Previously - Bill jumping bail.
Lizzie is outside the Spaulding mansion with the note.
Alan is watching her. Alan pulls out his phone and calls Doris.
Alan questions if there is any restrictions on Bill's bail such as travel? Doris says of course. Alan says that Bill left town. Alan doesn't want to get him in trouble. Doris loves that Bill made her case so much more easy. Lizzie looks down again at the note.
Outside the Mayor's office, Grady tells Daisy to keep her eyes closed.
He knocks on the door but no answer. Grady opens the door and takes Daisy inside. Grady shows Daisy the name plate. Doris will be there soon. He's working for Doris? How did this happen? Ashlee set it up for him. It's sort of like the taskforce. They use crooks on the inside to find other crooks. Daisy can't imagine Grady taking orders from anyone. Grady says it's a pay cheque right which is the main thing. Daisy is very proud of Grady. Grady says it is good for both of them. Grady and Daisy kiss. Grady says he will talk to her later. He has to go to work. Daisy wishes Grady luck. Daisy leaves. Grady immediately starts snooping around Doris' office. Dinah walks in and tells Grady it's stupid to try a break in during the day. Grady says that he works for Doris now. Grady questions how he can help Dinah.
Doris is salivating as she puts out an APB on Bill.
She wants all of her department working to find him. Ashlee shows and questions what happened to lunch. Doris says there is other plans. Bill Lewis jumped bail. Why is Doris so happy? Bill just practically gave Doris a guilty verdict when they capture him. This may even get national coverage. Doris says this may even be the perfect job for Grady. He can help Doris find Bill. Doris is so happy that Ashlee got her to hire Grady. Doris says that Grady may be a weasel. Ashlee tells Doris to pipe down when Daisy shows.
Ashlee doesn't want Daisy to hear the bad mouthing. Daisy thanks Doris for hiring Grady. Daisy also thanks Ashlee for going to bat for Grady. Doris leaves. Daisy is surprised though. A couple of weeks ago, Ashlee was trying to break up Daisy and Grady. Ashlee says that Daisy is her friend. Daisy questions if this means that Ashlee actually likes Grady. Ashlee would not go that far but she is starting to see Grady through Daisy's eyes. Daisy is so happy for Grady.
Daisy questions what the perfect assignment was that Doris was talking about. Ashlee tells Daisy that Bill skipped bail. Why would he do that? Doris wants Grady to go find Bill for her. Doris loves it. There is no place for Bill to hide while the SPD and Doris are after him.
Bill is outside the SPD debating about turning himself in.
He sees a cop bring in a thug and decides to leave. Bill arrives at the cannery and looks around. He starts taking notes. He realizes this is where Lizzie was being held.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is trying to call Bill but is getting no answer. She's going to keep trying. She knows he was trying to protect her but running away is not the right idea. He needs to come back so they can fight this together. Just then Billy shows up and questions what his son did this time.
Lizzie says she knows that Billy is going to look at this as bad news. Bill jumped bail. He was protecting Lizzie. Lizzie tries to reason with Billy. Billy says there are a lot of reasons for a person to jump bail? Billy is leaning towards guilty. Lizzie says that it can also be because he is being framed for a crime he didn't do.
Only Love . . .
Grady and Dinah continue to talk at the Mayor's office. Dinah should fill out plans. They are giving out applications to everyone. Dinah says it smells more like a trap that Doris is setting up. Grady doesn't think so. Grady says the case for Bill can go a lot of ways. Grady has access to all the police files now. Dinah tells Grady to stay away from her brother. Grady says she should be more concerned about them. Just then Doris shows up.
She is surprised to see Dinah. Dinah says she's there to talk about Bill. Bill left town and he's a fugitive now. The best thing that Dinah can do for her brother is to get him to confess.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie and Billy go toe to toe. Lizzie says that the police are wrong. Billy really hopes that Lizzie is right.
He left to protect her. Maybe he left because he screwed up the meeting with Frank. Lizzie says that Bill had no business talking to Frank. Bill just got out of a coma. He's still fuzzy on a lot of details. Bill is trying to fix it. Billy agrees that his son is not thinking clearly. Lizzie says clearly that is a family trait. Lizzie says sorry for the snap assessment but ... phone rings. Lizzie listens as Daisy tells her that the cops know that Bill jumped bail. There is an APB out on him. Lizzie looks at Billy. Did he do this to his son? Billy says he was standing there talking to Lizzie about the note.
At the cannery, Bill continues to read over his notes as he tries to clear the fog in his brain.
At the SPD, Daisy asks Ashlee not to tell Doris that she gave Lizzie a heads up. Daisy wants Bill and Lizzie to make it. Does that sound foolish? Ashlee says no. She says Daisy just wants that because then Grady and Daisy will have the same chance. Daisy is impressed. She suggests analyzing Ashlee. Daisy needs to know what changed with Ashlee. Why help him? Grady saved her life from that mugger. Ashlee was willing to let Grady take the fall. Ashlee knows that is what was her wake up call. Ashlee knows that she is not perfect. She's made some big mistakes. She's finally starting to listen to Daisy about Grady. Ashlee says if someone can love Grady then there is a chance that someone can love her as well. Daisy wishes the Cooper clan understood the same thing. She wishes she could have stayed at Marina's wedding. Daisy could have. Grady was the one that got kicked out. Daisy wanted to go with the wedding with Grady. The Coopers are all about love. Why can't they see that Grady is a changed man. Ashlee says that will happen eventually. Look Grady finally has a good job. It's a start.
Doris and Dinah chat in the Mayor's office.
Doris catches the look. Doris laughs love really is blind. Dinah sounds exactly like Lizzie. Dinah's phone rings. Doris warns Dinah if that is Bill and Dinah helps him, Dinah is an accessory to the kidnapping as well. Dinah leaves. Doris questions about the looks. Grady says that Dinah is just miffed that he's working for Doris now. Doris knew that Grady worked for Dinah. It was the only job on his resume. Grady says that he's moved up in the world by working for Doris. Doris says she has to go and do some work. She'll be back in a bit. Does Doris want him to follow Dinah? Doris says not right now.
Grady snoops around Doris' office. He finds a book with a variety of scribbling inside. He hears Ashlee and Daisy coming so he covers up. Daisy walks in and says it's still weird that Grady is working for Ashlee's mother. Grady says he has some work to do. He'll be back later. Grady kisses Daisy and leaves. Grady ends up in the washroom and looks at the paperwork. He smells someone smoking and asks if he can bum a smoke. He finds Doris hidden in a stall. Doris wondered how long it would take him to show up.
In the park, Dinah is waiting as Lizzie rushes up.
Lizzie is so thankful that Dinah is home. Lizzie had to see her. Has Dinah seen Bill? No why. Bill took off. Lizzie has no clue where he is. She left a ton of messages. He didn't get any of them. Doris can't wait to catch him. Lizzie is thankful Dinah is there because they are the only ones that believe in Bill's innocence. Lizzie thanks Dinah for standing by Bill while she was kidnapped. It means a lot to Lizzie. Lizzie hugs Dinah. Dinah is wishing she could have changed a lot of things. Lizzie says they are going to fix this together and prove that Bill is innocent.
Bill is at the cannery when he's surprised from behind.
Bill says that he's unarmed. Billy says that is good because he is as well.
In the bathroom, Doris tells Grady that she knew he would start snooping through her drawers after she left.
Grady smirks and says why should he wait. Doris again says that Grady is perfect for this job but he's found nothing. Doris has a ton of goodies in another place. Maybe one of these days, she will teach him how to read the code. Grady agrees and suggests now. Doris says he hasn't proven himself yet. Grady asks if he can borrow a smoke from Doris. Doris crushes the smoke under her shoe. It's such a bad habit. What happened here will be their little secret right? Of course.
Ashlee and Daisy are in the Mayor's office. Ashlee is leaving a note for Doris. Ashlee says that the Cooper clan will be impressed by Grady having a real job. Daisy says that is all good but she liked the edgy side of Grady. Ashlee gets that. Ashlee says that Grady can work outside the system for Doris. Daisy is surprised Ashlee has always liked the good guy. Ashlee covers.
Daisy suggests they can double date some time. Who would Ashlee date? The guy at the TV station. Coop told Daisy about it. Ashlee says that is not serious at all. Grady shows up then. Grady tells Daisy that Doris gave him the rest of the day off. Grady and Daisy leave together. Ashlee is in tears watching Grady leave.
At the Cannery, Bill questions how Billy found him. Just dumb luck. Billy decided to start there.
Billy makes a joke about Bill boosting the cars around there. Bill say he can't joke right now. He's in the fight of his life. Billy says running is not helping his case. Bill smirks. Bill just loves the faith his father has in him. It's a good thing that Billy is not on the jury. Billy wants to help his son. He'll stand by Bill. Bill can tell him what has him so scared. Bill says there is nothing. Bill questions if Billy really thinks he's capable of kidnapping Lizzie? Billy says anyone is capable of doing something horrible. Bill says just great. Billy realizes he's hurt his son and leaves. Bill is shaken by his father's lack of faith in him.
Lizzie and Dinah are still talking in the park.
It must be overwhelming for Bill to be out there and have nobody believe in him. Dinah refuses to believe that anyone could think that Bill could kidnap Lizzie. Lizzie says that Bill is not alone now. What should they do now? They need to find Bill first before Doris and her cronies do. Just then Dinah's phone rings. It's Bill.
He needs to see Dinah alone. Dinah agrees to meet him. Lizzie questions if that was Bill. Dinah lies and says that was Maureen. Maureen just read the news and is worried. Dinah should go and talk to her. Lizzie agrees to tag along. Dinah says it's fine. She will call Lizzie later. Lizzie thanks Dinah and hugs her again. It's better now that Dinah is in her brother's corner. Lizzie tells Dinah to tell Maureen that everything will be fine. Dinah leaves.
Daisy and Grady are kissing in the seedy motel.
Daisy says it's a great job. Grady says soon they will be able to buy the good stuff soon. Daisy doesn't care about that. She just wants Grady to be happy. Daisy loves that the job has got his motor going. Grady says he 's going to really like working for Doris. Doris is smart cookie. This job is going to work out great.
Ashlee is in Doris' office when Doris comes back.
Ashlee questions if rest of day off is code for Grady getting canned. Doris says no. Doris says that Grady reminds her of a man that she knew back in high school. Ashlee would love to hear it. Doris doesn't talk much about her past. Doris says there is not much to tell. She wasn't interested in any of it. She just wanted to get out of the small town. Doris tells about this day when these football types were beating up the new guy in school. The guy Doris had a crush on came in and whipped all of their butts. Doris was really impressed with this character who was like Grady. He got suspended for a week. Doris didn't eat for two days. Ashlee says if anything more happened. Doris says he didn't fit into her long term plans but they did more than just kiss. Doris left town and when she wanted to become a mother she went to the sperm bank and got Ashlee. Doris does wonder what would have happened if she had stayed with Tommy. He could have turned out to be Ashlee's father. Ashlee is stunned by the news.
Lizzie is on the phone with Dinah at the Spaulding Mansion when Alexandra shows up. Alexandra has been looking everywhere for Lizzie. Lizzie says she can't talk about work. She has to focus on Bill. Alexandra says that Lizzie better focus or all of Spaulding Lewis could go down the toilet.
At the Cannery, Dinah questions why Bill ran. It makes him look even more guilty. Bill says he needs to tell Dinah. Is he a good man? Is he capable of kidnapping Lizzie? Dinah says she knows that her brother is innocent. So does Lizzie as well. Bill says they are the only two people who do believe that. Dinah says he has to go or Doris and her cronies will catch him. Why did he come there? Bill says he has to find some sort of proof to show that he's innocent. He wishes she was at the ransom drop off. She was. Bill says that is good. Then Dinah or the cops could have seen the real kidnapper right. Dinah questions how much does Bill remember about the kidnapping.
Grady and Daisy guzzle booze at the motel. Daisy laughs and says that this is almost normal. Does she like it? She does. Grady says he has a place, a good job. He has almost everything he wants. What else? He wants Daisy with him all the time. He wants her to move in with him.
Doris is on the phone in her office. Ashlee looks at her mother. Why tells her the story? Doris says that Grady just reminded her of someone.
Doris doesn't want Ashlee to make the same mistake she did. She wants her daughter to live her life to the fullest. She shouldn't run away from happiness. She should be dating and having fun. Just because it went bust with Coop doesn't mean that Mr. Right is not out there. Ashlee lies and says she has a boyfriend. He's sort of her boyfriend. They go out together sometimes. Doris tells Ashlee not to hide from life.
At Towers, Alan is reading the paper when Detective Malloy shows up.
Alan questions why he is giving Malloy any money at all. Alan wants information. He wants to be in the loop with the SPD. Alan wants to be first not last when news comes out. Malloy says he has something that Alan will like. Malloy hands over a piece of paper to Alan.
Alan reads it and likes what he sees. He hands Malloy a wad of cash.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Alexandra is trying to tell Lizzie how dire the circumstances are with Spaulding Lewis.
The deal with Decker has really bad financing. Everything with the deal could fall apart. It's like a house of cards. Lizzie says no big deal. Alexandra again states that the deal is in dire straits. Does Lizzie love her life at the Spaulding Mansion? They way the deal is written it could permeate all aspects of Spaulding Lewis. They are ripe to fall apart. Lizzie says she loves her life but she's more worried about Bill. She can have a life without the house but not a life without Bill as a part of it. She's not going to abandon Bill even if it means losing everything.
At the cannery, Dinah has put the pieces together. Bill doesn't remember anything about the kidnapping. Bill says all he is mixed up on some facts. Dinah says that is why Bill has been scouring the papers for information. He's been trying to remember what happened. He's been trying to put the pieces together. Dinah questions how much Bill doesn't remember? Bill says most of it.
Preview - Dinah and Bill talking about his doubts. Cyrus trying to reassure Lizzie.
Dinah about to tell Bill the truth as Grady watches. Cyrus beside Lizzie as she passes out from the pressure and stress. Cyrus is trying to get Lizzie to wake up.
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