Previously - Doris trashing Bill in the press. Lizzie touching Bill's scar. Cyrus questioning if Lizzie is alright. Ashlee questioning if it really matters to Daisy what the Coopers think of Grady. Cyrus finding out that Grady and Daisy have to move out. Grady and Daisy moving in with Ashlee.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Alan is sitting at the desk looking at his computer. The news is covering Bill's trial and the press conference. Alan is not impressed that Bill got off. Just then Alan's day gets worse when Cyrus shows up. Cyrus tells Alan actually this is his lucky day. Alan questions how that is possible. Cyrus is going to change their business deal around. Alan questions the blackmailing is going to increase. Cyrus says in fact he's going to stop blackmailing Alan. Why would Cyrus do that? ?Out of the goodness of his heart. Cyrus says not really. Cyrus has a condition. Alan has to stay away from Grady. Cyrus knows that Alan is not impressed by the news or the fact that Bill and Lizzie are still together. Cyrus tells Alan that if he wants a clean up man that he has to use someone else other than Grady. Grady is out of it. Alan chuckles and says that Cyrus is walking a fine line right now. He's playing all the angles. He's blackmailing Alan while helping keep Grady out of the kidnapping news. Cyrus is also still working for Lizzie while trying to find out who kidnapped her. Cyrus is lucky that nobody has figured out he's playing all the angles. Cyrus smirks and says he could say the same thing about Alan.
At Company, Dinah and Vanessa are having a chat. Dinah says the load of charges against Bill were hogwash. That was garbage what Doris said to the press about Bill. She made it seem that Bill was still guilty. Vanessa says that Doris is a politician so she has to play it up. Vanessa is worried about Bill's reputation if it will survive through this. Dinah's not sure since everyone including Bill's parents think that he's guilty. Vanessa says that she didn't mean to do that. Dinah doubted Bill as well. That is in the past. Dinah says now it's all about Bill being vindicated. Tomorrow this will all be old news and Bill will be fine.
Bill and Lizzie are talking in a room at Spaulding - Lewis Enterprises. Lizzie questions what Bill means by the truth. Bill doesn't know if he's the one that kidnapped her. Bill says no that's not what he's saying. What exactly is he saying then? Bill explains that when he came out of the coma, he remembered nothing about the kidnapping. He drew a blank. Lizzie questions so he's saying he had amnesia. Bill's not sure what to call it. He woke up in the hospital and had no clue how he got there and then he saw Lizzie crying. Lizzie says he remembered her. Bill says of course. He remembers certain things but when it comes to the kidnapping it gets a bit fuzzy. It's just shock. That's what Bill though. He thought eventually something would trigger his memory. Why didn't he tell her this? Bill says that Lizzie has no clue how it feels. Bill wakes up from a coma and sees Lizzie their crying. Lizzie says those were happy tears. Bill had no clue about the kidnapping or rescuing Lizzie. She told him one thing then the police and his family are saying something completely different. Bill again says that he hoped he could wait a bit and it would come back to him but nothing. He can't remember anything. Lizzie doesn't know what to say. Bill knows in his heart that he would never kidnap Lizzie but with what everyone is saying. Lizzie has always stayed beside him through this. She was willing to go on TV and say that he didn't do it. Bill couldn't let her do that without her knowing the truth. Lizzie steps back is Bill saying that he did it? Is he saying that he did kidnap her? Bill's not saying that. He's praying and hoping that he didn't but he doesn't know. Just then a producer comes in and says everything is almost ready for the press conference.
Ashlee, Grady and Daisy are all at Ashlee's apartment. Daisy is furious that Doris trashed Bill in the news. Grady says it's over. The police dropped the charges. Bill is a free man. Daisy says it doesn't matter. That press conference makes it sound like Bill got away with Lizzie's kidnapping. Grady and Ashlee have to talk to Doris. They have to convince Doris that Bill never would have kidnapped Lizzie. Ashlee and Grady look at each other.
Buzz walks up carrying notes at Company. He accidentally drops coffee on Dinah. He's so sorry afterwards. Buzz says sorry he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. Buzz leaves. Vanessa hopes that her doubts have not injured her relationship with Bill. Dinah says no. Vanessa then starts prying into Dinah's life. A little bird mentioned that Dinah was getting close with Shayne Lewis. Dinah says there is nothing there. Would Dinah like there to be? No. Dinah's decided that her life is much better without a man in it.
Ashlee and Grady try to reason with Daisy. Grady just started working for Doris. Doris has a legion of advisors why would she listen to him. Ashlee agrees. When Doris has her mind set on something, it's impossible to deter her. Daisy says that Bill is innocent of these charges. Grady again says that Bill is not going to jail that is all that should matter right. Daisy disagrees. Why does she care so much? Bill is her uncle. He's innocent. Ashlee questions how can Daisy be sure when everyone else says differently. Daisy says that she saw Bill after the accident. Bill was only worried about Lizzie. He loves Lizzie. He'd never hurt her. Ashlee says that Bill and Lizzie will be fine. Daisy says that she can't live with Ashlee if Doris is going to be coming around. Daisy isn't sure what she'll say to Doris. Ashlee says that Doris doesn't have to come to the apartment. Ashlee can meet her mom at the office or somewhere else. Grady and Daisy have to stay there. Ashlee is really pushing this point.
Cyrus and Alan are looking at each other at the Spaulding Mansion. Cyrus questions if he has a deal with Alan. Cyrus agrees to keep what he knows about Alan away from Lizzie and the police provided Alan stays away from Grady. Alan has to find himself another fixer. Alan questions what exactly Cyrus has on him. Cyrus and Grady are the ones that kidnapped Lizzie. They should be in jail. Cyrus questions how Alan would tell himself without implicating himself. Alan knew for weeks that Grady kidnapped Lizzie and he said nothing. Instead he set up Bill Lewis to take the fall. Lizzie can't know or she would walk away. Cyrus questions what is worse for Alan going to jail or Lizzie never talking to him again. Alan says that Cyrus doesn't understand his relationship with Lizzie. Lizzie would be furious. Lizzie was mad enough a couple of years ago that she left Alan for good. She came back to him. Lizzie always comes back to Alan eventually no matter what.
Bill is waiting in the room at Spaulding - Lewis when Lizzie comes back in. Lizzie says she told the producer to give them a couple more minutes. Lizzie says she needs to think. Bill say he's sorry. He's so sorry. He saw her face when he told her the truth. He never wanted to hurt her. It's the last thing he wanted to do. Lizzie stood by him throughout all of this. She gave him hope. Bill never would have got through this without Lizzie being there. He hated lying to her about the memory loss. He needs her and she needs him just as much. He needs her to believe in him as much as she heeds to believe he's innocent. Is he wrong? Lizzie's not sure what to say. Bill doesn't know if he was the one that kidnapped her. He doesn't know what it feels like to have someone you love and believe they can't do that. Lizzie asks what the is the last thing that Bill remembers? The press conference they were going to do together. He remembers that after that well it gets fuzzy. He doesn't remember rescuing her. He doesn't remember telling her that he loved her. He'd come to a realization that day. Them together mattered more than who was going to run Spaulding-Lewis. It was Bill and Lizzie before Spaulding-Lewis. They would do it together. Was she wrong? Bill is silent. Bill doesn't remember any of that. Lizzie is in tears. Bill is so sorry for hurting her. Lizzie pulls back. Lizzie needs time to herself. This whole time while his family then her family turned against him, she stood by him. She was so alone. She then remembered that Bill said he loved her but now he doesn't remember saying that. She doesn't know if he did it. Lizzie didn't think this could get any worse but she was so wrong.
Bill tells Lizzie he's sorry. Lizzie pulls back. Bill says they can just leave. Lizzie says they have to do the press conference. The new crews is expecting them there. They will do a report even if he's not there. Bill will look even more guilty if he doesn't answer. Bill doesn't care what other people think. Lizzie does. Doris' press conference has to be answered. Bill doesn't care what others thing. All that matters is what Lizzie thinks. Lizzie says they are doing the press conference. Bill and Lizzie leave the room to go do the press conference.
Vanessa and Dinah talk at Company. Vanessa says the worse time in her life was Bill there in the hospital bed. Dinah agrees. Vanessa says then Dinah left and she wasn't sure if Dinah would return. Dinah wasn't either. Vanessa remarks that Dinah seems better. She's eating and seems happy. Is this because of Shayne? Dinah says no. It's just a fluke that she met Shayne in Germany. Vanessa says Dinah can tell her the truth. Vanessa is just happy to see Dinah smiling again.
Grady, Daisy and Ashlee arrive at Company. Ashlee is showing Daisy her new phone that can hook up to the internet. Daisy wants to know if there is any more news on Bill. Ashlee says they have been looking at news reports all day. Daisy begs Ashlee to see if there is more. Grady walks over and meets Dinah at the coffee stand. Grady says he will not hurt Bill as long as Bill doesn't hurt him. Dinah says that is not good enough. Daisy says then that Bill and Lizzie are about set to do a press conference. Daisy tells Buzz to turn on the TV. Ashlee says they are going to do it live. Grady and Dinah are both nervous. Everyone stands around the TV.
Alan and Cyrus are still in the Spaulding Mansion. Alan says that if Lizzie were to find out the truth then she would be very upset with him. It would cost Alan everything if he lost her. Cyrus questions if Alan is willing to take the risk. Alan says that every man that Lizzie has ever been with including Phillip has hurt Lizzie. Alan has never done that. He's been a constant for Lizzie. He's always there for his granddaughter. Lizzie has only started to realize over the last bit how much she needs Alan. She came back to him again. Alan questions if he is boring Cyrus when he sees Cyrus over by the computer. Cyrus says that Lizzie and Bill are about to make a statement to the press live.
In Spaulding Lewis, the producer tells Lizzie and Bill to sit closer together. Bill moves closer but Lizzie doesn't. Bill tells Lizzie she doesn't have to do this. Lizzie says they are doing it.
The press conference begin. Lizzie and Bill introduce themselves. They thank the audience for taking the time to listen to them. Lizzie says after Doris' deplorable press conference they had to set the record right. They want Springfield to know the other side of the story. Ashlee and gang watch. Ashlee questions what is wrong with Lizzie. Lizzie starts to say the truth is. Alan says he doesn't want to listen to this. Cyrus tells Alan to wait. Alan turns and watches. Lizzie says that Bill rescued her. She knows that for a fact. Lizzie says that since Bill has awoken, it has been one thing after another that has gone wrong. Lizzie says that Bill is fine. He was in the hospital because they were in a car accident. Bill was injured. When he awoke... he found out that the police were accusing him of being Lizzie's kidnapper. Lizzie knows this must have surprised everyone. Even more when the SPD filed charges against her. Bill was the one that saved her life. Lizzie's voice starts to get shaky. Bill went on air to plead with the kidnappers to let her go. Why would he do that if he was guilty? The person that did this to her was manipulative, cruel. Lizzie starts to crumble. The person would not have loved her. He would have to answer for what he did. Lizzie looks at Bill. She can't do this anymore. Lizzie rushes off the stage. Bill sits alone stunned. Bill says he wants to remind everyone that he was cleared of all charges due to lack of evidence. Lizzie is an amazing woman and partner. The last couple of weeks have really taken their toll on her. Bill says thank you to the audience for listening to him. Bill leaves.
At Company, everyone is stunned. Ashlee says that was intense. What happened with Lizzie? Daisy doesn't understand. Why did that happen? Grady again says that Bill is clear of all charges. Daisy says she has to go help Bill. Daisy believes in her uncle. She has to go see him. Daisy rushes off. Grady does not like what he's seeing.
Alan is beyond giddy at the Spaulding Mansion. Cyrus says there is more commentary coming up. Alan says he doesn't have to listen to anymore. Lizzie doesn't believe in Bill anymore. She has lost faith in him. Alan is celebrating with a drink. Cyrus is beyond sad. The expression on his face says it all. He's not happy by what he has seen.
Lizzie is in the stairway sitting when Bill shows up. She can't go. Lizzie can't do this. She's sorry she doubted in him. She wanted to help him. Bill is so sorry. He tries to touch Lizzie but she pulls back. Bill says he can't do this. He's letting her go.
Lizzie looks at Bill. Bill walks away and stands against the wall. Bill wishes he could go back to that first moment when he didn't remember anything. He should have told Lizzie the truth. He thought he was protecting her by not telling her. All he did was make it worse. He made her feel guilty because of her doubts. Bill can't do this to Lizzie. He has to let Lizzie go. He'll move out. Bill says hopefully he will get his memory back. He will get to the truth and find out what happened to her. He promises her that.
Next scene is Bill at some low end bar guzzling shots of booze.
Cyrus is still at the Spaulding Mansion. Alan says that Cyrus can go. Just then Lizzie shows up. Alan says that he's been so worried about Lizzie. Reporters have been calling for a statement. Is she alright? Lizzie says she's not with Bill anymore. She broke it off with him. Alan is so sorry. Lizzie says that is hogwash. This is a dream come true for Alan. Alan says not true. He hates to see Lizzie so hurt. Cyrus questions what happened. Lizzie says that Bill told her the truth. Alan questions if Bill said he kidnapped Lizzie. No he didn't but everyone thinks he's guilty. He doesn't remember anything about the kidnapping. Cyrus tries to say that no memory doesn't mean that he's guilty. Lizzie say it doesn't mean he's innocent either. Cyrus is sorry that Lizzie got hurt. Lizzie says Cyrus shouldn't be sorry. It worked out well for him. Cyrus is confused. Lizzie says she wants to hire Cyrus again. Cyrus says he didn't find out anything the last time. Lizzie should hire a real detective this time. Lizzie says she doesn't want him to be a detective for her. She wants him to work with her at Spaulding - Lewis. Lizzie needs someone there that she can trust.
Bill is guzzling shots at the bar when Daisy shows up. Why did Lizzie run off? Dinah arrives and questions why Bill didn't call her. Bill says no call because nothing to tell her. Dinah told him not to tell the truth. That was a huge mistake. He should have told Lizzie everything. Daisy questions what Bill means. Dinah explains about Bill not having any memory. No memory doesn't mean that he did it. It also doesn't mean that he's innocent either. Dinah says she can help. They can figure out together what is next. Dinah says it's on her that he didn't tell Lizzie the truth. Bill says that he's staying at the bar. Dinah can leave. He's going to prove that he's innocent. Dinah leaves. Bill questions if Daisy is old enough to drink. Daisy says no but she can drive. She takes Bill's keys away from him.
Alan tries to reason with Lizzie at the Spaulding Mansion. He knows that it's been a difficult day but hiring Cyrus is not a good idea. Talk to Aunt Alexandra. Alex will tell her that Cyrus can't be trusted as well. Alan says that what Lizzie has been through is very stressful. Alan suggests taking Lizzie away for a while so she can rest and put this mess behind her. Lizzie says she has to work tomorrow. Lizzie questions if she will see Cyrus at the office. Cyrus says of course. Lizzie leaves. Alan and Cyrus look at each other. Lizzie is standing in the hallway upstairs. She tosses some books in a fit of anger.
At the bar Bill is sitting at the pool table when the waitress brings him another shot. Bill says he can't drink it. Daisy says finally. Now she can take him home.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie comes down the stairs. Has Lizzie eaten yet? No. Alan suggests they get a drink and sit and talk about her problems. Lizzie doesn't want to. She can talk to Lillian or Beth. Lizzie says no. She leaves. Alan says it's not good that Lizzie is alone right now.
Bill and Daisy arrive outside the gate to the Spaulding Mansion. Why are they there? Bill is drunk. That would not make a good impression on Alan or Billy if they saw him. It would only look worse. Bill says he doesn't want to see them. He came to see Lizzie. Bill knows he said he would keep his distance but he wants to make sure that Lizzie is o.k. Daisy agrees to wait. He can tell her when he wants to leave then.
Lizzie is standing outside on the terrace alone.
Dinah is in her room. She picks up her phone and calls Shayne. She's had a crappy day and guess what he's the first person she thought of. Dinah says she just wants to talk to him about her brother.
Lizzie is outside sitting on the terrace fighting back the tears.
Daisy and Bill are outside the gates. Bill and Lizzie's picture overlays.
Company with Reva, Jeffrey and Rock. Jeffrey has a case. Reva says that Jeffrey is up to no good. Jeffrey says that he wants to do something but it may just backfire on him. Jeffrey shows up at Shayne's room. He has a job offer. Jeffrey tells Rock he hopes this plan doesn't blow up on him big time. Shayne is seen at the community center facing off with a kid and a knife.
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