Previously - Billy and Lizzie arguing about whether Bill is innocent. Bill looking around the Cannery for clues. Dinah realizing that Bill doesn't remember anything about the kidnapping.
At Company, Marina and Mallet chat about their wedding.
At the seedy motel, Grady questions if he has to ask Daisy again if she wants to move in with him.
Grady is all excited. He wants his girl to move in. It's getting better. He has a job and money now. Buzz lets him into Company sometimes. Things are already starting to get better. Why do they have to sneak around? Grady doesn't care who knows they are together. Why is Daisy so scared? Daisy says it's a huge step. She has never moved in with a guy. The one day where Rafe didn't even show up doesn't count either. Daisy says there are good things and bad things to consider. Daisy admits she is scared. Grady questions if she is scared of him.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is looking at copy of the Springfield Journal. It states that Spaulding Lewis is in dire straits because of the Macau deal. Cyrus shows up then.
He questions how everything is going. Lizzie says just great if you don't count that Spaulding Lewis is about to go under because of her project with Bill. It's all peachy. Lizzie questions where her coffee is. Cyrus says she drank it already. Lizzie tips over her cop and freaks. Cyrus gets some napkins to clean it up. He questions how many cups she has had. Cyrus pours Lizzie some more coffee. Lizzie tips it over and is furious. She questions if he has any leads. Cyrus says nothing definitive yet. Lizzie is furious. She is paying him all this money to find evidence to help Bill. Lizzie questions whose side Cyrus is really on.
At the Cannery, Dinah and Bill are talking.
Dinah says that Bill can get away from the police but not her. Bill again questions his innocence. Dinah says that Lizzie is right. Dinah tells Bill his memory will come back eventually. Bill says that he doesn't have a lot of time. He goes to trial next week. Dinah says her brother will not be convicted. He's innocent. Bill says maybe but maybe Billy was right when he said the opposite side to love is hate. Maybe Bill did hurt Lizzie. Maybe he was the one that kidnapped Lizzie. Dinah again tells Bill he did not do it. Bill's not so sure. Maybe that is why he can't remember, he is the one that kidnapped Lizzie. Bill leaves. Dinah is really shaken by his words.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . . .
At Company, Mallet and Marina talk that they didn't have a reception.
Mallet suggest a huge Christmas party instead. Marina likes the idea. She can cook a turkey again. A bigger turkey then on Thanksgiving. They can buy a tree and help Rafe's fund. They can invite all their family and have a huge Christmas party.
At the seedy motel, Grady questions if Daisy is terrified of him as she sits on his lap.
Daisy says no. She says they are a lot alike in how they grew up. Grady says he had nobody. Daisy had her family at least. When they were not shuffling her around. She loved her adoptive parents but they are gone. Then she was a Cooper again. Daisy is always the family screw up. Grady says screw her family then. It's all about Daisy's decision now. Grady says that he's certain that they belong together. He really wants her to move in with him. Daisy is worried about how her family will react. Why? Daisy is pretty sure it will not go over well with them. Grady tells Daisy not to let her family win. Daisy agrees she can do this if she wants to. It's a huge step.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Cyrus tries to calm down Lizzie who is freaking out.
Lizzie says that the pressure mounts everyday. She can't take the doubts anymore. Doubts in Bill's innocence? No she never doubted in Bill. Lizzie just wants Cyrus to find the truth for her. Lizzie goes and sits in the chair. Lizzie says to hell with it. Cyrus is a con artist right. He can make it look like somebody else is the kidnapper right. Cyrus reacts to the news. Lizzie questions if Cyrus has ever loved somebody so much. Cyrus has. Lizzie says then he understands that their safety is all that matters. Cyrus promises to do his best. Lizzie starts to hyperventilate as the pressure becomes too much. Cyrus rushes to her side and tells her to calm down. Lizzie can't breathe and passes out. Cyrus tries to get Lizzie to wake up.
At the Cannery, Bill tells Dinah when he got out of his coma Lizzie told him that he rescued her. He didn't remember any of that. He remembers squat.
Dinah reassures Bill that it will all come back to him. Bill says that nothing has come back. He just has these feelings. He knows how much he loves Lizzie. He knows that he wouldn't kidnap her. He knows he's not capable of that right but then Billy said. Dinah tells Bill to ignore what Billy said. Bill questions how Dinah can have so much faith in him after the way he treated her. Dinah says they are brother and sister so they fight. It happens. Bill says that is true but you don't cross a line. Dinah is affected by the words. Bill says that maybe he did do it. He wanted power so much when he came back from South America. Could he have wanted it so much that he would have kidnapped Lizzie to get her away from the deal? Dinah again tells Bill that she is certain that Bill didn't kidnap Lizzie.
Mallet and Marina are working in their house getting it ready for the party.
Marina questions how they forgot to drop off toys for the 5th Street Toy Drive since they were at Company. Mallet is not sure but he's prepared this year. He bought a ton of batteries for all of the toys. Marina suggests that Mallet wear the Santa hat this year. Mallet refuses then reluctantly agrees. Marina picks up the stars and remember Jude and Zach playing with the tree. Mallet questions if Marina misses Harley and the boys? Marina says she does. All the Cooper clan does. Mallet says it's going to be a very still. Marina knows she married Mallet. Daisy shows up. She's sorry for interrupting. She's sorry about what happened at the wedding. Marina says it's fine. Daisy missed a lot more excitement. It's too bad she wasn't there for the real wedding. Daisy says she was out of line bringing Grady. Marina again says it's fine. Marina asks if Daisy can drop the toys off at Company for the drive. Daisy agrees. Daisy questions if her family has forgiven her then. Marina says there is nothing to forgive. Marina shows Daisy pictures of the wedding. Mallet says it was the best because he married his best friend. Mallet and Marina kiss. Daisy says it's obvious they are going to be so busy this year so they don't need her around right? They just got married. She shouldn't interrupt their honeymoon. Mallet and Marina say that is not necessary. They didn’t' have their honeymoon? It's not because of Daisy. Marina lies and says she wanted to spend time with the family. Daisy says she has taken care of her being in the way. She's found her own place. It's all going to work out. Mallet and Marina are not impressed by the news.
Frank is at Company. He adds money to the till and crosses off another tree. Grady brings in a scraggly tree.
He wants to pay for it. Frank tells Grady to buzz off. He can find a tree elsewhere. Grady wants to help the cause. Frank says that Grady is the reason that Rafe is in prison to begin with. So, shooting Jeffrey had nothing to do with it? How much does Frank want for the tree? $ 10.00. Grady gives Frank a wad of cash and tells him to keep the change. Grady leaves. Frank looks down at the money and crosses another tree off the list.
At Cedars, Cyrus asks Rick how Lizzie is. Lizzie says she's fine and she wants to leave. Cyrus says that is not happening. She passed out. Cyrus tells Lizzie that she is exhausted. Rick questions how many cups of coffee Lizzie has had today. Lizzie's heart is racing. Rick is going to admit Lizzie for observation. Lizzie refuses. Rick says that Lizzie is dehydrated and exhausted. If she doesn't get some sleep now, she will be worse off. It's a night now but could be a week or month later if this is not taken care of now. Cyrus tells Lizzie to stay. She's been taking on way too much. She's so exhausted. She can't even pour a cup of coffee correct. Rick is going to advise Lizzie to stay and take care of herself. Lizzie tries to leave again. Cyrus stops her. Rick asks if Cyrus will help him. Cyrus agrees. Lizzie says they can do all they want. She's not staying.
At the Cannery, Dinah says that Bill is right.
You can cross the line without even realizing it. You do one small thing and it snowballs into bigger things. Dinah says you can try to climb out of the hole but sometimes it's too big. Bill questions if Dinah is saying that he is guilty.
Dinah says it's not about him. It's about her. Grady is walking down the street with his tree when he sees Dinah and Bill talking. Grady moves closer and hides. Dinah knows that Bill didn't do it. She has faith in him. How does she know that? Dinah questions if Bill was offered $ 25 million would he kidnap Lizzie? No. Dinah tells Bill to hold on that. She sees Grady. They are going to prove that Bill is innocent. Dinah is going to take care of this one way or another. Bill is not going to go to prison. Bill tells Dinah that he loves her. Dinah says no matter what happens he can't let anyone know that he doesn't remember anything. Bill questions about Lizzie. Dinah says if he has to tell her that is fine. Bill says he's going to think about it. Dinah says that Bill has to head to the SPD now and turn himself in. Why would he do that? The longer he stays on the lam, it's worse for him. All he needs is a trigger happy cop to find him and shoot him. He needs to go in and tell Mallet or Frank the truth. Bill agrees to go. Dinah tells him to call her when he gets to the SPD. Bill again thanks Dinah. Dinah walks down the laneway to where Grady is hiding. Why was Grady watching? To see if he could read lips. Dinah says she just about spilled but stopped herself. She's not going to let him take down her brother. She's not going to let Bill suffer when Grady started all of this. She's not going to let Bill pay for it. Grady says fine then he wants to see Bill dead instead. Dinah warns Grady to stay away from her brother. Grady says he's not the threat. Alan is.
Mallet and Marina are o.k. with Daisy moving out. Daisy wants them to say something. Mallet says the Christmas lights are tangled.
Marina says Zach did that last year. Marina says she needs to find that key. Daisy questions what key. They key that Harley used to lock Daisy in her room. Daisy is ticked. She can see that Mallet and Marina don't want her to move in with Grady. Mallet and Marina can enjoyed married life. Daisy says she deserves to have her own life. Marina says that Daisy is not old enough to have a life yet. Daisy questions what Marina was doing at her age. Marina says do as she say not as she did. Daisy is furious. Mallet says that since he's not a Cooper, maybe he can offer another perspective. Mallet says he's throwing a huge party for his new bride. Daisy can stay for the holidays and then they can talk about the move after Christmas. Daisy and Marina agree to this. Daisy says then she can walk away with a clear conscience that she at least tried to be fair with them. Daisy heads upstairs. She turns back and then says that she will be moving in with Grady after Christmas. Marina shakes her head. Mallet says he's good at this dad stuff.
Lizzie tries to leave Cedars but Cyrus pulls her back into her room.
At the SPD, Frank walks in and sees Bill sitting in his seat. Where was he? Bill says he was doing the SPD's job and looking for the real kidnapper. Bill says again he was set up. Frank says there is a mountain of evidence to suggest otherwise. Bill says Frank should make a trace on that anonymous phone call that told him that Bill was on the lam. Bill says that will trace back to the real kidnapper. Bill's phone rings. Bill gets up and answers it. It's Cyrus. Cyrus tells Bill that Lizzie is in a bad way. She was just admitted to Cedars. She'll be o.k. Bill says he will be right there. Bill rushes off. Frank calls out.
At Mallet and Marina's place, Daisy looks at the leather jacket. She calls Grady and tells him she is wrapping his present.
Grady says that he hasn't gotten a present since he was little. Did she tell her family? Daisy lies and says they took it pretty good. Daisy says she's going to help out until Christmas and then she can move in with him. Why wait? Daisy says she just wants her family to accept them as a real couple. They have to act like adults now then they can be together. Grady agrees. Mallet and Marina work on the lights.
Marina can't figure out why Daisy can't see that Grady is a weasel. She's too young to be really in love. She has no clue what real love is. Marina really wanted Daisy to see Mallet and Marina so she could see what true love is. Mallet says that is the whole point. He wants Daisy to stay to see that then she will give up Grady. If she doesn't then they can always handcuff her in her room. Marina laughs. Mallet looks up. Mallet and Marina turn around and see Daisy looking at them from the top of the landing. Daisy realizes that they were lying to her.
At Company, Cyrus is drowning his frustrations in a cup of coffee. Dinah walks over.
Cyrus is not in the mood. He's busy. Dinah says that he is guilty in this mess as well. Cyrus knows. Dinah has a question for Cyrus. Grady told her that Alan would kill Bill rather than let the truth come out. Does Cyrus think Alan would do that? Cyrus looks at Dinah. Dinah figured as much.
Bill arrives at Cedars. He sees Lizzie sleeping in bed. He calls her name.
Rick enters and tells Bill he gave Lizzie a sedative so she could finally sleep. What happened to her? She's exhausted and dehydrated. Rick leaves. Bill sits beside Lizzie. He blames himself for her exhaustion.
Mallet and Marina see Daisy.
Daisy says they were trying to handle her just like Harley and Gus did. She thought they were going to treat her like an adult but instead they were just joking and scheming. Marina says they are nothing like Harley and Gus. For one thing, Daisy is not their kid. Mallet says they want what is best for Daisy. Daisy says she fell for the whole thing instead they wanted her away from Grady. It's not their choice to make for her. Daisy heads into her room and grabs the present. Mallet and Marina try to stop her from leaving. Daisy is not going to talk about this with them. Marina and Mallet struggle to hold onto Daisy. Just then Grady shows up. Daisy tells Grady to get her the heck out of there. Daisy leaves. Mallet and Marina call out her name. Mallet says they screwed up that one.
Dinah tells Cyrus she was two seconds from telling Bill the truth when Grady shows up.
Cyrus laughs. Lizzie hired him to find who was at the bottom of her kidnapping and he's at the bottom of it. Dinah clarifies and says that Grady is at the bottom of this. Grady is the one that kidnapped Lizzie without asking Dinah first. Dinah should have turned his sorry butt in then. Cyrus agrees. Dinah is going to take care of all of this. She's going to set Bill free after all of this instead now there is a warehouse full of evidence against her brother - the jacket, footprints and the ransom notes. Cyrus sighs. All manufactured by Alan. Dinah says if it was just her involved, she would have confessed and taken all the blame. She's not going to let Alan hurt her brother. Cyrus smirks it all comes down to blood doesn't it. Alan, Grady, Dinah, Bill, Lizzie and him. Dinah is not going to let her brother take the fall no matter what a jury says. She's not going to let him take the fall for a crime he didn't commit. Cyrus looks at Dinah.
Bill sits with Lizzie. He can do that for a while with her. She did it for weeks with him.
Bill knows he was not nice to her for the longest time. He treated her horrible. He wants her to have the faith and love in him that she does. He wants to believe in himself. He knows that he didn't kidnap Lizzie in his heart but he can't remember what happened. He still can't help that Billy was right. Maybe Bill wanted the Company so much that he did this to Lizzie. Bill should be the one punished not Lizzie. Lizzie calls Bill's name. Bill tells Lizzie to sleep. He's right there. She just needs to rest. Maybe in the morning he will have the guts to tell her the truth. Bill kisses Lizzie.
Preview - Buzz warning Beth about her dalliance with Coop.
She says it's fine. Buzz says it's not. It's dangerous with Alan in her life. She could break Alan's heart but he could break all of them.
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