RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap and Charleyfan's Clips: Episode 15607, February 9, 2009

Desperate Measures

Bill fakes being drunk to get the goods on Cyrus whom he believes kidnapped Lizzie, Lizzie and Cyrus grow closer, Alan taunts Coop as Beth overhears. She is furious with Alan and realizes he will never stop taunting Coop. Alan says the Spauldings have to show confidence to the outside world. Buzz gets some no nonsense advice from someone close about Coop. Coop rushes off. An unlikely person from the past comes to Coop’s rescue.

Previously - Buzz looks Coop in the basement, Alan tells Beth that she will say I do when the minister asks her, Bill finds Cyrus in Lizzie’s bedroom.

At Spaulding Lewis, Cyrus is working at his desk when Bill shows up. Bill is looking for Lizzie. Cyrus feigns not knowing who Bill is talking about. Bill leaves. Cyrus admits he knows who Bill was talking about. Cyrus says he can pencil Bill in for next week if he really needs to talk to Lizzie. Bill laughs. Cyrus says Bill could leave a message and Cyrus will make sure that Lizzie gets that. Just like he gets her coffee and such. Cyrus says he doesn’t mind that Lizzie is the boss. Cyrus’ manhood is intact. Bill says good as long as it is not elsewhere. Bill needs to see Lizzie. Cyrus suggests email. Cyrus hands Bill a brand spanking new business card. He just had them made up. Bill says that this communication is private. Cyrus says then even more he should make sure what is being said. Bill looks at Cyrus.

Lizzie enters the study at the Spaulding Mansion. Beth is in there putting away her law books in a box. Lizzie asks if the invitation is a joke. Beth says her daughter should be happy with the news of the impending nuptials. Beth came to her senses about Coop. Lizzie says then what was all that hogwash she was talking about Coop changing her life for the better. Beth says she was foolish and self indulgent. She realized the truth in time thank goodness. Alan means more to Beth then any meaningless fling or school. This is where Beth belongs by Alan’s side. Lizzie realizes that Alan figured out the truth.

Alan arrives at Cedars to find Rick. Rick tells Alan to just go home and rest whatever the problem is off. Actually instead he can keep the headache. That would be more perfect. Alan says it’s not a medical issue in fact it’s a reason to celebrate. Rick questions if he’s on candid camera right now. Alan and Beth are getting married today and Alan wants Rick to be his best man.

In Marina’s basement, Coop is yelling out at Alan from behind the locked door. Coop says that Alan can’t keep him away from Beth. Coop will find a way to be with her.

Buzz is sleeping at the boarding house when he is awaken by a figure - Jenna Bradshaw. Coop’s mother and Buzz’s wife who was murdered. Jenna has a message for her husband. Buzz is doozy and tells Coop that he’s sorry. He had no choice. Jenna tries to awaken her husband. Buzz is frightened by the sight of Jenna and jumps up. Buzz says she’s dead. Buzz touches her face to see if she is real. Buzz realizes that he is dreaming. Jenna tries to reassure Buzz. Buzz kisses and hugs his wife. Jenna says she is there to tell her husband that he’s being a horse’s ass where Coop is concerned.

“ Only love …..”

Back at Marina’s house, Coop is trying to break out of the basement from a window but no luck. He finds a lock box and then the key. He opens the lock box and pulls out a gun. Coop walks up the stairs and shoots the lock off the door. Coop rushes out to his red car which is sitting out front. He gets inside but the piece of junk will not start. Coop curses. He gets out and pops the hood. He finds out that the person pulled out his spark plugs. Coop says that this will not stop him. Coop says that there is not going to be any wedding today. Coop grabs the gun and takes off to stop Beth’s wedding.

At the boarding house, Buzz tells Jenna that this is not a dream it’s a nightmare instead. Jenna tells Buzz to get up. She’s not letting him go back to sleep. Buzz touches her face again. She is there. Coop was hell bent on seeing Beth. Jenna says that Coop loves Beth. Buzz says that Coop thinks he does. Jenna says that their son does love Beth. It’s not about thinking. Buzz says then somebody has to do the thinking for him and save him. Buzz says that Jenna should look and see how their boy has turned out. Jenna calls Coop their shining star. Buzz says that Coop has an incredible future. Jenna knows. She can see that. The book came from Coop’s heart. It’s filled with his love for Beth. He had a head until Beth came along and filled it up with ideas. Jenna questions why Coop can’t take a chance and roll the dice. See what happens. Buzz says she can’t do that. She can’t throw his words in his face. That’s what wives are supposed to do especially dead ones. If it was Buzz, he would go for broke and see what happens. Coop is their son. Buzz can’t let Coop make that mistake. Was Jenna a mistake? Buzz says that is not fair. Has Buzz ever regretted anything for taking a chance on love ? Love with Jenna. Never. Buzz kisses his wife passionately then awakens to realizing what he has to do.

At Cedars, Rick looks at the invitation. Rick says it’s so sick even for Alan. Alan reassures Rick that Beth wants to marry him very much. Rick assumed that Alan’s delusion stopped after his brain surgery. Every couple has it’s up and downs but Beth came back to him even more devoted then before. Rick questions where the devotion came from. Did Alan threaten Payton? The wedding may be sudden but Beth is impulsive. One moment chili dogs the next it’s caviar. She’s very finicky. Rick says it’s not that easy. Alan did something. Like Alan could force Beth to do anything. Rick then questions if Alan was the last person to find out about Beth’s affair with Coop. Does Alan not hear everyone laughing behind his back? Alan says fine let them laugh but he will be laughing last. He got the girl. Rick says that Coop and Beth make a wonderful couple much more than Alan and Beth. Alan says then it’s no to being his best man? Rick says that is not true. He will be at the wedding to support Beth. She needs someone to remind her why she should leave Alan at the alter. Rick will see Alan at the wedding.

Bill tosses Cyrus’ business card into the trash at Spaulding Lewis. Cyrus says that was not a good idea. Bill lost Cyrus’s private number and with his lousy memory how will he remember what it is. Bill hopes that Cyrus doesn’t take advantage of Lizzie especially now that she is vulnerable. Vulnerable? That is not the Lizzie Cyrus knows. Bill says then Cyrus has no clue who Lizzie really is. Cyrus does know what Lizzie needs right now and that would be Cyrus. Cyrus needs to be there with Bill hanging on to his shares of Spaulding Lewis. Cyrus tells Bill to show a little pride to just walk away. Cyrus turns to walk away and his dog tags jingle. Bill grabs Cyrus’ arm and asks what he just heard. It’s a dog tag - a family heirloom. The dog tags continue to jingle. Anything else? Cyrus will let Lizzie know that Bill was there but don’t expect Lizzie to get back to him anytime soon. She’s busy with family. Bill has flashes of the kidnapper and assumes that Cyrus did the deed. Bill is shocked.

Bill is now at Company with Billy. He tells his father how it was hell before not having any memory but now it is even worse because he couldn’t prove he was innocent. Now he can. Billy questions so Bill heard a sound so Cyrus is guilty? It was the sound of dog tags jingling. Cyrus wears them. So does the kidnapper. Bill remembers hearing the sound when he went to do the ransom drop. Billy says the accusation is pretty lean. Cyrus made a move before with the Spaulding’s when he was married to Alexandra. This does fit his motive. Billy says that Cyrus is crook but a kidnapper is a bit of a stretch. The kidnapping got Cyrus everything with Lizzie. A bright future and a good job. Billy agrees now that it’s possible. It’s motive, means, and opportunity. Can Bill prove it ? Bill says that if he goes to Lizzie and says he’s got his memory back, she will think that he’s a liar. Billy admits he though the same thing as well. Billy sees the truth so will Lizzie. She would have before doubts crept in before Alan got her back in his web before Cyrus…Billy suggests going to the cops. Bill says the Cops will laugh him out of the police station. What is Bill going to do then. Get drunk and let Cyrus win? Bill says that is a great idea. Billy is puzzled. Bill pulls out the invitation. They can crash a wedding together.

Alan looks at the wedding rings in the Study as Lizzie enters. She questions if her granddad really wants to go through with this. Alan questions what he told his granddaughter the first time about the stock market. It’s all about confidence. Alan tells her to elaborate. When people have no confidence in a company, it has no where to go but down no matter what it does. Alan says that it’s the same with families. It’s about confidence. He has to show how strong the Spaulding family is. Lizzie says there has to be another way. Does he have to marry Beth? Beth could just have her life and he has is life. Alan says that was fine before her tawdry affair with Coop when she made a fool of him with everyone around town. Alan is not forcing Beth to marry him. Alan is sorry that Lizzie had to lie about the affair. Lizzie says she didn’t have to do it. She was protecting her grandfather. Just like Alan was protecting Lizzie from Bill. Lizzie says right all you need is family. Alan says that is very astute of Lizzie. Alan says that he has to marry Beth to show that their family is stronger and more unified then before. No one will ever laugh at Alan again.

Coop runs down the road and finds Buzz by the car. Buzz knew where he was going to be. Buzz knows what Coop is going to do. Buzz can’t stop him. He has to stop the wedding. Buzz says he already tried once but it didn’t work. Coop realizes that it was Buzz not Alan that locked him in the basement. Buzz was trying to help. He hoped that Coop would calm down after the wedding. Coop gets why his father did it. Buzz says then Coop forgives him. Coop punches Buzz in the mouth.

Bill and Billy discuss their plan as Bill prepares to take a sip of booze. Bill is going to crash the wedding. He’s going to make a fool of himself on purpose. Billy says he can’t start drinking. Bill knows that Cyrus did it because of the dog tags. Bill needs a plan so he’s going to fly under the radar and make Cyrus think that he’s won. Cyrus will underestimate him then Bill will be able to gather evidence against Cyrus. Bill will make a fool of himself at the wedding. Cyrus will think he got away with everything. He will think that Bill is some drunk loser. Billy looks at his son. Bill is sorry for hurting Billy but the history does not hurt. Billy says then you need to make it more convincing. So they are going to work together as partners.

Cyrus walks into the study. He finds Lizzie in a blue robe. She’s getting ready for the wedding. Cyrus says that the florist just dropped off flowers for Beth. Lizzie says fine. He can just put them down. Cyrus walks over and pours himself a cup of coffee. He tells Lizzie that someone asked for her at the office. Was it anyone she knew? It was Bill. Bill said it was important. He was looking for an excuse to see Lizzie. What did Cyrus tell him? Cyrus said that Lizzie was too busy and if Bill wanted to talk to Lizzie then he would have to go through Cyrus. Cyrus questions if he crossed the line. Lizzie says not that is good. In fact she’s been looking at more work for him since he will not have to follow Coop anymore. So it’s a happy ending with the wedding ? Something like that. What does she want him to do? Watch her back. Cyrus says he prefers that job much more. Cyrus moves closer and sits across from Lizzie. They passionately kiss. Lizzie pulls back and blushes. Cyrus says she looked like she needed that. He asks if he’s fired again. Not yet. Cyrus hopes that Lizzie enjoys the wedding. Lizzie smiles. Cyrus looks back at her. Lizzie pulls out the bouquet and smells it. Cyrus starts with wedding music as he’s giggling. Lizzie says that is enough. Thank you. She can’t help but smirk. Cyrus leaves.

Alan and Beth are in the living room. Alan passes over Beth a box. He asks her to open it. Beth can’t do that. Alan says of course she can. He says that that necklace is an heirloom from his great aunt Louise. It’s a Spaulding treasure. She was planning on not wearing anything with her wedding dress. Alan says of course she will. She will look like a Spaulding then. Alan has always given Beth trinkets. Alan attempts to kiss Beth but she pulls away. She tells him to forget it all. Alan says he can’t do that in fact he has paperwork for her to sign. He had the lawyers draw it up. Since she’s a lawyer she can read it. He tells her to just sign it. Beth is shocked that they are prenuptial agreement. They have never had this before. Alan says it wasn’t needed. Beth finds out that if she leaves Alan at any time or has an affair she will effectively give Alan custody of Payton. Beth can’t believe that Alan is asking her to do this. Alan says it’s just a precaution. Beth says that when she feels caged she acts out. She turns to another man. Alan says then look at as a way to save Beth from herself. Alan says sign it or it will be a very sad day for Coop. Beth signs the papers and tosses them back to Alan. She lashes out at him before she rushes out of the room in tears.

Buzz questions if Coop is done punching him. Buzz admits he deserved that. Coop tells his father to get out of the way. Buzz is not going to stop him. Jenna made Buzz realize that. Coop questions if Buzz is really going to bring up his mother. Coop loves Beth. Buzz knows that. Buzz is through talking his son out of it. Coop can get her then bring her to Company. Alan owns half of Company. Does Buzz not realize what Alan will do? Buzz says let Alan do whatever the heck he wants to Company. Buzz doesn’t care. He’s sick of quivering around the mighty Alan Spaulding. It’s Buzz’s place and home. Buzz says who cares. Coop is his son. That is what matters. Coop and Beth can take the children to California. There is great fishing out there. Buzz can teach Payton how to fish. Coop hugs his father. Coop is sorry he punched Buzz. Buzz tells Coop to go before it’s too late and Beth has said I do. Coop takes off in the car with Buzz watching. Coop stops the car and rushes back to Buzz. He hugs him one last time. Coop knows how hard that was for Buzz to do. It shows how much he loves Coop. Buzz was willing to make the tough decision that no one else can. Coop loves his father. Buzz tells Coop to go. Coop takes off with Buzz watching.

Cyrus and Lizzie are walking into the church when she sees Bill by the window. Cyrus tells Lizzie he can take care of this. Lizzie says that is fine. Bill says that Cyrus knows what he’s doing since it’s his job. Bill say he found flowers for the wedding. Lizzie says that Beth already has flowers. Bill says good since these ones are dead. Lizzie tries to help Bill but smells the alcohol. He’s been drinking? A little. Cyrus offers to get Bill out of the church. Only people with invitations can come. Bill says he has one. He’ll be sitting on the side of the bride. Which side will Lizzie be sitting on? Lizzie says that is really funny. She will be sitting on her mother’s side. Cyrus tries to get Bill to leave. Lizzie says give her a minute. Cyrus leaves. Lizzie says they are serving coffee before the wedding. Bill should drink a lot so he doesn’t make a fool of himself at the wedding. Lizzie says that she misses Roxie. Bill says that Roxie misses her. Lizzie says its for the best that Roxie is gone. Is Alan the best for Beth? Bill is going to go grab himself another drink. Lizzie will pass. Bill says that this could have been their wedding day. Lizzie says that is a load of hogwash. You need trust in order to have a wedding.

Beth is in her wedding dress. She imagines Coop walking up behind her. Coop thanks God that it’s not too late. He can’t let her do this. He as to go what if Alan comes in. Coop doesn’t care. Beth says that she and Alan will make it work. She has to for Coop’s sake. She has to protect him. Coop is not scared. They can go to California together with the children and have a life. Beth says please go to Coop. Coop says it wasn’t an accident that day when they met in the hallway. It wasn’t chance. It was meant to be just like them. She has to believe in them. Believe in them. Beth awakens and finds Alan behind her. Alan says that Beth has never looked more beautiful. He made her happy once. He can make her happy again. If he really wants to make her happy, let her go from this blackmail. Alan says he can’t do that because after the reception they are taking a flight to Venice. He knows how much she loves looking at the Grand Canal. Beth rushes out furious in tears.

Buzz says he has to do something as he walks into Company. Frank tells his father to just sit. Buzz says he has customers. Buzz needs to keep working till this is all over. Buzz will then close the sale with Beth. Frank says that Company is Buzz’s life’s work. It’s their home. What should Buzz do then? Frank has no clue. Is this all worth it? Buzz says he can’t let his son give up on love or life. He can’t do that. Frank says he’s going to give his brother back up. Buzz says no. It’s Coop’s life. They have to let him live it then deal with the fireworks afterwards.

Coop is in his car driving like a mad man when his phone rings. Coop answers the phone assuming it’s Beth. Coop says he’s on his way. Alan says sorry but Coop is too late. Beth is his now. In fact she’s just getting out of her wedding gown for their wedding night. She never looked so beautiful. Coop says that Alan is a liar. Alan says that Coop will never see Beth again. Coop is furious. Beth walks in and is aghast at the conversation. How could he do that to Coop? She did it all the time to him. Coop looses control of his car.

Bill tries to stop Lizzie from leaving. He wants her to open her eyes and see how much he loves her. Lizzie tells him to get some dignity. He lost her a long time ago. Bill says it kills him seeing her with Cyrus. Lizzie trusts Cyrus. Bill questions if Lizzie really can. Lizzie questions what he means. Bill says he has to go. Cyrus watches as Bill leaves. Bill sees a waiter with champagne. Does he want a glass? No he wants a glass full of ginger ale and keep them coming all night. Bill hands the guy some money.

Beth yells at Alan. She refuses to marry him now. He will continue to taunt Coop even after they are married. He won’t stop this stupid wedding because of his pride. Alan says she’s already a Spaulding. Beth says she was never a Spaulding. She’s Beth Raines. Alan says that she has married many men. She will always be a Spaulding inside. Beth doesn’t want to be part of this life if that is what it means. Alan says the wedding will happen after he was embarrassed walking into that restaurant. He will not be the butt of all the jokes when that book comes out. Beth is going to walk away. Alan says fine then she will find out how truly cruel he can be. Alan tells Beth to pull herself together. There will be a wedding soon. They are going to have a future together. Beth breaks down sobbing and falls to the ground.

Frank and Buzz toast to the bride and to love. Coop is sitting inside his car which is on fire. He wakes up for a second but passes out. A figure comes over the hill and rushes to the car. The figure is Phillip who attempts to save Coop.

Preview : Phillip attempting to save Coop. The minister asking if anyone objects to the wedding. Phillip enters. Phillip Happens Here.

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