A Light In The Window
Buzz and the Coopers find out about Coop’s accident. Phillip rescues Coop then Beth. Beth finds out about Coop. Bill continues to lie to Lizzie.
Previously - Beth arguing with Alan to let her be happy. Alan saying he made her happy once before. He can do it again. Alan taunt Coop on the phone. Coop crashes his car and Phillip rescues him.
Buzz and Frank are at Company waiting for the fireworks to happen. Frank questions how long it takes to break up a wedding. Buzz says whatever Coop does it will change everything for this family. Coop needs to be happy. Frank suggests another glass of wine for his dad. Buzz questions if Frank has read the book. Frank says he hasn’t had time. Buzz has already finished it. Buzz says his son has a real talent for writing a book. Frank questions what Buzz would call his own book. Today? What the hell happen or cautiously optimistic. Daisy shows up. What is up? Coop is bringing home a new bride today. Coop got married. Daisy says she’d love a happy ending after Bill and Lizzie mess. They need to celebrate and the place is not ready. Daisy tries to take a sip of beer but Buzz stops her. Buzz says go ahead one sip but don’t tell Harley. Daisy asks if they want to know how she is doing with Grady. Not really. Daisy says they are great. Buzz says good. He’ll take happiness wherever he can get it.
Mallet and Marina arrive at the adoption agency. Marina knew they would call especially since Mallet and Marina were planning on getting away. They’ve been so stressed out the last bit. Marina questions if something is wrong. Mallet says it’s probably just extra paperwork. It was fine when she stood up for him. It showed how much they love each other and want to have a family. Marina wants a baby so much. The counsellor calls them into the office.
Lizzie is at the chapel in a black dress waiting for the wedding to start. Lillian walks over with the flowers. Lizzie has to do something. She talked to both Beth and Alan. They want to get married. Lillian can’t believe that her daughter wants to marry Alan. Lizzie says that love is not a given for happiness. Alan has the right idea to take it where you can get it. Look at Beth’s record. She was married to Rick but he lied to her. Edmund locked Beth up in a tower. Phillip well they know how that ended. Beth is going with what she knows. You make the best of a bad situation with what you have. The programs for the wedding are really beautiful. Bill is brought more ginger ale by the waiter. Keep them coming in the champagne glasses. Lillian tries to reason with Rick. Why is he standing up for Alan? The old saying. Keep your friends close and you enemies closer ring a bell. Alan walks over and asks if Rick has the rings. He does. Lillian is pissed at Alan. He can’t want this. Someone has to save Beth. Beth meanwhile is stoically putting on her wedding veil. She has to do this to save Coop.
Meanwhile Phillip is trying to break into Coop’s car. He hears a hiss as the fires continue to rage and get hotter. He doesn’t have much time. Phillip breaks down the door and pulls Coop out. Phillip drags him far enough away as the car explodes into a fireball. Phillip looks down at Coop.
“ Only love ….”
Daisy looks at the book Coop wrote at Company. She always liked Beth but Beth and Coop? She never would have put that together. Frank knows the feeling. He never would have put Grady and Daisy together either. This is good stuff. It’s like a fairytale moment for him. He’s going to rush in and rescue the damsel in distress from the evil king and bring her back to the castle. This does not scream castle. Buzz says that is because it’s a fortress because they just took the first shot at the Spauldings. They need to bunker down. It may be better to build a moat around them. Daisy asks for just a castle for today and a fortress tomorrow. This is a very romantic moment for Beth and Coop. It could be the most romantic for them. Buzz says that his kids are hopeless romantics. Even Frank is since he’s taking Natalia away for the weekend. Daisy is impressed. Frank asks if any secret is sacred. Daisy says they have to get going and make this place magical.
The counsellor tells Mallet and Marina this is their official notification. They are going to be added to the waitlist. Marina is so excited this means they will be able to have a baby. She hast to tell her family. Marina thanks the counsellor for believing in them. Mallet looks at the counsellor realizing the real story. Marina is going to go call her family. Mallet will wait to get the paperwork. Marina leaves. Mallet wants the truth. They are never going to get a baby. If it’s his paperwork. No actually it’s Marina’s pass association with the Santos Crime Family. Danny Santos? She doesn’t even talk to him anymore. The counsellor says that is a very huge red flag when a prospective parent is linked with organized crime. Mallet says that is hogwash. She put them on the list so Mallet and Marina could not sue for discrimination. The counsellor says for a person to be associated with the Santos Crime Family and what they did to Springfield. Mallet says that this is not over by a long shot. Mallet heads out. Marina is on the phone. There has been a single car crash. It’s a major accident and Mallet and Marina have been called in as backup. Mallet and Marina head off unaware of what they will find.
Phillip rushes a bleeding Coop into Cedars. Phillip asks if Rick is on call. This man needs a doctor. Phillip pulls out his phone and dials directory assistance. He needs the number for Company. Phillip leaves as Coop bleeds profusely on the table with no doctor around him.
Beth is stoically standing at the top of the aisle ready to meet her fate. Lillian says that her daughter does not have to do this. Beth has to protect the man she loves, his future and the future of his family. Lillian says that Beth is still Alan’s victim then. Beth says she needs her bouquet now. The music starts. Beth has to do this. Bill is at the top of the aisle smelling a flower as he looks at Lizzie. Lizzie walks up. The wedding is starting soon. He really needs to sit down before he falls down drunk. Bill says that wedding make him sick. There is nothing to see her. Bill leaves with Lizzie following him. Rick walks beside Beth. She doesn’t have to do this. She can just turn around and walk out the door. She can’t walk away. She can’t think of herself now. She has to think of her family and Coop. Either Rick walks her down the aisle or she does it herself. Beth starts walking her death march.
Mallet and Marina arrive at the crash and are horrified by the looks. The paramedic walks up and says no victims were found in the car. That is not possible. The other officer has to go and call the chief. Mallet and Marina says this makes no sense. As they walk closer Marina is horrified when she realizes that the car belongs to Buzz.
The phone rings inside of Company but Daisy is still puttering around. The room looks beautiful. Buzz walks out and asks if they heard a car pull up. The phone rings again. Buzz answers. Marina is so relieved to hear her grandfather’s voice. There has been a car accident. The car was totalled and in flames. Frank reacts to the news as Buzz lets the shock sit in. Marina asks who was in the car. Coop was in the car. It’s Coop. Marina is horrified to realize her uncle was inside. Is he o.k. ? Nobody was found at the car. He walked away. He must be heading to the wedding on foot. Mallet questions how anyone could have walked away. Mallet takes the phone from Marina. Frank asks for the specifics as it sinks in with Buzz and Daisy. There was a single car collision. It burst into flames. The fire department finally put out the flames. It’s a horrible mess. It’s not looking good. Marina is in tears.
Coop is still bleeding profusely on his stretcher as doctors run around oblivious to him being there. Coop mumbles Beth’s name.
Bill is on the phone outside the wedding. He’s talking to Billy. The plan to smoke out Cyrus is working perfectly. Cyrus thinks he’s won. Even Lizzie believes his drunken lie. Bill says he has to go. Lizzie is walking over. Bill closes his phone. Lizzie says hand over his keys. He’s too drunk to drive back to the Beacon. He’s just going to walk back. Can he make it there by himself? Bill says that Lizzie should head back in. She may be able to catch the bouquet for her wedding with Cyrus. Lizzie is not marrying Cyrus or anyone else. Doesn’t he get that? Bill kisses Lizzie. She pulls back disgusted.
The wedding begins and Beth walks up the aisle towards Alan. Rick is by her side. He can’t talk her out of it. Alan says sorry that didn’t work. Now Beth will sleep beside him when all is said and done. Beth looks beautiful. The minister starts. Alan says get past the pomp. He wants to say some stuff to his bride. Alan does his vows for his blushing bride. Rick tells Beth to stop this farce. Alan says they have been tested in the past but he’s seen Beth for the real woman she is. He still loves her even still. Alan forgives her for her indiscretions. He still loves her very much. Alan will be her constant when everything in her life hangs in a balance. He will always be watching her. The minister asks if Beth wants to say anything to Alan. I do. The minister say she can say that soon enough. Now if there is anyone who objects to this wedding. Speak now. The door opens to Phillip walking in.
Bill feels sorry for himself. Lizzie agrees. She feels sorry she fell for his drivel again. She thought she knew who he was. Does she? She had no clue. If he ever wants to see her again, he can talk to Cyrus. She’s going to call a cab for him to head home. She’s given Bill enough chances. Is there anything else because they are done for good.
Marina is freaking out at the crime scene. There is no way. It doesn’t make sense. How can anyone walk away from that? Mallet reassures his shell shocked wife. The police are looking for Coop right now. Marina can’t remember her last words to Coop. Mallet starts to look for answers. Marina finds Coop’s cell phone. Is it working? Pull up the call display. The last call out was to Beth. The final call in was from Alan. Oh my God. Marina is horrified by the implications.
Daisy tries to reassure Buzz and Frank that Coop got out. He probably walked to the wedding. They can go to Cedars and check. Buzz says that is good he was there a bit ago for his heart. It all turned out fine. They can go over together. Daisy will stay behind in case Beth and Coop show up. Daisy feels that it will be fine. Buzz calls Frank’s name. Frank is coming. Daisy will be fine alone. Daisy picks up a candle and puts it in the window.
Coop is in an examination room. There is still no doctor around him as he bleeds profusely. He groans then mumbles Beth’s name.
Phillip walks up to Beth in the church. It’s surreal seeing his father marrying his first love. Beth moves towards Phillip unsure if it’s another hallucination. She goes to touch Phillip’s face but faints when she realizes that he is real. Lillian and Rick rush to her. Rick has to go to his car and get his medical bag. Alan says call 911. Phillip holds Beth and tells her to awaken. She slowly does. Alan says it’s good to have his son home. Phillip shakes his head and looks at Beth. Lillian is horrified assuming that Beth is bleeding from the blood on her dress. Phillip says no. That’s him. There was a horrible accident.
Lizzie tries to get a faux drunk Bill up. The cab is almost there. How was the wedding? Lizzie has no clue since she was outside taking care of his sorry butt. Bill says that Lizzie is soft and warm like Roxie. Lizzie says she hopes that Bill is taking care of Roxie better than himself. Lizzie turns and leaves.
Mallet and Marina arrive at Company to find Daisy. Is there any news? Coop isn’t there. Buzz and Frank went over to Cedars just in case. Daisy says that Buzz made the ominous remark that Company was more of a fortress than a castle like he knew. Coop was going to break up the wedding and bring Beth back there. He would have called if something happened. He was on the way to stop the wedding. Marina is horrified and leaves. Daisy looks out the window where the candle is.
Buzz and Frank arrive at Cedars. Frank will try and find out if Coop has been brought in. Buzz walks around and sees his son laying on a gurney alone bleeding. Buzz rushes in. Oh my God Coop. Frank walks over he found a nurse. He sees his brother on the gurney.
Phillip explains that he got to the house and the servants said everyone was here. On the way here Phillip heard the car crash. He was the only one around so he rescued the guy before the car blew up. Alan says that was very brave of his son. He could have been hurt. Phillip says it was Coop. Beth looks at him. Say that again. Not Coop. What happened to him? Beth has to go to him. She has to go. Beth rushes off with Alan following right behind. Phillip is confused what this means. Rick asks if anyone else knows that Phillip is back. Just the servants and the people at the wedding. What happened? Phillip walks out. Alan is telling Beth that he will drive her. What the hell did he do to Coop? Stay away from her. She never wants to see him. Beth rushes off. Lillian looks at Phillip. He should be checked out. He’s fine. Go be with Beth. What is Phillip going to do? Talk to Big Al. Alone? Phillip will be fine. Phillip looks at his father and says lets take a walk.
Lizzie walks back into the abandoned church. All she sees is the bouquet and veil on the ground.
Daisy looks at the candle as Bill enters Company. What is up with t the candle? There was an accident. The car was totalled. They are not sure if Coop ….Bill calms his niece down. Coop will be fine. What is all the fuss about with the restaurant? Daisy asks if her uncle wants a coffee. He can pour one himself. Coop will be fine. Bill will stay with his niece till she gets news.
Frank and Buzz are with Coop. Buzz reassures his son that he is there. Buzz rushes out and calls a doctor. They had no clue who he was. That matters. He is somebody’s son or husband. He’s a person and has a home. What is the doctor thinking. The doctor tells Buzz to leave. He can’t. Frank says it will be fine. Buzz is furious that they just left his son on the gurney like that. They just left him there to die. Mallet and Marina show up. Marina hugs her grandfather. Frank tells Mallet they have no clue how Coop got there. Mallet says they found Coop’s cell phone. The last call was from Alan at the time of the crash. Lillian, Beth and Rick arrive. Buzz tells them to go in and help Coop. Lillian and Rick head in and start to work on Coop. Beth is shell shocked and shivering uncontrollably as everyone waits for news.
Phillip and Alan arrive at Phillip’s grave. It’s good that Phillip is home. Alan has done a lovely job taking care of the grave site or was that his servants. Did Alan ever bring flowers? Alan still can’t believe that his son is back. Phillip looks good. For a dead man. Alan never thought that Phillip would come back. Phillip says he never thought he would see Alan marrying Beth. Alan says a lot has changed in the last couple of years. Phillip says it doesn’t hurt. What ? Where Alan shot him. Phillip looks straight at his father.
Preview - Alan took away his life in Springfield. Phillip pulls a gun on his father. Phillip would have had a life if Alan had not shot him. Beth walks into the bathroom and is shattered. Phillip Happens Here.
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