Friday, September 18, 2009
GLMP Reactions: Episode 15760, Wednesday, September 18, 2009
wrdowen Posted: Sep 17 2009, 09:51 PM
I'd like to dedicate today's show in Ivn's memory.
Residents of Springfield say their farewells.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 02:06 PM
Puddle, I am just a puddle already and the show has just started!
Anna Karenina Posted: Sep 18 2009, 02:37 PM
Wendy, Ivn would have loved seeing his precious Lynn in the final show even for a fleeting moment.
I am curious to see how you all will respond to the last scene.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 02:55 PM
Loved the final scene! It's the way it should be--Always!!
Been crying so much, I missed Lynn!
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 04:46 PM
So sad to see the show end today, but, it was so nice to see happiness win out in the end! After all the awful spoilers about Henry, Mallet, Phillip and Rick dying, we get happiness!
Liked how they opened the show! Nice to see the "There is a Destiny" quote and all the GL logos through the years!
Alex is with Fletch! Bill mentioned Ben which was nice!
Mel and Cyrus! Hot stuff!
Rick and Mindy-so happy and what a surprise!
Frank and Blake-Love it!
Phillip and Beth- Loved Beth giving Phillip the journal and the 4 Musketeers together again with Danny and Michelle was great!
Otalia- still together and happy! Love the girls honored Frank with the name Francesca! Cute baby!
Bill and Lizzie-ended nicely with a baby boy on the way!
Mallet and Dinah-in Europe together and looking very happy! I know I love my Shaynah, but, am really okay with this.
Marina, Shayne and Henry- cute!
Remy and Christina and baby--cute!
Loved that Maureen fixed up Matt with her teacher!
Also great to see that Jon and Sarah are still in Springfield. Jon must be working for Lewis and it actually looks like him and Shayne were getting along!
And finally, what can I say about this--Jeva did get together!! Never thought it would happen, but, I am over the moon about this! Loved Josh giving himself and Reva a year to live their lives and figure things out! This was the best possible ending I could think off!
Only 2 things I would have liked to have seen--commercial free and real end credits to the show! The cast and the behind the scenes people definitely deserved real ending credits!!
bellerose Posted: Sep 18 2009, 05:11 PM
I love it from beginning to end. I love that everyone was so happy. I love that they ended the show with Josh and Reva being together. It was great to see everyone together. It sad to know that this is it that there will never be another episode of Guiding Light. Now all we have are our memories.
bellerose Posted: Sep 18 2009, 05:15 PM
I saw this on another website.
SOURCE: Soap Opera Digest
GL's final episode aired today and everyone in Springfield was granted a final "one-year later" scene — except for Jeffrey, who was last seen having a shoot-out with Edmund. As Josh and Reva drove off together to presumably start a new life together, Jeffrey's whereabouts were never addressed. So, where is he? GL rep explains that his absence was intentional, and the story was purposely left open-ended. "When Reva tells Josh she's not ready, that's all about Jeffrey and her trying to move on," says the rep. Reva believes Jeffrey is dead and, a year later, he very well could be. Guess it's up to the viewers to decide!
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 05:18 PM
Honestly, I wasn't bothered with Jeffrey's absence. He was never one of my favorite characters.
bellerose Posted: Sep 18 2009, 05:35 PM
I don't like the fact that he just left his wife and child and nothing change in a year. So I am happy that Colin can have a father figure in Josh. I love that Josh and Reva can be together. I agree with Stephw.
sosquare Posted: Sep 18 2009, 08:45 PM
Margaritas for all! With or without salt on the rim, your choice! You all deserve it after today!
Wendy, I love your dedicating today's thread to IVN. And RM for the lovely, lively picture of Kahlil in the Coffee House.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 08:48 PM
How about some sugar on the rim!!??
Yes, very nice that this thread was dedicated to IVN. I wonder what he would have thought about today's show.
sosquare Posted: Sep 18 2009, 08:55 PM
Margaritas for all! With or without salt on the rim, your choice! You all deserve it after today!
Wendy, I love your dedicating today's thread to IVN. And RM for the lovely, lively picture of Kahlil in the Coffee House.
Steph, I liked your rundown of all that happened today. Even though I just finished watching the episode, it was a great reminder of what all happened.
I have ususally ff through the opening song since it changed because I liked the theme song I grew up with. Today I am glad I watched it as it grouped past and present characters together in a theme. I was especially touched by the photo of Lillian, Beth, and Lizzie. That started my tears.
I liked that Remy and Christina named their baby Clayton.
About halfway through the episode I realized that there wouldn't be a "Next...On Guiding Light" announcement. Tears again.
I of course will watch today's show again...and again...and again.
My only two wishes about these ending episodes is 1) I wish they hadn't wasted so much air time on Jeffrey and Edmund and 2) I wish Bill and Lizzie had said they were naming the baby Harlan Alan, after H.B. and Alan S.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 09:02 PM
Square, I know I need to watch again!! Didn't catch that baby Boudreaux was named Clayton. Must have been when Krista plopped her butt in front of the TV!
I was tearing up when the still showed the halftime bumper and said Guiding Light the drama is "Always On. " If only...
Of course we had a cheesy daytime promo with Let's Make a Deal and what's left of CBS' soaps before GL started. That did not sit well with me.
sosquare Posted: Sep 18 2009, 09:16 PM
Oh, and I also LOVED that James was driving a MINI-COOPER convertible when he arrived and later drove off with Daisy and Ashlee. Surely that was on purpose.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 09:18 PM
Gotta love the subtlety of that!
elisa trapt Posted: Sep 18 2009, 09:27 PM
Hi everybody,
I know I've been largely absent the last few months. Real life has been crazy busy and summer was over before I knew it. I've been watching the final weeks of GL faithfully, with mixed emotions, and maybe been trying to distance myself a little. But came crashing down, and I knew I had to get to GLMP.
My mom came over, and we watched the last two episodes together, both in complete tears by the end. It started for me when James and Phillip began playing frisbee, and I don't think I stopped until the end .
I thought, all in all, for the short time period they had, they wrapped things up really well. It had the feeling of days gone by, when the town would come together, almost as if drawn together rather than b/c of any set plan. Everyone just "showed up" at Remy and Christina's wedding - how did they know to be there? Who cares? They were there, and that's what mattered. And then they all mad dashed across town to say goodbye to Daisy and Ashlee.
There was humor, sadness, tears, laughter, love, family - all the things GL was built on. The people who needed to end up together, ended up together. Even my Dinah and Mallet . Everyone gave a beautiful performance (though I have no idea how they did those final scenes w/o bursting into tears every 5 seconds) And, (where's Thorny?), I have not enjoyed Reva in the last two years as much as I did these last two days. KZ showed why she is a powerhouse - understated when she needed to be, emotional when it was called for. I really could not think of a better final image for GL - Jeva off on a new adventure, with the lighhouse behind them, ready to guide them home when they return.
I'm not quite sure I believe it's over, but it was a hell of a ride. Thank you, GL. And thank you to all of you here at GLMP - I've been scarce, I know, but I've been thinking about you all the same, and I know you guys are going through the same thing. So I know you'll indulge me in my slightly long-winded post. Love to you all .
stephw27 Posted: Sep 18 2009, 09:31 PM
Elisa, nice to see you! Your post was not long winded at all! Very heartfelt and wonderful! Glad you joined us tonight!
elisa trapt Posted: Sep 18 2009, 10:15 PM
Hiya, steph! Thank you, I wouldn't be anywhere else .
sosquare Posted: Sep 18 2009, 10:20 PM
wrdowen Posted: Sep 18 2009, 11:08 PM
Whew!!! I finally made myself watch it!.
DAMN!!! My heart is broke .
But if it has to end I couldn't have been happier with how our most wonderful characters finished their journey in Springfield.
First my Phillip and Beth
Then Alex and Fletcher, after Holly and Ed earlier this week. Mel and Cyrus.
Billy and Vanessa...... and when I saw Mindy and Rick, OMG,I thought what more could I ask for.
Then we had Marina and Shayne... I actually like her better with Shayne.
As soon as I got out of my mouth to Rick that I really wanted to see Dinah one more time....there she was and I loved that she was with Mallet. I've only really liked this Mallet with Dinah.
BUT AND THE BIG ONE was "ALWAYS" ,Josh and Reva.
I had already accepted that GL was not going to give me that final part of a reunion and I could live with them being friends. But today I got the Reva back that I've loved for years. She was just not Reva Shayne to me with Jeffrey.
I was crying, jumping for joy and then sobbing. This was it. The end.
For close to 40 years GL has been in my life. I feel lost.
I just told Rick for the first time I don't even feel interested in any of the other soaps.
I will get back on track but this is too hard right now.
I know that Ivn is smiling down on all of us .
smiley Posted: Sep 19 2009, 12:04 AM
Wendy, I just finally got to watch it too. My reaction is much the same as yours. I feel so happy for the endings that all these characters got. But at the same time, I feel sad that their stories aren't going to go on (at least on-screen). I am still kind of in disbelief that we won't get to see a grand Phillip and Beth wedding, or what's going to happen with Daisy and James...It feels really weird to me.
It was such a happy episode overall though. The writers did such a nice job of wrapping up the storylines in ways that made sense and stuck with the core of all the characters. I loved seeing all the characters on screen together and at the park at the same time.
Love Fletch coming back for Alex. I always thought those two belonged together and rooted for their reunion (especially after the writers had Holly cheat on Roger with Fletcher, ugh...still mad about that, but I digress...). Loved that Bill mentioned how much he missed Ben.
I agree that I also like Marina much better with Shayne. And so glad that Dinah and Mallet are off on another adventure together. When they're together they seem truly themselves. And Cyrus and Mel are so hot!
Loved the 4 Musketeers reunion and Rick and Mindy ending up together. Phillip and Beth have one of those beautiful, sweeping love stories that I have always enjoyed. (Even though Jim Lemay was a real nice guy, I was happy when James turned out to be Phillip's son back when they had sex in the wrecked plane). I liked when James told his dad he was right where he wanted to be. That was a great line.
Anyway, I feel like I have so much more I want to say about this, but I think that's all I can say for now. What a beautiful show.
Shawnee Posted: Sep 19 2009, 07:38 AM
I don't want to post here. Next week there will not be a post in this section. There is no more GL of today.
The last episode was good, all good, but I am sad.
cihanl Posted: Sep 19 2009, 08:39 AM
Shawnee,I'm with you. Usually the minute i get the TV alone, I watch GL - it took me until this morning to watch this time. I had to literally make myself, because I know that never again will I get the option.
Loved the last couple shows - very happy with almost every resolution. I admit that it took everything I had not to FF through the Jeffrey/Edmund stuff - not just because it's so stupid, but because it was such an insult to those two actors. And I'm not happy with the lack of resolution there, but I figured that would happen so that they could have the Jeva reunion. (You know that wouldn't have made me as happy as some of you, because we all know as soon as they get together they start making their own and everyone else's lives miserable. Plus, with no resolution for Jeffrey and Reva - well, that's a bit awkward.) But I can see why they did that. Although did anyone else hear a thunderclap around 3:53? Maybe IVN's opinion of the show ending with Josh and Reva's redux part 11?
I teared up throughout the show, but for some reason, the couple that made me tear up the most was the reunion of Daisy and James - maybe simply because I know that I will never get to see what happens with these two. Everyone else has history and memories - but not these two.
Also teared up at MR being able to pop that big ol' belly ahead of her.
Got confused for a minute when I saw Blake carrying Francesca - for a second, I thought Frankie did some REALLY fast work! Until I realized who's baby it was.
All in all, though, given how much they had to fit in to the last few weeks, I think that they did an amazing job. My friends in Springfield are happy. I'll have to console myself with that. I guess we are like Dinah and Mallet - we'll have to be happy together with the memories we have of the people that we love in our other hometown of Springfield.
I have to say too that the commercials for the other happy wonderful soaps and cheesy game shows really annoyed me, but I might be a bit sensitive today.
And finally, kudos on that great end shot of the truck coming down the road, through the trees, with the lighthouse in the background. THE END. Gosh, that was hard to see.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 19 2009, 09:49 AM
QUOTE (Shawnee @ Sep 19 2009, 07:38 AM)
I don't want to post here. Next week there will not be a post in this section. There is no more GL of today.
The last episode was good, all good, but I am sad.
The last day of our daily thread!! So sad!!!
Shawnee Posted: Sep 19 2009, 12:24 PM
Ok, I think I can opine now. *sigh*
I think Ivn would be thoroughly pissed off that Reva got to utter the last line of the show, and that it was "Always". I however, thought it fitting. Not just for Reva and Josh(ua), but for all of us. I am neither thrilled nor unhappy they got back together, I figured it would happen though. There was just no way at all to bring back Jeffrey and have any sort of resolution in the time frame they had. I would not have forgiven him, ever, and I still hate that Jon kept this secret and it seems she will never know.
Rick and Mindy were cute, but I feel like it was just thrown in so we wouldn't have to worry about poor Rick lol.
Alez and Fletch, well hell yeah!! Loved that. And Marj had me in buckets of tears with her wink and wave. I have said it before, you can tell someone's last scenes, either with someone or alone, that had to be hers. What a treasure she is!
James and Daisy with the I love yous, sweet!
Babies, babies, babies! Loved all of that! I wonder if Francesca was JLs baby, she looked to be about the right age. Marina and Shayne, saw that one coming the minute Dinah met that nun in Bosnia lol. Dinah and Mallet, nice too. Their time together was during a non-watching period I had, so I am not so familiar with them as a couple, but I liked having the closure. I certainly know he had zero chemistry with his real life fiance!
Jon and Sarah, Bill and Lizzie, very VERY happy with this ending! As a mom who did not raise her son for part of his life, this story has always resonated with me and at times I have hated both Jon and Lizzie for their choices. I was happy to see her be able to lose that awful bag and sport that HUGE belly and eat a hot dog!
Happy about Frank and Blake too. I wouldn't pair them together until these last few months when Blake has really gone through a transformation and softened so much. Would have been nice to see her kids there though.
The last scene, with the lighthouse and "The End", well that says it all. The end. So sad, but again I am happy with the ending they gave us.
cihanl Posted: Sep 19 2009, 02:22 PM
I am too, Shawnee - and if it had to end, then I really can't think that they could have done a much better job than they did. They got it all in without rushing too much, and gave us closure on so many things, while still making it clear that life will go on in "Springfield" even if we can't see it.
MinnieBannister Posted: Sep 19 2009, 10:16 PM
I was back in PA on Friday and watch the show as I began watching it, with my mom. Mom had quit watching during the Reva clone story and she had watched from the beginning. But she wanted to see the end and had me show her the tape of the show when Alan died. Boy, that was hard to watch again.
As for the final show after all the emotion of the prior 3 days it felt a little anti-climactic for me. It was nice seeing everyone get their happy ending, however. I think the only part that had some real meat to it was the Reva/Josh story and I thought that was really well done. I was disappointed that Alan didn't appear at all, not even when they showed the cast during the theme song. I was hoping there would at least me memory footage or maybe we'd hear his voice when Phillip remembered something he said, etc. I didn't like that he was left out of the final episode. Same for Jeffery. I think there should have been a little something. I think at the very least all the regular actors on the show should have gotten a little bit of time on the last show. I was surprised not to see any cast credits at the end, also.
So sad to see the show go. I'm really going to miss it.
wrdowen Posted: Sep 19 2009, 10:42 PM
Minnie , I know what you're saying. As much as I loved how the characters ended up in the finale it was rushed and anti climatic after the drama filled, well written eppies all week.
The Josh/ Reva part was very well done and written.
I thought the Christina/Remy 3rd marriage was silly. But as I said I do find comfort in continuing these story lines in my head with the couples I had rooted for mostly being together on Sept. 18th.
I was never a huge Jeffrey fan but I didn't dislike him either like many. I thought both Jeffrey and Edmund deserved a better send off.
I just didn't care to see Jeffrey and Reva.
Also why was Vanessa not in the finale? I mean she just married Billy .
MinnieBannister Posted: Sep 20 2009, 09:54 PM
Oh, I didn't notice Vanessa wasn't on.
marinaskye Posted: Sep 21 2009, 10:22 AM
I looked up the TV listings this morning, and The Price is Right was in GL's time slot. I have to admit, that hurt a little.
And Vanessa should have been in the finale (actually, a lot of people should have been in the finale, but it's too late to quibble).
It was all done in the best way it could have been done, and I was glad to see some of my favorites get their happy ending.
MinnieBannister Posted: Sep 21 2009, 11:24 AM
In Cleveland they put one of those judge shows in GL's time slot.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 21 2009, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (MinnieBannister @ Sep 21 2009, 11:24 AM)
In Cleveland they put one of those judge shows in GL's time slot.
Judge Mathis, think I'll pass on that too.
cihanl Posted: Sep 21 2009, 03:01 PM
They moved Dr. Phil up in our area, and put Judge Judy on 4-5 in his place.
I think I'd rather watch Judge Judy than Dr. Phil. And I would certainly rather watch GL than ANY of the options provided.
stephw27 Posted: Sep 21 2009, 03:13 PM
None of these shows sound like very good options at all. I want my GL!!
cihanl Posted: Sep 21 2009, 03:28 PM
Me too, Steph, me too...
MinnieBannister Posted: Sep 21 2009, 07:27 PM
I'm done with CBS period. They can go jump in the lake."
stephw27 Posted: Sep 21 2009, 07:29 PM
I know how you feel about CBS, Minnie.
TyrusB Posted: Sep 21 2009, 08:45 PM
I enjoyed the final week, but am a little flabbergasted that Jonathon knows Jeffrey is alive, but didn't tell Reva. I don't care for that being left in the air.
I loved seeing everyone a year later. That was a nice touch.
Also loved that Bill and Fletcher mentioned Ben. I expected a similar reference to Harley, Alan-Michael, Lucy, Amanda, and Vicki.
But, overall, I enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces and sending so many characters off with happy endings.
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