Friday, January 23, 2009
Dayna's In-depth Recap and Charleyfan's Clips: Episode 15596, January 23,...
Reva and Josh planning Lara's memorial believing it will help. Reva not sure how it feels to lose love of your life. Josh looks at Reva. He understands perfectly well. Jeffrey enters and suggests cancelling it. Josh says it's not an intervention. It's a memorial. Josh heads off to talk to Shayne.
Dinah is attempting to call Shayne to warn him. He's on his bed with the headphones on trying to drown out the phone calls.
Josh arrives and bangs on door till Shayne answers. Josh happy to see Shayne walking. Reva told him. Shayne figured Reva blabbed to everyone. Shayne offers beer. Josh agrees toasts to walking again. Josh attempts to mention memorial. Shayne bristles and says that he's not interested. Tell Reva to cancel before she starts putting plans together. Reva already did.
Figure listens to Shayne's call and fills a suitcase.
Reva sees Dinah arrive. Dinah suggests cancelling which ticks off Reva. Reva and Dinah start throwing nasty comments at each other as to who knows what is best for Shayne.
Reva and Dinah continue to spar. Reva hits below the belt and then boots Dinah out.
Josh attempts to talk to Shayne but he bristles at the help. Josh says that grief will pass. Lara would... Josh realizes he's stepped over the line. Josh says the memorial is in a half hour. He can go if he wants.
Jeffrey finds a bouquet of flowers for Lara outside with the note " To Lara with love" no answer as to who it is. Reva and Jeffrey are puzzled. It could be Lara's father but how would he know. Shayne could have called him.
Dinah tells Shayne he doesn't have to go. She says he will grieve in his own time. He doesn't need to hear a room say that how much they loved Lara when they didn't know her. Shayne will get there on his own time. There ? Where he will be perfect and all happy. Shayne can't see that happening anytime. Dinah again says he doesn't have to go.
osh arrives back at the chapel. Reva questions if Shayne will be coming. Josh is not sure. They show Josh the flowers. How did Lara's father know? Shayne no say much to Josh. Marina arrives for the memorial. Christina and Remy arrive as well. Reva tells all to sit. It will be starting soon. Without Shayne? They can all talk about Lara. Reva begins just as Shayne and Dinah arrive. All are thankful. Marina starts and tells a mushy story about Shayne and how he's the perfect boyfriend. Shayne shakes his head. Remy then up not sure what to say. Shayne is like a brother to him. Remy emotional so Christina helps. Loretta told her after her mother died that she can't hold onto the grief she has to share it around. Josh then come up. He's adding a new wing to HB's hospital in Lara's memory for dedicated work she and Shayne did. They were both so heroic. Josh and Reva will also do a memorial scholarship for exemplorary people who are true to themselves like Shayne and Lara. Shayne can't hear anymore and decides to speak. Dinah is worried.
Shayne says Lara was his best friend. They had a life planned. Shayne says the last bit he hasn't been living. He's just been existing then Dinah found him. He knows he can be a pain in the butt. Dinah smiles. Shayne says it's good that he came home to everyone. He's tells Josh he can't live with the guilt. Josh is the best man that Shayne had ever known. Wish Josh and Reva still together but Jeffrey must be a decent guy for Reva to put up with him. Shayne says that Reva was right at the hospital. She's a survivor. She has to live for that baby. Shayne has never seen Reva smile so much. Reva says she said they were both survivors.
Reva wishes that Josh and Shayne would come to her house. They can all talk some more. Shayne says he's tired and just wants to rest. Shayne thanks his parents for the memorial. It meant alot. They hope it helped even though they never met Lara. Shayne loves both of his parents. They can't forget that. Shayne leaves. Dinah follows. Reva tells Dinah to leave Shayne alone.
Shayne on the edge of a buiding roof looking down. He's so close just a bit further....Dinah calls out and questions what the heck he's doing. Shayne tells Dinah to leave him alone. She can't do that. So is that what the speech was? A goodbye. He needs to make her understand why he's doing this. Is it a thrill like the train tracks. Shayne then reveals in anger that the train tracks along with everything was his plan. He's not supposed to be there. He's not supposed to be alive. He was trying to kill himself. So rushing into the fire to save Doris? Shayne hoped he would suffocate but no luck. Dinah tells Shayne he survived the blast that killed Lara. Shayne says he saw Lara killed in another blast. It was on him but she was killed. After he saw that.... Shayne didn't care anymore. He walked purposely into a live mine field hoping to be killed as well but no luck. Dinah is horrified and holds onto Shayne. Shayne says if there was justice in the world then he would have been killed.
Reva will take the flowers back to the house. It was good for Shayne. Knock on door. A person who wants to attend the memorial. Its too late. Why does he want to come? He's a friend. The door opens. Reva, Josh and Jeffrey are stunned as they look at Edmund Winslow. Why is he there? Lara was his daughter.
Reva is beyond ticked at Edmund. She says there is no way by chance that her son and Edmund's daughter were involved. Edmund says that we are all connected. We come into each other's lives for a reason. Dinah meanwhile is pleading with Shayne not to jump. She comes closer to the edge to try and stop him. Just then a scream and the screen fades to blue sky. Does Dinah live? Will Shayne jump? What is Edmund's real connection to Lara? To find out Keep the Light Shining.
Dayna's In-Depth Recap: Episode 15595, January 22, 2009
Finding The Truth
Reva and Shayne both look at the baby’s sonogram. Shayne calls Lara’s father. Jeffrey tries to figure out the truth about Crenshaw. Mallet and Marina decide to be parents. Buzz has a panic attack but is saved by Remy and Christina.
Previously - Shayne revealing the truth about Lara to Dinah as Reva watches. Remy explaining why he ticked off Christina before her MCATs.
Reva is sitting at her desk at Cross Creek when Jeffrey comes in with a huge plate of nachos for her. She has a craving. Reva questions if Jeffrey will be late for work. No, because he’s not heading to work today. Reva has a doctor’s appointment. Reva says that is later. Reva wants Jeffrey to find out who them man was with Lara’s picture. Reva can do the doctor’s appointment alone. Jeffrey is ticked. Reva will take care of their son. Jeffery needs to take care of her son. Shayne is grieving for Lara. Reva agrees never to asks for nachos again. Jeffrey asks if the baby Rambo is o.k. with that. Rambo? Reva says that name is not going to work for their son.
Remy and Christina meet outside. She asks what he is doing. Remy is hurt. No hi how are you husband. Thanks for bringing me a coffee. Christina says all of that then asks what Remy is doing there. Remy wants to take her out for the day. He can keep her company while she is waiting for the MCATs score. He has the ambulance over there. She can come along today. So it’s bring the wife to work day? Remy and Christina head off to work.
There is a knock at the door of Dinah’s place and there stand Mallet and Marina with Maureen. Mallet and Marina caught Maureen shoplifting at the mini mart. Dinah is ticked and tells her little sister to get her butt in the room now.
Shayne is standing by a bridge looking at a picture of Lara. Jeffrey goes to check Shayne’s room for clues and low and behold finds the guy with the cat hat snooping around. Jeffrey grabs him before he can slink away. The guy says that his name is Crenshaw and he works for Lara’s father.
Only love ……
Jeffery tells Crenshaw to spill what he knows. Crenshaw says that Lara disappeared and her father was worried. They have not been in contact for a long time. Jeffrey wants more. Crenshaw questions why he should squeal. Jeffrey shows his badge and says spill. Lara’s father knew that Lara was in Europe last year. He asked Crenshaw to follow her then she disappeared. They just found out that Lara was dead. Crenshaw passes Jeffery a number to contact Lara’s father with. It’s the first of the news. Jeffrey asks where Crenshaw is staying. Room 203 at the Beacon. Jeffery will be there later. Crenshaw better be as well. Crenshaw leaves just as Shayne spots him. Shayne calls out asking what the heck he is doing there. Shayne then turns and finds Jeffrey in his room. Jeffrey is surprised to see Shayne on his feet and walking again. Reva is happy as well. How does Reva know? She saw Shayne at the park. Shayne didn’t see her. He must have been going as she was coming. Reva saw this guy Crenshaw following Shayne and asked for Jeffrey’s help. Who is he? He works for Lara’s father. What can Shayne tell Jeffrey? Nothing. Lara no mention him because he was not in her life. They lost touch. Jeffrey hands Shayne the phone number. Now he can get a hold of Lara’s father. Why is Jeffery there? To make Reva happy.
Reva is at Cross Creek making a video for her son. She says he’s been very busy and kicking her a lot. Reva says that she’s been busy with Shayne as well. Shayne is having a difficult time because he lost the woman he loved. He wanted to make a life with her so she would have been a part of the family. Reva’s sorry she never got to meet Lara. Both of her boys need their mama. Baby boy is about to make his grand entrance. Shayne is dealing with life that is so unfair to him. They all have to take care of each other just in case.
Dinah is attempting to lecture her sister at the Beacon as Mallet and Marina watch. Maureen was lucky that it was people that knew her that caught her. Maureen says the point is not to be caught. She was just trying to help homeless people. Dinah knows that is a line of hogwash and asks Mallet and Marina what Maureen stole. A magazine, tape and a candy bar. Maureen tells another lie. Dinah tells Maureen to go to her room. She doesn’t have a room. Go to Dinah’s bedroom and call Vanessa then. Just get Vanessa’s voicemail. Dinah closes the door. It’s just a cry of attention from Maureen. Is there problems with Matt and Vanessa? They are never home. When they are home they fight. Maureen gets shuffled from one house to another. It’s not fair to her because she’s just a kid. She needs good parents like Mallet and Marina. Marina tries to fight tears. Dinah looks at her and questions what she said wrong this time.
Christina finds Remy checking his phone a lot . What is he doing calling his mistress? No, he’s not. Christina takes the phone and finds out that Remy is snooping at the MCATs website to find out if the scores have been posted. That is too cute. The scores are not up yet. Just then Remy’s pager goes off. They have a call. Remy and Christina take off.
Mallet and Marina look at each other then Dinah at the Beacon. They are putting the baby talk on hold for a bit. They are not rushing into making that decision. It’s not going to work out anyway. Dinah is confused. Mallet and Marina can’t have a child together. Dinah says there are other ways to have kids. They can adopt. Marina asks what that was like for Dinah then pulls back. Dinah says it wasn’t too bad. She was raised by everyone and no one. Any kid that got Mallet and Marina as parents would be very lucky. Mallet and Marina thank Dinah for her thoughts and leave. Dinah walks around her room.
Jeffrey is still snooping in Shayne’s room when his phone rings. It’s Reva who wants to know what the scoop is. Jeffrey says he found the guy. He works for Lara’s father. Reva hadn’t considered that there was a family out there. Jeffrey is just checking out Crenshaw’s story. Reva has to head off to her doctor’s appointment now. Jeffrey can come. Reva says no. Jeffrey gets agitated. Reva fakes that her phone is coming in and out. She can’t hear Jeffrey. Reva says that she hope she heard that right that Jeffrey is going to take care of her son. Reva closes her phone just as Shayne shows up. Reva is beyond happy that Shayne is walking again. He knows that Reva saw him. She would have run up to him but he was too quick. How is he? She’s glad that Shayne told her about Lara. Where is Reva headed off to? Reva has a doctors appointment. Where is Jeffrey? He’s working. He’s not going with her. Jeffrey is doing a very important case. Reva has gone on her own before. No big deal. Shayne says he’ll come along. Reva can’t go to a chemo appointment alone. Reva says it’s not that type of appointment this time. Reva and Shayne leave.
At Cedars, Reva is having a sonogram. She’s all giddy to see a picture of her unborn son. Shayne is distant and detached not really wanting to look at the picture.
Buzz is on the floor on the mini mart after collapsing. Remy and Christina rush up. Buzz couldn’t make it over to Cedars. When did this start? There has been a lot of stuff happening the last couple of days. Is he in pain? Remy explains to Christina that Buzz has a history of heart attacks. Has he been under a lot of stress? Buzz laughs saying it’s something like that. Can Christina be there? They are working together today. Remy does a basic test to check Buzz’s blood pressure. They are going to take him over to Cedars to be checked out. He can then have a stress test. He’s in good hands now.
Dinah watches Maureen sit on the bunk. Dinah tells Maureen to answer the door because that is probably Matt. Can’t Dinah talk to him first? Dinah says sorry. Matt questions how Maureen had money after school. Dinah covers saying it was just a mistake. Maureen says it’s not Dinah’s fault. Matt knows that. He knows that his daughter is not perfect nor does he expect her to be. They are going to have to get together with Vanessa and talk about this. Maureen is going to have to fix this. She will. Dinah tells her little sister to do as Dinah says not as Dinah does. Matt thanks Dinah and takes Maureen home.
Mallet and Marina are at the SPD working on a case. They are surprised it was Dinah’s sister. She’s just a kid who made a mistake. Mallet says kids that age should know right from wrong. Mallet was going to write her up but he knew that Marina would not let that happen. She probably would have gone in front of a judge then headed of to juvie. Marina says all she wants to do is give Maureen a hug and find out what she did that. What does that say about Marina as a cop? Mallet says it shows she would be a great mother. Marina walks over and kisses her husband. Mallet says that is against procedure. Marina says they’ve already broken a couple of rules today. What is another? Marina say it’s funny and ironic that it was Dinah that told them about adoption.
Dinah arrives at Shayne’s room and finds the door open. She heads inside and finds Jeffrey there. Where is Shayne? He’s out. So why is Jeffrey there? Has Shayne told Dinah anything more about Lara? Why does he want to know? Jeffrey says he caught a guy who broke into the room. He’s working for Lara’s father. Dinah knows that Shayne was close to Lara and loved her. What is Dinah going to do now? Jeffrey gave Shayne a number so he can call Lara’s father. Maybe they can talk and he can help Shayne.
Shayne is still detached at the sonogram at Cedars. He should just go call Jeffrey. Reva tells Shayne not to leave. She wants him to look at the sonogram of his brother. Pictures like this give her hope when days are bad. Reva knows there is hope because of her baby boy. Reva tells Shayne that she has been leaving messages for her baby just in case. Jeffrey doesn’t know yet. Reva knows she was not there for Shayne. She wants to leave something for his brother. Reva knows it is possible she may not be there for the baby. Reva asks Shayne to take the video camera for her. She wants a video of the video. She wants to have it to watch at home on the bad days. Reva tells her baby boy that she will see him one day. They will be together. She tells Shayne to look at the picture but he can’t. Reva asks Shayne to say something. He’s really uncomfortable but she keeps pushing. Shayne says no. Reva says she is so hopeful right now. Shayne agrees to say hi and says they have a great mom. He’s done. Shayne has to go now.
Buzz is grouching about being in a wheelchair at Cedars. It was just a panic attack not a heart attack. Christina has had those before. Why is she there? They are playing doctor. Remy blushes at his faux pas and says that Christina will be a doctor soon. Is there any family Buzz wants Remy to call? Buzz says no. Christina says that Buzz is very lucky to have such a huge family. It will all work out fine for all of them. Buzz then asks to get the heck out of the wheelchair again.
Mallet and Marina arrive home. Marina realizes that she forgot to pay the phone bill so she questions how she can be a mother. She will forget something else. They are both so forgetful. What if the baby is allergic to them. ? Can that happen? What if he or she has questions ? Can they answer all of them? Marina says that the family idea is definitely not a go. She can make pasta for dinner. Mallet says sure. He has to go have a shower.
Shayne is walking around Cedars when he sees Reva filling out paperwork. She’s sorry that she made it so hard for him. She doesn’t expect him to get over losing Lara over night. It will get better. Just have to take one day at a time. Eventually things will make sense again. Miracles do happen. Look at both of her sons. Shayne is walking. He did survive that explosion. They both can survive their problems. Shayne loves his mother. He wants her to be around for everything. She has to be dancing on the table at her son’s 50th birthday part. 50th ? Reva is going to have to crunch some numbers on that one. Reva has to be around. Reva says that Shayne did his good deed for the day. He can go and do something fun now.
Dinah and Jeffrey look at each other in Shayne’s room. She wants to help. He feels like he’s being forced to help. What is his problem? Jeffrey says that the kid picked lousy timing to come home. Jeffrey is just trying to figure out Shayne’s story. Jeffrey is worried about his wife and unborn son. Dinah says fine. She will be the one to help Shayne. She knows what it is like to have everyone glaring at you. She is Shayne’s best shot to figuring this all out. Jeffrey leaves. Dinah cleans up Shayne’s room.
Remy and Christina agree to stay around for Buzz . Remy says the test results will not be back for a bit. Test results ! Christina wants to check the MCATs scores first. This is the rest of her life. She is shocked. Remy says they will figure it out. Christina says she made it. Remy and Christina kiss and surprise each other. It was just the moment nothing more. Remy leans in and tenderly kisses his wife again to show it was not just a fluke.
Mallet and Marina work around their house both trying to accept that there will be no kids. They both call out each others name. They want to be parents. They want to adopt a baby and see what happens. Mallet and Marina kiss. They are going to be great parents to any kid because it will be their kid.
Jeffrey thanks a maid for helping him into Mr. Crenshaw’s room. Jeffrey snoops around.
Reva calls out to Dinah outside. Dinah is done with Reva’s venom from the other day. Dinah has not seen Shayne. He’s avoiding her. Reva just saw him. How is he? Hew’s walking. Reva knows that Dinah is a close friend to Shayne. As such Reva is going to stick close to Dinah and make Dinah’s business her own. Reva also wants Dinah’s help on Lara’s funeral tomorrow. Shayne wants one. Reva says no but she’s going to do it. She has a lot to get together before tomorrow. Reva leaves. Dinah shakes her head.
Shayne looks at the card with Lara’s father’s number on it. Shayne calls. It’s is Shayne Lewis. He knew Lara. He didn’t know her dad though. Lara was the best thing that ever happened to Shayne. A man sits on a bed and listens to the phone call. Lara was very special to Shayne. Shayne misses her every day. Shayne is so sorry for Lara’s father’s loss. Shayne closes the phone.
Preview - The memorial begins. Shayne doesn’t want any part of it. Reva, Josh and Jeffrey are shocked when they find out who Lara’s father is.
Go to the Daily Thread on the GLMP Message Board to discuss this episode.
Reva and Shayne both look at the baby’s sonogram. Shayne calls Lara’s father. Jeffrey tries to figure out the truth about Crenshaw. Mallet and Marina decide to be parents. Buzz has a panic attack but is saved by Remy and Christina.
Previously - Shayne revealing the truth about Lara to Dinah as Reva watches. Remy explaining why he ticked off Christina before her MCATs.
Reva is sitting at her desk at Cross Creek when Jeffrey comes in with a huge plate of nachos for her. She has a craving. Reva questions if Jeffrey will be late for work. No, because he’s not heading to work today. Reva has a doctor’s appointment. Reva says that is later. Reva wants Jeffrey to find out who them man was with Lara’s picture. Reva can do the doctor’s appointment alone. Jeffrey is ticked. Reva will take care of their son. Jeffery needs to take care of her son. Shayne is grieving for Lara. Reva agrees never to asks for nachos again. Jeffrey asks if the baby Rambo is o.k. with that. Rambo? Reva says that name is not going to work for their son.
Remy and Christina meet outside. She asks what he is doing. Remy is hurt. No hi how are you husband. Thanks for bringing me a coffee. Christina says all of that then asks what Remy is doing there. Remy wants to take her out for the day. He can keep her company while she is waiting for the MCATs score. He has the ambulance over there. She can come along today. So it’s bring the wife to work day? Remy and Christina head off to work.
There is a knock at the door of Dinah’s place and there stand Mallet and Marina with Maureen. Mallet and Marina caught Maureen shoplifting at the mini mart. Dinah is ticked and tells her little sister to get her butt in the room now.
Shayne is standing by a bridge looking at a picture of Lara. Jeffrey goes to check Shayne’s room for clues and low and behold finds the guy with the cat hat snooping around. Jeffrey grabs him before he can slink away. The guy says that his name is Crenshaw and he works for Lara’s father.
Only love ……
Jeffery tells Crenshaw to spill what he knows. Crenshaw says that Lara disappeared and her father was worried. They have not been in contact for a long time. Jeffrey wants more. Crenshaw questions why he should squeal. Jeffrey shows his badge and says spill. Lara’s father knew that Lara was in Europe last year. He asked Crenshaw to follow her then she disappeared. They just found out that Lara was dead. Crenshaw passes Jeffery a number to contact Lara’s father with. It’s the first of the news. Jeffrey asks where Crenshaw is staying. Room 203 at the Beacon. Jeffery will be there later. Crenshaw better be as well. Crenshaw leaves just as Shayne spots him. Shayne calls out asking what the heck he is doing there. Shayne then turns and finds Jeffrey in his room. Jeffrey is surprised to see Shayne on his feet and walking again. Reva is happy as well. How does Reva know? She saw Shayne at the park. Shayne didn’t see her. He must have been going as she was coming. Reva saw this guy Crenshaw following Shayne and asked for Jeffrey’s help. Who is he? He works for Lara’s father. What can Shayne tell Jeffrey? Nothing. Lara no mention him because he was not in her life. They lost touch. Jeffrey hands Shayne the phone number. Now he can get a hold of Lara’s father. Why is Jeffery there? To make Reva happy.
Reva is at Cross Creek making a video for her son. She says he’s been very busy and kicking her a lot. Reva says that she’s been busy with Shayne as well. Shayne is having a difficult time because he lost the woman he loved. He wanted to make a life with her so she would have been a part of the family. Reva’s sorry she never got to meet Lara. Both of her boys need their mama. Baby boy is about to make his grand entrance. Shayne is dealing with life that is so unfair to him. They all have to take care of each other just in case.
Dinah is attempting to lecture her sister at the Beacon as Mallet and Marina watch. Maureen was lucky that it was people that knew her that caught her. Maureen says the point is not to be caught. She was just trying to help homeless people. Dinah knows that is a line of hogwash and asks Mallet and Marina what Maureen stole. A magazine, tape and a candy bar. Maureen tells another lie. Dinah tells Maureen to go to her room. She doesn’t have a room. Go to Dinah’s bedroom and call Vanessa then. Just get Vanessa’s voicemail. Dinah closes the door. It’s just a cry of attention from Maureen. Is there problems with Matt and Vanessa? They are never home. When they are home they fight. Maureen gets shuffled from one house to another. It’s not fair to her because she’s just a kid. She needs good parents like Mallet and Marina. Marina tries to fight tears. Dinah looks at her and questions what she said wrong this time.
Christina finds Remy checking his phone a lot . What is he doing calling his mistress? No, he’s not. Christina takes the phone and finds out that Remy is snooping at the MCATs website to find out if the scores have been posted. That is too cute. The scores are not up yet. Just then Remy’s pager goes off. They have a call. Remy and Christina take off.
Mallet and Marina look at each other then Dinah at the Beacon. They are putting the baby talk on hold for a bit. They are not rushing into making that decision. It’s not going to work out anyway. Dinah is confused. Mallet and Marina can’t have a child together. Dinah says there are other ways to have kids. They can adopt. Marina asks what that was like for Dinah then pulls back. Dinah says it wasn’t too bad. She was raised by everyone and no one. Any kid that got Mallet and Marina as parents would be very lucky. Mallet and Marina thank Dinah for her thoughts and leave. Dinah walks around her room.
Jeffrey is still snooping in Shayne’s room when his phone rings. It’s Reva who wants to know what the scoop is. Jeffrey says he found the guy. He works for Lara’s father. Reva hadn’t considered that there was a family out there. Jeffrey is just checking out Crenshaw’s story. Reva has to head off to her doctor’s appointment now. Jeffrey can come. Reva says no. Jeffrey gets agitated. Reva fakes that her phone is coming in and out. She can’t hear Jeffrey. Reva says that she hope she heard that right that Jeffrey is going to take care of her son. Reva closes her phone just as Shayne shows up. Reva is beyond happy that Shayne is walking again. He knows that Reva saw him. She would have run up to him but he was too quick. How is he? She’s glad that Shayne told her about Lara. Where is Reva headed off to? Reva has a doctors appointment. Where is Jeffrey? He’s working. He’s not going with her. Jeffrey is doing a very important case. Reva has gone on her own before. No big deal. Shayne says he’ll come along. Reva can’t go to a chemo appointment alone. Reva says it’s not that type of appointment this time. Reva and Shayne leave.
At Cedars, Reva is having a sonogram. She’s all giddy to see a picture of her unborn son. Shayne is distant and detached not really wanting to look at the picture.
Buzz is on the floor on the mini mart after collapsing. Remy and Christina rush up. Buzz couldn’t make it over to Cedars. When did this start? There has been a lot of stuff happening the last couple of days. Is he in pain? Remy explains to Christina that Buzz has a history of heart attacks. Has he been under a lot of stress? Buzz laughs saying it’s something like that. Can Christina be there? They are working together today. Remy does a basic test to check Buzz’s blood pressure. They are going to take him over to Cedars to be checked out. He can then have a stress test. He’s in good hands now.
Dinah watches Maureen sit on the bunk. Dinah tells Maureen to answer the door because that is probably Matt. Can’t Dinah talk to him first? Dinah says sorry. Matt questions how Maureen had money after school. Dinah covers saying it was just a mistake. Maureen says it’s not Dinah’s fault. Matt knows that. He knows that his daughter is not perfect nor does he expect her to be. They are going to have to get together with Vanessa and talk about this. Maureen is going to have to fix this. She will. Dinah tells her little sister to do as Dinah says not as Dinah does. Matt thanks Dinah and takes Maureen home.
Mallet and Marina are at the SPD working on a case. They are surprised it was Dinah’s sister. She’s just a kid who made a mistake. Mallet says kids that age should know right from wrong. Mallet was going to write her up but he knew that Marina would not let that happen. She probably would have gone in front of a judge then headed of to juvie. Marina says all she wants to do is give Maureen a hug and find out what she did that. What does that say about Marina as a cop? Mallet says it shows she would be a great mother. Marina walks over and kisses her husband. Mallet says that is against procedure. Marina says they’ve already broken a couple of rules today. What is another? Marina say it’s funny and ironic that it was Dinah that told them about adoption.
Dinah arrives at Shayne’s room and finds the door open. She heads inside and finds Jeffrey there. Where is Shayne? He’s out. So why is Jeffrey there? Has Shayne told Dinah anything more about Lara? Why does he want to know? Jeffrey says he caught a guy who broke into the room. He’s working for Lara’s father. Dinah knows that Shayne was close to Lara and loved her. What is Dinah going to do now? Jeffrey gave Shayne a number so he can call Lara’s father. Maybe they can talk and he can help Shayne.
Shayne is still detached at the sonogram at Cedars. He should just go call Jeffrey. Reva tells Shayne not to leave. She wants him to look at the sonogram of his brother. Pictures like this give her hope when days are bad. Reva knows there is hope because of her baby boy. Reva tells Shayne that she has been leaving messages for her baby just in case. Jeffrey doesn’t know yet. Reva knows she was not there for Shayne. She wants to leave something for his brother. Reva knows it is possible she may not be there for the baby. Reva asks Shayne to take the video camera for her. She wants a video of the video. She wants to have it to watch at home on the bad days. Reva tells her baby boy that she will see him one day. They will be together. She tells Shayne to look at the picture but he can’t. Reva asks Shayne to say something. He’s really uncomfortable but she keeps pushing. Shayne says no. Reva says she is so hopeful right now. Shayne agrees to say hi and says they have a great mom. He’s done. Shayne has to go now.
Buzz is grouching about being in a wheelchair at Cedars. It was just a panic attack not a heart attack. Christina has had those before. Why is she there? They are playing doctor. Remy blushes at his faux pas and says that Christina will be a doctor soon. Is there any family Buzz wants Remy to call? Buzz says no. Christina says that Buzz is very lucky to have such a huge family. It will all work out fine for all of them. Buzz then asks to get the heck out of the wheelchair again.
Mallet and Marina arrive home. Marina realizes that she forgot to pay the phone bill so she questions how she can be a mother. She will forget something else. They are both so forgetful. What if the baby is allergic to them. ? Can that happen? What if he or she has questions ? Can they answer all of them? Marina says that the family idea is definitely not a go. She can make pasta for dinner. Mallet says sure. He has to go have a shower.
Shayne is walking around Cedars when he sees Reva filling out paperwork. She’s sorry that she made it so hard for him. She doesn’t expect him to get over losing Lara over night. It will get better. Just have to take one day at a time. Eventually things will make sense again. Miracles do happen. Look at both of her sons. Shayne is walking. He did survive that explosion. They both can survive their problems. Shayne loves his mother. He wants her to be around for everything. She has to be dancing on the table at her son’s 50th birthday part. 50th ? Reva is going to have to crunch some numbers on that one. Reva has to be around. Reva says that Shayne did his good deed for the day. He can go and do something fun now.
Dinah and Jeffrey look at each other in Shayne’s room. She wants to help. He feels like he’s being forced to help. What is his problem? Jeffrey says that the kid picked lousy timing to come home. Jeffrey is just trying to figure out Shayne’s story. Jeffrey is worried about his wife and unborn son. Dinah says fine. She will be the one to help Shayne. She knows what it is like to have everyone glaring at you. She is Shayne’s best shot to figuring this all out. Jeffrey leaves. Dinah cleans up Shayne’s room.
Remy and Christina agree to stay around for Buzz . Remy says the test results will not be back for a bit. Test results ! Christina wants to check the MCATs scores first. This is the rest of her life. She is shocked. Remy says they will figure it out. Christina says she made it. Remy and Christina kiss and surprise each other. It was just the moment nothing more. Remy leans in and tenderly kisses his wife again to show it was not just a fluke.
Mallet and Marina work around their house both trying to accept that there will be no kids. They both call out each others name. They want to be parents. They want to adopt a baby and see what happens. Mallet and Marina kiss. They are going to be great parents to any kid because it will be their kid.
Jeffrey thanks a maid for helping him into Mr. Crenshaw’s room. Jeffrey snoops around.
Reva calls out to Dinah outside. Dinah is done with Reva’s venom from the other day. Dinah has not seen Shayne. He’s avoiding her. Reva just saw him. How is he? Hew’s walking. Reva knows that Dinah is a close friend to Shayne. As such Reva is going to stick close to Dinah and make Dinah’s business her own. Reva also wants Dinah’s help on Lara’s funeral tomorrow. Shayne wants one. Reva says no but she’s going to do it. She has a lot to get together before tomorrow. Reva leaves. Dinah shakes her head.
Shayne looks at the card with Lara’s father’s number on it. Shayne calls. It’s is Shayne Lewis. He knew Lara. He didn’t know her dad though. Lara was the best thing that ever happened to Shayne. A man sits on a bed and listens to the phone call. Lara was very special to Shayne. Shayne misses her every day. Shayne is so sorry for Lara’s father’s loss. Shayne closes the phone.
Preview - The memorial begins. Shayne doesn’t want any part of it. Reva, Josh and Jeffrey are shocked when they find out who Lara’s father is.
Go to the Daily Thread on the GLMP Message Board to discuss this episode.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dayna's In-Depth Recap: Episode 15594, January 21, 2009
The Trouble With Love
Previously - Lizzie seeing Beth and Coop together at the Spaulding Mansion. Olivia is attempting to the teacher that she has the wrong assumption about Olivia and Natalia. Beth tries to explain to Lizzie what is happening.
The scene opens with a replay of the kiss at the farmhouse. Olivia tries to explain to Natalia who is not understanding. Exasperated Olivia pulls back and kisses Natalia. Natalia pulls back and asks what the heck that was. That’s what the teacher’s thought they were. They though they were….but we aren’t. If they are not why did Olivia kiss her so passionately.
Lizzie is on the phone with Alan at Towers. No she has not changed her mined about the trip. It’s the most important thing to her. It is all that matters right now. Lizzie turns and sees Coop and Beth canoodling at a table. Lizzie tells Alan she’s all the sudden lost her appetite. Beth is freaking realizing that Lizzie saw her. Beth attempts to go but Coop says that it is his time to explain. Coop tries to catch up to Lizzie before she gets back into the elevator. Lizzie makes the crack that Coop is a writer so he needs experience right. Coop just wants to explain to Lizzie. No he wants her blessing so he can bang her mother. It’s sick and disgusting to Lizzie. Coop cares about Beth. He attempts to touch Lizzie but she recoils. Coop says he’s sorry for hurting her. No he’s not sorry for being with Beth. When did he become a sleazebag that bangs other people’s mothers? Her mother? Lizzie turns and slaps Coop. Coop asks if she feels better. Lizzie slaps Coop again.
Bill tells Rick at Cedars that he needs to contact Phillip. Why would Bill be talking Phillip? Did he stop taking his medication? It can make a person a bit loopy. Bill says no. Lizzie needs help. Rick can’t help because he has no clue where Phillip is. Phillip was a changed man when he left Springfield. Why would Bill want him back? He may be the only one that can save Lizzie.
Only love …..
At Company, Frank is attempting to gather the courage to ask Natalia out on a date. Maybe he can give her some pizza. Buzz says the pizza is not a good idea. It shouldn’t be so hard to ask Natalia out. She recoiled at his kiss. He’s putting her under too much pressure with everything that is happening in her life. Buzz says actually kissing her like that and sweeping her off her feet is very romantic. Frank is just over thinking this. Frank is going to call up Natalia and ask her out but he’s not going to do it why Buzz is there. Buzz agrees to go. Frank says thanks. Frank calls Natalia.
At the farmhouse, the phone rings. Natalia can’t deal with it right now so she slams the phone down. Natalia asks Olivia to say something. Why did she kiss her? Olivia says that sometimes actions are louder than words. She was trying to explain to her what the parents saw after the presentation. Does she have no clue? She didn’t see the looks. The title of the presentation “ My Two Mommies” should have been a clue. Emma? Emma doesn’t see it like that. She’s innocent. She had no clue what the title meant. The teacher even went on about diversity. Did Olivia set her straight that they are not life partners? Olivia laughs for a second. It is funny the miscommunication. Not really. Is she still drunk? A little. She tried to explain to the teacher but she left before she could. Natalia says then they have to head over there and tell her right now. She still thinks they are a couple. Olivia tells Natalia to calm down. It’s no big deal. It’s just a mistake. A mistake that has turned into a huge lie. The teacher thinks that they are a couple which they are not. They have to explain this to the teacher now. Olivia can just send an email. Its not that big. Natalia says she’s heading to the car. Will Olivia be with her?
Rick looks at Bill at Cedars. Is he really shocked that Lizzie is having a problem? Bill kidnapped Lizzie. Why is he helping her? Bill says sarcastically because he feels guilty. Lizzie is not in a good way. If they don’t do anything then Alan will control her. He even brought out Phillip’s old model of Springfield as a vision. She was hurt by Bill. Bill wants to help her but she will not talk to him. Someone has to before Alan turns her into his little Minnie me. Beth? Beth and Lizzie are not talking right now. Lizzie is not listening to anyone. The only person that may be able to reach her is Phillip. Rick tries to explain that Phillip has been absent from Lizzie’s life for a long time. It’s not as if Phillip can come back and just magically fix Lizzie’s life. Does Rick have another plan? If he does Bill is more than willing to listen to it. Rick’s not sure what to say and leaves. Bill is exasperated.
Coop tries to explain to Lizzie what happened as they leave Towers. Lizzie really doesn’t want to listen. Coop is really a cradle robber. Coop laughs and says that is actually Beth’s job right. So he’s a stalker instead? Lizzie says that is not funny. This is beyond messed up. Beth is finally happy does that not matter to Lizzie. Lizzie isn’t sure what wigs her out more. Lizzie’s ex fiancé is involved with her mother while her mother is lying to her grandfather. This is beyond messed up. Beth is practically married to Alan. Lizzie tries to leave. Coop says that this is reason 27. Lizzie is hurt right now so maybe she can’t handle see her mother happy. Lizzie is disgusted that Coop thinks that she is jealous of her mother. Lizzie says she’s not jealous of their cheap dirty sex. Where do they do it in cheap hotels? Bill and Lizzie had something real. Beth and Coop are just cheap. Is that all that Lizzie thinks it is? Coop says it’s a lot more. He cares for Beth deeply. He’s pretty sure that Beth feels the same way about him as well. Lizzie can’t deal with the strong feelings and attempts to leave. This changes a lot of things for her. Yeah, it’s even more disgusting. Love just messes up things. It messes with people’s heads. It makes them even more miserable when they realize what they could have had. Coop hates to see Lizzie so sad and shutdown. Lizzie is making changes in her life. She tells Coop to walk away from Beth before Alan finds out. She is not going to let Coop destroy Alan with this affair. Coop can’t walk away from Beth. Lizzie says that is a shame because he’s going to be sorry when she’s done with him. She’s going to ruin him. Coop is in shock as Lizzie walks away.
Bill arrives at a bar and finds Cyrus sitting there. Bill asks where she is? Cyrus says that Bill is going to have to be a bit more specific in his description. Cyrus can’t read minds. Where is Lizzie? Well if Lizzie wanted Bill to find her then she would have told him. Bill blew it big time with Lizzie.
Coop stops Lizzie at her car. How can she flip as switch and become so cold so Alan like? Why is she defending Alan after everything that he has done to her. Alan has always been there for her. He’s always had the right intentions. Beth is happy that has to count for something. The Lizzie that Coop knew and feel in love with would have cared about her mother’s happiness. Lizzie better wake up and realize who she is changing into. When Lizzie does she’ll hate what he sees. Lizzie looks at Coop and asks if this is his attempt at being her stepfather. She’s not impressed. Can Coop please get away from her car. Coop leaves.
Natalia is all fidgety at the school as she waits for the teacher. Olivia tells her to stop. Where is the teacher? Well it’s after hours so it will take a bit for her to come in. Natalia really needs to resolve this. Nothing happened between them so why is it such a big deal. How is Olivia all happy at the parents and teacher thinking they are lesbians. Who cares?! It was just a couple of parents not the whole school. Emma is just a little girl. She had no clue what she wrote. She was talking about her two mommies nothing more. Natalia says this is scandalous. They care for each other. Natalia is blowing this way out of proportion. Just a couple of people know. More will know when it goes on the internet. Maybe they can…take Emma’s picture down. Imagine how Emma will feel. Natalia realizes that. She doesn’t want to do that to Emma. Olivia reminds Natalia that Emma is her daughter. She will be making the decisions for her. Olivia leaves to find the teacher.
Lizzie is putting her bags in the car when she sees Bill playing with Roxie.
Lizzie can’t move so Bill walks over with Roxie. It’s obvious that Roxie still misses Lizzie. Lizzie says that Roxie just misses her because she was the one that gave Roxie food. She has to get going soon and catch her plane to New York. Bill says that is fine. He’s just out walking his dog. His? Bill took Roxie in. Lillian couldn’t find a home for her. She’s a little high maintenance but they get along fine. Lizzie says that his room smells horrible. She didn’t’ want Roxie to live with a drunk. Bill says then it’s good he’s walking and not driving. Lizzie can’t believe this. Bill says it doesn’t matter. Roxie is not her dog anymore. She can let Bill focus on Roxie and she can head off and do her work with Alan. Lizzie tells Bill not to forget to take Roxie to the park to chase the ducks. Roxie loves to do that. Bill and Roxie take off. Lizzie is in tears as she heads back to her car.
Beth walks into the Spaulding Mansion with Rick. She looks beautiful today. Payton is getting so big. She’s growing up. Beth says it will not be long before Payton is wearing some of Lizzie’s dresses. Beth is sorry for hurting Rick. Rick likes to hear what Payton is doing. Beth is glad that Rick came by. Rick actually came to see Lizzie. Bill told him that Lizzie is in trouble. Bill actually asked Rick to find Phillip for him. Phillip? If Rick knew he would tell Beth right. Why did Bill ask him? He was worried about Lizzie. Beth says she doesn’t know. She’s not exactly on speaking terms with Lizzie right now. Beth stands up and grabs a pair of drinks for her and Rick. Beth says she’s seeing someone new. Someone who is not Alan right. Beth blushes as she confides that it’s Coop. Coop Bradshaw? Lizzie’s Coop? Coop makes Beth happy. She needs Rick to say something supportive. Rick says that Coop is younger than Alan which is a good thing right. Beth smiles. She asks if she tells Rick something will he tell her the truth.
Coop walks into Company and finds Frank and Buzz there. Coop asks if Frank can flag and ID of a person coming back on a flight. Frank can but who is the person. Alan? Why would Coop want to do that with Alan? Does it have to do with the menu? No it has nothing to do with the menu. Buzz shows up. When is he coming back? Coop says he wants to know because he’s dating Beth and Alan has no clue. Frank is stunned and ticked. Is this some sick joke? What does Buzz have to say? Buzz has known about this for weeks. This is not Frank’s concern. Frank says this is if Coop is suicidal. Coop is tired of the lectures about what he can and can not do.
Natalia is all spooked when she sees the teacher. The teacher asks if there is a problem with Emma? Natalia asks if Olivia saw her. They must have missed each other. What is the problem? Natalia says she has to come clean with something. The thing what people think they are doing is wrong. It’s the wrong idea. They got the wrong idea from the presentation. Emma is just a little girl. She has no clue she was going to leave that impression with her presentation. It’s the wrong impression. Olivia and Natalia are not together that way. They are just a couple of friends who happen to share a house. They are roommates then. The teacher is sorry for getting the wrong idea. It all really started when Olivia hired Natalia as her assistant. Natalia had just bought a new house and needed help with the rent. Natalia was just helping out because of Olivia’s heart condition. Teacher is sorry to have suspected more since they are just roommates. Olivia is hurt by the words. Natalia says that they are more than that. They are a family just like Emma said with my two mommies. They are just not a couple that way. They do mean a lot to each other. They do lean on each other. They were support when times got really tough. Natalia never thought she would find this type of family again after her husband died. She and her son have a family. They help each other. They support each other and help each other. If that is not a family then Natalia is not sure what family is. Olivia is touched by her words.
Beth returns back into the Spaulding room. She says that there are a lot of things with the staff since Alan has been gone. So Alan has no clue? Is Beth going to tell him the truth? Beth is not sure. Rick says that turned out great the last time with Mel right. Lizzie is so angry with her right now. She even gave up Roxie because she thought she couldn’t take care of her. Beth has no clue what to do for her daughter. Lizzie is shutting down. Rick asks Beth if she believes that Bill loves Lizzie? He does. Rick leaves.
Frank and Coop chat over many beers as Buzz sweeps the floor. Frank is trying to reason with his little brother before this nuclear missile goes off. Buzz grasps his chest for a second. Frank tells Buzz to relax. He’s been working hard all day. Buzz says he’s can’t rest not while his son is sleeping with the wife of his new landlord. Buzz collapses to the floor. Coop and Frank rush over. Buzz says he’s fine. Coop and Frank want to take him over to the Cedars. Buzz refuses. He’s fine. Buzz says a man his age just wants to see his boys happy. Frank says no matter what he’s going to save Coop from his mistake.
Olivia and Natalia are at the farmhouse. Olivia suggests take out for supper. Natalia says actually Frank offered to take her out to dinner tonight. She’s not going to play hard to get and torture the guy. Natalia can’t do that. Olivia? Olivia will be fine. She’ll have dinner with Emma. They can watch a movie together. Olivia is glad that they got the truth out. Natalia is as well. Natalia leaves.
Lizzie is in tears in her car when Cyrus shows up. Lizzie rolls down her window and looks at Cyrus. Cyrus thought she was going to be on the plane. She was but she saw Bill with Roxie. He adopted her. He wasn’t even going to tell Lizzie so Lizzie has to deal with Roxie being so close. She can’t do this. Cyrus says she can just not take the trip. She can turn the car around and just head home. She can even go shopping. It would do wonders for the economy. Lizzie says that Alan is so good at shutting down her emotions. He knows how to keep his eye on the prize. She had no clue how hard it was going to be. She almost caved when she saw Bill. She was going to run over to him. She has to be stronger then that. Cyrus says that Alan is not strong. Does Lizzie not think that Alan wonders about all his mistakes, all the people that he has pushed away. So he just wants her to give up? She can’t do this. Cyrus says she can’t give up on love. Lizzie says that Cyrus should stop listening to her. Lizzie wishes that Cyrus would not pay so much attention to her.
Later on Frank surprises Natalia with dinner at Company. She surprises him with a kiss. Olivia is home and not happy about eating alone. Natalia’s words worry her more than she thought. Buzz walks down the stairs and sees Frank and Natalia kissing. He sits on the bench and grabs his chest.
Coop and Beth laugh outside and kiss. Lizzie sits in her passenger seat as Cyrus sits beside her. Bill is drinking booze in his room when he notices a note. There is info on how to contact Phillip.
Preview - Alan and Lizzie preparing the business meeting. Lizzie tells Alan and Cyrus that she wants to be there. Cyrus watches as Lizzie works.
Go to the Daily Thread on the GLMP Message Board to discuss this episode.
Previously - Lizzie seeing Beth and Coop together at the Spaulding Mansion. Olivia is attempting to the teacher that she has the wrong assumption about Olivia and Natalia. Beth tries to explain to Lizzie what is happening.
The scene opens with a replay of the kiss at the farmhouse. Olivia tries to explain to Natalia who is not understanding. Exasperated Olivia pulls back and kisses Natalia. Natalia pulls back and asks what the heck that was. That’s what the teacher’s thought they were. They though they were….but we aren’t. If they are not why did Olivia kiss her so passionately.
Lizzie is on the phone with Alan at Towers. No she has not changed her mined about the trip. It’s the most important thing to her. It is all that matters right now. Lizzie turns and sees Coop and Beth canoodling at a table. Lizzie tells Alan she’s all the sudden lost her appetite. Beth is freaking realizing that Lizzie saw her. Beth attempts to go but Coop says that it is his time to explain. Coop tries to catch up to Lizzie before she gets back into the elevator. Lizzie makes the crack that Coop is a writer so he needs experience right. Coop just wants to explain to Lizzie. No he wants her blessing so he can bang her mother. It’s sick and disgusting to Lizzie. Coop cares about Beth. He attempts to touch Lizzie but she recoils. Coop says he’s sorry for hurting her. No he’s not sorry for being with Beth. When did he become a sleazebag that bangs other people’s mothers? Her mother? Lizzie turns and slaps Coop. Coop asks if she feels better. Lizzie slaps Coop again.
Bill tells Rick at Cedars that he needs to contact Phillip. Why would Bill be talking Phillip? Did he stop taking his medication? It can make a person a bit loopy. Bill says no. Lizzie needs help. Rick can’t help because he has no clue where Phillip is. Phillip was a changed man when he left Springfield. Why would Bill want him back? He may be the only one that can save Lizzie.
Only love …..
At Company, Frank is attempting to gather the courage to ask Natalia out on a date. Maybe he can give her some pizza. Buzz says the pizza is not a good idea. It shouldn’t be so hard to ask Natalia out. She recoiled at his kiss. He’s putting her under too much pressure with everything that is happening in her life. Buzz says actually kissing her like that and sweeping her off her feet is very romantic. Frank is just over thinking this. Frank is going to call up Natalia and ask her out but he’s not going to do it why Buzz is there. Buzz agrees to go. Frank says thanks. Frank calls Natalia.
At the farmhouse, the phone rings. Natalia can’t deal with it right now so she slams the phone down. Natalia asks Olivia to say something. Why did she kiss her? Olivia says that sometimes actions are louder than words. She was trying to explain to her what the parents saw after the presentation. Does she have no clue? She didn’t see the looks. The title of the presentation “ My Two Mommies” should have been a clue. Emma? Emma doesn’t see it like that. She’s innocent. She had no clue what the title meant. The teacher even went on about diversity. Did Olivia set her straight that they are not life partners? Olivia laughs for a second. It is funny the miscommunication. Not really. Is she still drunk? A little. She tried to explain to the teacher but she left before she could. Natalia says then they have to head over there and tell her right now. She still thinks they are a couple. Olivia tells Natalia to calm down. It’s no big deal. It’s just a mistake. A mistake that has turned into a huge lie. The teacher thinks that they are a couple which they are not. They have to explain this to the teacher now. Olivia can just send an email. Its not that big. Natalia says she’s heading to the car. Will Olivia be with her?
Rick looks at Bill at Cedars. Is he really shocked that Lizzie is having a problem? Bill kidnapped Lizzie. Why is he helping her? Bill says sarcastically because he feels guilty. Lizzie is not in a good way. If they don’t do anything then Alan will control her. He even brought out Phillip’s old model of Springfield as a vision. She was hurt by Bill. Bill wants to help her but she will not talk to him. Someone has to before Alan turns her into his little Minnie me. Beth? Beth and Lizzie are not talking right now. Lizzie is not listening to anyone. The only person that may be able to reach her is Phillip. Rick tries to explain that Phillip has been absent from Lizzie’s life for a long time. It’s not as if Phillip can come back and just magically fix Lizzie’s life. Does Rick have another plan? If he does Bill is more than willing to listen to it. Rick’s not sure what to say and leaves. Bill is exasperated.
Coop tries to explain to Lizzie what happened as they leave Towers. Lizzie really doesn’t want to listen. Coop is really a cradle robber. Coop laughs and says that is actually Beth’s job right. So he’s a stalker instead? Lizzie says that is not funny. This is beyond messed up. Beth is finally happy does that not matter to Lizzie. Lizzie isn’t sure what wigs her out more. Lizzie’s ex fiancé is involved with her mother while her mother is lying to her grandfather. This is beyond messed up. Beth is practically married to Alan. Lizzie tries to leave. Coop says that this is reason 27. Lizzie is hurt right now so maybe she can’t handle see her mother happy. Lizzie is disgusted that Coop thinks that she is jealous of her mother. Lizzie says she’s not jealous of their cheap dirty sex. Where do they do it in cheap hotels? Bill and Lizzie had something real. Beth and Coop are just cheap. Is that all that Lizzie thinks it is? Coop says it’s a lot more. He cares for Beth deeply. He’s pretty sure that Beth feels the same way about him as well. Lizzie can’t deal with the strong feelings and attempts to leave. This changes a lot of things for her. Yeah, it’s even more disgusting. Love just messes up things. It messes with people’s heads. It makes them even more miserable when they realize what they could have had. Coop hates to see Lizzie so sad and shutdown. Lizzie is making changes in her life. She tells Coop to walk away from Beth before Alan finds out. She is not going to let Coop destroy Alan with this affair. Coop can’t walk away from Beth. Lizzie says that is a shame because he’s going to be sorry when she’s done with him. She’s going to ruin him. Coop is in shock as Lizzie walks away.
Bill arrives at a bar and finds Cyrus sitting there. Bill asks where she is? Cyrus says that Bill is going to have to be a bit more specific in his description. Cyrus can’t read minds. Where is Lizzie? Well if Lizzie wanted Bill to find her then she would have told him. Bill blew it big time with Lizzie.
Coop stops Lizzie at her car. How can she flip as switch and become so cold so Alan like? Why is she defending Alan after everything that he has done to her. Alan has always been there for her. He’s always had the right intentions. Beth is happy that has to count for something. The Lizzie that Coop knew and feel in love with would have cared about her mother’s happiness. Lizzie better wake up and realize who she is changing into. When Lizzie does she’ll hate what he sees. Lizzie looks at Coop and asks if this is his attempt at being her stepfather. She’s not impressed. Can Coop please get away from her car. Coop leaves.
Natalia is all fidgety at the school as she waits for the teacher. Olivia tells her to stop. Where is the teacher? Well it’s after hours so it will take a bit for her to come in. Natalia really needs to resolve this. Nothing happened between them so why is it such a big deal. How is Olivia all happy at the parents and teacher thinking they are lesbians. Who cares?! It was just a couple of parents not the whole school. Emma is just a little girl. She had no clue what she wrote. She was talking about her two mommies nothing more. Natalia says this is scandalous. They care for each other. Natalia is blowing this way out of proportion. Just a couple of people know. More will know when it goes on the internet. Maybe they can…take Emma’s picture down. Imagine how Emma will feel. Natalia realizes that. She doesn’t want to do that to Emma. Olivia reminds Natalia that Emma is her daughter. She will be making the decisions for her. Olivia leaves to find the teacher.
Lizzie is putting her bags in the car when she sees Bill playing with Roxie.
Lizzie can’t move so Bill walks over with Roxie. It’s obvious that Roxie still misses Lizzie. Lizzie says that Roxie just misses her because she was the one that gave Roxie food. She has to get going soon and catch her plane to New York. Bill says that is fine. He’s just out walking his dog. His? Bill took Roxie in. Lillian couldn’t find a home for her. She’s a little high maintenance but they get along fine. Lizzie says that his room smells horrible. She didn’t’ want Roxie to live with a drunk. Bill says then it’s good he’s walking and not driving. Lizzie can’t believe this. Bill says it doesn’t matter. Roxie is not her dog anymore. She can let Bill focus on Roxie and she can head off and do her work with Alan. Lizzie tells Bill not to forget to take Roxie to the park to chase the ducks. Roxie loves to do that. Bill and Roxie take off. Lizzie is in tears as she heads back to her car.
Beth walks into the Spaulding Mansion with Rick. She looks beautiful today. Payton is getting so big. She’s growing up. Beth says it will not be long before Payton is wearing some of Lizzie’s dresses. Beth is sorry for hurting Rick. Rick likes to hear what Payton is doing. Beth is glad that Rick came by. Rick actually came to see Lizzie. Bill told him that Lizzie is in trouble. Bill actually asked Rick to find Phillip for him. Phillip? If Rick knew he would tell Beth right. Why did Bill ask him? He was worried about Lizzie. Beth says she doesn’t know. She’s not exactly on speaking terms with Lizzie right now. Beth stands up and grabs a pair of drinks for her and Rick. Beth says she’s seeing someone new. Someone who is not Alan right. Beth blushes as she confides that it’s Coop. Coop Bradshaw? Lizzie’s Coop? Coop makes Beth happy. She needs Rick to say something supportive. Rick says that Coop is younger than Alan which is a good thing right. Beth smiles. She asks if she tells Rick something will he tell her the truth.
Coop walks into Company and finds Frank and Buzz there. Coop asks if Frank can flag and ID of a person coming back on a flight. Frank can but who is the person. Alan? Why would Coop want to do that with Alan? Does it have to do with the menu? No it has nothing to do with the menu. Buzz shows up. When is he coming back? Coop says he wants to know because he’s dating Beth and Alan has no clue. Frank is stunned and ticked. Is this some sick joke? What does Buzz have to say? Buzz has known about this for weeks. This is not Frank’s concern. Frank says this is if Coop is suicidal. Coop is tired of the lectures about what he can and can not do.
Natalia is all spooked when she sees the teacher. The teacher asks if there is a problem with Emma? Natalia asks if Olivia saw her. They must have missed each other. What is the problem? Natalia says she has to come clean with something. The thing what people think they are doing is wrong. It’s the wrong idea. They got the wrong idea from the presentation. Emma is just a little girl. She has no clue she was going to leave that impression with her presentation. It’s the wrong impression. Olivia and Natalia are not together that way. They are just a couple of friends who happen to share a house. They are roommates then. The teacher is sorry for getting the wrong idea. It all really started when Olivia hired Natalia as her assistant. Natalia had just bought a new house and needed help with the rent. Natalia was just helping out because of Olivia’s heart condition. Teacher is sorry to have suspected more since they are just roommates. Olivia is hurt by the words. Natalia says that they are more than that. They are a family just like Emma said with my two mommies. They are just not a couple that way. They do mean a lot to each other. They do lean on each other. They were support when times got really tough. Natalia never thought she would find this type of family again after her husband died. She and her son have a family. They help each other. They support each other and help each other. If that is not a family then Natalia is not sure what family is. Olivia is touched by her words.
Beth returns back into the Spaulding room. She says that there are a lot of things with the staff since Alan has been gone. So Alan has no clue? Is Beth going to tell him the truth? Beth is not sure. Rick says that turned out great the last time with Mel right. Lizzie is so angry with her right now. She even gave up Roxie because she thought she couldn’t take care of her. Beth has no clue what to do for her daughter. Lizzie is shutting down. Rick asks Beth if she believes that Bill loves Lizzie? He does. Rick leaves.
Frank and Coop chat over many beers as Buzz sweeps the floor. Frank is trying to reason with his little brother before this nuclear missile goes off. Buzz grasps his chest for a second. Frank tells Buzz to relax. He’s been working hard all day. Buzz says he’s can’t rest not while his son is sleeping with the wife of his new landlord. Buzz collapses to the floor. Coop and Frank rush over. Buzz says he’s fine. Coop and Frank want to take him over to the Cedars. Buzz refuses. He’s fine. Buzz says a man his age just wants to see his boys happy. Frank says no matter what he’s going to save Coop from his mistake.
Olivia and Natalia are at the farmhouse. Olivia suggests take out for supper. Natalia says actually Frank offered to take her out to dinner tonight. She’s not going to play hard to get and torture the guy. Natalia can’t do that. Olivia? Olivia will be fine. She’ll have dinner with Emma. They can watch a movie together. Olivia is glad that they got the truth out. Natalia is as well. Natalia leaves.
Lizzie is in tears in her car when Cyrus shows up. Lizzie rolls down her window and looks at Cyrus. Cyrus thought she was going to be on the plane. She was but she saw Bill with Roxie. He adopted her. He wasn’t even going to tell Lizzie so Lizzie has to deal with Roxie being so close. She can’t do this. Cyrus says she can just not take the trip. She can turn the car around and just head home. She can even go shopping. It would do wonders for the economy. Lizzie says that Alan is so good at shutting down her emotions. He knows how to keep his eye on the prize. She had no clue how hard it was going to be. She almost caved when she saw Bill. She was going to run over to him. She has to be stronger then that. Cyrus says that Alan is not strong. Does Lizzie not think that Alan wonders about all his mistakes, all the people that he has pushed away. So he just wants her to give up? She can’t do this. Cyrus says she can’t give up on love. Lizzie says that Cyrus should stop listening to her. Lizzie wishes that Cyrus would not pay so much attention to her.
Later on Frank surprises Natalia with dinner at Company. She surprises him with a kiss. Olivia is home and not happy about eating alone. Natalia’s words worry her more than she thought. Buzz walks down the stairs and sees Frank and Natalia kissing. He sits on the bench and grabs his chest.
Coop and Beth laugh outside and kiss. Lizzie sits in her passenger seat as Cyrus sits beside her. Bill is drinking booze in his room when he notices a note. There is info on how to contact Phillip.
Preview - Alan and Lizzie preparing the business meeting. Lizzie tells Alan and Cyrus that she wants to be there. Cyrus watches as Lizzie works.
Go to the Daily Thread on the GLMP Message Board to discuss this episode.
Comments from GLMP: January 21 2009
dgct2 Posted: Jan 21 2009, 01:23 PM
I guess Olivia and Natalia have some great scenes today. The L word is mentioned. Natalia wants to set the teacher straight.
Lizzie also has some choice words and slaps for Coop after she sees him and Beth canoodling at Towers.
Buzz has an episode today while sweeping at Company. I hope he's all right. I think it's just all the stress.
Cyrus and Lizzie share some more moments again. Bill goes to Cyrus to ask about Lizzie. Bill knows that he screwed up. Cyrus finds Lizzie after she's seen Bill with Roxie. Cyrus comforts her. Cyrus Bill and Lizzie are in the previews.
Beth has some words for Rick. She's asking for his support. Don't send him daggers Tracey for his comments about Alan. I think Rick was being sarcastic or at least I hope.
Bill gets news from a contact about PHILLIP !
smiley Posted: Jan 21 2009, 04:17 PM
I thought the scene where Natalia attempted to explain her relationship with Olivia to Mrs. Jennings was great. There was such emotion when Olivia overheard Natalia describing the two as "just roommates" and the look on her face was heartbreaking. And then when Natalia went on to say what a family really is...I loved it. I think the writing for the Olivia/Natalia scenes is very very good.
I was also happy to catch a glimpse of Rick today!
JaneW Posted: Jan 21 2009, 07:04 PM
QUOTE (smiley @ Jan 21 2009, 04:17 PM)
I thought the scene where Natalia attempted to explain her relationship with Olivia to Mrs. Jennings was great. There was such emotion when Olivia overheard Natalia describing the two as "just roommates" and the look on her face was heartbreaking. And then when Natalia went on to say what a family really is...I loved it. I think the writing for the Olivia/Natalia scenes is very very good.
I was also happy to catch a glimpse of Rick today!
smiley, you are right on with this assessment! The beauty of the emotions of both women while Natalia was explaining their unusual family situation to the teacher was overwhelming. I think Olivia may be more involved with Nat than she expects to be! Things are sure heating up in Springfield!!
I also loved seeing Rick! Thanks for mentioning this rock of Springfield.
Spauldingfan Posted: Jan 21 2009, 07:14 PM
Dayna, Rick has been on my you know what list for quite some time.
I loved Lizzie again today! Her comments in the elevator were the best! I cheered when she slapped Coop, not once but twice! He deserves whatever he gets. He is clueless and Beth is in some weird dream world if she thinks she has a future with Coop.
I thought Frank and Buzz were hysterical with their comments, still trying to get Coop to wake up out of the fantasy novel in his head! I like Buzz's wise cracks!
Natalia and Olivia! While Nat has to be one of the most clueless people in the world when it comes to the whole connotation of "my two mommies" the story continues to be well written and enjoyable. What I liked was the fact that Nat told the teacher that while they are not a couple they do love each other. No matter what direction this story takes, I am glad to see them showing two people in a close relationship. All too often relationships on TV are about sex, and not the heart. It is possible for two people to love each other and share a bond without it being about sex.
Dayna, I enjoyed Cyrus and Lizzie. It will come as no surprise that I enjoyed hearing him show that he has an understanding of why Alan does what he does. We have now seen Lillian and Cyrus touch upon this. It really makes me wonder what we are going to see happen when Alan finally does learn the truth. They have given Alan his humanity back, and I hope they don't take it away completely.
intothelight Posted: Jan 21 2009, 08:14 PM
I loved today's show-very soapy overall and the set-up for moving the sl along (except Bizzie-they just keep spinning around like water in a drain! )
I got a real kick out of Lizzie whomping on Coop not once but twice! She never was very Zen about things, so I could see her not considering that she's was banging her mom's ex husband/lover.
I loved Beth and Rick-just seeing them interact. I really think this Coopfest is her trying deperately to feel like the high-school prom queen again. For me, there's just too many men and too much water that had gone under that "bridge"
Man-Lizzie must be blind-Cyrus was looking very hot today! Actually, Marcy looked so beautiful in the natural light today as well. I loved Bill and the dog-they make a good pair.
Poor Buzz and Frank. Buzz for his health and Frank because Nat still didn't look that into him after kiss No. 2.
I'm really enjoying the Liv/Nat sl. I don't know where it's headed, but it's been done very well up to this point. If they keep slowly crafting it like they have, I'll enjoy either outcome.
stephw27 Posted: Jan 21 2009, 08:48 PM
QUOTE (intothelight @ Jan 21 2009, 08:14 PM)
I loved today's show-very soapy overall and the set-up for moving the sl along (except Bizzie-they just keep spinning around like water in a drain! )
I love that!!
Pretty good show today!
Lizzie sure let Coop have it! Though I will say the line that cracked me up was when she said her mom was "Practically married to her grandfather." That sounds so wrong! Of course her ex-fiance "banging" her mother doesn't sound very good either! I also did like Lizzie and Cyrus together towards the end today.
Looks to me like Olivia is alot more into Natalia than Natalia is in to her. Though it doesn't look like Natalia is much into Frank either! I still can't get over how naive they were playing Nataila though. I did like her talk with the teacher though and setting things straight, though it seemed Olivia was crestfallen at when she first walked in and heard Nat's comments.
I still feel bad for Rick getting the shaft from Beth and now she is giving it to Alan. Beth does not know the tangled web that she is weaving.
Interesting that Bill is going to find Phillip, now if only he could bring Sarah home to Lizzie. I agree that Lizzie does need her father, but, I think she needs her daughter even more.
intothelight Posted: Jan 21 2009, 09:05 PM
Interesting that Bill is going to find Phillip, now if only he could bring Sarah home to Lizzie. I agree that Lizzie does need her father, but, I think she needs her daughter even more.
I so agree with that. I got a kick on one of the other boards yesterday-all they could talk about was Lizzie giving up her dog! While I love animals and they do become like part of the family, your daughter is family! There was less talk when she gave up Sarah!
The poor wirters were probably biting nails over the "kiss" controversy airing and Roxie stole the show!
elisa trapt Posted: Jan 21 2009, 10:01 PM
Rick kinda cracked me up today - "Well, he's younger than Alan." Poor Beth, she's just not getting much support, is she?
I thought Buzz's comment to Frank was very telling today - "A kiss can change everything." Hmmm....Frank's kiss didn't seem to have nearly the impact on Natalia that Olivia's did. Frank just isn't lucky in love. It's sort of too bad too b/c I think there could have been something there. Who knows, maybe there will be, but right now I'm much more interested in what's going on b/w Natalia and Olivia. Perhaps we're going to get an unconventional triangle - Natalia can choose steady, realiable Frank, or throw complete caution to the wind w/ Olivia.
I'd say Olivia is definitely considering the possibilities that Emma inadvertantly brought up. Natalia isn't there yet, but I'm willing to bet she might start to think about them too. I'm going to be very curious to see if they bring her Catholocism into it, and what it would mean in terms of her faith.
Bill and Lizzie . I don't know what it is, but I just can't muster up any emotion for these two. It truly doesn't matter to me if they're together or not.
rmw Posted: Jan 22 2009, 08:50 AM
Another excellent show today. Finally an episode where I enjoyed Rick, I enjoy for the moment. I loved his talk with Beth. At the end of the showed it reaffirmed to me, Rick knows where Philips residing.
Another surprise for me, I felt bad for Bill today. The Jim Beam bottle isn’t going to do him any favors. I do like Bill and Lizzie as a couple. All though it’s been a very long process, most of time endless boredom. I just didn’t like Alan interfering with who Lizzie should love. They truly love each other.
My heart goes out to Buzz; I hope he will be all right. Loved Frankies reaction to
finding out about Coop and Beth. Coop and Beth are living in lover’s paradise right now. Looking forward to how the show will be writing Coop out.
Loved Jessica's L today.
I’ve liked Cyrus and Lizzy’s friendship. All though slightly tainted in my opinion.
Cyrus will be another disappointment to her when she finds out about Cyrus/Grady’s involvement in her kidnapping.
I guess Olivia and Natalia have some great scenes today. The L word is mentioned. Natalia wants to set the teacher straight.
Lizzie also has some choice words and slaps for Coop after she sees him and Beth canoodling at Towers.
Buzz has an episode today while sweeping at Company. I hope he's all right. I think it's just all the stress.
Cyrus and Lizzie share some more moments again. Bill goes to Cyrus to ask about Lizzie. Bill knows that he screwed up. Cyrus finds Lizzie after she's seen Bill with Roxie. Cyrus comforts her. Cyrus Bill and Lizzie are in the previews.
Beth has some words for Rick. She's asking for his support. Don't send him daggers Tracey for his comments about Alan. I think Rick was being sarcastic or at least I hope.
Bill gets news from a contact about PHILLIP !
smiley Posted: Jan 21 2009, 04:17 PM
I thought the scene where Natalia attempted to explain her relationship with Olivia to Mrs. Jennings was great. There was such emotion when Olivia overheard Natalia describing the two as "just roommates" and the look on her face was heartbreaking. And then when Natalia went on to say what a family really is...I loved it. I think the writing for the Olivia/Natalia scenes is very very good.
I was also happy to catch a glimpse of Rick today!
JaneW Posted: Jan 21 2009, 07:04 PM
QUOTE (smiley @ Jan 21 2009, 04:17 PM)
I thought the scene where Natalia attempted to explain her relationship with Olivia to Mrs. Jennings was great. There was such emotion when Olivia overheard Natalia describing the two as "just roommates" and the look on her face was heartbreaking. And then when Natalia went on to say what a family really is...I loved it. I think the writing for the Olivia/Natalia scenes is very very good.
I was also happy to catch a glimpse of Rick today!
smiley, you are right on with this assessment! The beauty of the emotions of both women while Natalia was explaining their unusual family situation to the teacher was overwhelming. I think Olivia may be more involved with Nat than she expects to be! Things are sure heating up in Springfield!!
I also loved seeing Rick! Thanks for mentioning this rock of Springfield.
Spauldingfan Posted: Jan 21 2009, 07:14 PM
Dayna, Rick has been on my you know what list for quite some time.
I loved Lizzie again today! Her comments in the elevator were the best! I cheered when she slapped Coop, not once but twice! He deserves whatever he gets. He is clueless and Beth is in some weird dream world if she thinks she has a future with Coop.
I thought Frank and Buzz were hysterical with their comments, still trying to get Coop to wake up out of the fantasy novel in his head! I like Buzz's wise cracks!
Natalia and Olivia! While Nat has to be one of the most clueless people in the world when it comes to the whole connotation of "my two mommies" the story continues to be well written and enjoyable. What I liked was the fact that Nat told the teacher that while they are not a couple they do love each other. No matter what direction this story takes, I am glad to see them showing two people in a close relationship. All too often relationships on TV are about sex, and not the heart. It is possible for two people to love each other and share a bond without it being about sex.
Dayna, I enjoyed Cyrus and Lizzie. It will come as no surprise that I enjoyed hearing him show that he has an understanding of why Alan does what he does. We have now seen Lillian and Cyrus touch upon this. It really makes me wonder what we are going to see happen when Alan finally does learn the truth. They have given Alan his humanity back, and I hope they don't take it away completely.
intothelight Posted: Jan 21 2009, 08:14 PM
I loved today's show-very soapy overall and the set-up for moving the sl along (except Bizzie-they just keep spinning around like water in a drain! )
I got a real kick out of Lizzie whomping on Coop not once but twice! She never was very Zen about things, so I could see her not considering that she's was banging her mom's ex husband/lover.
I loved Beth and Rick-just seeing them interact. I really think this Coopfest is her trying deperately to feel like the high-school prom queen again. For me, there's just too many men and too much water that had gone under that "bridge"
Man-Lizzie must be blind-Cyrus was looking very hot today! Actually, Marcy looked so beautiful in the natural light today as well. I loved Bill and the dog-they make a good pair.
Poor Buzz and Frank. Buzz for his health and Frank because Nat still didn't look that into him after kiss No. 2.
I'm really enjoying the Liv/Nat sl. I don't know where it's headed, but it's been done very well up to this point. If they keep slowly crafting it like they have, I'll enjoy either outcome.
stephw27 Posted: Jan 21 2009, 08:48 PM
QUOTE (intothelight @ Jan 21 2009, 08:14 PM)
I loved today's show-very soapy overall and the set-up for moving the sl along (except Bizzie-they just keep spinning around like water in a drain! )
I love that!!
Pretty good show today!
Lizzie sure let Coop have it! Though I will say the line that cracked me up was when she said her mom was "Practically married to her grandfather." That sounds so wrong! Of course her ex-fiance "banging" her mother doesn't sound very good either! I also did like Lizzie and Cyrus together towards the end today.
Looks to me like Olivia is alot more into Natalia than Natalia is in to her. Though it doesn't look like Natalia is much into Frank either! I still can't get over how naive they were playing Nataila though. I did like her talk with the teacher though and setting things straight, though it seemed Olivia was crestfallen at when she first walked in and heard Nat's comments.
I still feel bad for Rick getting the shaft from Beth and now she is giving it to Alan. Beth does not know the tangled web that she is weaving.
Interesting that Bill is going to find Phillip, now if only he could bring Sarah home to Lizzie. I agree that Lizzie does need her father, but, I think she needs her daughter even more.
intothelight Posted: Jan 21 2009, 09:05 PM
Interesting that Bill is going to find Phillip, now if only he could bring Sarah home to Lizzie. I agree that Lizzie does need her father, but, I think she needs her daughter even more.
I so agree with that. I got a kick on one of the other boards yesterday-all they could talk about was Lizzie giving up her dog! While I love animals and they do become like part of the family, your daughter is family! There was less talk when she gave up Sarah!
The poor wirters were probably biting nails over the "kiss" controversy airing and Roxie stole the show!
elisa trapt Posted: Jan 21 2009, 10:01 PM
Rick kinda cracked me up today - "Well, he's younger than Alan." Poor Beth, she's just not getting much support, is she?
I thought Buzz's comment to Frank was very telling today - "A kiss can change everything." Hmmm....Frank's kiss didn't seem to have nearly the impact on Natalia that Olivia's did. Frank just isn't lucky in love. It's sort of too bad too b/c I think there could have been something there. Who knows, maybe there will be, but right now I'm much more interested in what's going on b/w Natalia and Olivia. Perhaps we're going to get an unconventional triangle - Natalia can choose steady, realiable Frank, or throw complete caution to the wind w/ Olivia.
I'd say Olivia is definitely considering the possibilities that Emma inadvertantly brought up. Natalia isn't there yet, but I'm willing to bet she might start to think about them too. I'm going to be very curious to see if they bring her Catholocism into it, and what it would mean in terms of her faith.
Bill and Lizzie . I don't know what it is, but I just can't muster up any emotion for these two. It truly doesn't matter to me if they're together or not.
rmw Posted: Jan 22 2009, 08:50 AM
Another excellent show today. Finally an episode where I enjoyed Rick, I enjoy for the moment. I loved his talk with Beth. At the end of the showed it reaffirmed to me, Rick knows where Philips residing.
Another surprise for me, I felt bad for Bill today. The Jim Beam bottle isn’t going to do him any favors. I do like Bill and Lizzie as a couple. All though it’s been a very long process, most of time endless boredom. I just didn’t like Alan interfering with who Lizzie should love. They truly love each other.
My heart goes out to Buzz; I hope he will be all right. Loved Frankies reaction to
finding out about Coop and Beth. Coop and Beth are living in lover’s paradise right now. Looking forward to how the show will be writing Coop out.
Loved Jessica's L today.
I’ve liked Cyrus and Lizzy’s friendship. All though slightly tainted in my opinion.
Cyrus will be another disappointment to her when she finds out about Cyrus/Grady’s involvement in her kidnapping.
Keep the Light Shining!
Guiding Light gets better and better! Have you watched it lately? You will be amazed!
The production team is doing a great job with the new production model. The sound is great. I love the permanent sets as well as the wonderful outdoor scenes. The filming has returned to a classic look, with each shot framed to perfection, and the editing is smooth between camera angles. It all seems real and natural.
Then there are the stories! They are much improving! I was not thrilled when they had an off screen romance between Beth and Coop come to the forefront, but now I am really enjoying the performances of Beth Chamberlain as Beth Raines and John Driscoll as Coop. These two actors are making the story work as it heads to its inevitable crashing end.
Lizzie's kidnapping story has gone on a bit too long, but it is developing in ways that allow many possibilities. Morever, Marcy Rylan has risen to the task and made this story work. Now that Cyrus and Lizzie seem to be taking an interest in one another, the possibilities are tantalizing, to say the least!
Shayne is back and Jeff Branson is knocking the part out of the stadium!! He and Dinah, played by Gina Tognoni, are HOT!!!!!
Then let's not forget the most tantalizing moment of all, which happened at the end of the show on Monday, Jan 19, 2009, when Olivia, illustrating to Natalia what the other parents thought was going on between them, laid a big kiss on Natalia! The looks on both actresses faces were priceless!
In addition to these hot stories, we have been seeing more of our core characters: Reva, Josh, Jeffrey, Vanessa, Billy, Buzz, Lillian, and Alan.
Now, everyone knows that Grant Aleksander as Phillip and David Andrew MacDonald as Edmund are returning to the show. Things are really going to be happening in Springfield!
Please, if you haven't watched Guiding Light in a while, watch a few episodes, get to know the wonderful characters whose stories have entertained us for generations!
Keep the Light Shining!!!!!
It is no secret that daytime serials are struggling in the ratings and that our beloved Guiding Light is at the bottom of the list. Show your love here! SHARE WHY PEOPLE SHOULD TUNE (BACK) IN TO GUIDING LIGHT!
Join us on FaceBook:
Keep the Light Shining!
The production team is doing a great job with the new production model. The sound is great. I love the permanent sets as well as the wonderful outdoor scenes. The filming has returned to a classic look, with each shot framed to perfection, and the editing is smooth between camera angles. It all seems real and natural.
Then there are the stories! They are much improving! I was not thrilled when they had an off screen romance between Beth and Coop come to the forefront, but now I am really enjoying the performances of Beth Chamberlain as Beth Raines and John Driscoll as Coop. These two actors are making the story work as it heads to its inevitable crashing end.
Lizzie's kidnapping story has gone on a bit too long, but it is developing in ways that allow many possibilities. Morever, Marcy Rylan has risen to the task and made this story work. Now that Cyrus and Lizzie seem to be taking an interest in one another, the possibilities are tantalizing, to say the least!
Shayne is back and Jeff Branson is knocking the part out of the stadium!! He and Dinah, played by Gina Tognoni, are HOT!!!!!
Then let's not forget the most tantalizing moment of all, which happened at the end of the show on Monday, Jan 19, 2009, when Olivia, illustrating to Natalia what the other parents thought was going on between them, laid a big kiss on Natalia! The looks on both actresses faces were priceless!
In addition to these hot stories, we have been seeing more of our core characters: Reva, Josh, Jeffrey, Vanessa, Billy, Buzz, Lillian, and Alan.
Now, everyone knows that Grant Aleksander as Phillip and David Andrew MacDonald as Edmund are returning to the show. Things are really going to be happening in Springfield!
Please, if you haven't watched Guiding Light in a while, watch a few episodes, get to know the wonderful characters whose stories have entertained us for generations!
Keep the Light Shining!!!!!
It is no secret that daytime serials are struggling in the ratings and that our beloved Guiding Light is at the bottom of the list. Show your love here! SHARE WHY PEOPLE SHOULD TUNE (BACK) IN TO GUIDING LIGHT!
Join us on FaceBook:
Keep the Light Shining!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dayna's In-Depth Recap: Episode 15593, January 19, 2009
Let There Be Love
Lizzie decides to give up on love, Beth decides to go out with Coop, Frank and Olivia both kiss Natalia, Bill decides its time to find Phillip.
Previously - Lizzie and Beth arguing about Beth’s affair with Coop. Emma’s presentation begins. Lizzie leaves with Cyrus and Bill is shocked. Emma says the name of her presentation is My Two Mommies. Olivia is not sure what to say.

At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is in her room when she looks at her diary.

A voice over has Bill telling how he wants to make her worst experience beautiful. Lizzie reads the exact same words in her diary.

She rips her diary apart and tosses it in frustration.
Bill and Billy are at Towers. So Bill peeked in Lizzie’s diary again to help her? Billy seems puzzled by this idea.

Bill says that Lizzie doesn’t believe in him anymore.

Bill doesn’t have anything to hold on to so he read her diary to see if there was any hope. He kidnapped her to help her? Bill wanted to prove to Lizzie she can still trust him. By kidnapping her? Bill admits it wasn’t his most brilliant plan. It didn’t work at all. Can Bill really blame Lizzie for being ticked at him? Bill not sure what to do next. Alan is taking Lizzie to New York. Alan is going to break the last piece of Lizzie’s heart that Bill hasn’t touched. She will be shattered.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is chatting with Roxie and explaining to her that she can’t come on the trip.

Roxie would get airsick. Lizzie says she’s probably going to be travelling a lot with business so it’s best if Roxie has a real home now. Lillian walks in. She can’t believe that Lizzie is giving up on Roxie.

Coop is going through the recycle bucket at Company looking for his manuscript.

Buzz walks in. Coop asks if Buzz has seen it. Coop says there is still a chance there. Buzz says that Coop should go with his first instinct and trash the manuscript and his affair with Beth.

Coop looks at his father. Coop says he can’t stop it now that it’s in motion. It’s going to keep going. Coop remembers that he has a copy of the manuscript in his hard drive upstairs. Beth shows up then as Buzz is looking at his son.

Buzz questions what it is going to take to knock some sense into his son. Coop smiles at Beth.

Emma’s presentation begins at the school’s Family Day. Olivia and Natalia smile as they hold hands.

It’s called my two mommies. Emma explains that it’s great having two of them. Olivia is her first mommy.

She’s always busy working but not to much not to see Emma. She’s smart and beautiful. Emma's teacher smiles knowingly.

Parents look at each other then Olivia and Emma.

Natalia is beyond touched by Emma’s words. Olivia has a weird feeling.

Emma is happy that she lives in the house she does. Natalia is her second mommy.

It’s cool having fun with her mommies. Emma’s other mommy Natalia has a son Rafe who is in prison right now. Emma sees him as her big brother just like Ava is her sister. She loves her whole family especially her two mommies. Emma smiles at Olivia who attempts to cover her reaction as she looks at the other parents. Natalia can’t help but smile and grasp Olivia’s hand.

Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .


The teacher says thanks to Emma for her wonderful presentation as the other parents clap.

Olivia and Natalia walk up to Emma. Emma says it was a surprise right. Olivia agrees with that. Emma says it gets even better. All the presentations are going to go on the internet for everyone to see. Natalia is so proud of Emma. She would love to stay but she has to go. She gives Emma a huge kiss. Olivia silently pleads for her to stay as Natalia leaves. Just then the teacher walks over to Olivia.

Coop walks over to Beth in Company as Buzz watches.

Beth suggests going outside and talking. Coop agrees all he has to get is his dark glasses and hat so nobody will recognize him. Coop tells Beth to stop hiding their love.

Buzz knows about them. Everyone does. Beth says wait until Alan comes home from New York.

So what happens then? Will she pretend to be happy with him? They have a great life together why wait until Alan to come home before they make their affair public. Coop tells Beth to stop being scared. He has a table registered for them tonight at Towers. Should he just cancel or is she ready to join him? Coop says this is the turning point of their relationship. She just needs to catch up to him. He’s been waiting for her to make a choice. Beth says she can’t do that. She wishes it was so easy. He doesn’t have kids. He doesn’t have to deal with the judgement. Coop saw her kid. Does she really want the same path for Lizzie or is she going to stand up for all of them. Is she going to show Lizzie that there is a better way outside of Alan’s shadow?
Frank walks in just then and sees the heated conversation between Beth and Coop.

Beth leaves. He will see her later at Towers. A clueless Frank asks Buzz if Coop has seemed a little off the last couple of weeks? Buzz shakes his head. He questions what Frank is going to do about Natalia?

At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie tells Lillian that she has Roxie’s collars and toys packed.

Lillian tries to tell Lizzie that this is wrong. Lizzie can’t take care of Roxie the way she should. Roxie should go to a good home with a huge yard and a little girl that will love her. Lillian says that Lizzie should be honest with herself.

Roxie is just a symbol of Lizzie’s broken heart. Is she going to let Bill take everything from her? Roxie is a symbol of Lizzie’s lost hope for love. Lizzie is a Raines woman as much as a Spaulding. She can’t box up her heart and push it aside like Alan does because she’s hurt. Beth and Phillip feel their emotions. Lizzie agrees but says they feel it too strong. So, she’s going to get rid of everything that makes her feel any love? Lizzie says she has to our these feelings will consume her and she will go crazy.

Can Lillian just take Roxie for her? Lillian agrees for now. Lizzie leaves the room to pack.
Bill tells Billy at Towers that he’s tried everything to help himself and get his memory back.

He’s not sure how to help Lizzie. Billy says that Lizzie is a Spaulding. They lash out when they are hurt. Bill says the problem is in all of this Lizzie will be the one that will get hurt the most unless he can figure out how to stop Alan. Billy needs to go talk to Lizzie. Billy is not Lizzie’s father. Bill agrees but Lizzie cares about him just as much. Billy tells his son that love still matters. They both can not give up on it. Billy leaves to find Lizzie.
Emma’s teacher is talking with Olivia at the school.

Olivia tries to explain that she and Natalia are not like the presentation. They are not.

The teacher says the school supports diversity from all it’s families. It was touching watching Olivia and Natalia hold hands during Emma’s presentation. All the parents saw their love. It’s a good thing. The teacher tells about her cousin who recently got married to his partner. Olivia says that she is not that type of partner with Natalia but the teacher doesn’t hear her because another parent comes over. The teacher leaves and Olivia takes a huge swig of her drink as she contemplates what the teacher said.
Frank attempt to explain to Buzz at Company that he doesn’t want to push his relationship with Natalia.

Push? What push? He’s done nothing. Frank has a plan. He doesn’t want to rush it. Rush it? The pyramids were built quicker than Frank’s attempts with Natalia. Frank is just giving Natalia space.
Buzz says that true love happens. It can be crazy and sexy. Frank is wigged out talking about sex with his dad. Buzz says that real love can be true, good and lasting but you can not hesitate. You can’t wait. Frank has to go for it with Natalia. Just then Natalia shows up and says she needs Frank’s help.

Beth arrives him and asks if Lizzie has left yet. Beth needs to talk to her.

Lizzie shows up and is all bristles around her mother.

Lizzie has to catch a plane. She can’t chit chat. What is Lizzie doing with Roxie’s things? She’s sending her away to a new home. Beth is shocked. Lizzie can’t do that. Lizzie says she can’t listen to her mother. Lizzie leaves.

Lillian is outside in the park with Roxie when the dog takes off.

Roxie runs to Bill.

Bill is happy to see the little dog. Lillian says that Bill has to do something.

Lizzie is stronger than he thinks. How is she doing? She’s leaving town to prove to herself that she can do this. Bill says he can’t do anything to change her mind.
He’s out of tricks. Lillian suggests no tricks for a change. How about the truth? Lizzie is leaving Roxie behind and giving her away. Bill is stunned that Lizzie would give Roxie away. Lillian explains that Lizzie is pushing everything away. She’s disconnecting from her life in attempt not to feel anything. Bill says he blames himself. Lillian just wants the real Lizzie back? What about Roxie? Lillian is going to call a vet to see if he can find a good home for her until Lizzie comes home. Bill tells Roxie he’s sorry she’s got the short end of the stick. If it is any consolation he’s in the same dog house as well. Bill says he’ll take Roxie for Lizzie until she gets back.

Lillian agrees and leaves. Bill and Roxie go for a run.

Lizzie returns to find her mother in the living room still.

Lizzie asks where Beth has been keeping her boy toy. Beth tries to reason with her daughter.

She knows that Lizzie is hurt but to give Roxie away? Roxie will have a good home with a little kid that will love her. Lizzie asks again where Beth and her boy toy meet. Beth tells Lizzie to stop. Coop hates that they are sneaking around. It was Beth’s choice. Lizzie gets it so Beth feels empowered and Alan gets shafted .Isn’t love grand? Beth tries to explain. So the cheating is Alan’s fault?

Beth says that if she stays with Alan she is cheating all of them not just herself. Beth can’t go back to that life with Alan. She wants to show Lizzie to stand up on her two feet. Lizzie tells Beth to save the description. Lizzie has seen plenty. Beth looks at her daughter and leaves just as Billy shows up.

He can see that Lizzie is hurt from her words to Beth. Good, it at least shows she still has a heart but for how long.

Natalia explains to Frank what happened with Rafe at the prison. The doctor should have known better. She wants to make sure Rafe gets the best treatment.

If Frank doesn’t mind her asking again, could he try to get Rafe to Cedars so he can be treated better. He may even be able to see a specialist. She hates putting him on the spot. Frank says it’s fine. He wants her to put him on the spot. He wants to be the man she can count on.

Natalia isn’t sure. She doesn’t want to push him. Frank says push him. Frank leans in and kisses Natalia who recoils at his kiss.

Frank pulls back and sees Natalia’s reaction.

He says he’s sorry. He just got caught up in the moment. Right. She’s sorry if she gave him the wrong impression about their friendship. Frank says it’s not her fault for anything. Maybe she shouldn’t ask him to help her so much. Frank says let him still help. Natalia awkwardly thanks him. Frank turns to head back into Company. Natalia leaves. Frank watches her.

Olivia is at Towers drowning her confusion in a martini.

She eyes some young guys over at the bar. She mentions that one of them has a nice butt.

It’s the proper thing to say right since she likes men. The guy asks what she said. Olivia just laughs.

Bill is playing with Roxie in the park when Beth sees him.

Bill is not a dog kidnapping. He’s taking care of Roxie until Lizzie comes back.

Does Lizzie know? Beth can tell her for him.

Beth laughs and says she’s not talking with her daughter that much lately. Lizzie has shut down because of her doubts. Bill knows that Beth was the first one to think that he kidnapped Lizzie. Beth says she’s sorry that she judged him. Bill says just because he’s taking care of Roxie doesn’t mean he still didn’t kidnap Lizzie. Beth says she can’t believe in her heart that Bill would have done that to Lizzie. Bill wishes that he and Lizzie had the same faith. Beth tells Bill to be patient.

Roxie calls out to agree. Beth leaves. Bill looks at Roxie and says she’s got the right idea. He just has to be patient. Lizzie will come around.

At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie tells Billy not to lie to her.

She knows he’s her to try and talk to her about Bill. He’s trying to kick some sense into her. Billy says the one thing he’s sure about is that love doesn’t make sense.

Lizzie says love is just a joke. Love can’t fix anything. Billy says that people are so busy living today that they forget tomorrow. Love is an investment. It’s a gamble. Lizzie says that love is an illusion. Is that true then why are those bankers in the unemployment line but willing to take a chance again?

Lizzie says she believed in Bill when nobody else did. What does she have to show for it? When will it finally be the time to say that Bill has hurt her enough and she can walk away.

Love is the biggest risk and investment. Love is the best thing if you can get it right. Why isn’t Billy in love? He drank away his chances. What’s Lizzie’s excuse for running away from love? Lizzie leaves and heads to her bedroom. She finds Roxie's pillow and starts sobbing.

Buzz is in Company when Frank walks back in.

Frank say sure it was great advice. Buzz knows. Frank didn’t hesitate. Buzz says that is great. It was so great that it backfired on Frank. He kissed Natalia. Buzz cheers. Frank says wrong.

Natalia looked at him like he smacked her with a wet mackerel. She couldn’t get out of there quick enough. Frank crashed and burned. Frank says he has some advice for Buzz. The next time he has some crazy scheme look in the mirror and tell himself. Keep Frank out of it. Frank leaves.

Natalia arrives home at the farmhouse. She’s surprised to find Olivia on the couch.

Olivia says that Emma had to head back to class. The teacher had great things to say. What about Frank? He was helpful.

Olivia says that is great. Frank really likes Natalia which is good. She doesn’t have to resist him anymore. She could do worse right? Natalia questions what is going on. Olivia says all Natalia has to do is bat her brown eyes and charm Frank and he’ll do anything for her. The guys love that when Natalia charms them.

Olivia suggest they go to Towers together and charm the guys. So she went there? Olivia must be feeling better. She is after seeing al the merchandise there. She was checking out the guys. The teacher can come along and see how they really are. Does this have to do with Emma’s paper. Bingo. It was a great paper. All the parents loved it. They sure did since the school is all about diversity. It’s not about that. They are more. It’s not what the parents and the school were thinking about them. Natalia can’t be that naïve and not see what the other parents and teachers were suspecting?

Coop is at Towers waiting for Beth to show up. She’s late. The waiter comes over and suggests the bill. Coop says no and smiles when Beth shows up.

Beth is sorry she kept Coop waiting. Coop says some things are worth waiting for.

The waiter walks over and asks Beth when Alan will be showing up? He won’t be. Coop pulls the chair out for Beth. Do they want some menus or will they be waiting? Coop says they can wait. They have all the time in the world to be together. Would she like champagne? Beth would love some.

Beth and Coop hold hands.

Lizzie is in her room at the Spaulding Mansion as she finishes crying.

She is Elizabeth Spaulding. She needs to pull her act together. There are not going to be any tears over Beth, Bill or Roxie. She is stronger than that. She can be anything that she wants to be.

Bill and Billy are talking at the Beacon.

Billy says he struck out. Bill says he was the last shot at getting through to Lizzie. Alan is going to win again. Billy says he can see Lizzie turning into a pint sized Alan Spaulding. Billy says that it takes a Spaulding to take down a Spaulding. Bill says that is a great idea.

Billy needs to watch Roxie for him for a bit. Bill has an idea. Billy can just drop Roxie off at his room.
Bill arrives at Cedars and tells Rick that he needs to know where Phillip is and now.

Olivia is laughing at the Farmhouse.

How can Natalia not see how the other parents see them? The presentation was a great hit. So they are different?

Not quite the word Olivia would use but Natalia is getting there. They weren’t upset about Rafe. Olivia says that is not what upset them. They see them as not Tarzan and Jane but Jane and Jane. So they see them as partners? They are with work and at home. When Olivia gets better they can do more work. Olivia say they see them as close partners. Really close.

Natalia knows that they both act as mothers to Emma. Olivia says that they think they love each other. They do in their own way.

Olivia shakes her head does she have to spell out the words. Olivia moves in and passionately kisses Natalia.

She melts in her arms then pulls back shocked by the implications.

Natalia questions that they think they are a couple? Right. Lizzie sees Beth and Coop at Towers canoodling.

She rushes off. Coop follows.

The teacher is telling Natalia she is sorry that she got the wrong implication from the paper. Olivia is heartbroken by what Natalia is telling the teacher. Lizzie slaps Coop across the face in the elevator. Coop questions if Lizzie feels better now?
Go to the Daily Thread on the GLMP Message Board to discuss this episode.
Lizzie decides to give up on love, Beth decides to go out with Coop, Frank and Olivia both kiss Natalia, Bill decides its time to find Phillip.
Previously - Lizzie and Beth arguing about Beth’s affair with Coop. Emma’s presentation begins. Lizzie leaves with Cyrus and Bill is shocked. Emma says the name of her presentation is My Two Mommies. Olivia is not sure what to say.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is in her room when she looks at her diary.
A voice over has Bill telling how he wants to make her worst experience beautiful. Lizzie reads the exact same words in her diary.
She rips her diary apart and tosses it in frustration.
Bill and Billy are at Towers. So Bill peeked in Lizzie’s diary again to help her? Billy seems puzzled by this idea.
Bill says that Lizzie doesn’t believe in him anymore.
Bill doesn’t have anything to hold on to so he read her diary to see if there was any hope. He kidnapped her to help her? Bill wanted to prove to Lizzie she can still trust him. By kidnapping her? Bill admits it wasn’t his most brilliant plan. It didn’t work at all. Can Bill really blame Lizzie for being ticked at him? Bill not sure what to do next. Alan is taking Lizzie to New York. Alan is going to break the last piece of Lizzie’s heart that Bill hasn’t touched. She will be shattered.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is chatting with Roxie and explaining to her that she can’t come on the trip.
Roxie would get airsick. Lizzie says she’s probably going to be travelling a lot with business so it’s best if Roxie has a real home now. Lillian walks in. She can’t believe that Lizzie is giving up on Roxie.
Coop is going through the recycle bucket at Company looking for his manuscript.
Buzz walks in. Coop asks if Buzz has seen it. Coop says there is still a chance there. Buzz says that Coop should go with his first instinct and trash the manuscript and his affair with Beth.
Coop looks at his father. Coop says he can’t stop it now that it’s in motion. It’s going to keep going. Coop remembers that he has a copy of the manuscript in his hard drive upstairs. Beth shows up then as Buzz is looking at his son.
Buzz questions what it is going to take to knock some sense into his son. Coop smiles at Beth.
Emma’s presentation begins at the school’s Family Day. Olivia and Natalia smile as they hold hands.
It’s called my two mommies. Emma explains that it’s great having two of them. Olivia is her first mommy.
She’s always busy working but not to much not to see Emma. She’s smart and beautiful. Emma's teacher smiles knowingly.
Parents look at each other then Olivia and Emma.
Natalia is beyond touched by Emma’s words. Olivia has a weird feeling.
Emma is happy that she lives in the house she does. Natalia is her second mommy.
It’s cool having fun with her mommies. Emma’s other mommy Natalia has a son Rafe who is in prison right now. Emma sees him as her big brother just like Ava is her sister. She loves her whole family especially her two mommies. Emma smiles at Olivia who attempts to cover her reaction as she looks at the other parents. Natalia can’t help but smile and grasp Olivia’s hand.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
The teacher says thanks to Emma for her wonderful presentation as the other parents clap.
Olivia and Natalia walk up to Emma. Emma says it was a surprise right. Olivia agrees with that. Emma says it gets even better. All the presentations are going to go on the internet for everyone to see. Natalia is so proud of Emma. She would love to stay but she has to go. She gives Emma a huge kiss. Olivia silently pleads for her to stay as Natalia leaves. Just then the teacher walks over to Olivia.
Coop walks over to Beth in Company as Buzz watches.
Beth suggests going outside and talking. Coop agrees all he has to get is his dark glasses and hat so nobody will recognize him. Coop tells Beth to stop hiding their love.
Buzz knows about them. Everyone does. Beth says wait until Alan comes home from New York.
So what happens then? Will she pretend to be happy with him? They have a great life together why wait until Alan to come home before they make their affair public. Coop tells Beth to stop being scared. He has a table registered for them tonight at Towers. Should he just cancel or is she ready to join him? Coop says this is the turning point of their relationship. She just needs to catch up to him. He’s been waiting for her to make a choice. Beth says she can’t do that. She wishes it was so easy. He doesn’t have kids. He doesn’t have to deal with the judgement. Coop saw her kid. Does she really want the same path for Lizzie or is she going to stand up for all of them. Is she going to show Lizzie that there is a better way outside of Alan’s shadow?
Frank walks in just then and sees the heated conversation between Beth and Coop.
Beth leaves. He will see her later at Towers. A clueless Frank asks Buzz if Coop has seemed a little off the last couple of weeks? Buzz shakes his head. He questions what Frank is going to do about Natalia?
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie tells Lillian that she has Roxie’s collars and toys packed.
Lillian tries to tell Lizzie that this is wrong. Lizzie can’t take care of Roxie the way she should. Roxie should go to a good home with a huge yard and a little girl that will love her. Lillian says that Lizzie should be honest with herself.
Roxie is just a symbol of Lizzie’s broken heart. Is she going to let Bill take everything from her? Roxie is a symbol of Lizzie’s lost hope for love. Lizzie is a Raines woman as much as a Spaulding. She can’t box up her heart and push it aside like Alan does because she’s hurt. Beth and Phillip feel their emotions. Lizzie agrees but says they feel it too strong. So, she’s going to get rid of everything that makes her feel any love? Lizzie says she has to our these feelings will consume her and she will go crazy.
Can Lillian just take Roxie for her? Lillian agrees for now. Lizzie leaves the room to pack.
Bill tells Billy at Towers that he’s tried everything to help himself and get his memory back.
He’s not sure how to help Lizzie. Billy says that Lizzie is a Spaulding. They lash out when they are hurt. Bill says the problem is in all of this Lizzie will be the one that will get hurt the most unless he can figure out how to stop Alan. Billy needs to go talk to Lizzie. Billy is not Lizzie’s father. Bill agrees but Lizzie cares about him just as much. Billy tells his son that love still matters. They both can not give up on it. Billy leaves to find Lizzie.
Emma’s teacher is talking with Olivia at the school.
Olivia tries to explain that she and Natalia are not like the presentation. They are not.
The teacher says the school supports diversity from all it’s families. It was touching watching Olivia and Natalia hold hands during Emma’s presentation. All the parents saw their love. It’s a good thing. The teacher tells about her cousin who recently got married to his partner. Olivia says that she is not that type of partner with Natalia but the teacher doesn’t hear her because another parent comes over. The teacher leaves and Olivia takes a huge swig of her drink as she contemplates what the teacher said.
Frank attempt to explain to Buzz at Company that he doesn’t want to push his relationship with Natalia.
Push? What push? He’s done nothing. Frank has a plan. He doesn’t want to rush it. Rush it? The pyramids were built quicker than Frank’s attempts with Natalia. Frank is just giving Natalia space.
Buzz says that true love happens. It can be crazy and sexy. Frank is wigged out talking about sex with his dad. Buzz says that real love can be true, good and lasting but you can not hesitate. You can’t wait. Frank has to go for it with Natalia. Just then Natalia shows up and says she needs Frank’s help.
Beth arrives him and asks if Lizzie has left yet. Beth needs to talk to her.
Lizzie shows up and is all bristles around her mother.
Lizzie has to catch a plane. She can’t chit chat. What is Lizzie doing with Roxie’s things? She’s sending her away to a new home. Beth is shocked. Lizzie can’t do that. Lizzie says she can’t listen to her mother. Lizzie leaves.
Lillian is outside in the park with Roxie when the dog takes off.
Roxie runs to Bill.
Bill is happy to see the little dog. Lillian says that Bill has to do something.
Lizzie is stronger than he thinks. How is she doing? She’s leaving town to prove to herself that she can do this. Bill says he can’t do anything to change her mind.
He’s out of tricks. Lillian suggests no tricks for a change. How about the truth? Lizzie is leaving Roxie behind and giving her away. Bill is stunned that Lizzie would give Roxie away. Lillian explains that Lizzie is pushing everything away. She’s disconnecting from her life in attempt not to feel anything. Bill says he blames himself. Lillian just wants the real Lizzie back? What about Roxie? Lillian is going to call a vet to see if he can find a good home for her until Lizzie comes home. Bill tells Roxie he’s sorry she’s got the short end of the stick. If it is any consolation he’s in the same dog house as well. Bill says he’ll take Roxie for Lizzie until she gets back.
Lillian agrees and leaves. Bill and Roxie go for a run.
Lizzie returns to find her mother in the living room still.
Lizzie asks where Beth has been keeping her boy toy. Beth tries to reason with her daughter.
She knows that Lizzie is hurt but to give Roxie away? Roxie will have a good home with a little kid that will love her. Lizzie asks again where Beth and her boy toy meet. Beth tells Lizzie to stop. Coop hates that they are sneaking around. It was Beth’s choice. Lizzie gets it so Beth feels empowered and Alan gets shafted .Isn’t love grand? Beth tries to explain. So the cheating is Alan’s fault?
Beth says that if she stays with Alan she is cheating all of them not just herself. Beth can’t go back to that life with Alan. She wants to show Lizzie to stand up on her two feet. Lizzie tells Beth to save the description. Lizzie has seen plenty. Beth looks at her daughter and leaves just as Billy shows up.
He can see that Lizzie is hurt from her words to Beth. Good, it at least shows she still has a heart but for how long.
Natalia explains to Frank what happened with Rafe at the prison. The doctor should have known better. She wants to make sure Rafe gets the best treatment.
If Frank doesn’t mind her asking again, could he try to get Rafe to Cedars so he can be treated better. He may even be able to see a specialist. She hates putting him on the spot. Frank says it’s fine. He wants her to put him on the spot. He wants to be the man she can count on.
Natalia isn’t sure. She doesn’t want to push him. Frank says push him. Frank leans in and kisses Natalia who recoils at his kiss.
Frank pulls back and sees Natalia’s reaction.
He says he’s sorry. He just got caught up in the moment. Right. She’s sorry if she gave him the wrong impression about their friendship. Frank says it’s not her fault for anything. Maybe she shouldn’t ask him to help her so much. Frank says let him still help. Natalia awkwardly thanks him. Frank turns to head back into Company. Natalia leaves. Frank watches her.
Olivia is at Towers drowning her confusion in a martini.
She eyes some young guys over at the bar. She mentions that one of them has a nice butt.
It’s the proper thing to say right since she likes men. The guy asks what she said. Olivia just laughs.
Bill is playing with Roxie in the park when Beth sees him.
Bill is not a dog kidnapping. He’s taking care of Roxie until Lizzie comes back.
Does Lizzie know? Beth can tell her for him.
Beth laughs and says she’s not talking with her daughter that much lately. Lizzie has shut down because of her doubts. Bill knows that Beth was the first one to think that he kidnapped Lizzie. Beth says she’s sorry that she judged him. Bill says just because he’s taking care of Roxie doesn’t mean he still didn’t kidnap Lizzie. Beth says she can’t believe in her heart that Bill would have done that to Lizzie. Bill wishes that he and Lizzie had the same faith. Beth tells Bill to be patient.
Roxie calls out to agree. Beth leaves. Bill looks at Roxie and says she’s got the right idea. He just has to be patient. Lizzie will come around.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie tells Billy not to lie to her.
She knows he’s her to try and talk to her about Bill. He’s trying to kick some sense into her. Billy says the one thing he’s sure about is that love doesn’t make sense.
Lizzie says love is just a joke. Love can’t fix anything. Billy says that people are so busy living today that they forget tomorrow. Love is an investment. It’s a gamble. Lizzie says that love is an illusion. Is that true then why are those bankers in the unemployment line but willing to take a chance again?
Lizzie says she believed in Bill when nobody else did. What does she have to show for it? When will it finally be the time to say that Bill has hurt her enough and she can walk away.
Love is the biggest risk and investment. Love is the best thing if you can get it right. Why isn’t Billy in love? He drank away his chances. What’s Lizzie’s excuse for running away from love? Lizzie leaves and heads to her bedroom. She finds Roxie's pillow and starts sobbing.
Buzz is in Company when Frank walks back in.
Frank say sure it was great advice. Buzz knows. Frank didn’t hesitate. Buzz says that is great. It was so great that it backfired on Frank. He kissed Natalia. Buzz cheers. Frank says wrong.
Natalia looked at him like he smacked her with a wet mackerel. She couldn’t get out of there quick enough. Frank crashed and burned. Frank says he has some advice for Buzz. The next time he has some crazy scheme look in the mirror and tell himself. Keep Frank out of it. Frank leaves.
Natalia arrives home at the farmhouse. She’s surprised to find Olivia on the couch.
Olivia says that Emma had to head back to class. The teacher had great things to say. What about Frank? He was helpful.
Olivia says that is great. Frank really likes Natalia which is good. She doesn’t have to resist him anymore. She could do worse right? Natalia questions what is going on. Olivia says all Natalia has to do is bat her brown eyes and charm Frank and he’ll do anything for her. The guys love that when Natalia charms them.
Olivia suggest they go to Towers together and charm the guys. So she went there? Olivia must be feeling better. She is after seeing al the merchandise there. She was checking out the guys. The teacher can come along and see how they really are. Does this have to do with Emma’s paper. Bingo. It was a great paper. All the parents loved it. They sure did since the school is all about diversity. It’s not about that. They are more. It’s not what the parents and the school were thinking about them. Natalia can’t be that naïve and not see what the other parents and teachers were suspecting?
Coop is at Towers waiting for Beth to show up. She’s late. The waiter comes over and suggests the bill. Coop says no and smiles when Beth shows up.
Beth is sorry she kept Coop waiting. Coop says some things are worth waiting for.
The waiter walks over and asks Beth when Alan will be showing up? He won’t be. Coop pulls the chair out for Beth. Do they want some menus or will they be waiting? Coop says they can wait. They have all the time in the world to be together. Would she like champagne? Beth would love some.
Beth and Coop hold hands.
Lizzie is in her room at the Spaulding Mansion as she finishes crying.
She is Elizabeth Spaulding. She needs to pull her act together. There are not going to be any tears over Beth, Bill or Roxie. She is stronger than that. She can be anything that she wants to be.
Bill and Billy are talking at the Beacon.
Billy says he struck out. Bill says he was the last shot at getting through to Lizzie. Alan is going to win again. Billy says he can see Lizzie turning into a pint sized Alan Spaulding. Billy says that it takes a Spaulding to take down a Spaulding. Bill says that is a great idea.
Billy needs to watch Roxie for him for a bit. Bill has an idea. Billy can just drop Roxie off at his room.
Bill arrives at Cedars and tells Rick that he needs to know where Phillip is and now.
Olivia is laughing at the Farmhouse.
How can Natalia not see how the other parents see them? The presentation was a great hit. So they are different?
Not quite the word Olivia would use but Natalia is getting there. They weren’t upset about Rafe. Olivia says that is not what upset them. They see them as not Tarzan and Jane but Jane and Jane. So they see them as partners? They are with work and at home. When Olivia gets better they can do more work. Olivia say they see them as close partners. Really close.
Natalia knows that they both act as mothers to Emma. Olivia says that they think they love each other. They do in their own way.
Olivia shakes her head does she have to spell out the words. Olivia moves in and passionately kisses Natalia.
She melts in her arms then pulls back shocked by the implications.
Natalia questions that they think they are a couple? Right. Lizzie sees Beth and Coop at Towers canoodling.
She rushes off. Coop follows.
The teacher is telling Natalia she is sorry that she got the wrong implication from the paper. Olivia is heartbroken by what Natalia is telling the teacher. Lizzie slaps Coop across the face in the elevator. Coop questions if Lizzie feels better now?
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