RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Thursday, September 17, 2009

GLMP Reactions: Episode 15759, Wednesday, September 17, 2009

wrdowen Posted: Sep 16 2009, 09:50 PM

Josh decides to look for a life elsewhere;
Jeffrey threatens Edmund
Rick and Ed get a surprise

Shawnee Posted: Sep 17 2009, 10:23 AM

YAY! for surprises!!

Thornbirds Posted: Sep 17 2009, 01:55 PM

I second that. It's been great being basically spoiler free this week - as I was surpsied quite a few times throughout this eppy. Today...I will give the to GA, TP, and MD.

Marj - at the end - had in in ga-ga tears. Jonathan had me at the house...and I loved him hugging my girl at the end.

"Welcome home, indeed!"

Shawnee Posted: Sep 17 2009, 02:18 PM

I loved the beach scene, it was dreadfully sad but so well done. So quiet and respectful. And when MD uttered her one line there I lost it. And yes, again at the end.

Loved James today, being selfless and wanting something good for Daisy. Remy and Christina- oy! I am tickled at the news, and at the same time thinking REALLY?!?! Are they gonna try and tie Danny and Michelle's record?

And speaking of Danny and Michelle, nice! Unnecessary, has nothing to do with any plot resolution, just a nice thing to happen.

I am certain we will see a Frank and Blake resolution tomorrow. Not sure what to expect with Jeffrey, Reva and Josh, it looks like that one could be left open. I was wondering if what Eddie said today was telling of how Jeffrey would just rather be out there in the world chasing bad guys anyway, and maybe he will just decide to stay gone. I imagined a Reva/Josh reunion, then Jeffrey showing up just after, but not sure how they would fit all that in.

Glad they touched on history with the house, I remember Cassie at Tammy's bedside telling Tammy she bought it. Also glad to see the mention of Cassie in the first place! TP was really good in that scene. I'm not sure, but it seems like you can tell when two people are having their last scenes together. They shot out of sequence, but it seems like you just know sometimes. Totally true with Shayne and Josh today, and I think the same with Nat and Buzz yesterday. I think today was it for KZ and TP, it seemed like a goodbye sort of thing.

Only complaint today- not a single mention of Alan-Michael.

stephw27 Posted: Sep 17 2009, 06:55 PM

Lots of surprises today, except of course the one thing that I want to happen, isn't!!

sosquare Posted: Sep 17 2009, 09:00 PM

When today's show opened with Phillip wearing his reading glasses, looking over arrangements for Alan, I got my first teary moment with realization it is ending. Here was our teenage, heart-throb, angst-ridden Phillip all grown up and burdened with the task of bringing closure to the life of Alan Spaulding and the show. For some reason, the reading glasses really got to me. It showed maturity, how far we have all come watching these characters grow up and screw up and get it all back together again.

The semi-silent goodbye scene at the lake with the family was poignant. I think it was fitting that Buzz, Alan's best confidant and sometimes nemesis, spoke a final farewell. Alex, brilliantly, closed the scene.

The final wrap-ups of where everyone is headed were nice. Daisy/Susan is going to college, James suports her. Jon getting the house Cassie purchased for him and Tammy, nice. Great scenes with TP today.

It was lovely seeing Holly ready to take off with Ed and Ed's family will be okay with Michelle and all moving back with Rick. Poor Rick--no woman for him? Frank, however, well, let's just say his coffee with Blake in the park better definitely be caffeinated if we're going to see this romance blossom...and quick!

Remy may finally have his baby.

Cyrus and Mel were great. That would have been a storyline to really explore and make more sense in the longrun.

Jeffrey and Edmund--I just don't get it. It's like the writers are stretching out a storyline that no one really cares about. Leading up to a cliffhanger or dramatic ending that, given the circumstances, isn't really that big of a deal.

I'm really sad about this. I have never been at the "end" of soap before. Do any of you keep thinking Alan's going to reappear, alive and well, saying he faked his death to teach everyone a lesson? That's the kind of thinking I've been having throughout this entire farewell. No one ever dies, marriages don't last, divorces don't last.....but that's when we know there'll be a show the next day.


bellerose Posted: Sep 17 2009, 09:58 PM

Today was great but sad to know that it is going to end soon. I love people are getting their happy ending but sad to know that the show has to end when everyone is coming back. I know that they only come back because the show is ending. I was so hoping that Josh and Reva would get together but it doesn't look like they are.

wrdowen Posted: Sep 17 2009, 10:34 PM

And another tearjerker but I loved the surprises.
I heard Fletcher was coming back but had forgotten and was totally surprised and I was just bawling when Alex saw and grabbed him.
Loved that Danny and Michelle are coming home . And the Bauer house is full of Bauers' again as it should be.
ED and HOLLY!!!!!!! I had no idea MG would be back. Around the world with ED, what a great ending for these two.
I am really sad that we won't see a Cyrus and Mel relationship blossom. I love them together.
for Remy. I'm not crazy over Christina but still so happy to see him so happy and he's going to be a daddy.
Loved the scattering of Alan's ashes . As I was watching I was remembering when some of the ashes of Roger Thorpe flew in Alan's eye that day.
Only the Spaudling's and their spouses there. Perfect .
Square, I kept thinking yesterday when Alex went in and spoke to Alan under that sheet,that I wished he would just pop up and say "Got ya".
RN couldn't have looked more sexy with his chin on HB's truck window wanting to go and get his true love.
And, MY Phillip. I was thinking the same thing, back to the first day he walked on the set and how I instantly loved him to now with his gray hair and reading glasses and him now being the head "man" of the family with Alan gone.
TP can really jerk at my heart. Love the low key , caring Jon. He and Reva were fantastic at the house .
I see absolutely no reason for these Jeff/Edmund scenes though I could look at Eddie all day. Edmund should have had a better send off than this.
I keep thinking of all the ways these SLs could just go on and on and how it would happen. I am in denial that tomorrow is it.

stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 06:27 AM

Watching yesterday, it almost had me believing that the show would go on and that it wouldn't end. Life ending, life beginning, new romances in bloom, new beginnings and yet today is it! Somehow it just doesn't seem right! Really feeling cheated that GL is almost over.

Loved how Ed showed up at Holly's door! Was totally not expecting that! Fletcher visiting Alex--wonderful! Two sets of characters I would love to see more of! Alan's memorial was very poignant. The setting on the beach was also wonderful. serence and peaceful. Hoping that Alan is finally at peace.

Happy that Rick has Michelle, Danny and the kids back in Springfield! Now if only he would get a girlfriend and Jude would come home!

Frank finally getting his date with Blake makes me happy! Hoping we at least get to see them meet today and see their reactions!

Can't help but loving Mel and Cyrus--such and unlikely pairing, but, I think it really would have been great given the chance!

Great that Jon and Sarah are going to live in the house that Cassie bought for Jon and Tammy! Loved the scene where he was talking to Tammy!

Not seeing my Jeva back together which kind of doesn't make me too happy!! Would love one more happy ending.

Sadly, it didn't seem like Edmund and Jeffrey really had a place in yesterday's episode.

JaneW Posted: Sep 18 2009, 11:52 AM

I just watched Thursday's show. Man, so much is going on. The only part I didn't enjoy was the Jeffrey the Hunter part. I am just not buying that story. They should have had him kill Edmund today. Maybe tomorrow. . . or is that chase going to go on into infinity? I'm not reading any spoilers so I'll just have to wait for the final episode. Man I hate writing the words "final episode!"

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