Previously - Dinah and Grady talking about the fact that Alan would sooner kill Bill then have the truth come out. Shayne and Josh talk about the fact that the car accident is part of Shayne's injury now.
At Towers, Bill is drinking booze when Alan shows up.
Alan smugly says that Bill is not going to find the real kidnapper in that glass unless he looks at the reflection at the bottom. Alan tells Bill that Lizzie left for China under the guise that Bill would find the real kidnapper. Bill just doesn't want to admit that it's himself. Bill just knows that Alan is trying to push his buttons. He's not going to listen to Alan. Alan orders a glass of scotch. Bill realizes that Alan doesn't really think that he did it. Alan says it doesn't matter what he, Bill or anyone else thinks. All that matters is what Lizzie thinks.
Frank and Natalia are at Company.
Frank brings out a huge box of groceries. Natalia thanks him. Frank says it's fine. Frank can help her do more work. Natalia says that is fine. She's been so busy moving into the house that she forgot to do some shopping. How is the move with Olivia? It's all great, Natalia says sarcastically. Frank pulls Natalia aside. Natalia admits it's a disaster living with Olivia.
Olivia grouches at the ornaments.
She pulls out one and says it's not personal really. She admires Natalia's faith it's just that Olivia has none. Just then a knock on the door. Olivia makes a crack and questions if that is her heart giving out. Is there an angel on the other side? Olivia opens the door and finds Josh on the other side.
Josh is not an angel. Josh says no. Olivia invites Josh in. Josh says actually he's not sure what he is these days. Olivia offers to get Josh a coffee. She says she's sorry for the house being a mess. They are just moving in. Cassie would be happy to see they are enjoying the farm house. Olivia says it's all o.k. but she really wants to get the heck out of there now.
The train blows it's whistle in the distance, Shayne looks down the tracks. Dinah rushes up and gets in the car.
Shayne tells Dinah she can't be there. Shayne and Dinah try to get out of the car. Dinah questions what the heck Shayne is doing?
Only Love Can Change the World, Only Love . . .
Alan and Bill go toe to toe at Towers.
Alan says that Lizzie has doubts in Bill and it bothers him. Why doesn't Bill just admit what he did and go to the police and confess? Bill says he's going to find the real kidnapper. Alan questions what it is about Lewis men. They get scared and run to the bottle. Bill says that Alan is just pushing his buttons because he's ticked that Beth didn't go to China with him. Alan says that Beth is at a conference. Eventually she will come home to him. When Lizzie returns, Bill is going to be in jail. Why doesn't Bill just confess? Bill says that is interesting since Lizzie told Bill that when he was in a coma, Alan went to the SPD to confess to kidnapping Lizzie. Alan did it to ease Lizzie's suffering. He was making a sacrifice for his granddaughter unlike Bill. Alan would never do that unless Alan was the one behind framing Bill in the first place. Alan is the one behind Lizzie's kidnapping. Bill lunges and starts to strangle Alan.
Natalia and Frank talk at Company.
She knows that Olivia is frightened because of her heart. Olivia needs to believe in something greater than herself. Frank says that Olivia is a lot of things but she does not have faith. Natalia says fine but why does she have to trash Natalia's faith? Why does she have to bring it down? They both believed in something. They wanted to give Emma a real home for Christmas. Olivia did want that. Olivia wants to believe in something. Natalia knows that. Frank questions if Olivia can. Frank starts to mention his past with Olivia but says that when Olivia starts to feel miserable, she is her own worst enemy. She wants to take everyone down with her. She will hurt everyone around her. Natalia says then she will look out for Emma. Frank questions who will look out for Natalia then?
Josh looks at Olivia at the Farmhouse.
He never considered her to be intolerant. Olivia is not intolerant. Olivia says it's good to count on your faith but it doesn't have to be out there for everyone else to see. Josh gets that right. Josh laughs. Did Olivia forget that for the last couple of years Josh was a minister? He was pretty much out there. He was out there fighting the good fight. Olivia is fine with that but again you don't need to display your faith so obviously. Josh looks at Olivia and says she's actually embarrassed about something. He's never seen her blush like this. Olivia hates that her condition is out there as well. It feels like everyone knows that she's sick. She doesn't like that. Just because she has a weak heart, does not mean she's a weak person. Josh knows. He heard a little rumour that Olivia really gave up Galaxy so Natalia could get her money back from Decker. Olivia is uncomfortable and says that is not the reason. Josh says that he knows why she's fighting. He was out in the barn and found an old baseball glove that belonged to Shayne. Olivia heard about Shayne's injury. It's good that Shayne is home right with his family close? Josh says yeah but Shayne doesn't want the help. Olivia understands that. Josh does as well he just thought with his whole family around for Christmas. . He's just sentimental because of the holidays. Olivia understands that. She tells Josh she saw Ava. Ava? She's doing good. She's got plans to move on with her life. Sometimes we just have to learn how to let go of our kids. Josh understands.
Shayne and Dinah are arguing on the train tracks as the train approaches.
Dinah yells at Shayne to put the key in the ignition. Shayne says that he can't do that. He tossed the key. Shayne tells Dinah that this is a game. On the third whistle, he has 30 seconds to get the car started. Shayne counts out the whistles and gets in the car. He tells Dinah to get in. Dinah tells Shayne that there is no point killing himself because of a girl he lost. There are more important things to his life. Shayne says that he's got to hurry and hotwire the car. The car starts. Shayne tells Dinah to close the door so they can get the car off the tracks.
Alan and Bill are jostling at Towers.
Bill still has his hands around Alan's throat. Alan tells Bill to get off him. Bill looks pathetic. How did Bill not see this before? The odds are stacked against him. The kidnapper was always one step ahead of him. Who wants him to look guilty more than anyone? Alan. Alan did it. Alan kidnapped Lizzie and framed Bill to get Bill out of Lizzie's life. Alan tells the bartender to call the SPD. Bill says great they can take Alan down to the station. Bill pulls back. Alan tells the bartender not to call. Alan tells Bill that he hopes he got these ludicrous ideas out of his system. Billy listens to the conversation while hidden behind a wall.
Alan calls Bill pathetic. The only reason Bill is freaking out is because of the news. News? Bill's trial starts next week. Alan smirks and leaves a stunned Bill.
Natalia looks at Frank at Company. She questions what she owes for the tree. Frank says it's on the house. Natalia says all the money goes to the fund. Natalia pays Frank. Emma gives Frank a single dollar to help the cause. Frank says that Natalia is a good influence on Emma. Natalia says that is probably more Olivia's upbringing though Frank would never admit that. Frank agrees to help carry the groceries home. It's part of the service.
Shayne and Dinah are playing darts in a bar.
Shayne hits good shot after good shot. Dinah looks at him and questions how. Shayne says it's all in the wrist. Dinah questions what the heck just happened out there. Shayne tosses another dart and wins the game again. He's the undefeated champion of the world. Dinah grumbles. Shayne calls her a sore loser. Shayne says the added bonus is he didn't think about Josh and Reva for a bit. Dinah questions why Shayne did that. Is it because he's in the wheelchair? Shayne questions if Dinah felt the calm as the train closed in. Dinah looked at Shayne. Dinah's phone rings. It's Bill.
Shayne says to say hi to his cousin. He'll catch up at another time. Bill questions if Dinah has heard the news. Bill's trial has been moved up to next week. Dinah says they can't do that. They did it. Dinah agrees to meet Bill at the park. Dinah leaves. Shayne laughs and says Strike three, he's out. Shayne tosses another dart. Josh shows up and says he'd love to join Shayne. Shayne looks at his father.
Shayne and Josh start to toss darts.
Natalia, Emma and Frank arrive back at the farmhouse and find Olivia has already decorated a garish white Christmas tree.
She usually puts it up in the Beacon. She did all the work for them. Natalia says it will look much better at the Beacon. She has a natural tree for the house. Olivia says it looks nice there. Natalia says she can take the tree back to the Beacon. Olivia says that Emma can decide.
Alan is on the phone at the Spaulding Mansion with Doris.
Billy enters and warns Alan that before he puts the nails in Bill's coffin, Billy will make sure that Alan is in the ground first.
Dinah finds Bill in the park.
They have to find someway to delay the trial. Bill says bring it on. He has hope now. How? He knows he didn't do it. Dinah says right. They are just going to forget all the circumstantial evidence and find a lawyer. Bill is not going to prison. Dinah says that Bill remembers now right. Bill says he still doesn't remember anything but he knows who did it. It's so obvious. Dinah freezes and is nervous. Bill questions if his sister is alright. Bill suggests a nip of his booze. Dinah says booze doesn't help. Bill says that Alan did it. It's so obvious. Alan wanted Bill out of Lizzie's life. Alan wanted Lizzie to doubt. It all fits. Alan has the money and cronies to pull this off. Bill just has to prove it .Dinah says that Bill can't do that. He can't go near Alan.
Josh and Shayne are playing darts at the bar still.
Josh questions if Shayne is letting his old man win. Josh says that they are going to have to play. Shayne says that Josh sometimes tries to hard to win. Josh realizes this is not about darts now. Shayne doesn't want Josh's help to get out of the chair. Josh says he knows it will not be easy because the previous injury hurt the new one. They will just work around it. Shayne says the new one is worse. Shayne tells Josh the doctors in Germany told him that he may never walk again. Does Josh not get that? Josh says you can got to six different doctors and get six different opinions. Shayne has not been to the state of the art HB Memorial Hospital for Veterans that Josh created in Tulsa. It has the latest equipment. Shayne says that he had Army doctors tell him the news. Josh will just take him to Tulsa. Shayne yells saying no more hospitals. He's done. It's not Josh's fault this time. This is all on Shayne this time. Shayne tells Josh to live his life. Josh tells Shayne that he is his life. Josh says he's still Shayne's father. Shayne says that Josh should have his own life. Josh says that he's not trying to live his life through Shayne. Josh doesn't have the courage to do Shayne's work. Josh tells Shayne that he is a hero. Shayne bristles at the comment. Josh says that Shayne is not just a hero to his family but all to Springfield. Shayne says that is what is funny about Springfield. Before it was his town, then Shayne left and life happened. Springfield is not Shayne's home now. Shayne has to get the heck out of there. Josh says that Shayne has to stay for Christmas. Shayne questions what new demand after Christmas? Till the New Year? Till he's out of the chair. Josh suggests one day at a time instead. See where they go. Shayne says that Josh is not playing fair. Josh says that Shayne is doing the same thing. Josh says the glove may be small but by spring they will be playing ball again. Shayne watches as Josh leaves.
Frank, Olivia, Natalia and Emma are at the Farmhouse sparring. Olivia tries to explain the merits of her plastic tree with ornaments.
Natalia says they can make their own ornaments that will not break. They can bake them. Olivia makes the crack just like Buzz's bagels. Natalia says they can even put sugar on their ornaments. It will look like a real tree. Emma wants to do that. Natalia says she needs her apron first. Emma tells Olivia that Natalia made it for her.
Right of course. Emma goes into the kitchen to get the ingredients ready. Frank says there is enough room in the farmhouse for both unique trees right? Natalia disagrees.
Alan calls Billy a hypocrite at the Mansion.
Billy doesn't believe in Bill anymore than Alan does. Billy says that is his own business and demons. Billy says that his son is not going to take the fall to save Alan's butt with his granddaughter. Billy says that Alan is behind Lizzie's kidnapping and he's trying to frame Bill. Alan says that sounds ludicrous. He would kidnap his own granddaughter and put her in danger. Alan loves Lizzie just like Billy loves Bill. Alan loves his granddaughter more than anything. Lizzie has always been there for Alan even when all of his wives have left him. To think he would hire a man to kidnap Lizzie and terrorize her? Alan says it's ludicrous. When Lizzie had leukemia when she was little, Alan was always by her side. Alan is always there for his granddaughter. Billy gets that just like he would kill to protect his son.
Dinah and Bill are in the park.
Bill says that Alan is not the king anymore. Dinah says that Alan is still very powerful. If Alan feels threatened... .Bill questions if Alan threatened Dinah. It's one thing to go after Bill but to go after his sister. Dinah says the threat is not about her. Dinah is worried about Bill. Bill says he will handle it. He's not going to let Alan get away with this. Bill will find the evidence then bring Alan into the police. Dinah says again that Bill can not go after Alan. Bill says he has to do something. He's the only suspect in the case. He has to do something before he goes to trial next week. Dinah says there is now way that Bill is going to go to jail. Bill say he has to go. Dinah calls out trying to warn her brother not to agitate Alan more.
Natalia tells Olivia thanks for the tree but she'll drop it back off at the Beacon.
Frank says he can do that. Frank is all smug. He wants to go carolling with Natalia. She'd love to do that. Natalia loves the smell of a real tree. Olivia says that there are sprays. Natalia doesn't want to fight. Neither does Olivia.
Natalia says that Emma loves all of the farm. Olivia knows that but after Christmas she is going to move back to the Beacon with Emma. Emma will understand. They will all be happy then. Kids forget about things. It's best if they all just move on. They know this is not working.
Billy and Josh meet outside. Josh questions how Bill is doing. Billy says o.k. it's nothing compared to what Shayne is facing being in the wheelchair again. Josh says Bill's circumstance is just as dire. They are both just worried about their sons. Billy says Bill will be fine. Does Josh still have a line with the Guy upstairs? Josh says they don't chat as much anymore. Josh says that he still has hope though since his son is home. Is there anything Josh can do for Bill? Josh can pray for him. Josh says both do it for each other's boys.
Alan and Bill spar at the Mansion.
Shayne and Dinah are at the bar.
Shayne grumbles. Dinah questions what is wrong with him? Doesn't he realize one day he's going to push it to far and it's all going to fall apart. Shayne says no matter how much evidence there is. There is no way they are going to prove that Bill kidnapped Lizzie. Dinah says it's all good as long as Bill doesn't confess or implicate Alan. It's all circumstantial. They will not prove. Dinah says that doesn't matter. Dinah is all worried and Shayne leans in and passionately kisses her. Dinah responds to the kiss.
Preview - Bill and Billy talking about the case. Dinah and Cyrus outside. Cyrus tells Dinah to have a little faith in hi.
Cyrus has a plan to bail out Bill. Cyrus points to the warehouse where all the evidence is. How is Cyrus going to infiltrate to get the evidence? Dress as Santa?
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