Life Is Worth It
Lizzie hires Cyrus to be her number one butt kicker. Beth moves out of the Spaulding Mansion. Buzz and the Coopers grieve for Coop. Olivia tries to get up the nerve to say to Phillip.
Previously - Coop saying goodbye. Coop is breathing by a ventilator. Buzz pulls the plug on Coop.
Buzz is still in Coop’s room on the floor. Coop will always be his son. Lillian enters and moves Buzz’s hand. Lillian hugs him as the Coopers watch.
Olivia is answering a phone call outside the farmhouse. She looks over and sees Emma's doll of to the side. She walks over and gets in her car. She drives to the SPD. She parks in the police parking only section. Olivia tries to get up the courage to head inside.
Phillip is inside the jail looking at the bandages on his hand.
Lizzie walks into the Spaulding Mansion. Alan says good. He has something important to tell her. Phillip is back but he's in jail. Lizzie knows. She was the one that called the police. Phillip found her at the crash site. She was scared so she called. Alan is not angry with Lizzie. She's not sure if she can trust her father. While in jail, the family can figure out if Phillip is sane again. Lizzie is always safe with her grandfather. Alan questions if Lizzie has spoken to Beth yet. Beth is very confused right now. The need to avoid judging her for her part in this mess. The phone rings. Alan says more reporters. Lizzie answers and talks to Lilian. Lizzie drops the phone to the ground. Coop died.
Beth walks into Cedars and sees the Cooper clan all dejected. Lillian walks over to her daughter and says that she's so sorry. Beth falls down in tears. He crashed. Coop's brain got no oxygen. Beth says he was stable. If he wasn't she never would have left the hospital. Lillian says there was too much damage. He fought so hard to stay alive. It was just too much. Beth in tears rushes in. Buzz is still with is son. Beth breaks down and pleads over and over to Coop that he has to come back to her.
“ Only Love….”
The Coopers rally around Buzz in the waiting room. Frank hugs Buzz as he realizes that his son is gone for good.
Beth is still in the room when Lillian walks in and tries to comfort her daughter. What can Lillian do? Beth says she has to do this on her own. Lilian leaves. Beth is so sorry. So sorry this happened to Coop.
Alan tries to tell Lizzie that he's sorry. He knows how she cared for Coop. Right now the one thing that Lizzie has is her family. This type of situation can either bring a family closer or tear them apart. Beth needs all the support she can get right now. It was her choice that lead to Coop's death. They don't need to remind Beth of that. Phillip came back at a most awkward time. They have this time to put the pieces of their family back together. Lizzie wants to go over to the Coopers. Alan advises against that. The Coopers are using the Spauldings as a yardstick on how their life is. They envy the close family that the Spaulding's have.
Olivia is now inside the SPD. She's still not sure about going in and talking to Phillip. Mallet walks out and sees her. He says hi. Phillip is in jail. Olivia says she was planning on heading over to the Beacon today but she saw the doll. Phillip is in his cell. He can hear Olivia's voice. She's trying to imagine what he's like now. Mallet offers to get an officer to drive her home. Olivia says she's fine. She can't do this. Olivia leaves the SPD.
Mallet goes to see Philip. Has Mallet heard anything about Coop? Marina calls Mallet then. Mallet tells Phillip that Coop is gone. Mallet rushes off to be with Marina. Phillip slams the bars with his hands.
The Coopers want to help Buzz. Frank tells Buzz that they will get through this some how some way as a family. Buzz tells Frank they need to do what needs to be done.
Mallet, Marina and Daisy are at the house. It’s a new day in Springfield. They are going to head over to Company later. Daisy has no clue what to say to Buzz. Buzz was the rock when everything happened with Gus and then when Harley left. Mallet says there is no right or wrong thing to say. Daisy says that it’s not fair. A kid should not go before their parents. She’s not sure how a parent would get over that loss. Mallet says sometimes they don’t.
Later Beth arrives at the Spaulding Mansion. Alan walks over and asks how she is. He wanted to call her but stopped. He thought that he should give her some space. It's terrible what happened to Coop. Beth says that the only man who got her was Coop.
Buzz is reading Coop’s book in Company when he hears knocking on the window. Buzz walks over and unlocks the door. Frank questions if Buzz even went up to his room last night. Buzz says that he just started walking and kept walking. He eventually ended up at the crash site then walked home. Lillian hugs Buzz and tells him she’s going to go make some coffee. Frank says that he can go and call everyone. They don’t want them to read it in the newspaper. Frank can call Rocky to tell him about his brother’s death. Buzz says he can’t dodge that job. He has to do it himself. Frank says they will get through this.
Daisy hugs Buzz. Buzz is usually the one that gives the hugs but it’s nice he’s getting one from his granddaughter. What can she do to help? What needs to be taken care of? All that matters is all the Coopers are there.
Mallet and Marina sit at a table. Is Marina o.k.? She’s struck by what Daisy said about a kid going before their parent. She never really thought about that before. Mallet says most people don’t but it does happen. Here they are thinking about having their own child and it could happen. They should be excited with the news. Mallet suggests telling the Coopers now about their news. Marina says that this is the worst time.
Lizzie is at Spaulding reading the paper. She first sees the news about Phillip's return then about Coop's death. She looks down at her phone for a second. Cyrus walks in. She asks him if he knows about Coop. He does. Lizzie questions how Cyrus thinks the Cooper's are. Cyrus is not sure. He wanted to call Harley and talk to her but he was unsure about doing it. Does Lizzie need something from him? No, Lizzie is fine. Lizzie says it's just everything with Phillp's return and Coop's death. Then there is Beth and Lizzie has no clue what is up with her mother. Cyrus says she will be fine. She can't do that. She can't just call Bill like that. Cyrus says it's o.k. to want to reach out to someone. She says all it is she's hit rock bottom and she's trying to dig a bigger hole. Not Cyrus job. She needs him to do something extra. He's going to be her official butt kicker. When she's felling low, he has the right to give her a swift kick in the pants to get back to doing her job. Cyrus can do that. Cyrus gets up and looks at Lizzie. He lightly touches her shoulder and then leaves.
Beth and Alan continue to talk. He knows from experience that it's wise to make decisions when you are feeling like this. They should probably wait to reschedule the wedding. Beth laughs. There is not going to be a wedding. She said I do. Well not anymore. She can't after Coop died while trying to save her from Alan. Coop believed that she deserved something better. Alan says that Beth can blame herself. Alan says that Coop was not a hero. He tried to sneak around with. He was a coward. Beth said that Coop hid their relationship because she asked him to. He had faith that she could do more. He wanted to tell the world of their love. Alan says that this is a joke. Coop was not some paragon of virtue. He hide his feelings about Beth in a trashy book. She's not even that person in the book. Beth can't believe the venom that Alan is saying. Coop just died. Alan admits that it's sad that he was young and died. Death does not wash away his sins that he did.. Beth laughs and says Alan better hope for his sake that the sins are washed away from when a person dies. Alan's got ton of them. Beth leaves.
Frank gathers the Cooper kids around and tells them to start making calls. They need to phone Harley and tell her the news. It’s not good for Harley to come home with Phillip on the loose. Buzz questions if there is a chance that Phillip will make bail. Frank says it’s up to the DA. Frank doesn’t think it will happen. Buzz heads into the kitchen. Frank follows him in there. What exactly did Buzz and Phillip talk about at the jail? Justice.
Frank tells Buzz to stop cleaning. The kitchen is clean enough. What type of justice? What did they exactly say? Taking Alan out and using Phillip as a weapon. Frank tells his father he has to let this anger go. It was an accident. Alan is to blame for a lot of stuff but the brakes were not tampered with. He’s the reason that a lot of them are hurting. Buzz yells that he’s so tired of being the one to keep the peace. He wishes he could have done more for Coop. Buzz did do a lot. Buzz says that he gave Coop the keys that lead to his death. Buzz grabs his coat and leaves. Where is he going? He needs to be alone.
Beth walks down the stairs. She called James in boarding school to tell him the news. She'll have the rest of Payton's stuff sent later on. Alan questions what Beth had with Coop other than tawdry sex. Beth says it was real. Something Alan will never understand. Alan is tired of this sanctimonious crap. Coop wasn't inspiring. He was just a common writer. Beth was not living a fairytale with Coop. She was trying ot finish her story with Phillip. Beth slaps Alan for that comment. Alan says it was a game with Coop nothing more. A deranged game she was playing pitting Coop against Alan. Beth says it was never a competition.
Lillian shows up. Lizzie is so happy to see her Nana. Lillian just wanted to check on her. Lizzie is thankful she heard it from Lillian and not the newspaper. Is Lillian heading back to Company? Lizzie wants to see Buzz and tell him how sorry she is. Lillian says that is not a good idea. Lizzie loved Coop. Buzz treated her like family. Lizzie is not family. But Lillian and Beth...Lizzie gets that since she's a Spaulding. She's not . Lillian says stay away for today. Lizzie was on their side. She may not have liked Beth and Coop. Lillian says life is not fair. Lizzie is not in the mood for that speech today. Lillian will call Lizzie when it's the right time. Lizzie will be fine. Lillian leaves. Lizzie picks up her phone. She needs Cyrus and now.
Olivia walks into the courthouse and sees a judge. He's the one that saw the Phillip Spaulding arraignment therefore he's also going to do the case as well. The judge says that this is not appropriate conversation. Olivia says she was one the mother's victimized by Phillip. She wants to testify against him. She should go to talk to the prosecutor then. Olivia says she knows how that will work. She knows that it may not work either. She wants to make sure that Phillip doesn't come out no matter what the cost. The judge hopes that that was not a bribe. If it was then Olivia would be facing a trial of her own. The judge leaves.
Buzz walks up to Coops car that is still parked in front of Mallet and Marina’s house. Buzz looks at the stuff in the back. He picks up a CD and walks to the front. He sits down and turns on the car. He puts the CD in. The words “ Not Guilty” start playing. Buzz takes off fast in the car.
Lizzie tells Cyrus that she almost called Bill and her official butt kicker was no where to be found. Cyrus say sorry about that. Lizzie gets that Cyrus is not happy with his job. He wants more to do. It's not Lizzie's job to make his job more interesting. Lizzie has enough to deal with right now. Lizzie agrees and she has nobody to bounce her ideas off of right now. Lizzie feels like she keeps losing people. The one person that Lizzie can rely on ( Cyrus ) she keeps shutting out. Cyrus says she's not going to lose him anytime soon. Lizzie doesn't need reassurances what she needs is someone she can trust. She needs an ally at this company. What that new job would entail would be more responsibility , bigger projects. Essentially it would be more time stuck with Lizzie. Can he deal with that? Cyrus can handle that. Lizzie really wants to make sure that Cyrus can step up to the plate. Be Lizzie's number one person at Spaulding. Cyrus is in.
Mallet and Marina are at the house. There is a lot of people to phone. Mallet pulls out a photo album. Is he trying to make her sadder? Mallet says the pictures are of Marina when she was younger - first pony ride, marina and Eleni, swimming with Frank, riding a huge bike. Why are they looking at the pictures? They are looking at a life not how it is today but on most days. What happened to Coop was horrible thing. He’s not sure if they will get over it but they will get through it. What is the lesson from today? That life is not worth all the pain. He knows it’s hard to stomach but death is a part of it. Life is great there are a lot of beautiful moments, sweet really simple moments that you would never want to change. Parts of life that you do not want to miss out on. They can make their own memories with their own child. Don’t give up on that dream. Marina asks if their baby is a boy can they name them Henry. Yes of course.
Beth arrives at the SPD jail to find Phillip reading his newspaper. Phillip walks over. He's sorry about what happened to Coop. Beth wants to thank Phillip for saving Coop even if it meant that Beth had a just a couple more hours with him. Beth told Alan that she's moving out of the house. She's not sure where she's going from here. She's not sure why she came down to the jail. Phillip holds Beth's hand. He really wishes he could do something for her but he can't do much while he's stuck behind these bars. Beth leaves. Phillip watches her.
Alan is outside on the phone. He wants to talk to Chief Wolfe. Alan says they need to make the rules slide. A father should not be kept away from hs son. Buzz watches with anger in his eyes.
Preview - Josh telling Buzz to hold on. Coop made a will. Buzz trashes a picture when he finds that out. Bill tells Phillip he loves Lizzie. Phillip heard more than that like Bill kidnapped Lizzie. Bill says he didn’t but he has an idea who did. Phillip is willing to listen. Cyrus answers the phone at Spaulding Lewis.
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