Previously - Lizzie leaves Bill at the press conference. Lizzie tells Cyrus that she and Bill are done. Lizzie hires Cyrus at Spaulding Lewis. Cyrus questions about Bill being innocent. Mallet finding out that he may have melanoma.
At Cedars, Mallet is talking to the doctor while Marina is waiting outside. Reva comes up and sees Marina.
Marina asks if Shayne is OK. Reva asks why? Marina is just worried. Reva congratulates Marina on her wedding to Mallet. Marina says that Shayne seems different since he got home. Marina says she's probably reading too much into it. Reva says that Shayne is not talking to anyone about what happened overseas. Reva questions if Mallet is OK. Marina says it's just some routine tests. Reva knows the feeling. She's had those same types of tests.
Mallet meanwhile is in with the doctor.
He can't have cancer. Mallet says what happens if he does?
The doc says they are going to do a biopsy of the tissue from the mole. Moles on the back are a common spot for melanoma in men. Mallet is scared by the news. Mallet says that he just came in for a regular physical. He can't have cancer. Mallet worries about Marina. The doctor questions if Mallet uses sunscreen. Mallet says sometimes. He usually just tans evenly. The doctor says it's important for people to know the risks about skin cancer.
At Company, Remy comes and sees Christina.
He's surprised to see her. Christina understands. She's sort of been underground studying.
He tried to call her. She knows but she needed to concentrate and study. She didn't want him to distract her with calling. Then she'd be waiting for when he called and it would take up her. Remy smirk so she waits for his phone calls. Christina says of course because of the divorce and stuff. Christina tells Remy that she's going to have another chance at the MCATs. Remy is so excited that he picks Christina up in his arms and twirls her around.
Grady and Daisy are in Ashlee's apartment. Daisy is on the phone.
She tells the person that she will call soon. She just has to talk to him first. Daisy writes down the number. Grady notices. Grady walks over and assumes the phone call was about him. No, It's about Bill. She found this cheesy ad in the newspaper about this hypnotist. He can possibly unlock memories about the kidnapping and help Bill remember if he did it or not. Daisy says she will talk to Grady later. She has to go find Bill.
Alan arrives at Bill's room at the Beacon.
Alan has a buyout contract that he wants Bill to sign.
Lizzie wants him out of Spaulding Lewis?
Alan says it's a fair offer. Bill should be a stand up man and take it. He would save Lizzie a lot of pain. Does Lizzie want this? Alan says that he's given Lizzie the paperwork.
Cyrus arrives for his first day of work at Spaulding Lewis. He walks in and finds Lizzie sitting at her desk looking at the paperwork.
Lizzie looks up and remarks that she likes the suit. Cyrus questions about the paperwork.
Lizzie says it's a buyout deal for Bill. Alan asked her about it. She couldn't do it. If she does it then Bill is out of her life. Cyrus questions if Lizzie wants that even if Bill is not the man who kidnapped her? Lizzie isn't sure.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only love....
Christina is really nervous about the MCATs as she and Remy grab coffees at Company.
She is feeling all the stress of the tests, divorce and holidays. Remy offers to pay for the coffee. Christina says she can do that herself. Remy asks if she can buy his as well. He only has two dollars. What is he doing with only two dollars and a bunch of credit cards? It's no big deal there is an ATM across the street. Christina says what if there is an emergency and he needs cash quick. What is he going to do then?. Christina is going a mile a minute. Remy tells her to calm down.
He can see why she failed the MCATS. She's so stressed out about everything. She puts way too much pressure on herself. If she doesn't think about it then she's under even more pressure. Remy says they have to go together. Where? Remy says he wouldn't be a proper husband if he didn't help his wife with her test. He has an idea. Christina looks at Remy and leaves with him.
Marina and Reva are at Cedars still waiting for Mallet.
Marina says that Reva is so brave doing the pregnancy while fighting cancer. Reva says the man that is brave is her son though Shayne would never admit it. The man is brave that runs into a house and saves people.
Reva has no choice. She has to do this. She's so scared some days that she wants to run the other way but she can't because of her baby boy. Marina congrats Reva on her son. Reva didn't want a little girl. Reva says no she's kind of attached to her son. The little guy is helping her fight her cancer. He's bolstering her immune ability. Reva says that it true love. She doesn't even know the kid and he's helping save her life. Is Mallet and Marina planning on having kids? Marina says that probably is not possible. Reva says look at her. Anything is possible. She sure didn't think she'd be pregnant this late in her life. She didn't think that she would have to fight cancer for a second time. She sure didn’t' think that this little guy would be helping her fight her cancer. Miracles do happen. Marina can't give up on those. A miracle can happen. Marina leaves. Reva starts walking.
Mallet has all sorts of questions for the doctor.
What happens now? They will run some tests. And if it's cancer? They will do more tests and x-rays to see how far cancer has spread. If it's just a small spot then they remove that and everything is fine. If it's spread? Then it's chemo and radiation but the doctor tells Mallet not to get that far ahead of himself. Mallet says he can't do that to his wife. He's a newlywed. They were supposed to have a long life together. The doctor again reminds Mallet that it could be nothing. It may not be melanoma.
Mallet looks over and sees Reva. Mallet questions if Reva heard that. She did. Mallet asks Reva not to tell anyone. Reva agrees after all who would she tell. Reva can see that look in Mallet's eye. He can't do that. He has to tell Marina about it. It's a bad idea if he doesn't.
Lizzie and Cyrus are at Spaulding Lewis.
She didn't ask him here to help with the buyout paperwork. She needs help finding out the truth about who kidnapped her. By asking him for his help she admits that she had doubts. She says it was impossible fighting for Bill and against everyone else. Now she finds out that she was fighting for Bill and he had no clue if he did it or not. Cyrus again says it's possible that Bill is innocent. She felt so empty and alone when Bill was in the coma. Now Bill is out of his coma and around. All she feels is pain now. She's not sure which is worse the pain or emptiness. Bill says that is the answer he was regretting to hear from her.
Cyrus looks over and sees Bill at the doorway. Cyrus leaves but stops and looks at Lizzie first. Bill says that he thought the break up would be enough to save her pain but it's not enough. He can't just come to work and see her every day. He should have known that. Bill says that he has the papers. Alan gave them to him. Bill knows what Alan wants. What does Lizzie want?
Lizzie questions if Bill is any closer to getting his memory back about what happened. Bill says no.
Outside in the hallway, Cyrus runs into Daisy.
Alan is working in the study in the Spaulding Mansion when Grady shows up.
Grady hands Alan the paperwork with Dr. Winkle's number on it. Alan has to do something about Lizzie. Daisy has this hair brained idea about Bill getting his memory back. That can't happen.
Mallet tells Reva at Cedars that he feels so helpless.
Where is Marina? She's headed to the cafeteria. Reva says she can see the doubt. He has to tell Marina the truth. It's where it starts. You figure you can't tell them about the possibility of cancer to protect them. Then when you find out that it's a reality and you have chemo, you can't tell them still. What happens when you really need them? Does he want to drop that bomb on Marina? Marina would be destroyed by the news. Reva says that Mallet can't give the cancer that power. If he doesn't watch it he could lose his marriage and everything because of the lies. Mallet wants to protect Marina. The possibility will just make him scared. He wants her to be happy and protected. Mallet loves Marina more than life. If he does then he has to respect her. He has to believe that they can deal with it together than apart. Reva reminds Mallet that it may not even be cancer. If he doesn't tell Marina, then he's cheating her of being there for him. If he loves Marina enough then he should hold onto that love with everything inside of him. That's what love is going through the battles together. Marina returns. Reva tells Mallet he has to tell Marina the news. Reva leaves. Mallet says he has to tell Marina something.
Christina and Remy arrive back at his apartment. Christina says what he wants to get her into bed? Remy tells Christina to sit down.
He doesn't know the material either. Remy tells Christina to close her eyes.
He wants her to try visualization. She has to keep quiet. Christina tries to talk. Remy says relax and calm down. She needs to be quiet and go to that place where she can relax in her mind. It's sort of a vacation in your head. She has to make a place where she can go when everything else is in chaos and she gets overwhelmed. Remy can see Christina relaxing.
He tells her to take a couple of deep breaths. Christina lies and says she's there. Remy says she's a liar. Remy stands behind Christina and massages her shoulders.
He tells her to relax and take deep breathes. Christina says she's found the place. She feels a lot better. How did he do that? His mom the shrink. So, what is his place? Christina then sees the divorce papers. He was going to tell her about them. Remy says they are almost finished. They just have sign them then they are divorced.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Grady tells Alan about the hypnotist.
Grady says this could be bad for them. Alan corrects Grady and says it could be worse for Grady not Alan.
Alan is not in this as much as Grady. Alan says he can't help Grady this time either. Alan explains that Cyrus agreed to stop blackmailing Alan if Alan stopped working with Grady. Now it would be very bad for Alan if he started working for Grady again. He can't just do that. It would cost him a lot. Grady reminds Alan that it will cost both of them if Alan does nothing. Grady leaves. Alan picks up the phone and asks his investigator to dig up whatever dirt he can on a Dr. Winkle.
Lizzie and Bill are still talking at Spaulding Lewis.
It's funny you work on a deal and then everything changes in a moment. Lizzie's phone rings. Lizzie says she can go get the papers and drop them off. Lizzie says she has to go. Bill questions if it's the Decker deal? Lizzie can't talk and leaves. Bill looks at the paper questioning if should just sign it. Daisy shows up and asks where Lizzie is?
She just left. What is Daisy doing there? Daisy has a way that Bill can get his memory back.
She has a line on a hypnotist that can help. Bill laughs that is a nice thought. What is he supposed to do count back to 10 then cluck like a chicken? Daisy says that hypnotism has vastly improved in the last couple of years. She called the guy. He saw Lizzie and Bill on TV. He agreed to treat Bill but there is a catch. Lizzie has to be there. Bill says no way he can't ask Lizzie to do that. Daisy says that Lizzie has to be there. It's his best chance to get his memory back. Bill again says no. He can't do that to Lizzie. Daisy says they can know the truth and stop the torture. It's too big of a risk. Daisy says it's hope.
Alan is on the phone getting dirt on the doctor when Lizzie shows up.
She has to deal with the Macau mess. She has to find the press kit and send it to Decker's assistant. She should have just had Cyrus come to the house to get the paperwork. Alan questions again about Cyrus working for Lizzie. Lizzie starts to say that Bill was there. So he saw the paperwork? Did Bill sign it? Just then Lizzie's phone rings.
It's Bill. Bill questions if Lizzie is already coming back to the house. He needs her help with something. He doesn't want to talk about it on the phone. She agrees and leaves. Alan mutters a curse.
In the living room, Cyrus walks in to see Grady lighting candles.
What is he doing there? What is Cyrus doing in the monkey suit?
He works for Lizzie. So she had him put on a suit? Nobody tells Cyrus what to do. Grady says that Alan told him about Cyrus' deal. Alan is not involving Grady in anything now. Cyrus looks at his brother.
Remy and Christina are talking in the apartment about the divorce.
It's what the both want. It was a lot easier then he thought it would be. It's what she wants right? Of course. Christina says it's ironic because she got her paperwork for financial aid if she gets into medical school. She will. Christina says she was thinking ahead. The irony is she doesn't qualify now. She has to be married to get the loan. Remy says that they are married. Christina says not really. It would be wrong to lie to get the loan.
Marina is stunned by Mallet's news at Cedars.
Melanoma? If it is then how far? What happens if it has spread? Mallet reminds Marina not to get too far ahead of herself.
How can Marina not be worried about Mallet? Mallet says let them do the test. Don't get 8 steps ahead. Marina asks where the doctor is. She has a ton of questions. Mallet says they can do it together. They can get through this together. Marina says that she had so many adventures planned for them. She planned on getting old with him. Mallet says that they will do all of them together. Marina loves Mallet so much. Mallet does as well. Marina thanks Mallet for telling her the truth. Mallet says he got some pretty good advice when he saw Reva.
Reva watches Mallet and Marina the smiles. Reva leaves. Marina says she's not sure what she would do without Mallet. He's the one that holds everything together for their family. Just then Mallet and Marina see the doctor. That was fast for the test results. Both Mallet and Marina are nervous. Mallet and Marina go in and see the doctor. He tells Mallet that there was no cancer in the test sample. Mallet is relieved. Marina is in tears.
Mallet has to come in for follow-ups and has to wear sunscreen. He has a very pretty wife to worry about. The doctor tells Marina that Mallet mentioned her a lot.
The nurse will come into see them. Marina laughs a lot of times? Yeah, it was good that he came in for a physical. There were a few moments there that he was thinking what if. What if he died? It's funny since they both work as cops. There is always the threat of death with their work. They have both been through dicey situations before. He just came in on a Friday afternoon to have a test and was faced with this news. Marina says she was just talking to Reva. Mallet thinks about what if he was gone and he had left Marina alone? He wouldn't have a legacy to leave behind. Mallet says that Reva got her miracle baby why can't they have one as well?
Remy and Christina talk in the hallway. What would she have to do for the aid? They are already been married for two months. What is the rush to file for divorce? What if the truth came out? What truth? She likes his family. Loretta likes him. It makes no sense to get divorced now. Remy says maybe this was meant to be. Remy says sometimes little things happen for a reason to show what is most important in life.
Christina says there is a difference between real and fraud. What is not real? They could hang out together for a while longer. It's wrong. Then they should sign the papers. Does he have a pen? Remy shows Christina a pen. They have to both sign the divorce papers. Does he have a pen? She can't seem to find her pen. Remy passes her a pen. Christina does a flimsy signature.
Christina and Remy look at each other unsure about the divorce now.
Cyrus and Grady are walking outside.
Grady is not angry at Cyrus for going to Alan and doing what he did. He went to Alan for a favour.
Cyrus questions what but Grady brushes it off.
It's shouldn't matter. He's got a job and Daisy in his life. Sometimes he is his own worst enemy. Cyrus seems to be the only one that can see that. Cyrus says he can see it because he was there before for a long time. Cyrus says it would be nice if they were not enemies but instead brothers more. Grady says that is a good idea. Cyrus says that he saw Daisy at Spaulding Lewis. Grady says thanks again and leaves.
Daisy hands the report of the hypnosis to Lizzie at Spaulding Lewis.
She knows it sounds crazy but wouldn't you do anything to get the truth. Even though Lizzie should already know it in her heart that Bill didn't do it. This way they can have proof. Hypnosis has come a long way. Winkle can do. Bill says he can do it alone but there is a better chance that he will remember if Lizzie is there as well. Lizzie isn't sure. Daisy leaves. Bill tries to talk to Lizzie.
Bill says he knows it's hard. It's hard waking up not having her there beside him. It's hard doing the daily stuff without her there. They both want an answer. What if it's not the answer they want? Bill says there is still a chance. Lizzie looks at Bill.
Mallet and Marina arrive back at their house.
Mallet now wants to talk to every specialist about finding out about how to have a baby. Before he didn't even want to do a physical. Mallet says after the accident he took it for granted that the doctor was right that he couldn't. He's scared because of what the doctor said. Mallet wants to do this for Marina because he's seen her with Peyton. She would be such a wonderful mother to their child. Marina agrees to take the chance. They will not know unless they try.
Remy and Christina talk outside his room.
He will call when the divorce papers are finalized. He can't wait to return to bachelorhood. Christina and Remy joke then she decides to leave. Remy will call her. Christina's phone will be off because she will be studying. She knows she can do it. Christina leaves then. Remy heads inside and looks at the aid papers. He's got another idea as he looks at the divorce papers.
At Spaulding Lewis, Lizzie questions if Bill stayed there the whole time.
If he did then why didn't he bother to sign the papers. Bill says that they have to know before they do that. Lizzie agrees to hold off while they get the info. She has no clue what is next.
Alan arrive outside Dr. Winkle's office and says he wants to talk to him.
Preview: Bill and Lizzie getting ready for the hypnosis.
Alan says there is no way that Bill can find out the truth. Winkle cannot let Bill unlock those memories. They have to stay locked.
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