Previously on Guiding Light: -- Buzz reads from Coop’s computer, “An Affair to Remember” as Coop walks in. Shayne and Dinah are talking about a way to wipe the slate clean. Coop tells Buzz that it is just a novel. Buzz yells at Coop, telling him that he is messing with a man’s manhood! Shayne tells Dinah that if they are going to do it, they are going to do it right, and he pulls out a Molotov cocktail. Buzz warns Coop about Alan.
Shayne and Dinah are sitting by the fire. Shayne says they are on skeleton shifts today, no hurry to leave. He pulls out a bag of marshmallows.
Daisy and Grady decorate their tiny tree. It is pathetic. It needs them. The tree makes less to throw out when they get kicked out of the room. It is just a stupid hotel. They both have crappy jobs and will get a crappy apartment. He tells her to go to Cooperville for Christmas. She says she will go if he goes with her. He says he will wait in the car.
Ashley is at Company with Frank getting ready for Christmas. She is an honorary Cooper; she is lucky she got to keep the family after breaking up with Coop. They are fine. Coop seems happy.
Coop is in his room leaving a message for Beth. He is leaving tonight for Colorado. He thinks she wants to go but she hasn’t booked a ticket. Buzz comes in as Coop is describing going in the hot tub with her. Buzz then yells at Coop for stalking Beth. It is not funny; having an affair with Beth and writing a book on it. Loosely based on it. You left a message with the door open. It is Alan! Buzz asks him not to get murdered today.
Alan and Beth are sitting on the couch.
Beth feels it is not right; no music or kids. James is upstairs with a video game; he has the flu. (That explains his absence! The three-year flu!) Something is missing. Elizabeth is missing. Beth is hoping she would come home early. Alan says it is not too late to join her in China. Beth says what about my law conference? Alan thought she wasn’t going to do that. Lillian shows up and complains it is not Christmas, not carols, and then she thanks Alan for her earrings and hugs Beth. She got a text message from her grandson, James. She invites them to the Cooper’s Christmas as Company and they agree to go! and are leaving James at home! With Hilda!
At the fire Shayne declares mission accomplished and says they need to go to a bar. Dinah wants to know what they are to each other. Then they hear someone cry for help. Someone is trapped in the building.
Only Love Can Change the World, Only Love . . .
Dinah and Shayne hear someone cry for help in the burning building.
Marina and Mallet are admiring their first tree and saying they decided not to give each other presents, but the Marina gives Mallet a universal remote. The funny thing is (not really) that Mallet gave Marina a universal remote . . . Ha Ha! or should I say Ho Ho Ho!
Daisy leads Grady into Company.
Frank spies them. He says Grady, thank you for dropping off my niece. Daisy says Ho Ho Ho Uncle Frank. Ashley intervenes. She seems to actually like Grady, but she is also being Daisy’s friend. Daisy is not staying without Grady. Ashley tells Frank this is not about him or her but Daisy. And she loves Grady. Ashley thinks she knows what love is and, if Frank makes her pick between him and her family, she’ll choose Grady, that’s how much she loves him. Frank concedes the point.
Buzz finds Coop outside Company and gives him a gift.
It is a compass. For when he goes to Colorado, in case he and Beth get lost. Coop says thanks and walks away. Buzz stops him and says it occurs to him he handled Coop and Beth all wrong. He has never known how to deal with Coop. He asks if Coop remembers when they first met. Coop was pretty young. Jenna had brought him back from England. When Buzz looked in his eyes he could see how smart Coop was. Coop says Frank and Harley are smart too, and Buzz agrees, but, he says, Coop is different. He has big thoughts. When his mom (Jenna) died, Buzz thought he shouldn’t raise Coop. (Not smart enough, I guess!) But he prayed for him to grown in the right direction every night. Coop says that is what he is trying to do right now.
Just then Lillian walks up and Buzz says, “Well Hello Mrs. Claus!” She says Merry Christmas. She brought company to Company, Alan and Beth walk up. Coop smiles a naughty, knowing smile! :)
Buzz welcomes them into Company but he is very nervous. He confides to Lillian that Coop is the Mystery Man with Beth! His son loves Beth. She laughs Buzz says it is serious. Then Lillian thinks about it again and agrees!
Coop walks right up to Alan and Beth and says Merry Christmas; he then makes a snide remark to Alan, saying “Can I get you anything?”
Beth will have a glass of their house wine. Coop says, “Alan, about our recent disagreement, I’m sorry, I was way out of line.” Alan says that it is forgotten, it is Christmas Coop. He looks at sweet Peyton as she sips from her sippy cup. Coop says “Our families are always going to be connected now.” Alan is confused. Coop says, Because of Zack. Merry Christmas, shakes Alan’s hand, then says the same to Beth and hands her a note in his hand shake. Beth hides the note, looking guilty, and Peyton, in Alan’s lap, is adorable!
Marina and Mallet walk in. Marina looks around, and then says to Mallet, let’s go home and play with our TV Remotes.
He asks why? And she motions over her shoulder. Alan and Beth are sitting there. Frank comes up and greets them warmly, saying “Finally some people I like!” Marina asks about Alan, Frank explains that Lillian wanted Beth to be there and it gets a whole lot better than that. Just then Daisy and G walk up and say Hi Guys! Grady says Merry Christmas. Marina says Wow! And smiles.
Beth takes Peyton across the room to read the note from Coop, which says “Meet me upstairs.”
Beth looks slightly sick, and stashes the note before palming sweet Peyton off on Marina. Beth hands the baby over to Marina while looking back at Alan and Buzz who are deep in conversation. Beth splits!
Frank asks for a moment alone with his niece.
Grady goes to talk to the only person in the room besides Daisy who likes him, Ashley. Daisy asks Uncle Frank not to give her a hard time because this time of year is really hard for her, her dad (Jim) died. Frank knows. He just wants to wish her a Merry Christmas. He hugs her and tells her they are going to call Harley in a little bit and pass the phone around. He wants her to talk to her mother because she misses her.
Beth hurriedly enters Coop’s room upstairs at the boarding house at Company.
Back at the fire, Shayne yells Hello to whoever is stuck in the building (a female voice).
Shayne moves stuff away, leaving his wheelchair to open the door, then Doris Wolf crawls out, he manages to get her on his lap and wheel her out of the burning building!
Remy shows up with the emergency crew and moves Shayne to the ambulance.
Marina and Mallet have Peyton outside at Company.
Mallet clearly is charmed by this little girl! He pulls her hood up and says “Hello Baby!” in a sexy voice.
Marina and he chat with Peyton and Ashley walks up saying it is the cutest thing she has ever seen. She has taken a photo of them and shows them on the camera. They are charmed!
Mallet looks at her, holding a squirming Peyton, and says again, “Hello Baby!” in a sexy voice. Marina is skeptical. It doesn’t turn Marina on.
Frank explains his early memories of Christmas with Daisy’s mother.
He gives her a box of cut outs of things he wants her to have in life. She appreciates it and gives him a hug. Just then Mallet comes in and tells Frank about the fire at the warehouse. He asks for Ashlee so he can let he know that he r mom was at the warehouse and is now at the hospital. Grady offers to take Ashlee to the hospital.
Alan takes Peyton from Marina, who was watching her while Beth is off with Coop, and asks if Marina has seen Peyton’s mother. Marina has not.
Beth is with Coop, kissing on his bed, but she feels guilty because her baby (and Alan!) are downstairs.
She can’t go away with him. Coop asks Why? Because you like being with me? It is having a baby with Alan, and the risk they are taking. Coop points out she and Alan are not even married. She knows. But she wants to get back before people notice. OK he says, he understands. He will go first, and he leaves. Beth picks up the pages of manuscript from the bed. Coop leaves the room and Beth reads the words. She reads out loud some really corny writing, and we can see that Coop’s words move her. She opens the door to find Coop standing there. He kisses her back into the room and shuts the door.
Buzz brings some eggnog to Lillian.
They whisper about Coop and Beth. She wants to know how long he has known it was Coop. He didn’t tell her because he wanted to protect his son. Buzz looks around for Coop and doesn’t see him. Lillian says and where is Beth! Alan walks up looking for Beth. Buzz is nervous. She says that Beth is calling James. Alan wants her to watch Peyton so he can go find Beth.
Buzz attempts to stall Alan with a holiday toast. Everyone but Beth and Coop gather around. Buzz toasts to Christmas 2008, saying it has been one bumpy year. It has had new beginnings, for Marina and Mallet, and it has had a great loss, Gus. And some are too far away and some stuck it out and he looks at Daisy. To Love, Family, and 2008! Here, here! They drink up. After the toast Buzz again stops Alan who is determined to find Beth. He thinks something is wrong. Buzz suggests he give Beth room to breathe.
Up in Coop’s room Beth and Coop are kissing. She says he wins, she’ll go to Colorado. That is great, he says. It is going to be amazing!
Back at Company, Frank calls Harley. He passes the phone to Daisy, but Harley is not there. The call was dropped. She hands the phone back to Frank. Frank says they will try again later.
At Cedars, Remy stops by to check on Shayne, the “hero.”
At the warehouse, Cyrus walks up to Dinah.
At Cedars, Ashley and Grady arrive at Doris’s room.
Ashlee is way over reacting to her mom being in the hospital. Doris says she is not paying Grady overtime. Grady took her there because Ashlee was a wreck, she explains to her mom, before telling Grady to go be with Daisy. Grady responds that he will wait to take her home, and he steps out of the room. Doris gets the idea of matching Grady up with Ashlee! (What is the woman thinking?????)
Grady jokes that it will be “off the clock” and nods at Doris, who smiles at the creep. He steps out and Ashlee tearfully hugs Doris.
Dinah shows up at Shayne’s room. She is very glad he is OK.
She won’t leave him alone in his condition. He saved the mayor. He doesn’t need to hear that from her. She decides to decorate his wheel chair for Christmas and wipes the chair off.
Back at Company, Daisy reads a text message from Grady saying that Doris is fine but Ashlee is still freaked out so he is going to stay with her and walk her home. Mallet and Marina agree he is doing the right thing. They wait for Frank to speak up and he says OK, Grady did a decent thing! It wasn’t that bad!
Beth sneaks into the room and Lillian pulls her aside to have a talk. Alan walks up with Peyton and asks if she is OK, she says she just needed to make a phone call. Lillian says, I told you she was talking to James. Beth goes along with this lie. Lillian leaves Beth with Alan.
Coop cleverly comes in after Beth and Buzz pulls him aside to point out that it was not so clever! Coop is pretty pleased with himself. He told Pop it would all work out.
Beth is telling Alan that was also speaking to her law school advisor. Alan says, “On Christmas Day?” Well, he is Jewish and doesn’t celebrate Christmas. She tells him she must go to Minnesota after all. Alan says great, he, Peyton and James will go with her! She says, Great!
Coop is let down. Then he says, No. No he is not going to let Alan take her away. It is not what she wants. Buzz turns away in exasperation.
Previews – Coop is going over to the Spauldings, and Buzz attempts to stop him.
Alan wants Beth to wear her ring again. Buzz wants the police to stop Coop. Coop arrives at the mansion and tries to get Beth to just listen to her heart.
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