. That is why she is calling Mallet. She needs a favour. Mallet laughs and says the last time he did a favour it involved a suitcase full of ransom money. Dinah says there is this guy. Mallet's attention perks up. Dinah's not interested in him. He's a wounded civilian in a bad way. She wants to help him. Could Mallet look him up and tell Dinah what happened? Mallet agrees. Dinah says the name is Travis Bickle. Mallet says that the guy is pulling Dinah's leg. It's the character Robert DeNiro played in Taxi Driver. Dinah laughs so that is what she gets for trying to help out Shayne. Mallet tells Dinah that Bill is awake. Dinah is all hopeful. Is Bill out of the hospital? Mallet is surprised. He thought Dinah would have heard something. Dinah is glad that Bill is o.k. Mallet says not really. Bill is under investigation by the police in Lizzie's kidnapping. He's the prime suspect. It doesn't look good. Dinah is shocked but covers when Mallet asks if she is alright. Mallet is still on the phone when Eleni comes in asking if Mallet is marrying Marina today. Mallet tells Dinah he's sorry. He didn't want her to hear over the phone. Dinah lies and says the connection is bad. Dinah says goodbye.
At Cedars, Reva is tired when she gets a phone call.
It's from Shayne.
Reva is beyond happy to talk to her son. She misses her son so much. Reva says it's good to hear from him. What is she up to? Reva lies and says she's busy Christmas shopping. Where is Shayne? Shayne lies and says he's at a hotel in Germany by the water. He's helping out another clearing team. It's really rewarding work. Shayne looks down at his legs. Is he safe? Shayne lies and says yes. Is he o.k.? Shayne lies and says he's fine. Reva says she thinks about her children all the time especially since becoming pregnant. Shayne stutters and questions how that is going. Reva says good. She just wants Shayne to come home so he can meet his baby brother. Reva laughs at all of her boys. Marah was hoping for a girl. Shayne says Marah is probably happy that she is the only daughter of Reva Shayne. Reva wants to hug her son so much. Shayne covers and says that some guys just came in. They want to head out. Reva gets the hint and says goodbye. She hopes that Shayne has the time of his life dancing the night away. Shayne looks at his legs. Reva says she loves Shayne. Shayne loves his mom as well.
At Towers, Cyrus and Marina talk. Marina says she screws up every relationship. She doesn't want to do it again. She just jumps in with her heart first and eventually something goes wrong. Cyrus questions if she is talking about them. Marina laughs that she busted him and put cuffs on him. It went downhill after that. Cyrus says there was some pretty good moments. Cyrus says he was the wrong man at the wrong time. She could have done a lot worse. Marina says she always does that. It's so confusing. Cyrus says it doesn't have to be. Cyrus kisses Marina.
At Mallet and Marina's house, Eleni is talking with Mallet.
Mallet wanted to tell her about the wedding. He's sorry he brought her all the way out there. Eleni says she's not going to tell Marina how to run her life. Mallet says he's open for some advice. He shows Eleni a beautiful engagement ring. It's beautiful. Eleni wishes Marina and Mallet all the happiness. They deserve all the blessings. Children are the biggest blessing. Has something changed since his accident? Mallet says nothing. He still can not have a child but he can still be a wonderful father. Eleni says that Marina has always wanted children. Have they talked about this? Not since they decided to get married. Eleni says they need to resolve this. It will hurt their marriage if they don't. Eleni says she has to go and meet Frank at Company.
In Germany, Dinah is trying to get a land line to Springfield. She wants to try to talk to Grady and find out how he screwed up so badly. The operator cuts the line. Dinah tosses her phone in disgust almost clocking Shayne.
So, he's Travis Bickle? It got her to shut up right. Dinah says that Shayne is miserable. She thought he could use some help and talk about what happened. She offers to talk . Shayne says he still feels lousy. Dinah says that other people have been through worse and they pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Dinah turns to leave. Shayne says it was a landmine. Dinah turns and looks at him. Shayne tells Dinah how he was clearing landmines from a field where children play soccer. It was a beautiful day. It's not a moment that comes around. Everything felt right then boom. He never saw it coming. It wasn't a direct hit on him but he has a previous spinal injury. They flew him here to the hospital for help. Dinah agrees that must not be easy to talk about. Shayne turns to leave. He doesn't have to do it alone. Does he have any family? There was a girl once in his life. She's gone now.
At Towers, Marina pushes Cyrus away. What was he doing? What's his angle this time? Does he need money? Cyrus offers to buy the beer for Marina. What is he trying to do torture her? He was just trying to show her that she doesn't just jump into love. Marina questions if she was ever that impulsive? Cyrus says Marina is not like that. She's decent. She has a wonderful man. A long-time love that she works with. They are together and happy. It's all Cyrus wants for Marina. Marina hugs Cyrus. Marina thanks Cyrus.
In Germany, Dinah and Shayne talk. Shayne says he's sorry she went off and lost her boyfriend. Shayne offers to trade battle stories. What is her story? He doesn't want to hear it. Dinah says what the heck it's not as if she will ever see Shayne again.
She says she's an accomplice in a kidnapping of her brother's girlfriend. Shayne says she has his attention now.
Dinah didn't plan the kidnapping but she didn't do anything to stop it either. Dinah's brother then got in a really bad accident trying to get away. What happened to him? Is he o.k.? He was in a coma. Dinah left before so she wouldn't cause him anymore pain. He's awake now. This was supposed to be his new start with his girlfriend but now he's the prime suspect in her kidnapping. Shayne says he's glad he's sitting down.
Dinah says it gets even better. The love of her life AC Mallet is getting married tomorrow. Someone else is going to be his wife. A nitwit named Marina Cooper. Shayne reacts to Marina's name. She's sorry he has so many scars but it feels like her life got blown up by a landmine as well.
At Mallet and Marina's, Marina shows up. Mallet is choosing a wedding bouquet for her. Marina kisses Mallet passionately.
Cyrus kissed her today and it was the best thing. Mallet questions why? Marina has no doubt now that Mallet is the right man for her. She wants to marry him. Mallet says maybe they should rethink things.
Over a stupid kiss? No they need to talk. Marina hates those four words. Mallet says they need to have a real conversation about kids. In twenty four hours it will be official and she will be his wife.
At Cedars, Jeffrey finds all goodies to make Reva more comfortable. Jeffrey lies as to why it took him so long to get back. He brought her a blanket, book and a picture of the baby. Reva smiles seeing their son. Did he find a radio? Jeffrey pulls out his guitar. Reva laughs. He can't play that in the hospital. He can be quiet. Reva wants a lullaby. Jeffrey starts to sing. Reva has tears in her eyes. Doctors walk by and smile as Jeffrey sings to Reva.
Marina is ticked off because she realizes that Eleni was being nosy again. Mallet says that he has seen Marina with Zach, Jude and Peyton. Marina would be a wonderful mother. It's not fair to her that he can't have kids. He sees the way her eyes light up. He wants a house full of kids. Marina says it will happen someway. She has thought about it but they will find a way to be parents. They are going to have a great life with their children because they will have parents that love each other. Is she o.k. with that? Marina says she's fine.
Eleni sees Frank at Company.
Frank is all happy and excited. It's good to see him. Mallet flew in Eleni. For the wedding ? Frank knows. Frank wants his daughter to be happy. Eleni does as well. Frank wants to throw his daughter a crazy zany Greek wedding just like they had. Eleni agrees to help plan it.
In Germany, the physiotherapist is impressed with Shayne's vigour to get back on his feet.
Shayne says he has to head home and find out something.
Preview - Shayne back in Springfield. He's watching Jeffrey and Reva, then Mallet and Marina at the courthouse.
Shayne is then being a pain in the butt with Mallet.
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