Time To Say Goodbye
A weak Coop doesn’t have much time. He has a heartfelt goodbye with everyone in his life. Olivia has an unexpected confession for Bill.
Previously - Natalia telling Olivia that Phillip is back in Springfield. Natalia is reassuring Olivia who is freaking out. Lizzie has Phillip arrested. Coop is awake.
Opening scene at the farmhouse Natalia reassuring Olivia. Olivia says that Natalia is strong and loyal. She believes that Natalia will help her. She does trust her with her life.
Bill is at the SPD when he sees Frank. Bill questions if Phillip is back. Frank says he is. Bill needs to talk to him. Bill says that is not going to happen.
Coop is lying in his hospital bed gasping for breaths when Lizzie enters. Lizzie was mad about Beth and Coop but she didn’t want anything to happen to him. Coop knows she’s just trying to act strong. Lizzie tells Coop she’s sorry for all the stuff she pulled while they were together. She was selfish with what she did with Sarah. She was awful to Coop. He tells her that she has nothing to be sorry about. She knew that this thing with Beth and Coop was going to end badly. Coop is not sorry about Alan. Beth didn’t marry him. Coop go the girl finally.
Lillian walks into the lounge and sees Beth sleeping on a couch. Beth awakens. Lillian says that Coop is in stable condition. Beth needs to get some sleep. Lillian has booked a room at the Beacon since Beth can’t return to the mansion. Beth would never go home to Alan. Coop is fighting for his life because he wanted to protect Beth. Beth does not regret loving Coop. Buzz is the same way. He loves with his whole heart. Lillian gets up. She knows where Buzz is .
Buzz is asleep on Jenna’s grave. He awakens saying it’s crazy what he said to Coop. He can’t believe he told Coop to go after Beth. Buzz is furious with himself. He was not thinking straight. Buzz was supposed to protect his son and Coop is in the hospital fighting for his life. Buzz yells at Jenna and asks where her advice is now. No dreams. No advice. Buzz needs Jenna now. Where is she ?
“ Only love….”
At the farmhouse, Emma is working on her project. Olivia tells Emma to be careful with her stuff. Emma questions if Olivia is mad at her. Natalia says no. She just has a lot on her mind since there is a visitor back in town. Emma says that her Valentines are ready to send off. Olivia says they can’t go today. Emma is confused. Natalia pulls Olivia aside. She can’t keep Emma locked in the house. Phillip has been arrested. He will get out soon enough. it’s a Spaulding specialty. Natalia can go and talk to Frank. Olivia gets all snappy and says that if Natalia wants to go see Frank she doesn’t need an excuse. Just go. Natalia questions where that comment came from. It’s not helping the situation. Olivia is sorry. Let’s go.
Lizzie tells Coop to get better. He will. Coop says that Lizzie will be fine too. Lizzie fudges and says she’s fine. She has no attachments. Coop is not blind. He’s seen the way she looks at Bill. It doesn’t matter. Beth enters. She’s glad that Lizzie is there. Lizzie says they can have some time alone now. Coop says rasping that Beth and Lizzie need to talk and forgive and forget. Beth tells Coop to rest. Coop tells Beth and Lizzie not to let Alan come between them. Lizzie leaves. Coop calls out to her. Beth says she’s sorry. She tells him not to go. Coop lies and says he’s not going anywhere.
Buzz is at the grave. Who is he kidding? He’s not mad at Jenna. He’s mad at himself. It’s easier to be mad at her then himself. Buzz remembers holding Coop as a baby. He felt so much love. Buzz wanted to protect his son. Coop is in a hospital bed now fighting for his life. Buzz did a lousy job. He can’t lose Coop like he lost Jenna. Buzz begs his wife to do something so their son can stay with him. Lillian shows up. She says hi to Buzz and to Jenna. They need to go back to Cedars now. Coop has been asking for his father. He’s awake? He’s talking. Buzz is so happy he hugs Lillian. They head off for Cedars.
Beth walks outside of Cedars. She pleads with God not to take Coop away from her. He’s a good man. They were going to go away together and have a life. She begs God not to do this. Please. Lizzie walks up and sees her mother. She saw Phillip at the crash site. He was sorry. It felt like the Phillip before he took her. He gave her the old toy panda “ Sammy “ for Sarah. How is he? Was he good or scary? He acted good to her but she couldn’t take the chance. She called the police. Beth can’t believe that Lizzie did that. Phillip was a good man when they were married. Lizzie wasn’t sure if it was a trick. Lizzie says that Beth is a joke. She was all about Coop in the hospital now she’s gushing about Phillip again. She never changes. Alan, Coop and Phillip. Beth is so fickle. Did Lizzie forget the last time that Alan saw him he shot Phillip. Alan was blackmailing her into marrying him. Beth doesn’t want to argue with her daughter. They need each other right now.
Bill shows up at Olivia’s place. She’s drinking a glass of wine. He knows that she’s freaked out about Phillip being back. He is not going to touch Emma. Bill is not going to let anything happen. Olivia has Bill and Natalia on her side. Olivia impulsively kisses Bill.
Frank walks in and sees Coop. He looks good. Coop says that the doctors are talking about making him bionic. Frank says that Coop should see his bedroom at home. There are flowers and cards everywhere. He’s a very popular man. Coop asks where Buzz is. Buzz is somewhere harassing the doctors. Coop tells his brother to look after Buzz. Frank says that Buzz may appear soft but he’s a rock on the inside. Coop again pleads with Frank to watch over Buzz. He’s going to need to turn to Frank. Frank says that is a two man job so Coop is just going to have to stay around. He is going to get better. Buzz shows up with Lillian and smiles. Coop can’t go and scare them again. Coop questions why his father looks more stressed out than he does? Coop asks what is going on.
Lizzie and Beth are outside. Lizzie tells her mother to wake up. Phillip kidnapped her children. How can she forgive Phillip? Beth remembers the good times. Lizzie calls her mother fickle. No wonder Lizzie is so messed up look at who she has for a mother. Lizzie says that her mother is weak and starry eyed in love. Phillip loves her. He wants to make it o.k. Lizzie says that love is a delusion. It’s a frivolous thing. All that happens is you get hurt but the people you care about. Beth tells her daughter not to give up on love. If Beth had she never would have found Coop. Lizzie says great example. Look how that turned out. Lizzie says both of the men she has loved failed her miserably.
Olivia pulls back from her kiss with Bill. Wow that was a blast from the past. Olivia just wants to feel close to someone. It wasn’t good? Bill says the kiss was great. She wants all of this to be o.k. Phillip is back because of her. Why does Olivia say that? Emma’s life at the farmhouse. Bill says that Emma looks happy and lives with Olivia and her friend Natalia. “ Friend “ is the problem because not everyone sees it that way. Emma did a project about her family and their living arrangement entitled My Two Mommies. Bill gets it now. Alan lashed out at them after then and then sent Doris after them. Now Phillip is back. Bill says that would be a new low even for Alan. Bill says that it will be fine. She’ll have to explain to Phillip but what would she say. It’s nothing. It’s just a misunderstanding or is it …. Olivia says she never looked at Natalia that way before until now. Olivia says she never saw this relationship coming. They click on so many levels and it scares the heck out of Olivia. Bill’s not saying anything. He’s not bothered. Surprised maybe. She’s not really sure what their relationship is and where it’s going. Olivia can’t believe she just said that out loud. She laughs. It must be the wine talking. Bill should just forget they ever had that conversation. Olivia leaves the room and calls Bill. He says sure.
Buzz tells Coop he was out at Jenna’s grave. Buzz told her to watch over him. Buzz is fine. Coop winces in pain. Coop tells his father to slow down. They don’t have time for stories. They can’t waste time because Coop is not sure how much he has left. Coop tells his father they should talk just in case. Buzz says that Coop is not a quitter. Coop knows that but he needs to do this. What Buzz needs to do is find a doctor. Coop has to tell him this before…Coop loves his father. Most of his life Buzz was just this man who sent him a card at Christmas. Buzz says he should have been there more. Buzz was always there even if not in person. Coop is glad he came over from England. He got to know his father finally. Coop is very proud of his father. Buzz can’t do it. He can’t say goodbye to his son. Coop loved their own little Cooper family. Buzz is in tears. Coop will be fine. Buzz says he has to go get a doctor now.
Olivia is at home drinking a tea when Natalia shows up. She could have stayed at the hospital. Olivia is just relaxing. Phillip is in jail. How is Frank? Natalia brought the Coopers some sandwiches. It was hard to be there. Olivia realizes it was nearly a year ago that Gus died. Olivia shouldn’t have let Natalia go to the hospital alone. It was another person in a car crash this time. It was a year ago that she let Olivia have Gus’ heart. Natalia wanted to come home and be with Olivia. Olivia is not going anywhere. How is she? Scared and confused. What can Natalia make her for lunch to keep her strength up? Olivia questions why. She has to face Phillip eventually right.
Lizzie is in tears when Bill shows up. She tells him to just go away. Bill hugs Lizzie close trying to soothe her tears. What is she supposed to do? Find a way to open her heart and forgive the people who hurt her. Bill says that Lizzie can do that. She has to just stop fighting Bill then they can be together again.
Buzz says they need to call Rick Bauer now. They need a doctor to see Coop. Frank tells his father to calm down. Coop is not acting like himself at all. What does Buzz mean? Coop is saying that his time is up. It’s just the exhaustion from the surgery nothing more. Coop was trying to say goodbye. Buzz can’t say goodbye yet.
Beth walks in and sees Coop in his bed. She tried to reach Lizzie. Coop says it will take time. He can’t give up on her. Lizzie is so angry that she’s guarding her heart. Beth tells coop to rest. Beth smiles. Did he ever tell her how thankful he was for what she brought into his life? He never saw her coming. She has to promise Coop to never forget who she is inside. She can be whomever she wants to be. She needs to do this if he is not around to tell her. Beth refuses to listen. He is going to beat this and be fine. Coop says that he has to tell Beth what Buzz couldn’t hear. Sometimes you can just feel things that are coming. Some things you never expect to find. She glad she went for it. Coop taught her so much. All he did was tell her to follow her heart. Beth tells Coop not to go yet. He has to stay with her. Beth is so much stronger than she realizes. Beth says she’s always played the victim but through Coop’s eyes she got a huge gift. He tells her to promise him she will never go back to Alan. How could she when she loves Coop? Coop questions what that last thing was. Beth loves Coop. Could she say that one more time? She’s not going to regret anything with him other than the next smile, kiss. Coop has a note for Beth. He wants her to read it after…. Coop winces in pain. He fights to hold on. Coop tells Beth she has to find Buzz now. She has to hurry. He has to say goodbye to his father. Beth heads outside and finds Frank. He has to find Buzz now. Coop needs him. Beth sits and sees the note. Lillian comes up. Coop is stable. Beth says he’s saying goodbye. He knows that he’s dying. Lillian says she got a call from Payton’s nanny. Beth needs to call the Nanny back. Lillian is going to go get Rick. Beth looks at the note and breaks down sobbing.
Olivia is at the house. Lunch smells good but there is way too much salt in it. Is Natalia trying to kill her? Yes, she needs the rent money. Natalia can go with Olivia when she sees Phillip. Olivia says that is not good. Phillip can turn nasty on people that cross him. Natalia has dealt with the Spauldings before. What are they going to tell Phillip about Emma and their life together? They are two people who love Emma. Olivia pushes two people who are what to each other? Natalia is taken aback and says that Olivia is just worried. If Olivia needs her all she has to do is ask. Olivia hugs Natalia.
Lizzie is not happy that Phillip is back. Bill says that Phillip can help her through all of this. Lizzie says everything is screwed up. Bill and Lizzie, Beth and Coop, Phillip even Alan. Bill says that Lizzie has to stay away from Alan when she is so vulnerable. She should probably also stay away from Cyrus. Lizzie can’t believe that Bill would bring that up now. He’s not comforting her. He trying to turn her against the two people who she can trust. Bill has hurt her before. Cyrus and Alan have protected her throughout this. Alan really? Go take a look at Coop. Lizzie tells Bill to leave her alone or else she will calls security. She tells him to take a cab after he heads to the bar again. There have been enough car crashes today. Lizzie leaves.
Buzz goes into Coops room. Coop is not going anywhere. Coop says that Buzz told him stories when he was little. Can he do it again? Buzz starts telling the story of Coop’s life. Twenty years ago Jenna brought him back a gift. A little miracle. When Buzz lost her he went a bit crazy and he couldn’t appreciate the miracle that he had. Coop tells his father to finish the story soon please. A few years later Buzz had a heart attack and despite everything he had done. He was blessed by a beautiful son who came and rescued him. He had Coop back in his life. Coop rescued him. He will always be grateful of the miracle of his son. Coop says that was a great story. He thanks his father. Coop passes out. Buzz says no. Coop can’t go yet. Coop can’t go. Coop wake up and says that he always wanted to be just like his father. Coop passes out and the machine alarm rings as Coop’s heart stops. Buzz yells out No. He yells for a doctor. The doctors rush in. Lillian tries to comfort Buzz. Buzz is shaking as he watches the doctors try to bring Coop back to life.
Preview - Coop flat lining. The doctors saying they have to do CPR. He’s going into cardiac arrest. Buzz asks Frank how he can say goodbye to his son?
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