Previously - Lizzie passing out in Cyrus' arms. Dinah warning Bill not to tell anyone that he's can't remember anything. Lizzie staying the night at Cedars.
At Cross Creek, Reva is walking around when there is a knock at the door.
Its Josh. Josh wants to know if Reva knows where Shayne is. Reva says no. Shayne is probably hiding with one of his friends. Josh tells Reva that Shayne has been on his own for a long time. Reva says that is true but he's in a wheelchair, getting into fights and a lot more stuff. She can't help but worry about her son. Reva says that Shayne is staying away because of her. Josh says it's not about Reva. Reva should have known that something was wrong with her son. Shayne should have wanted to come and see her. Reva says she realizes that she wasn't always there for Shayne while he was growing up. Josh says that Shayne understands that. Josh tells Reva that Shayne is probably more like her than both of them want to admit. Jeffrey walks in and sees Reva and Josh together. He caught the late train from Washington. Is there something wrong with their baby? Reva says it's not this baby but her other baby. Shayne is back in town.
At Remy's place, Shayne is hung over in Remy's easy chair.
Shayne wakes up and questions where he is. Remy says he put Shayne there last night. Remy asks about the drink in his hand. Remy says it's the perfect remedy for a hangover. Shayne fell asleep as soon as Remy put him in the chair. Shayne says sorry about the chair. Remy says it's nothing new. He was there last time when Shayne was injured. Remy says the part he would like to forget last night was Shayne puking out his car window. Remy questions why Shayne is acting like Remy did when he was at his worst? Shayne agrees to tell him provided he can have a coffee instead of the concoction. Remy agrees.
In the Spaulding Mansion, Alan walks in and sees Beth on the couch.
He wakes her up and says good morning. Beth tells Alan he didn't have to bring her breakfast. Alan says that Beth was studying all night. Beth says she has to go. Alan says he already called Cedars. Lizzie is still sleeping. Bill stayed by her side all night though. Alan says Beth is pushing herself too hard. Alan says he enjoyed studying with Beth last night. It felt like they were a couple when they went to Cedars together as well to see Lizzie. Beth agrees reluctantly but is uncomfortable by the reference. Beth would love to stay but she has to get to work. Alan says that there are no law classes until the new year. Lizzie is fine. Why doesn't she let him pamper her?
Buzz is at Company grouching about the books.
He looks over at Coop on his computer. Buzz walks into the kitchen and asks how the guy is keeping it so clean. Mr. Clean says that he's been doing this for 50 years. Buzz likes the job.
Mr. Clean asks about the family. Buzz says it's complicated. The newlyweds? They are doing fine. It's Coop. Coop seems like a good kid. Buzz says it's also his granddaughter Daisy. Mr. Clean says that Buzz has a great family. Mr. Clean hands over a Magic Eraser to help clean up other messes in kitchen. Buzz walks back into the restaurant and Coop changes the screen on his computer. Buzz questions. Coop says it's just a composition for school.
Buzz says there are no new classes until the New Year. Coop tells Buzz that he can't stop writing now. He had such a writers block before... Beth came into his life. Now he can't stop writing. It was never like this before. Whenever Beth is around Coop, Coop feels a buzz of creativity. The words are just flowing out of him now. Before he at a loss of words now. Buzz reluctantly gets what his son is saying.
Lizzie wakes up at Cedars to find Bill beside her bed.
She knew he wouldn't run away. Bill and Lizzie kiss. Bill is sorry he scared Lizzie so much.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
Lizzie says she was scared about him. Where did he go? Running away made him look guilty which he is not. Bill knows that. He went back to the Cannery to see if there was anything. Lizzie questions excitedly if he found anything that will make this nightmare be over finally. Lizzie wants to know right away. Bill says he has a lead but he needs to look into it more. Lizzie says she wants to get out of Cedars. Lizzie is starving and want food.
Beth tells Alan at the Spaulding Mansion that she has to do research for her papers that they were going over the other night.
Alan says he has a legal team that can do the research for her. Beth says thanks but she needs to do the research herself. Alan can't give her law degree. She has to earn it herself. Alan says he's sorry if he insulted her. He takes her schooling seriously just like them that is why he wants to take her to China for Christmas. China? What about the children? They can come along. Alan will make it a family trip. Elizabeth is going to be released soon from the hospital. Alan says that they need to fix the deal in Macau before it hurts Spaulding - Lewis more. Beth questions what Alan is talking about. Alan says the credit crisis has put the deal in jeopardy. Elizabeth is not concerned about it. She compromising everything so she can help Bill. Alan says saving the business is paramount. If Elizabeth were to come then they could save the her as well from Bill. Beth says she can't go. She has to work on projects. Alan suggest thinking about it. Beth can't believe that Alan is using Lizzie to strong arm her into going. Alan moves closer saying that he knows Beth likes it when he takes charge. Beth recoils and pulls back. She agrees to think about it. She has to go and change. Alan says he will see her in a bit. Alan leaves. Beth shakes her head.
At Remy's, he's looking at a picture of Ava. Shayne says that Ava looks familiar. Remy says that is probably because Ava was married to cousin Bill at one point. Shayne asks when he's going to meet Ava. Remy says that Ava left town. Shayne says ouch so Remy got shut down. Remy says that Ava left because of her post partum after their son Max... Remy has a son. Shayne says the postpartum is not Ava's fault. Remy knows. When Max died.... Shayne is shocked. So, Remy couldn't e-mail him and tell him that he had a son. Remy says that Max died. Remy says weird. For a second he had it all in his grasp. He had the woman he loved and a baby but now both are gone. Shayne says sorry.
Remy says it's hard this time of year to see family with kids the same age as what Max would have been. It's hurts more at Christmas. Shayne says he sorry again. Shayne says he planned on staying till Christmas with his parents. Now he is starting to regret the idea.
Jeffrey says he can understand why Shayne is ticked. He goes over to be a hero and comes back in a wheelchair.
Reva is all worried. Jeffrey questions about cancelling the appointment with the Douala. Douala? Jeffrey says it's a person that can help Reva through her pregnancy. Josh tells Reva not to cancel. Reva needs to take care of her baby. Josh can take care of their son. Josh will find Shayne for them. Josh will call Reva when he tracks down Shayne. Jeffrey tells Josh thanks.
Alan and Alex walk into Towers.
Alex tells Alan to mind his manners when he sees Lizzie and Bill there. Alan walks over. Lizzie is supposed to be resting. Lizzie is chewing down on food. Lizzie says it's great that Bill is back.
Alan knows that Bill is back. He saw him at Cedars. Lizzie says that Bill is always there for her. Alan says that now she is feeling better this is the perfect time for all of them to take a trip to China. China? Bill questions what Alan is talking about. Alan tells Bill that the deal that he and Lizzie put together with Decker is going south. Someone has to take care of it so it doesn't take down Spaulding Lewis as well. Lizzie says she's not going. Alan looks at Bill and questions how he likes a woman that will sacrifice it all for him. Bill looks at Lizzie. Alan and Alex leave.
Beth sees Coop on his computer at Company.
Buzz tells Beth to listen to her first instinct and just leave Coop alone.
At Cedars, Mel is working when the phone rings.
Beth and Buzz are outside Company.
Beth says it's not the way it looks. Beth says that with Rick she was trying to recapture the past. Buzz questions if she is trying to capture the future with Coop then? Beth admits it started as a distraction away from Alan but it's more now. Buzz says that his son is brilliant. He's a good kid. Beth says that Coop is a grown man. He's had other relationships. Like with Beth's daughter Lizzie? That should have given Beth pause to start with. Instead there is no pause with her, it's full steam ahead into an unknown future. Beth says all relationships are like that. You have no clue what the future will hold. Buzz says that Beth is forgetting to look in her rear-view mirror. Alan is back there and he's closing fast. Beth may save Coop and just break his heart but if Alan finds out he will break the rest of Coop into little pieces.
Reva and Jeffrey are talking at Cross Creek. She knows she should be worried about their baby but she's also worried about Shayne. She's going to go check her messages again. Jeffrey says Reva needs to relax. Reva says there are no messages yet. Just then a knock at the door. It's Betty, the doula. Reva is very happy to meet her. Can they get her something? Some herbal tea. Jeffrey will get it while Reva and Betty chat.
Josh finds Dr. Wallace outside of Cedars.
Dr. Wallace has been looking for Shayne. He can't begin treatment unless he does the rest of the tests. Josh says he was hoping that Shayne came back there. Josh questions if the prior accident had something to do with the new injury. Prior accident? Shayne told him nothing about that when he was taking the medical history. Josh says that Shayne was in a car accident. He was first a quadriplegic then he was a paraplegic. It was unsure if Shayne would walk again. Josh questions if that could be compounding the injury that Shayne has now. Dr. Wallace says definitely. He needs to go back and look at his notes. Dr. Wallace leaves.
Josh turns around and sees Shayne. Shayne says hi Dad.
Reva and Jeffrey are walking in the park.
Reva says she liked Betty. Betty the Doula gets it. Reva's glad that Jeffrey pushed her to see Betty. Reva says she needed that. Jeffrey says that Shayne knows where to find his mom. Reva says it's not so easy to let go of their kids when they grow up. Jeffrey knows that because of Ava. She's been gone for so long now. Reva says she wishes there was a Douala to help parents deal with their kids leaving the nest.
Mel confesses at Cedars to Remy that she doesn't want him to get a divorce from Christina.
He should stay married and see if it's right. Mel says it's different for their generation. They can have a baby first then get married .They don't have to do it in some order. Remy questions where his real sister is.
Mel says that Remy and Christina are good together. Remy says that they have never been together. Mel says give it a chance. They need to spend some time together without talking about the divorce. Remy says you can't just try out a marriage. It will be even more awkward to ask Christina out on a date after they are divorced right. Is it that Remy is not ready to date? He's still thinking about Ava. Remy says he has to go. Mel realizes that Remy still hasn't let Ava go.
Beth and Coop are talking at Company as Buzz is hovering.
Beth would love to read the book after it's finished. Coop says maybe but he's taking a Christmas Break. Beth says she is as well. Coop says he has a friend with a time-share condo in the mountains. They could go away together for the week. Beth says she has work and stuff with Alan... The friend says they can ski from the front door if they want. Beth is unsure of what to say.
Lizzie looks at Alan and Alex at Towers.
She says the great thing about being kidnapped is that it prioritizes things. Macau is not important to her right now. Alan says fine if Lizzie is not going to do it then Alan will just go broker the deal himself. Bill tells Lizzie she should go. Lizzie says no. Bill says that they can't let Alan take over the deal. Alan will cut out the green initiatives and all the good stuff they fought for in the deal. All Alan cares about is a profit. Lizzie has to go and save the deal for them. They have to have something to come back to after Bill is freed. Lizzie doesn't want to leave him. They are so close to Christmas. She wanted to do something nice with him. She needs him in her life. Bill says they will have a ton of Christmas and New Years together.
Beth and Coop continue to chat at Company.
Beth says it sounds nice but it's impossible. Coop questions why. She says her kids. She wants to spend Christmas with her kids. Coop says they can leave later on. Beth tells Coop that Alan asked her to go to China with him. What is she going to tell him? Coop says that she can tell Alan she wants to spend time with the kids or there is a law conference in Minneapolis that she has to attend. She can't do that. Coop tells Beth that she can do anything she wants whenever it doesn't matter what Alan says. Beth says she has to go and leaves.
Reva and Jeffrey are still walking outside when Reva realizes that she must have turned off her phone.
She turns it back on but there are no messages about her son. Josh is going to find Shayne. Reva says it's hard with her kids spread out. When one is hurt, she wants to focus on the one that needs her. She also doesn't want to neglect her other children. Jeffrey tells Reva that all of her children need her to be strong. Jeffrey doesn't want Reva to have to choose between her children. Jeffrey is there for her and their baby. One son needs her to be strong right now but he can't ask her for her help. The other son can but he doesn't want her help. Josh says the priority for him is her pregnancy and all the complications. He doesn't want Shayne to be one of the complications.
Shayne tries to leave outside of Cedars but Josh stands in his way.
Lizzie heads into her bedroom at the Spaulding mansion. She finds a huge Christmas tree made from poinsettias.
She is in awe of the beauty. Bill is there with champagne for her. Bill says it's just them in the house right now. He wishes Lizzie a .
Reva and Jeffrey are back at Cross Creek when Josh comes in. Josh says he found Shayne.
Shayne is fine. Josh says the injuries he has now are compounded by the accident. Reva sees the guilt and tells Josh it is not his fault. Josh is not to blame. Josh says he is. Josh looks at Jeffrey and says he's sorry for interrupting. Jeffrey says Josh can stay. Josh says that Jeffrey should take care of their child. Josh will go take care of Shayne. Reva says that Shayne is her son more than ever.
Shayne is on the phone with a contact. He needs to be on that military flight after all. He needs to get the heck out of Springfield now.
Remy opens the door of his room and finds Ava standing there.
Buzz tries to knock some sense into Coop at Company.
Beth is at Towers and sees Alan.
Alan was hoping that she would find him there. He tried to reason with Elizabeth but she's not coming. So, it just looks like Alan, Beth and the children for a trip to China. Beth says that she was going to think about it. Alan says sorry for pushing Beth. Beth sees a ticket for first class to China in her name. Alan says he knows how much she loves the window seat. He got the seat in case she said yes. Beth says she can't actually. She's going to a Law Conference in Minneapolis. Alan questions. Beth says it's an honour for a student to be asked to go. She knows he wouldn't want her to give up her dreams just like Alan wouldn't want to give up his own. She knows Alan doesn't want to miss the trip to Macau.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie and Bill are kissing.
She doesn't want to leave. Bill doesn't want her to go either. She wants to save both of them. He loves how much she believes in him. Bill says that is the best gift. Lizzie says that is good because she didn't get him a gift yet. There was no time. Bill says next year they will have all the time in the world to enjoy their lives. He just needs to follow this lead and see where it takes him. Lizzie hopes he finds something that clears him of all of this. That would be the best gift for her. Not earrings? Lizzie says she wants him to prove to the world what she already knows. She knows he's innocent. Bill doesn't want to talk right now.
Preview: Jeffrey tries to reason with Shayne.
Shayne parks his car on the railroad tracks.
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Justin Deas was fantastic in this episode. I am glad that Buzz isn't on Coop's side and sees things the way they are. It was a top notch performance for Justin.