RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap and Charleyfan's Clips: Episode 15606, February 6, 2009

Hope and Despair

Coop realizes that Beth doesn’t want to marry Alan. Beth tells Buzz to protect Coop. She did love Coop. Reva and Jeffrey go to a birthing class. Dinah and Shayne talk about Edmund. Dinah finds out a secret.

Previously - Beth and Coop ending it, Dinah warning Shayne about Edmund, Buzz telling Coop the truth that Beth does love him.

Dinah looks at Shayne in his room. She gets him. She thought he knew that. That day in Germany when they confided their secrets to each other. They were more than just strangers. They told each other the truth. What does that say? Both have been kicked in the teeth. Dinah trusts Shayne. She’s not sure when it happened. He trusts her as well. They are connected to each other. She does care about him. Shayne says then he has to make peace with what happened with Lara. What if this idea with Edmund is just a scam? It’s a test. Shayne realizes that. That is why he’s going to test Edmund as well and tell him how Lara died. Dinah tells Shayne he can’t do that. She can’t lose him. Shayne looks at Dinah.

Josh listens outside of Edmund’s door. Edmund says that Shayne seems sincere. He wants to believe that Shayne is a good man and not just another Lewis. Josh enters and says welcome. Edmund invites Josh in. Josh says this is unbelievable that Edmund is testing Shayne. Josh asks who Edmund’s partner is in crime. Edmund points to the picture of his daughter Lara.

Jeffrey and Reva arrive at their first birthing class. Reva says now that Dinah is watching out for Shayne she can concentrate on her breathing. Reva warns Jeffrey that the videos can be a bit graphic. Jeffery scoffs at the warning. He’s a government agent. He’s dodged bullets and walked through swamps. A little video is not going to scare him. Reva’s not so sure. Jeffrey says they are going to go into the class with all the younger parents and be apt pupils. The teacher asks if they are there for the class. Jeffrey touches Reva’s very large belly and says that they are having a baby. Reva and Jeffrey head inside. Jeffrey has a look of terror on his face.

Buzz tells Coop he can’t do it again. He can’t ram the gates of the Spaulding compound and rescue Beth. Coop says he’s not going to do that again. He’s going to sneak in behind Alan’s back and take Beth out. He just needs Buzz to cause a distraction so he can do it. Buzz says he can’t do that.

Beth is looking outside the window from her prison when Alan enters the living room. He has a beautiful emerald bracelet for her. He knows how much she likes emeralds. Beth tells him to keep it. Alan walks over to his bride. Beth recoils at his touch. Alan says that there was one point of time when she felt safe and protected in his arms. They were happy then. Beth knows she hurt him. She broke it off with Coop what more does he want. He wants their wedding to be as public as his humiliation at the book reading. He shows Beth the invitations. By this time tomorrow she will be his bride.

“ Only Love ….”

Dinah says she’s not going to let Shayne get destroyed by Edmund. Shayne doesn’t understand her loyalty to him. He’s so screwed up . That makes a great catch for anyone. He’s more of a challenge to her. He needs to stay away from Edmund. Shayne can’t promise Dinah that. He won’t tell Edmund the truth yet. What if it is a scam? What if he finds out too late during the project. Shayne can’t trust Edmund. He doesn’t. Shayne has to leave now. Is he going to take his cane with him? He’s walking fine without it. Dinah says that is too bad because it would make a perfect weapon. Shayne will need whatever ammo he has when facing Edmund. Edmund is a very dangerous man. Dinah tells Shayne to be careful. He will. Shayne thanks Dinah for taking care of him. Dinah lightly touches Shayne’s arm. Shayne leaves a very worried Dinah behind.

Josh knows Edmund’s secret now. He spends the day talking to his daughter’s picture. He also drinks to take off the edge. Why is he doing the project? Edmund says they have all been caught in the crossfire in the past. Josh says not everyone. Edmund was Lara’s dad. He just needs to make sure that Shayne loved Lara. Just look in Shayne’s eyes and you can see the pain and love. Edmund can see that. He sees the same thing in the mirror. Just let the work idea go. Shayne is finally coming back to his life and his family. Josh tells Edmund to let Shayne go. Edmund is not trying to take Josh’s son away from him. Edmund admits that he’s using the project as a test of Shayne’s love for Lara. Edmund has to know for sure. Edmund is lost. He knows that Josh expects to see some evil man in his place but Edmund is not that anymore. He’s just trying to connect to his daughter. Edmund drinks a glass of booze as Josh leaves.

Jeffrey says he feels ancient at the birthing class with all the other young parents. That could be because they are the only parents who remember the first Bush president. The teacher says they are going to go over the breathing exercises during labour. She wants all of them to sit on the mat. Reva says that is easy for the instructor. At least she can see her toes unlike Reva. Reva and Jeffrey groan as she sits down on the mat. They are breathing. The teacher asks if they need a break. Jeffrey says no and they also don’t need their walkers. The teacher has a treat for them. It’s a birthing video on the final moments of labour. Reva loves watching the miracle. Jeffrey gets a little green and passes out. Reva looks over and shakes her head.

Coop is arguing with Buzz outside of Company. What does Coop want Buzz to do? Read menus till he’s blue in the face. Anything to distract Alan so Coop can get to Beth. Beth made her choice. She chose Alan. Coop says that is not true. Beth was forced by Alan to choose him. They know that Alan is capable of that. She pushed him away. Maybe she wants that life. Coop says that is not true. Buzz says maybe the love affair was not real. It was very real. Coop knows that in his heart. He wants to stand beside Beth while she goes to law school. He can be the man for her. Buzz warns his son that there is a fine line between being brave and stupid. Love is always a risk. Buzz says there are usual risks but there is also Alan. Coop is not going to give up on his life with Beth.

Beth knows that she hurt Alan. He can’t want her this way as his captive. Alan says that he will take Beth anyway he can get her. They were happy once before they can be again. Does she remember their vows from before to love and respect each other? Alan did not break those vows. Alan says that obviously their daughter Payton would want her parents to be married and together. Payton would want her mother to be strong and happy with a good life. What good life is there other than being a Spaulding? She would have everything at her fingertips. Granted they are more in the spotlight and their dirty laundry is aired but it is part of the name. Alan says that the invitation will push any doubts away that Beth didn’t choose him.

Coop is getting into his car when he sees Beth running down the street. He stops her and sees her sobbing. Coop says he knows what happened with Alan. She can’t talk. She has to walk away. He knows that she pushed him away to keep him safe. He knows that Alan must have threatened him. They can’t give Alan that power. Alan only has the power that he takes from them. She says that he’s living in a dream world. She can’t give in to what she wants. Beth is in tears. Coop says that she has to believe. She has to hope in something. Beth and Coop hug as Buzz watches.

Shayne arrives at Lewis Construction and sees Josh. Josh is beyond happy seeing that his son is walking without his cane. Shayne asks if the job offer is still good. Josh says he can find room for his son. Shayne wants his father’s help on this project. Can Josh work with Shayne’s new partner Edmund? They have this idea for a pediatric care center in Lara’s memory. Josh says that Edmund mentioned something like that to him. Is Shayne certain that he wants to work with Edmund? Shayne says working together is better than all the fighting right. Edmund needs this and so does Shayne. It’s a good idea. It can be great. Josh agrees to help as he looks at Shayne’s design.

Reva and Jeffrey walk out of the birthing class. Jeffrey is still a bit woozy on his feet. He did not faint. He was just resting his eyes. Reva laughs about her strong super spy being taken out by a little baby. Jeffrey says that it was horrible to watch. He can steal hear the screams of pain. They actually want parents to see that. Reva says it’s fine. She feels normal for the first time in months. She’s not worrying about her cancer but instead about attending her first birthing class with her husband. It was a test for them. Jeffrey says that the young twerps in there seemed to enjoy it. Reva laughs and says they are probably puking as well. They will need a stiff drink. Reva says it’s all worth it because they will have their little boy in the end. Reva has a question though for Jeffrey. Will he be a runner when it all starts in the delivery room? Jeffrey says no. Reva says this is a good day. Well it was till she saw Edmund in the hospital. Edmund shows them the piece of paper for The Lara Winslow Paediatric Care Center. Shayne is helping him on it. Didn’t he tell Jeffrey and Reva? It’s in memory of Lara.

Dinah sneaks into Edmund’s room to find out what his secret is. She snoops around and finds the letter first. She reads it. She then sees the picture of Lara and finds a piece of folded paper. Dinah opens the paper and is stunned by the contents.

Coop hugs Beth close in his arms. She has to go. She can’t do this. Is she always going to let Alan have her on such a short leash? Where is Coop’s strong and independent Beth? Coop doesn’t recognize this woman in front of him right now. Where is she? Beth says this is just easier to do. How is it easier for any of them? Beth wants Coop to have that bright future at Stanford teaching his students and writing. That is the dream she has for him. That is his reality. Coop says that Beth is a coward. Beth says good that he found out that now instead of later. She has to go. Coop say Beth is dead wrong if she thinks he’s just going to step back and wish Beth well with her life with Alan. Beth leaves. Buzz continues to watch.

Reva looks at Edmund and asks how he sucked Shayne into helping him out. Edmund says it’s a good thing. They are both helping kids in Lara’s name. Maybe down the line it may even be there to help Reva’s baby down the line. They are set to break ground early next month. So he’s not leaving Springfield? Not anytime soon. He’s staying for a while. It’s what Lara would want them to do. Edmund wants it and so does Shayne. Edmund leaves. Reva says this is not good for any of them. Jeffrey says that maybe Edmund has a point. Reva questions if her husband has lost it. There is not an argument that can justify Edmund staying around. Is she going to at least hear him out? This is Edmund Winslow they are talking about. He nearly killed one of her other sons. She’s not going to let him have a shot at Shayne.

Shayne happily shows his father the plans for the Lara Fasano Paediatric Care Center. There will be a patio in the center for all the kids to play in. It will have start of the art equipment and research. Josh says that money is a little tight but he will look into financing. Is this because of Edmund? No this is because of economic times. Josh says let him crunch some numbers. Shayne really wants this to happen. Josh can see that. Shayne can finally do something for Lara and not feel helpless. This way Lara will not be forgotten. Josh gets that. Josh is going to make this happen. Josh suggests chatting with a family friend at the bank about the loan. Shayne hugs his dad. Josh wants to go over some ideas. He can buy Shayne some lunch. Shayne would love to but he really needs to head off and get stuff done.

Dinah is still in Edmund’s room. She grabs the paperwork and is about to leave just as Edmund shows up. He closes the door. Those papers are genuine. Forgery was never his strong suit. Lara was pregnant. Edmund says that it was the one secret that he had that Shayne didn’t know. Shayne was the father.

Edmund takes the paper from Dinah. Lara was pregnant when she met her father for the first time. She was expecting her own child so she wanted to know what her own family was about. Edmund will never forget meeting her for the first time. He was still in the hospital and saw this beautiful woman looking down at him. She looked so familiar. He knew those eyes. They were eyes from his past. She spoke and said her name was Lara Fasano. As in Rachel who worked at the palace when Edmund was 16. Lara was their daughter. She sat by Edmund’s bed and willed him back to life. As the flashback goes forward it becomes even more obvious that Lara is pregnant. She can do a DNA test if he wants but this baby would be his grandchild. Lara knows it’s a lot for Edmund to take in. Edmund feels like he was given a second chance. He does believe her. Lara hugs her father. Edmund says he can’t help but laugh at fate that he’s connected to the Lewis clan now because of Shayne and Lara’s child. Dinah asks what happened to the baby? It died with Lara. Shayne never knew about his child. Why did Lara not tell him? Edmund had to make sure that Shayne was worthy of the news. Edmund says the baby was one secret that he had that nobody else knew about. He owned that one. He wasn’t sure at first if Shayne deserved to know the truth but now he wants to tell him while they are working on the project. Dinah tells Edmund he can’t do that to Shayne.

Beth arrives at Company and sees Buzz. Buzz tells her that Coop is not there. Beth wants to give him an invitation. She’s marrying Alan again. Coop loves her and she loves him. Beth laughs and says it’s something about losing your self and finding your self with love. Buzz says love is all of that. She finally found love again. What does she need Buzz to do? Buzz has to stop Coop from going to the wedding. Coop should have a future. Beth wants that for him because she does love him so much.

Coop arrives at the Spaulding Estate and is greeted by a guard. He’s an old friend of Lizzie’s and wants to see her. The guard says that nobody without authorization can come in. Coop remarks there is a lot of cars coming and going. There is going to be a wedding her tomorrow. Coop says no way as he tries to force his way past. The guard stops him as Alan looks on from the window smirking.

Dinah looks at the paper. Lara was pregnant. Does Edmund want to push Shayne over the edge with this news. He’ll do exactly that. Edmund doesn’t want to do that. Does he have to have a sign printed to show that? Shayne enters and sees Dinah. He says hi to both of them. It went well at the bank. They got the loan. Did Shayne pass the test? Did Edmund pass the test? Does he believe that Edmund is now Lara’s father. Dinah asks what is happening. Shayne says they are just feeling out each other. Shayne looks at Dinah. He thought she was giving up that habit of saving people like from the roof. What is she doing here? She should really join Edmund and Shayne on this project. Edmund agrees. It’s a good cause. Dinah agrees to help the do gooders but questions if they will all regret it in the end.

Reva says it was nice to be normal for a bit. Edmund is not trying to pull something. The project may be a way to help Shayne. What if Edmund is playing a scam? Josh shows up. Josh was worried just like Reva but they are wrong. Edmund is lost as well. Josh saw the look of hope in Shayne’s eyes with the project. He was so excited. Reva says that this is Edmund Winslow who terrorized all of them. Jeffrey says if it’s more than they will nail Edmund. Reva can’t believe that Josh and Jeffrey are so calm. Edmund is not human. He’s a different species.

Beth arrives home. Alan shows up. He has a beautiful gown for her that she will wear at their wedding. Does it come in black? Alan says that she will wear it and say her vows at the church. When the minister asks she will say I do. Beth doesn’t love him. He’s deluded. Beth is the one. Beth says that she may be saying I do to Alan but in her heart she will be saying it to Coop.

Coop arrives at Marina’s place. He really needs her help with saving Beth. They have to stop this wedding. Coop sees the basement door open. He walks downstairs just as the door closes. Coop rushes up and tells Alan he will not get away with this. Buzz smiles. He’s saved his son for now.

Preview : Alan saying it’s time for the Spauldings to look strong and unified. Nobody is going to make fools of them anymore. Alan is talking with Beth. Cyrus is kissing Lizzie. Coop picking up a gun in Harley’s basement. He can’t let Beth do this. Coop punches Buzz in the mouth and takes off in his car. Final scene is Phillip interrupting the wedding. Monday, Phillip happens here.

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