Previously - Olivia and Natalia on New Years. Bill telling Dinah about the scar and questioning if Lizzie can actually believe in him. Bill and Lizzie kissing on New Years.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Bill and Lizzie are in bed. Bill is sleeping but Lizzie is awake.
She looks over and sees the scar on Bill's chest. She leans over and lightly touches it and feels the doubts enter her mind again.
At the Farmhouse, Olivia is awoken by a noisy alarm clock.
Natalia knocks on the door wondering if Olivia is alright.
Olivia says she's fine. Olivia realizes that today is the first day back to school and Emma is not ready. It starts in 1 hour. If they don't move, Emma is going to miss her bus. Natalia tells Olivia not to worry. They can take care of this together. Olivia say she doesn't even have Emma's lunch ready. Natalia calls Emma and tells her to get ready.
She has to put warm clothes on because it's cold outside. Natalia will make lunch. Olivia just has to get Emma's breakfast ready. They can tag team and fix the problem together.
In the seedy motel, Grady and Daisy are still kissing.
Daisy wishes they could stay at the motel. Grady says that that they have to find somewhere else to live. They can't afford this room right now. Grady says that he can keep working for Doris at the Mayor's office. He will then get a raise. They can come back to the motel then. Daisy and Grady kiss. They continue until Daisy sees the newspaper. She questions if there is news about Doris and the fire. Daisy can't believe the headline.
They have dropped all the charges against Bill. Apparently all the evidence burned up in a fire. There is no case against him. Daisy is so excited that Bill and Lizzie will be o.k.. Grady is freaking about the news but covers. He says he has to head to work now for Doris. Grady quickly gets changed and leaves. Daisy questions what just happened.
Outside, Cyrus reads the newspaper about all the charges being dropped against Bill.
He tries to phone and warn Grady but there is just his voicemail. Cyrus tells Grady to call him. The DA has dropped all the charges against Bill.
Grady is snooping around the Mayor's office when he's caught red-handed by Ashlee.
Bill and Lizzie are at the Spaulding Mansion also reading the newspaper.
Lizzie says that it's almost over. She says that the fire at Christmas was a miracle. The people that framed Bill have nothing on him. Bill says that is good. He's glad that Lizzie never gave up on him. She never will. Lizzie says she can't wait for a life with less stress. They have to celebrate this news. Bill says they can't celebrate until the Judge renders her verdict. Doris could still trump up charges on him. Lizzie tells Bill to have faith. They need to get going to the courthouse.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
At the farmhouse, Olivia, Natalia are in the kitchen acting like parents to Emma.
They have to get Emma ready for the bus. They have to hurry. Emma rushes out the door. Olivia calls out and says she loves her daughter.
Olivia says thanks to Natalia. Olivia has been so sick and Phillip hasn't been there. Emma needs a more normal life and she has that now. Natalia says that she hopes that Emma likes peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Rafe had those all the time when he went to school. Knowing the Spauldings they would probably add caviar to their PB&J as well. Olivia and Natalia laugh.
At Company, Daisy helps herself to the cash drawer just as Uncle Frank enters.
Frank wishes his niece a Happy New Year. He heard that she talked to Harley. Harley sounded good. Probably because of her new guy. Frank says he told Harley that they had a wonderful Christmas with the family. They were all there. Frank suggests going out to a movie with his niece. Daisy says she can't go. Frank says that he saw the cash. Cyrus is outside the door and listens to Frank talk to Daisy.
Daisy says there are way too many cops in her family. She says that she has to find a new place for her and Grady. Daisy could have just asked her family for the money. Daisy says that they would really give her the money knowing it was to move in with Grady. Frank says that Daisy could always move back in with Mallet and Marina where she belongs. Daisy wants to be with Grady. Cyrus continues to listen. Daisy tells Frank that she will put the money back. Is Frank going to tell Buzz? Frank says that Daisy needs to look at the bigger picture. What does it say when Daisy is stealing money from her own family? What type of life is that going to lead her on? Frank says the Daisy he knows would never steal from her family.
Ashlee and Grady are bantering in Doris' office.
Ashlee knows that Grady was looking for a file. Grady says that he was just finishing some work for Doris. Ashlee laughs and says he's so busted. She knows that he was probably looking for the file on himself. Doris has one on everybody including Ashlee. Ashlee has done the same thing as well. Ashlee explains that the file on the SPD is pretty entertaining to read. It's better than a soap opera. Doris hides all the major dirt in another spot. Does Ashlee have a clue? No. Doris has not even told Ashlee about that. Ashlee wants to thank Grady again for the other day when he made it so she could go into the hospital and see Doris. Grady says it was no problem. Is she going to mention the snooping to Doris? No be careful. Grady's phone rings. He says Hi.
Daisy walks outside of Company and finds Cyrus leaning against a wall.
She really needs to work on her technique of pinching cash. How did he know? She left the cash drawer open. He saw her doing it.
Daisy questions what type of person she is for stealing money from her family. Daisy says they just need the cash for a new place. They are being booted out of the motel today. Grady and Daisy are low on cash right now. She was just borrowing the cash from Buzz. Cyrus says that Daisy and Grady are welcome to crash at his place. He's got the room. Daisy says that sounds o.k. but they need to find their own place. Daisy tells Cyrus that he is a great big brother to Grady. Cyrus says he is sometimes. He tries to do the right thing.
In the courthouse, Doris tells the judge to drop the charges against Bill as Bill and Lizzie listen.
The DA cannot make a case at this time. Judge tells Doris that the Grand Jury thought there was enough evidence to convict Bill. Mel stands up and says that things have changed.
The judge reads about the evidence being destroyed in a fire. Doris admits that is true. Without the evidence, at this time the DA's office cannot make a case against Bill Lewis. The judge agrees to grant the motion. Lizzie is all excited that Bill is free. Lizzie always knew that Bill was innocent. Lizzie hugs Bill.
At the Beacon, Olivia is ripping into a person telling them that she is not going to pay their exorbitant prices.
It's highway robbery. Olivia says they can either bring back a new price or they can take their services elsewhere. The person leaves. Natalia walks over and is impressed with Olivia.
Even with how sick she is, she can still put another person in their place. Olivia says that was fun. The hard part is getting her kid to school every day. Natalia jokes that is why Olivia pays her so much. Olivia can't believe they have to go through all of that again tomorrow. Natalia suggest that Olivia go home and rest. Olivia says that was therapy reaming out that person. She's not going to be intimidated by someone. Natalia's phone rings. She's heartbroken by the news. Olivia questions. Natalia says that was Rafe's lawyer. He was trying to find a loophole in Rafe's case to get him out early. There was nothing. Olivia is sorry to hear that. She suggests that Natalia take the rest of the day off and just go home and relax. She can go home and have a nice dinner and then a bubble bath. Natalia says she doesn't have time. She has to get paperwork down to the Accounting offices. She has to talk to the staff about the changes then she has to pick up Emma at school. She has to do it all in that order and she's only got a bit of time. Natalia leaves.
Daisy arrives at the SPD and finds Ashlee there.
Daisy says she was going to go up to Doris' Office to see Grady. Ashlee says that she just busted Grady then she covers when Daisy questions. Daisy doesn't like the word busted since that just happened with Uncle Frank. Daisy swiped some money from Company to pay for bills. She really hates doing that . She wishes she had another choice. Daisy tells Ashlee that she and Grady have to find a new room for tonight. Why don't they move in with Cyrus? Daisy says that would be too weird. Same with Marina and Mallet. They would never let Grady into their house. Daisy really thought that it would be a lot easier with Grady. She thought when her family saw her with Grady and that they were serious. The Coopers would get it. The Cooper clan will always see Grady as a bad guy not the man he really is. Ashlee questions if that is not what Daisy likes. Grady is a bad boy. It is part of his charm. Daisy says that it's more. She accepts Grady. She loves him.
Bill and Lizzie are in the hallway in the Courthouse. There is nothing in the way of them finally being together. She was right all the time that Bill was innocent. Bill and Lizzie kiss. Bill says all he needs is for Lizzie to believe in him. He doesn't care what other people think. Bill is not so sure. Bill and Lizzie kiss. Mel walks up and interrupts them. They thank Mel for all the work that she has done on Bill's case.
She was happy to help. Lizzie says they can finally head home. Just then Doris and Grady are seen talking to the media. Doris says there was no choice by the court to let Bill go at this time. They had to drop the charges. It was the only course of action. Lizzie says they need to go. The reporters ask about the fire and if it was arson.
Doris says there is no information at this time on that. Doris can't charge Bill so she's dropping it for now. Doris coughs from the smoke. She leans on Grady for support. Doris says she will capture the person responsible for kidnapping Lizzie. The reporters ask questions to Bill then. One reporter says that Bill is awfully lucky to have the charges dropped. Lizzie doesn't like the innuendo and threatens to sue the reporter for slander. The reporter asks again. Lizzie is pissed off and Bill tells her to calm down.
Olivia walks into Company and finds Frank behind the counter. Olivia asks if Frank is working today.
He's taking over for Daisy. Olivia smiles thinking about kids. She thanks Frank for taking care of Emma on Christmas. Frank says that Emma is a good kid. She questions if Buzz is around. Olivia wants an order dropped by the Farmhouse. Frank questions how that is working out. Olivia says it's working out really well. Olivia wants to do something special for Natalia. Frank says he can help. Olivia wants two Buzz burgers with cheese and lots of onions. Don't forget the onions. She also wants chicken enchiladas and some of Buzz's chili. Frank questions the order. Olivia says they are some of Natalia's favourite food. It's too cheer her up. Olivia also wants to add a chocolate sundae with lots and lots of whipped cream. Frank can do that. Olivia has another favour to ask of Frank.
Natalia and Emma are in the Convenience store getting school supplies.
Natalia loved doing this for Rafe. Natalia says she saw some really cute lunchboxes over in the corner. They can take a look at them. Emma seems bummed out. Natalia questions if Emma is alright. Emma says she's fine. She likes her teachers. Natalia says that is good. Emma says she has to do a report about her family. She's not sure what to write about Phillip.
Natalia says that Emma can write about her mom and brothers and sisters. Emma can write about what an amazing person Olivia is.
Ashlee and Daisy talk at the SPD still.
Daisy says thanks to Ashlee for listening to her. Ashlee says it's fine. She says the advice is pretty obvious right. She's not in love with Grady because he's a rebel and it will freak out the Cooper clan. Ashlee questions why Daisy can't see that she has to make a choice. She can't have her family and Grady both. She has to make a choice. Is she going to listen to her family's judgments about Grady or is she going to be with Grady? Daisy just wants her family to see the real Grady. Ashlee says it was a good start. They let Grady stay at Christmas and didn't boot him out. Daisy doesn't want to disappoint them.
Grady and Doris are talking in the Mayor's office.
Grady says that Lizzie is going to regret the day she met Bill Lewis. Doris says she doesn't want the media to think that she is soft on crime. Grady is impressed. He thought this job would just be a free lunch but he could learn a lot from Doris. Doris says she appreciates what Grady is doing for Ashlee as well. Ashlee thanks him as well. Grady is confused. Grady and Ashlee are just friends nothing more. Doris looks at Grady. Grady smirks realizing what Doris meant.
Bill is in the bathroom at the courthouse when a cop comes in.
The cop says that Bill is lucky he got away with this one. He's sick of people like Bill getting away with things. Bill had better watch out because stuff like this will come back and bite him in the butt.
In the Courtroom, Lizzie is waiting for Bill when Cyrus shows up.
Lizzie questions what Cyrus is doing there. Cyrus says he heard the verdict.
He's sorry what Doris said to the press. Lizzie says it doesn't matter. Bill is a free man and Cyrus is fired. She doesn't need him to dig up who was behind her kidnapping now. She doesn't care what he finds. Cyrus questions if she is so sure after what she said at the cabin. Lizzie says the doubts were because of lack of sleep and too much coffee. Nothing more. Lizzie is sure in her heart that Bill is innocent of her kidnapping. The case is done. Lizzie says it gets even better she gets to take Bill home. Cyrus questions if Lizzie is really alright. Lizzie says that she is fine. She hands Cyrus some money and tells him that they will never talk about her doubts again.
Bill shows up. Bill and Lizzie leave as Cyrus watches Lizzie.
Natalia comes home to the farmhouse to find candles and all her favourite food on the table.
She questions what Olivia has done. Frank shows up.
Did he do this all for her? Frank doesn't agree or disagree with Natalia's assessment. At the Beacon, Emma and Olivia are having a girls night out with movies and popcorn.
Emma questions where Natalia is. Natalia is going to have a nice dinner at home so she can relax. Emma says that is a good idea. She wants Natalia to be happy. Olivia wants that as well.
Ashlee and Doris are eating lunch at Towers.
Ashlee questions if Doris is alright. Where is her oxygen mask? Doris says she's fine. Ashlee was really worried about her mom. Ashlee questions if Doris is going to take it easy at work for a bit. Doris says she can't do that. She has way too much on her plate. It's good that she has Grady working for her. Ashlee saw him there earlier. He was... Doris looks at Ashlee. Ashlee covers. Doris says she can see that Ashlee likes Grady. Ashlee says it doesn't matter. Grady is her best friend's boyfriend nothing more. She's not going to make a fool of herself around him. Ashlee says she wouldn't go out with Grady to freak out her family.
Grady is packing his bags at the motel just as there is a knock at the door. It's Cyrus.
Cyrus heard from Daisy that they were moving out. Grady says he's just clearing out now. Cyrus tells Grady that Bill was cleared. Grady knows but it's not a problem. Doris still thinks that Bill is the one that kidnapped Lizzie. Grady is cleared out of this now. Cyrus says good. Cyrus tells Grady to keep his nose clean. Grady says he will keep out of trouble. Daisy enters then.
She sees Cyrus. Cyrus says they can stay with him. Grady says that they would kill each other if they were under the same house again. Cyrus laughs and agrees. Sorry he mentioned the idea. He hopes they are not staying in their car. Grady and Daisy will be fine. It was good to see him. Cyrus leaves but looks back at Grady and Daisy one last time.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is pissed at the reporters.
She's going to sue them for slander. She says they are going to find a way to show everyone what Lizzie already knows that Bill is innocent. Bill says it doesn't matter what others think. As long as Lizzie thinks that he's innocent, that is all he cares about. Lizzie says they have to do more. Lizzie says they can do another presentation like last time. She can show up this time. Bill can tell the media all the reason why he never would kidnap Lizzie. Lizzie says the idea is perfect. Bill can tell them how hard he worked to find Lizzie and bring her home. Bill can completely convince them that he is innocent. Lizzie passionately kisses Bill.
Frank and Natalia are eating the dinner catered by Olivia at the farmhouse.
Natalia is surprised that Frank would do all of this. She loves Buzz burgers with lots of onions. How did he know that? Frank offers Natalia some wine. Natalia says not too much. She doesn't want to get drunk. This is so nice of Frank to do this. How did he know that these were all her favourite foods? Frank lies saying that she must have mentioned it in passing to him. Frank says that there are no other surprises. Natalia say he does this then the money with the trees. He's so good to her. Frank says then she has to come down to the SPD and tell all the guys how she begged him to go out with her. Natalia laughs and agrees.
Grady and Daisy are packing their bags to leave. Daisy says she could live anywhere as long as it is with Grady. Ashlee shows up.
She's glad that she didn't miss them. Daisy says they have to go. It's check out time. They have a room over by the bus depot. Ashlee says that motel is even worse. They are just going to have to stay with Ashlee. Ashlee has a spare room. They will have to sleep on an air mattress and pay rent but it will all work out. Ashlee tells Grady and Daisy that it's time to go.
In the Spaulding Lewis conference room, Bill tells Lizzie that she doesn't have to do this.
Lizzie wants to do this. She wants Bill to have a chance to prove that he's innocent. She wants to right the wrong. Bill can tell the media everything. Bill says that it's incredible. Everyone doubted him but Lizzie never did. Bill tells Lizzie he can't let her do this without telling her the truth. Lizzie pulls back nervous. What truth? Bill tells Lizzie that he can't remember anything about the kidnapping. He doesn't know if he was the one.
Lizzie is stunned and steps back.
Preview - Lizzie questions if Bill remembers telling her that he loved her.
Bill doesn't. Lizzie says that Bill could have done this. He could have kidnapped her. Lizzie says this can't get any worse right. Lizzie and Bill prepare for the press conference.
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