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Finding The Truth
Bill tells his side of the story to Phillip about Cyrus. Phillip goes to Alexandra for the truth on both Bill and Cyrus. Jeffrey has a celebration planned for Reva but she’s not much in the mood. Buzz finds out Coop had a will.
Previously - Lizzie telling Cyrus she needs an ally in the Company. Is he willing to step up to the job? Cyrus is more than ready. Buzz wants to take out Alan and use Phillip as a weapon. Phillip is dangerous why not use him.
At the SPD, Phillip is quietly reading his newspaper when a visitor shows up. Phillip looks over and smiles. He wondered when Bill would show up. Bill has been looking for him. Phillip knows that. It seems that Bill climbed a mountain to find him. Phillip knows that. He knows a lot about Bill. Bill loves Lizzie. Phillip says true but he also kidnapped Lizzie as well from what Phillip has been told. Bill says he knows who did it. Why would Phillip believe him? Phillip agrees to go along with the game. Who is this mystery man? Bill says that this man is using the kidnapping to his advantage to weasel his way into Lizzie’s life. Bill has figured it all out by himself. Why not go to the SPD? Bill doesn’t have proof yet. Phillip admits he’s intrigued about who this mystery man is.
Just then Cyrus is answering his phone at Spaulding. It’s Grady on the phone. Cyrus tells Grady he can’t call him there at work. Grady questions how much longer. Cyrus says that this type of plan takes a lot longer to flesh out. He needs to get Lizzie to trust him then they can fleece the Spauldings. It’s a long range plan. Just then Lizzie enters and Cyrus covers saying he’s telling the press to buzz off. Lizzie says thank you for dealing with the press. She’s tired of them asking how she’s doing with her mentally deranged father back or the fact that her mommy was with her ex boyfriend. Cyrus tells Lizzie to go home and rest. Cyrus can do the work. They can even push back some of the deals. People would understand that she is under stress. She can’t do it all alone. That is why she hired Cyrus to be her right hand man. He’s the only person she can trust right now.
Reva is behind her desk at Cross Creek when Jeffrey enters. Jeffrey asks how she is doing. Not great. She’s trying to write a condolence letter to Buzz but nothing sounds right. They all sound cliché to her. Buzz was a lot more than just a good friend to her at one point. Jeffrey suggests going to Company and seeing Buzz in person. Reva says that is good idea. They also need to go see Daisy as well since Dylan is MIA and Harley is not coming back to town. Jeffrey says fine then it’s Buzz, Daisy and then his surprise. Is he going to tell her? Nope. Billy says seeing Daisy is a great idea. Since her parents are nowhere to be found it’s time for her grandparents to step up to the plate. Josh says the can tag along as well. All this loss is bringing up bad memories about Lara for Shayne. Billy says it looks like all roads lead to Reva. Jeffrey says sorry but that road is closed today. Reva looks at her husband. Billy suggests they all have a cup of tea then all go see Buzz together. Jeffrey just shakes his head.
Buzz walks into Coop’s room. He sees a picture of Coop, Buzz and Frank on the table. He sees the books as well. Buzz gets angry and tosses the picture. He regrets his burst of anger as soon as it happens.
“ Only love ….”
Buzz is still in Coop’s room walking around. He sees reports and story ideas. He looks over and see the Stanford campus marked on the map. He picks up the picture with the broken pieces of glass and opens a drawer. He goes to put the picture in and notices an envelope. He picks it up.
Cyrus and Lizzie are working at Spaulding. Cyrus is impressed with all the files in front of him. It’s all of Spaulding’s most lucrative cases and biggest accounts. Lizzie remarks that there is stuff here that they don’t even show the IRS. Cyrus is impressed. Can he handle this? Of course. Alexandra walks up and sees the closeness between Cyrus and Lizzie. Cyrus remarks that his ex wife looks well. She makes a remark that he’s a smooth as ever. Cyrus says that is in the past. Alex needs a word with Lizzie alone. Lizzie says that Alex can say it with Cyrus in the room. Cyrus gets the clue and says he can leave. Cyrus closes the door. Lizzie asks if her great aunt has a problem. Yes, and his name is Cyrus Foley.
Bill gives his version of Cyrus’ past in Springfield from being married to Alexandra then almost engaged to Marina while having an affair with Harley. The affair is part of the reason why Harley is still in Greece. Phillip is impressed. So Bill is certain that Cyrus kidnapped Lizzie yet he has no proof. Bill really needs Phillip’s help to get the proof. They have to protect Lizzie. Phillip laughs like Lizzie would let him do that since they have such a great relationship right now. Bill is desperate. Phillip says fine but he wants the whole story. Phillip wants Bill to start the day that Lizzie was kidnapped.
Mel is on the phone with Felicia at the boarding house. It’s still such a shock about Coop. She sees Buzz inside Company. She will call her mother back. Buzz unlocks the door for Mel. He locks it again after she comes in. They are not open today for business. She is so sorry about Coop. Mel brushes tears aside. Buzz says it’s good she is there he was going to call her. She’s surprised by the news. How can she help? Buzz says that Coop made a will. Why would such a young man make a will? Buzz needs Mel to read it. Mel hugs Bill.
Bill squirms around at the SPD and starts to tell the story but stops. Bill again says that he loves Lizzie. Phillip says enough tell him the whole story. Bill says they were doing a huge presentation for Spaulding. It was the cusp personally and professionally for them. It was a big one for Decker. Bill looks out into the bull pen of the SPD before he continues again. Lizzie was supposed to meet him when she didn’t show up he thought she had flaked out. Bill was pressured to do the presentation. It was a huge success. He had no choice but to do the presentation. Bill still didn’t understand why Lizzie didn’t show up. He went up to her room and she was not there. There was none of her clothes either. Bill assumed she had just left. Then the note showed up first for $50,000 then for $ 5 million. He didn’t call the police? Bill went to do the ransom drop but the crook was spooked. There was a phone call then. Bill went to the SPD to tell the police about it but he lost the signal. Bill started drinking then. He started drinking will Lizzie was missing? Bill continues on. He was just walking around and low and behold found a white van. Inside the van were Lizzie’s earrings. Bill would recognize them anywhere. He saw an oil leak and started following it. It lead to the old cannery. He went inside and found Lizzie tied up in a corner. So Bill was the one that rescued Lizzie? If Bill was the one that saved her then why does she think that Bill is the kidnapper? Bill did something stupid and took the van when he rescued Lizzie. There was an accident. Bill was in a coma for a couple of weeks. That gave the crooks plenty of time to plant evidence. He awoke in the hospital with Lizzie there. Before he could talk to Lizzie, Frank came in and arrested him. He was told stuff. Why did Bill just not tell them the truth? Bill was fuzzy on his memories. Every time he answered questions, he looked more guilty. Phillip asks the obvious question, why is Bill not in jail? The evidence warehouse burnt down. Phillip says that is convenient. Lizzie started to doubt him after that. She was going to go to the press and say she still did when Bill told her that he had no memory. It was then that he went to search for Phillip. Phillip says he needs time to process this information. Bill tells him to think fast. Lizzie is in trouble. Bill is telling the truth. They both have to protect Lizzie from Cyrus. Bill leaves. Phillip sits perplexed on what is the truth and what is not. He has to find out what the truth is.
Alex can’t believe that Lizzie is sharing so many Spaulding secrets with Cyrus. She can’t do that. Lizzie trusts Cyrus. Did she forget what he did to Alex? Lizzie knows. They all have lied. Alex says they are not the same type of people as Cyrus. Alex is going to go see Buzz to pay her condolences. Maybe Marina can tell Lizzie what Cyrus is really like or even Harley can call and they can have a phone conference. Lizzie says the truth is relative. She lied to Coop about being Sarah’s father so he would marry her. What if she had told him the truth? Coop may not have died. Alex says it was an accident. If it wasn’t for Lizzie he would be alive and she could be with her daughter. She can’t trust Phillip. The only person Lizzie can trust is Cyrus. Alexandra leaves. Lizzie tries to pour a drink but her hands are too shaky.
Mel and Buzz are talking when there is a knock at the door of Company. Mel says she can tell the person to come at a better time. Buzz says it’s fine. Buzz opens the door and sees Jeffrey and Reva. Mel is going to go make some coffee. Jeffrey says he’ll help because secretly Mel makes horrible coffee. Reva sits with Buzz. How is he doing? Whatever he needs, Reva is there for him and so is Jeffrey. They are all there for him right now. Reva wasn’t sure about coming. Buzz questions why. Reva’s little guy is safe in her stomach and Buzz just lost his little guy. Reva hugs Buzz.
Phillip is inside the bull pen at the SPD. He’s handcuffed to a table. He tells the person on the phone that he needs their help to sort out the truth.
Phillip is waiting in his jail cell when Alex shows up. Alex kisses him. It’s so good to see her nephew again. He’s home. It will be alright now. She came as soon as she could. Has he seen Rick? Phillip says that is complicated. So he’s been filled in on what is happening around town. Phillip chuckles. Yeah, everyone’s been telling them their versions to place him. He’s not sure who to believe. Alex still can’t believe about Beth and her affair with Coop. Phillip is not worried about Beth right now. He wants to talk about Lizzie. What does Alex know about Cyrus Foley. Alex chuckles and sits and talks about her ex. What Phillip has heard and probably ten times worse. The problem is that Cyrus is so adorable and charming. He can worm his way into your life so quickly. She’s thinking that he’s doing that to Lizzie right now. Phillip was worried about that.
Josh looks at Reva and says he tried to call Dinah but no answer. Shayne may be with Edmund. They should go over there and look for him. It has to be hard with Shayne because of Lara. Jeffrey gets annoyed and says that Reva is not available to do that. Reva is sick and taking care of her baby. Enough is enough with Josh interfering with her life. Josh has to start creating these emergencies so he can put his family back together. It’s not going to happen. Reva has a lot to celebrate tomorrow. Buzz says right. Buzz says he can still get the dinner together. Jeffrey says that is fine. He’s made other plans. Reva questions about tomorrow then remembers that tomorrow is her last chemo appointment. It’s an important hurdle in her cancer treatment. Buzz doesn’t have to do anything. He has enough to worry about it. Reva is not sure about celebrating with everything that is happening. Buzz tells Reva to celebrate. Life is precious. When she makes a toast tonight, have him in her prayers. Reva hugs and says she loves Buzz.
Phillip tells Alex that she is confirming pretty much everything that Bill told him about Cyrus. Bill as in Bill Lewis? She’s not sure how much Phillip can believe out of Bill’s mouth. Phillip questions what he doesn’t know about Bill. Bill is following in the footsteps of Billy with his drinking. He’s become almost a drunk.
Bill arrives at Spaulding and sees Cyrus and Lizzie working closely. Bill steps back outside and pours some booze on himself. He walks in acting like a drunk. Is there some big meeting today? Lizzie isn’t impressed at all.
Bill continues to play Cyrus and Lizzie. Did he interrupt a big meeting? Isn’t it a little early to be drinking. What is the big problem? Coop just died and Lizzie’s crazy daddy is back. Does that ring any bells? Bill is sorry. Cyrus says enough. He’s taking Bill out of there. Why is Bill doing this to Lizzie today of all days? Cyrus says he should just put Bill back in that gutter that he climbed out of.
Phillip asks if Bill has been a problem since he got back from Venezuela for Lizzie. Alex says there has been good and bad moments. Does she think that Bill was the one that kidnapped Lizzie? Alex is not sure. Lizzie seems unsettled lately. It worries Alex. It reminds her of another person that went down a dark path. Beth ? No how Phillip was acting out before…Lizzie is heading for trouble.
Reva and Jeffrey drink a cider at Towers. Reva thanks Jeffrey for this. Jeffrey says that it’s o.k. to call Shayne if she wants if it will make her feel better. It wasn’t Shayne she was thinking about. Then she can call Buzz if she wants. Reva says it seems weird celebrating her last chemo appointment. The last chemo is a big deal. Reva is worried that he will say she has cancer again. It’s unfair that she is doing good and Buzz is dealing with Coop’s death. Reva knows how lucky she is to be alive.
Buzz is Coop’s room when Josh arrives. Josh wanted to say goodbye. Buzz thanks Josh for coming. Josh says that if there is anything he can do just asks. Was Coop writing a new book? Buzz smiles at the papers in his hand. No it was Buzz’s birthday soon. Coop was writing a toast. “ Dad, my best friend.” Josh holds Buzz’s hands close.
Jeffrey has a gift for Reva. It’s a special occasion. Reva says the box is too big for jewellery. Reva opens and looks at the hat. Jeffrey says this is sort of a graduation for her. No more chemo finally. They can move onto the next phase of their lives. They are going to treasure every moment they have and not take it for granted. It’s the end of Reva’s cancer which is important. Reva toasts to the lives that will soon be here, are here and the ones that are not there anymore.
Bill is in his hotel room. He fakes waking up from a bad dream. Cyrus is there watching him. Bill says the dream was so real. Cyrus says that is just the booze. Bill say he was at the factory fighting with the kidnapper. He was just about to pull off the mask but just couldn’t reach it. Cyrus says that it is just a dream. He’s not getting his memory back. It’s wishful thinking and more likely the booze talking. Cyrus leaves. Bill starts to close the door. Cyrus pulls out his phone and tells Grady to call him now. They need to talk. Bill smirks. The smokescreen is working.
Billy arrives at Spaulding and sees Lizzie. Is he following Bill around? Bill was just there drunk as a skunk. He hurt her more than she thought was possible before yet once again he finds a way to hurt her again. Billy starts to tell Lizzie the truth but stops. Lizzie thinks she should just buy Bill out. Billy tries to stop her from doing that. Lizzie doesn’t want to talk about Bill anymore. Lizzie leaves.
Phillip looks at Alex worried. Does she think that Lizzie is going crazy? What is she saying exactly? She’s out of control and headed down a dark path. What is happening to her? Alex doesn’t have the answers but she’s not going to let her nephew just sit in there. She’s going to get him out and back home.
Buzz reads the note. Josh asks again if there is anything he can do. Buzz says the memorial is tomorrow. Can Josh speak? Josh says that he’s not a minister anymore. Buzz knows his son better. Josh is their friend. Buzz can’t do it. Josh would be honoured to speak for Coop. Buzz and Josh shake hands. Josh leaves. Buzz falls down on the bed crying.
Preview - Memorial. Alan telling Phillip that the Cooper’s blame the Spaulding’s for their problems. Lizzie is at the memorial and says it’s the Spaulding’s fault. Alan says stop right there. Everyone is stunned that Alan showed up.
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