RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Monday, December 22, 2008

IntoTheLight's View

I guess I get to go first! This won's be a recap per se, as others are much better at that.

First off--I give the whole show a Lighthouse. I do not think there was a single scene that was not good to great.

Josh and Olivia have some scenes and the banter between the two was priceless. Bill and Alan have an excellent scene at Towers followed by a scene with Billy and Alan. All I can say is go Billy!

Dinah and Shane have some scenes in the car and with darts etc. Those two are really excellent together.

Josh and Shane have some scenes that are also top notch. Big money involved too

If there was a weak point it was Frank and Natalia. But even in it, I really enjoyed the discussion and the depth to it that was lacking for many months. We also get "Martha Stewart" Natalia-it must be something about that farm house that makes you into a master chef, Emma (girl you should stick up for your mom some) and Olivia-too sophisticated for a 7 year old.

Lastly, we get treated to Billy and Josh-as the two brothers should be. It was like eating a big bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy-pure comfot food.

What a treat this whole show was.

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