Previously - Frank talking with Bill and poking holes in the story. Mel and Lizzie walk in and see Bill with Frank.
At Company, Frank walks in and says that they are all doing a great job with the Christmas trees. Coop asks what work has Frank been doing. Coop is the one with crud all over his fingers. Frank says that he was doing cop work.
Outside, Grady and Daisy are talking. Daisy is answering a phone message from her family.
Grady says Daisy can fake it and act as if she didn't get the message. Daisy can't do that. Ashlee walks up. Daisy looks at her. Ashlee says it's all fine. She and Grady are best buds. They buried the hatchet. Daisy is sceptical but Ashlee convinces her that she's on Grady's side. Daisy says she has to go and see what her family wants. She wants to help out with Natalia anyway. Grady agrees not to go and cause a big problem. Ashlee says she can hang out with Grady while he's waiting for Daisy.
What would they do together? Ashlee says they would find something.
Outside the boarding house, Natalia and Olivia talk about the money.
Natalia realizes what Olivia did for her. Olivia tells her not to worry about it. Right, just shut up. Olivia would never tell Natalia to do that. Olivia didn't leave Galaxy because she wanted to. Decker forced her out. Decker found out about Olivia's heart. Olivia says Decker was going to anyway she might as well get something out of it. Natalia says that Olivia didn't get anything. Olivia says she got exactly what she wanted for Natalia. It's all Olivia wanted.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Bill and Lizzie walk inside. Beth questions what is wrong. Bill says he made the case even worse.
He acted like a fool and talked to Frank without a lawyer present. Lizzie says that there is no way that the cops should be able to use this. Bill just got out of his coma. Bill says that it just made him more guilty looking like everyone in the Spaulding family thinks. Beth says that is not true. Lizzie believes in Bill like nobody Beth has ever seen.
Only Love Can Change the World, Only Love . . .
Bill tells Lizzie that he is sorry for all that he is doing to her. Lizzie says they will get through this together. Bill tells Lizzie to rest. She hasn't had a good sleep in weeks. Lizzie says she will sleep when there is a break in the case. Bill says he's going to go out for a bit. Lizzie can go with him. Bill says he needs to clear his head. Lizzie needs to go sleep. Bill looks at Beth then leaves. Beth walks over to her daughter and sits down on the couch. Beth says she admires Lizzie. Where would Bill be without Lizzie's faith in him? Lizzie doesn't want to talk about it. Beth says it is special the faith that Lizzie has in Bill. It shows what a special person Lizzie is. Beth wishes she was more like that. Lizzie says her mom is like that. Beth says she isn't. She doesn't have that love and faith inside of her. Lizzie says she can't hear anymore of that. Beth says that Lizzie does need to rest.
Lizzie again says she will sleep when this mess is over. Lizzie leaves. Alan enters. He questions if Lizzie was there. Beth says that Lizzie just headed upstairs. Alan is furious that Bill is making Lizzie so upset. Beth questions Alan if he has ever looked back at his life and wondered what might have been. Alan says never. He always looks forward. Beth says that is a shame. He has no clue what he is missing.
Outside Company, Ashlee and Grady continue to talk. Ashlee says what they need to do is get Grady a real job. He needs to do it for Daisy so he can be with her. Grady says he can find work. Ashlee says he needs respectable work. That's different. He needs a great job so the Coopers will get off of Daisy's back. Grady questions if Ashlee can do that. Ashlee says she has connections. Limited but still connections. It's better than nothing. Where does he want to start? The SPD or the mayor's office. Grady questions if there is a third choice.
Outside the boarding house, Olivia and Natalia continue to talk.
Olivia says that Natalia would not have invested in the first place if she hadn't overheard Decker and Olivia. Natalia says it doesn't matter. She's a grown woman. She made the choice to invest herself. Olivia says she got taken advantage of by Decker. Natalia says that is how life works sometimes. Olivia says not this time. Can they stop arguing? Natalia says she's trying to understand what happened. How is it fair that Olivia lost her job? Olivia says she was already going to lose it when Decker figured out the truth. Natalia hates the guilt that she is feeling. Decker set Natalia up to fail. Guilt is a fact of life. Olivia says that she feels it every day. She robbed Natalia of her final time with Gus. They both have guilt to walk around. Friendships have been made on worse right? Olivia says she has to figure out how to franchise the Beacon so she can stick it to Decker. Natalia just has to drop the guilt and spend her money wisely. She should enjoy having her money back.
At Towers, Cyrus and Lizzie are talking.
She has no idea where Bill went. She tells Cyrus what happened at the station. Bill doesn't have a clue what happened. He was in a coma so that is why the facts are still fuzzy. Or is it something more? Lizzie says she knows what she should believe but she can't do that.
Cyrus asks Lizzie when was the last time she had a good sleep. Cyrus knows that she wants to know something about the case. He knows she wants the truth. He wishes he could tell her what she wants to hear.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Beth and Alan talk about faith.
Beth says that Lizzie's faith may be misguided but it's no less remarkable. Alan agrees that Lizzie is remarkable but this faith in Bill is not unique. Alan has the same faith in Beth. Alan knows that they have not been tested the same way. Beth agrees to that. Alan questions if there is something about them that is bothering Beth? Beth says it's just different when you get older. When you are younger you can have that blind devotion. You can have love without strings or conditions. Alan says he would rather have experience over youth. Beth says she will try to take that in the spirit that he meant it. Alan questions if there is something Beth wants to tell him. Beth says she will when she knows what that is. Beth leaves. Bill enters. He's looking for Lizzie. Bill realizes that Alan has heard what happened. Alan lashes out at Bill.
Does Bill have any clue what he is doing to Elizabeth or does he even care?
Outside Company, Frank finds Natalia. He gives her his jacket.
Frank is shocked that Olivia gave Natalia back her money. Frank says that Natalia doesn't need to worry about a person like Olivia. Natalia says thanks for dismissing her worries. Frank would never do that. Frank says that Natalia needs to figure out what her next move is. Natalia says that the farmhouse is too expensive for her. Frank says she can do it all. Frank says that Natalia knows what the value of a dollar is. Natalia says she just has to be sure first.
At The Beacon, Olivia is in her room. She pulls out a brochure. She's saddened by the sight. She feels her heart start to race and feels faint. She lies down on the bed. The brochure is a picture of Galaxy hotels with her picture on it.
At the SPD, Grady and Ashlee joke. Is she crazy Grady can't be a cop? Ashlee says there are more than just cops that work at the SPD. Ashlee tells Grady this big mushy story. They can go meet her cousin the Chief and he can tell Grady all about the work. Grady says he hopes that story isn't so mushy.
Grady can't do it. Grady will lose Daisy then and he knows it. Grady sits down. Ashlee sits beside him. Ashlee says he knows the pressure last time from Daisy's family is what broke them up. Grady says it was a bit different but Ashlee is right. Ashlee doesn't want to know what happened at the wedding but she can imagine. Does he really think that Daisy can keep putting up with that pressure? He can't go out and buy respectability, he has to earn it. By working at the SPD? The Coopers work there. They probably want to see him as much as he wants to see them. Ashlee says fine they can go to the Mayor's office then.
Wolfe? The same person that sent him to prison last time. Ashlee says it's 50/50 if Doris will say yes. Those are not too bad of odds.
At Company, Buzz and Coop are smiling at all the money that Natalia has made so far. Just then Daisy shows up. Coop walks over.
He hopes that Daisy showed up alone. She did right? Daisy did. She thought that of all people Coop would understand and be on her side. She's there because she knows it's special for Natalia and Rafe. She didn't want to ruin it so no Grady is not with her. Coop is glad to see his niece. Daisy says that Coop should get it. He hasn't made the cross over yet. He hasn't understood the concept of love with strings. Coop gets it. It's a thing about not trusting anyone over 30 years of age. Daisy questions. Coop says it's an old saying. Coop gets Daisy's point. Why is she telling him this? Daisy says that she knows that Coop will not judge her. Buzz enters. Coop looks over at his father and says that Daisy does have a point.
At The Spaulding Mansion, Bill says that he loves and cares for Lizzie. Alan questions then how Bill can not see what this is doing to Lizzie then. The pressure is absolutely killing her. It's pushing her to edge. Bill needs to get it together. Lizzie is standing beside him because she knows he's innocent. Alan says a real man would not hurt the woman he loves the way Bill is. Bill laughs. He's getting relationship advice from Alan Spaulding.
What should Bill do? Alan thought that Bill was smart enough to figure that out. When Bill does, he will know the answer.
At Towers, Lizzie starts to leave. Cyrus agrees to keep looking but Lizzie has to promise him something. She has to get some rest. Lizzie starts to falter. She's been waiting for so long for this to be over. She waited through the coma. She thought for sure that when Bill woke up this would be over. Lizzie admits she's exhausted. She just wants to prove that these accusations are wrong. It's insane. Cyrus tries to comfort Lizzie. Lizzie says she will sleep when this is over. Cyrus tells Lizzie she can't keep going like this.
At Company, Buzz is working on hampers when Daisy shows up. Buzz says he needs a cheerful Daisy. Daisy agrees to help. She questions what this is for. Buzz says this is for the less fortunate people in Springfield. It's part of the 5th Street Hamper drive. They just need to put the pieces together. Daisy says it's a great idea. Give her a package to decorate. She can make it look pretty.
At the courthouse, Ashlee and Doris square off as Grady watches.
Doris says she can't help Grady. How would it look to her campaign? The town despises Grady. Ashlee says that Grady needs help. Ashlee blackmails her mother. Ashlee will go out with Doris in public so Doris appears to look like a good person. Voters will remember that come election time. Doris says that Ashlee doesn't play fair. Ashlee says that she learned from the best. Ashlee leaves. Doris agrees to give Grady a chance.
At Company, Daisy is working behind the counter when Rafe enters.
Is he out? No he's on detail with the Christmas trees. He comes in once in a while to get drinks for the guys. Could he have a bunch of coffees. Daisy is glad to see Rafe until he asks if she is still with Grady. Daisy says that she is. She's tired of everyone's opinion about Grady. Daisy says she's helping out today because it will help Natalia. Rafe says he's not giving up on winning Daisy back. He'll get out then it will be a fair fight.
Outside, Frank questions why Natalia is backing off on the house. She not sure. She doesn't want to mess up. Frank says that Natalia is a very smart woman. She's letting Olivia have too much control over her. Why is she letting Olivia bring her down? Frank says Natalia is better than that. She's gun-shy because she was taken advantage of. Natalia will know what to do. She knows the value of a dollar. Frank says they should head inside. Rafe sees his mother. He's so happy about the money. The guard tells Natalia to back off.
Rafe knows what it means. Natalia can finally get the house. Natalia starts to say that she's not sure. It's complicated. Rafe says that is not true. She doesn't have to think. Guard says that it's time for Rafe to go. Natalia says no. Rafe says he has to do what the guard says. Natalia says when Rafe gets out. He'll have a real home. Frank says that is right. Natalia can do anything she sets her mind to. Just then Natalia's phone rings, it's Olivia.
Doris chats with Grady at the courthouse. Doris says she has a variety of people that work for her. She needs to know how he would handle a situation so she can get a better idea of where he would fit. They are going to play a little game. Grady is up for that. Doris says that sometimes she needs proper people to do jobs, other jobs need a different type of person. A person who can solve a problem quietly. Grady gets the point. Doris says for instance she has this Congressman who is being a pain in the butt. He's not giving her his vote on something. How would Grady fix that? Grady says that where he's from they would find out what the guy doesn't want to go public and use it as leverage. Doris likes Grady's answer.
She'll need to find a proper name with him. It's everything in politics. She can call him special assistant to the mayor. Doris is going to give Grady a shot. Grady gets it. She will make sure he gets a package outlining his work. Doris says that she's working a big court case right now. She's prosecuting Bill Lewis for Lizzie's kidnapping. Grady says this could be very interesting after all.
Buzz and Coop are excited at the $2500 that they made from the tree sale. Frank says they did good work. Coop is grouchy. They? He's the one with crud on his fingers. Frank questions why Coop is so grouchy. Just then Beth enters. Frank says he can take care of this. Coop says he can do it. Coop walks over to Beth. She wants to buy a Christmas tree. Any kind in particular? Beth isn't sure what she wants.
At the Beacon, Natalia is on the phone. She tells Olivia afterwards that Jane will pick Emma up from school.
Olivia is sorry that she called Natalia. Natalia says it's her job though it's hard going all the way across town at all times. Olivia says that Natalia can have a room at the Beacon. Natalia says she needs a house. She thinks she can get the house she wants. The farmhouse? She has to be creative to pay for it though. She was crunching some numbers when she came over and if she can get a renter to pay say $ 1200 she can pay a reasonable mortgage. How will Natalia get a renter to pay that for just a room? Natalia says there is more like full time care as well included. Olivia questions who then realizes that Natalia is talking about her. She can't mean for Olivia to move in with her? That's exactly what Natalia means.
At the Spaulding mansion, Lizzie arrives. She's about to head up the stairs but stops. She sits down and starts sobbing. Bill enters and watches her crying.
At the seedy motel, Grady thanks Ashlee. Ashlee knew she could do it. Why did she? Party for Daisy but also because Ashlee knows what it fells like to be an outsider. Ashlee doesn't Grady to feel like that anymore. Daisy shows up. She's shocked Ashlee and Grady did spend the day together. Grady says he got a job. Daisy congratulates him with a kiss. Ashlee is all gushing about it. Grady invites Daisy inside to talk more about it. Ashlee assumes she's going inside as well. Grady says thanks but no thanks. He shuts the door in her face.
At the Beacon, Natalia explains her plan. She called a couple of home care places discretely to see if her price was in the right range. It's very reasonable. Olivia says its a bargain. She laughs. She's created a business monster. What happens though when Olivia gets better and moves out? She can give Natalia a raise then. Natalia just needed to think of a plan rationally to figure it out.
At Company, Frank, Buzz, Coop and Olivia are there as she signs the papers for the house.
She hands over the deposit for the $80,000. Olivia and Natalia smile. Natalia laughs and says she's a homeowner now. Everyone cheers and drinks champagne out of paper cups.
Lizzie rushes outside with a note. She's in tears.
Bill's voice over. It's putting too much pressure on her. He'll come back when he can prove his innocence. Lizzie falls to the ground sobbing as Alan watches from a distance.
Preview - Ashlee telling Daisy that Bill jumped bail. There is a manhunt on for Bill now.
There is no way that Doris is going to let Bill get away. Bill is at the Cannery looking around. This is where it all happened. He then hears cop sirens in the distance.
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