Previously - Lizzie telling her doubts about Bill to Cyrus. Olivia agreeing to resign from Galaxy Hotels provided Decker gives back Natalia's money.
Buzz and Frank are talking at Company.
Frank says it's a bit hectic since he has to cover for a pair of cops that just got married. Buzz thinks he knows them. Buzz questions if everything is ready to go. Frank is really excited. He can't wait to go get Natalia and tell her the news.
Buzz says that Frank has had a lot of ideas. Good and bad but this one might be the best thing he's ever done. Frank is so happy about his plan.
At the Beacon, Olivia is hunting for some paperwork. Natalia enters.
She surprised that Olivia is out of the hospital. Olivia says she feels fine. She's looking for a press release that she needed 5 minutes ago. Natalia agree to help Olivia find it. Natalia finds the piece of paper.
She's shocked that Olivia is resigning from Galaxy Hotels. Olivia says it's fine. She has to go.
At the Gym, Christina is working when Remy shows up.
He wants to talk about their divorce. Christina still can't believe that Mel bailed on them. She really threw them a curve ball. She may have done them a favour? Christina questions what. Remy says that he's studied so much law the last couple of days he could probably go to school. Clayton would love that. Christina says that Remy would probably punch out some law student right? Where would that get him? Remy agrees. He suggests getting some coffee together so they can discuss their divorce. Christina says she'd love to but she has to go to Cedars. Christina's grandmother is in the hospital with a mild infection. Remy says he can go with Christina. Christina says that her Grandma is really hard and say strange things now. Remy says that they are even then because he subjected her to his family at Thanksgiving. She does remember that right. Christina laughs. Remy would love to meet Christina's grandmother.
Outside the Spaulding Mansion, Bill walks out and finds Lizzie sitting on a bench.
He questions what the latest news is.
Lizzie tries to cover but Bill knows it a free for all on him right now. The press is having a field day with his case. Bill says he's going to go tell Frank everything to prove that he's not the kidnapper. Frank will have to see that right. Lizzie says that he is innocent no matter what people think. She knows it that is all that matters. They should just follow Mel's advice. Bill says he knows in his gut this is the right move. Lizzie says it could be a mistake. She tells Bill not to do it. Lizzie questions why the last couple of days Bill has felt he's had to do something rash and dramatic to prove his innocence. He just got out of the hospital. Why does he care what others think? Bill cares what a judge and jury think. Bill says he didn't talk to the police right away. He knows how that must look in the press. He needs to go to the SPD and clear the air. Lizzie says eventually they will be able to clear his name.
Bill say she wants to do it right now. Lizzie says she tried while he was in his coma. Bill says that the wait could take forever. Lizzie says that all that matters is that she and Dinah believe in Bill. Bill says he has to stop this speculation.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love
He has to prove to everyone that he's not the kidnapper. Lizzie warns Bill that he could do the opposite.
What if he slips up and says something wrong? He could make his case worse. The police could use his statements against him. Bill just needs to wait a couple of days. Bill reluctantly agrees to talk to Mel before he talks to the police. Bill loves Lizzie so much. She loves him as well.
Bill leaves. Lizzie is visibly worried.
Remy and Christina arrive at Cedars. Remy says he made her see his family now he can meet hers. Since they are married then her family is his right? Christina has no clue how to react to her Grandmother. Remy understands after being an EMT. He says they just have to make Grandma feel calm and safe. Christina says that Remy has to stop being so nice or they will have no justifiable cause for the divorce. Remy smiles.
In the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie sees Billy sitting on the couch.
She tells him how Bill is searching everywhere to find something to prove that he is innocent.
He needs everyone including his family behind him. He needs people who believe in him for real.
Remy and Christina head into Grandma's room at Cedars.
Remy praises Christina to Loretta. Loretta asks who Remy is to Christina?
He's a really good friend. It's very nice to meet her. Loretta says she wants ice cream. They always have ice cream in the hospital. Remy can go get it for her. Loretta says he can stay. She likes him. Christina can go. Christina goes and gets chocolate ice cream. Loretta doesn't beat around the bush and asks what Remy's intentions are to her granddaughter.
At Company, Buzz says they need to send out the flyers for the trees. Frank shows Buzz the placard that says that all the money will go to Rafe's defence fund.
Frank hates that Natalia lost all of her money. She is such a special woman. Buzz knows. So much has gone wrong for her, Frank just wants to help out a little. He can't build her a house but he can help her son. Buzz likes seeing this giddy side of his son. Frank says it gets even better Rafe gave his approval to Frank to ask Natalia out on a date. Buzz says that is great. It means that Frank is in.
At The Beacon, Natalia is surprised that Olivia is giving up her job. She loved it so much. Olivia says it's not a big deal.
She couldn't hide her health problems from Decker for forever. He would figure it out. Natalia says it was a big step for Olivia and all of her kids. Olivia says she's the sole owner of the Beacon hotel. She can make a chain and put Decker in his place. She can make it a household name. Olivia says that Buzz called and Frank wants Natalia at Company. Natalia agrees to go. The job was so important to Olivia. It was just a job. Olivia leaves. Natalia is saddened by the news.
Natalia arrives at Company assuming that she's going to have to work. She can spare a little bit of time to Buzz. Buzz says it's not work. Frank has something for her. Natalia calls Frank and Buzz a bunch of cheese balls for being so nice to her. They are too good to her. Frank says that he has something to show her. It will help.
He can't repay the money but he can help with Rafe's legal fund. Natalia is beyond touched and embarrassed for calling Buzz and Frank cheese balls.
Natalia can't believe they are doing this for her. Buzz says it was all Frank's idea. Buzz can give Natalia a register. Frank warns Natalia about the back of the restaurant. There is a work team from the prison out there working including a particular prisoner. Rafe walks inside.
Natalia rushes up to her son. The guard tells Natalia she can't hug her son. Frank curses when his pager rings. He has to head to the SPD to take a deposition.
At the Beacon, Olivia shows up at Decker’s suite.
She held her part of deal. Decker knows he loves the little touches that he added. Now it's his turn to give Natalia back her money. Decker says he can't do that after all.
He has all these angry investors. It's not a good thing in these economic times. He can't just give away money. Olivia realizes that Decker is playing hardball. Olivia says she can play.
She reminds Decker that she left the job because she was so sick. Now say she didn't want to leave, that may be considered by some people to be discrimination. She can always check with her lawyers and get back to Decker. Decker gets the point.
At Cedars, Remy is chatting with Loretta. Remy gets Loretta some money. What does Remy mean to Christina? Remy says that they are married. Loretta says not to joke to her about marriage like Christina's father did. Remy is not like that. Christina has had a lot of people walk out on her. Christina's father walked out on her mother. Remy can't believe that a father would do that. Loretta says that Christina's dad has been out of her life for most of it. Loretta says it happens every day to people. Remy would never do that. He would never do that. How does he know that? Remy tells Loretta about his son Max who passed away. Remy had to fight to be in his son's life. It was complicated but Remy needed to do that. Max became the most important thing in his life. Max was all he could think about. Remy has tears in his eyes when he says how much he misses Max. Christina who is outside the door hears the confession.
He can't understand how any man could do that. How could they walk away from their kid?
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is sitting at the desk when Mel shows up. Mel notices that Lizzie has not had much sleep. She has to stay and support and believe in Bill unlike some people. The dagger is straight at Billy. No one believes in Bill more than Lizzie. Bill is up in his room. Lizzie warns Mel about Bill's plan to go talk to Frank. Lizzie seems to have talked him out of it. Mel says that is the right thing.
It could be fatal to Bill's case if he talks to the police alone. He could end up cementing the SPD's case against him. Mel is going to go talk to him and try to reason with him. She says Lizzie needs to get the PR machine working to their advantage. Lizzie is the victim and a Spaulding. She could really help lean the case towards a reasonable doubt. Lizzie says that everyone who loves Bill (looking at Billy ) will help. Mel leaves. Billy says he loves that Lizzie set him up. He'll help. Lizzie says it doesn't matter if he just helps.
Billy has to believe that his son is innocent. Billy says fine but he wants to make a deal with Lizzie.
Billy will not show his doubt provided Lizzie can do the same thing.
At the SPD, Frank arrives and says he's there for the deposition. Who is it? Bill says it's him. He wants to tell Frank the whole story.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie and Billy stand in their corners ready to spar off. Lizzie says she has no doubts about Bill's innocence. Billy says that Lizzie is working a little too hard to have everyone believe that. Is she maybe overcompensating and she knows that Billy is right? Lizzie questions if Billy wants to know is she is pissed. Well, guess what she is. She's angry at Billy not believing in Bill. He's so willing to doubt his son's innocence. They should all know that Bill is incapable of kidnapping her. She loves Bill and it hurts Billy that she believes in Bill and he doesn't. Billy says fine. He hopes that Lizzie is right. He will do whatever she wants for the PR stunt. Mel comes back down the stairs. Bill is not there. Lizzie realizes where Bill is. Mel and Lizzie rush out.
At the SPD, Frank tries to warn Bill not to talk without his lawyer.
Bill says he has nothing to hide therefore he doesn't need a lawyer. Bill just wants to lay it out there and show he is not the kidnapper. Frank says fine. Frank asks Bill to tell him about the day Lizzie was kidnapped. Bill says it was a huge day for Spaulding-Lewis. They had a huge contract to announce with Decker. Bill and Lizzie were going to do the presentation together. It was also the day that Bill had a wake up call from Billy on how important Lizzie really is to him. Bill was going to tell Lizzie that he loved her and couldn't imagine a life without her in it. Bill was going to tell Lizzie before the presentation. Bill says that it was going to be the day professionally and personally. Lizzie never showed up right. Bill thought it was because of Lizzie looking for the perfect shoes or something. When she didn't show up, the investors were nervous. Decker put pressure on Bill to do the deal. Bill agreed to do it without Lizzie. He took credit for all the hard work. Bill knows what it looks like. He was never going to do it without Lizzie. Decker wanted to do the deal with both of them. They were a package deal. Lizzie is a very important person in his life. Frank wants to know about the first ransom note. Bill found it out on the patio. He was the only one there right? He was concerned about it. Frank says that is not what official records say. Alan said that Bill found the note. He was discovered with it in the house. Bill says he's mind is a bit fuzzy from the coma. He's just a bit confused. Frank says it looks more like Bill planted the note. Alan says that Bill said it was a joke and was not concerned about it at first. He thought that Lizzie had left the meeting on purpose. Now if Bill had kidnapped Lizzie, he would have done just that.
Remy finds Christina outside Cedars. Remy says that Loretta is sleeping. Christina didn't want to interrupt them. She says that the ice cream is melted. She heard them? She heard voices not much more. Loretta likes Remy. As much as she loves her granddaughter. She doesn't always get Christina. Loretta loves her. That is all that matters. Christina asks Remy to tell her about Max.
Remy says it was so cool that he was a father. He say he only knew Max for a minute but could talk about him forever. Christina says she has time. Remy smiles.
At Company, Natalia is talking to Buzz and Rick about the fact that they already sold 200 trees. Buzz says that is because of Frank. Frank knew a charity that heard about Gus that needed trees. Frank pulled the strings to do that. Frank set it up so Rafe could be on food detail so he could see his mom. The guard again tells Natalia that she can't touch her son. Buzz then sees Olivia.
Olivia says this is why he wanted to talk to Natalia. Olivia say she'd love a tree for the Beacon. Natalia is beyond thankful to Buzz and Frank. Decker even wants a tree for his office. Olivia is not working for him. She is just doing one last job. How much does he want to pay for the tree? Oh, about $ 80,000. Natalia can't believe that she has her money back.
Remy and Christina are outside the NICU.
Max was so small. He was a fighter. Remy didn't know about him till he was born. Remy loved Max's mother but it was complicated. She thought another man was the baby's father. It didn't matter when Remy saw Max he knew he was his son. He never got to hold Max. Never? He had to wear special gear because Max was so small. Max was in a special incubator. Remy says he did hold Max once before he passed away. It was the most incredible feeling. Christina questions how Remy deals with such loss and moves on with his life? Remy says that being a father for just a second was the best thing for his life. Max changed his life. Remy finally learned what he was capable of doing. He wasn't just a screw up.
Christina can't imagine that Remy ever was. Remy admits he didn't always do the best thing before Max came along. Christina realizes that if Max hadn't come along Remy never would have taken a chance on the MCATs. Remy says he did the right thing then but he also took her to a casino and got her drunk. He then married her. If that is not a screw up then he doesn't know what it is. The thing is maybe it was meant to be as well.
Natalia looks at her cheque in Company.
It's a miracle. Buzz and Rick watch Natalia and Olivia talk. Olivia didn't do anything. It was meant to be. Olivia fudges and says there were certain fund rules. Natalia didn't follow them therefore she didn't really invest in the fund. Natalia didn't have anything to lose because she didn't spend anything. Natalia says it's a gift from God. Rafe comes in. The guard again tells Natalia to back off. Natalia says everything is going to be alright. They have all the money back from the house. Olivia smiles and heads outside and runs into Decker. She just made Natalia very happy. Olivia is going to have to remember to report that income for taxes right. Decker leaves. Olivia smiles not caring.
At the SPD, Bill says it would be a huge mistake to take Alan at his word. Frank knows that. Frank asks about the second ransom note. The note said not to call the cops. Beth says that Bill was reluctant to call the police even with Billy pressing him. Bill even went as far to lock Alan in his room so he couldn't go to the police. Bill knows that. Beth found Alan in his room. She found Bill with the key. What would Beth have to gain by lying? Lets talk about the ransom drop. Bill says he saw the kidnapper. Bill did. The kidnapper was this close to the money but Mallet's phone rang and he ran off. The kidnapper left without the cash when he was that close? Bill says he fought with the kidnapper. Nobody saw him do that. Lizzie heard him. Did she? Frank questions about the cannery. Bill found it because of a leak from the van? How did he do that? What route did he take. Bill say he took 101 but he was drinking earlier that day. He's not thinking that clearly now. It took him 15 minutes from the Spaulding Mansion. He went to rescue Lizzie. Franks says that is interesting because that day 101 was closed because of a massive accident. Bill was never on that route because he was in fact at the cannery the whole time. Billy talked to him an hour before. He would have plenty of time to go see Lizzie. Bill would have to have taken Route 6 to get to Lizzie. Mel enters then and tells Frank to stop badgering her client.
Mel says that Frank should have told Bill not to say anything. Bill waived his right to counsel. It's fine Frank is done. Bill has filled in the missing pieces. Now they have an even more solid case against Bill. Mel says that this is not right. Frank says a lot of stuff adds up now. Lizzie says that she will fight forever. Bill just woke up from a coma. There is now way he should have been talking to a cop without his lawyer present. The cops exploited his condition. Lizzie is going to have Frank's badge for this.
Remy and Christina return to the gym. He liked meeting her Grandmother. They never really got to their divorce. Remy should start hitting the books. He will call her later on. Remy leaves. A woman walks up to Christina. A note came from the medical school she applied to. Christina reads the note and shakes her head. The woman questions what is wrong. Christina says she didn't read the fine print for the government grant. She has to be married in order to get into the class. Christina shakes her head.
Outside Company, Olivia and Natalia talk.
Olivia is so happy. Now Natalia can have all of her dreams. Natalia says that sounds like the job Olivia had with Decker. No that isn't true. Natalia shakes her head. Why she didn't figure it out sooner. She read the confirmation number on the cheque. The money was there before the deadline on the hedge fund. There is no way that Natalia hadn't invested her money. Olivia did all of this for her. She gave up the job with Decker for it.
Outside the SPD, Bill realizes that he messed up big time. Lizzie says it's just because he's tired. He's had no time to recover from the coma. It will all be fine. Bill questions if it really will be.
Preview - Beth questioning if Alan has ever questioned what might have been.
Alan says he looks forward and not into the past. What is bothering her? Beth has no clue what she really wants.
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