RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap and Charleyfan's Clips: Episode 15609, February 11, 2009

Fathers and Sons

Dinah asks Josh and Reva to create a diversion with Shayne as she toys with Edmund. Coop is rushed into surgery but not before he has a chance to talk to Buzz , Beth and Frank. Phillip tells Rick there are a lot of things that he didn’t tell him. A lot is changed. Buzz confronts Alan..

Previously - Phillip rescuing Coop, Alan and Beth wedding with anyone want to object and Phillip shows up. Coop’s accident with Phillip rescuing him. Buzz and Frank seeing Coop in the hospital.

Alan and Phillip are by Phillip’s grave stone. Phillip says that the bullet wound doesn’t hurt anymore where Alan shot him. Alan asks why his son came back.

Rick says that Coop is going into shock. They have to put a central line in now. Buzz is horrified watching Rick work on his son. Rick calls out saying he needs help because Coop’s pressure is dropping.

Beth is shaken as she walks into the bathroom. She looks down and sees the blood on her dress. Coop can’t see that. Beth tries to brush it off but it doesn’t work. She sees a lab coat off to the side and puts it on.

Dinah arrives at Shayne’s place. He opens the door and Dinah can tell something is off. What is going on? Why is he acting so weird? Shayne walks over and picks up a small ring case. He touches the ribbons lightly on it.

Josh and Reva are walking in Cedars when they see Frank. What is going on? Coop was in a car accident. Reva is stunned. Will he be o.k? Frank is not sure.

Buzz is in tears as he asks Rick if he can save his son. Is Coop going to make it? Rick says he has a good team working with him. Can Buzz see his son for a moment? Of course. Buzz tells Coop that he’s there. Coop has to fight to live. Beth enters shaken at seeing her love on the table. How is he? Coop awakens to Beth’s voice. Where is he? He’s a Cedars. Beth is there a long with Beth. Did she marry Alan? No. Coop coughs and winces then says good. He did his job.

Alan and Phillip are still at the grave. Is Gus buried around here somewhere? Alan says no. Phillip is sorry that his brother is gone. He was a good guy. There were so many times after Phillip was shot that he felt as if he was dead. It is such a scary feeling. There were times he wished that he hadn’t survived the shooting. The future was so uncertain for him. Alan says he knows that. Phillip couldn’t stop. Couldn’t stop what son? Thinking about the life he left behind in Springfield. The family and his children. There is still a lot of unfinished business left to do. Phillip pulls a gun out of his pocket.

“ Only love ….”

Phillip caresses the gun in his hand as he looks at Alan. Alan tells Phillip to put the gun down. Phillip says right that is the first thing Alan talked to Phillip about. Don’t play with a loaded gun because always a chance it could go off. Phillip says they have a lot to catch up on. Alan has always regretted pulling the trigger on Phillip. He did it to save his son. He had no choice. He had to save Phillip from himself. Alan asks for Phillip to give him a chance to tell the truth. Phillip says he has a lot to catch up on. So Alan was going to marry Beth? Alan has taken care of Beth and the kids. He cares for them as if they were his own family. Does Beth love him? Not like she loved Phillip. Phillip agrees that Alan shooting him was for the best in the end. He was going down a very dark road that would have been the end of him. Alan saved him from himself. He just wished that the bullet hole didn’t hurt so much. Phillip says he’s not going to kill Alan today he has other things to take care of.

Beth and Buzz sit with Coop. What happened? He was in a car wreck. Coop says he’s sorry for doing that to Buzz’s car. Buzz says he can pay him back. Coop coughs and winces in pain. Did Beth marry Alan? No she didn’t. Coop did it. Coop asks for just a couple of minutes with Beth. Buzz leaves. Beth sits close. Coop tells her to stop sobbing. He reassures her that he will be fine. Beth says he’s such a crazy man. What was he going to do run up the aisle and punch Alan out? Perhaps. He couldn’t let Beth marry Alan. It wasn’t right. Beth says she’s not going to marry Alan now. Coop can still save her. He has to get well. Beth is in tears. Coop is reassuring her. Rick comes in and says that Coop needs to rest. Coop doesn’t want her to go. Beth says that he can rest. They will talk later. She’s not going to leave him again. Beth kisses Coop.

Buzz walks down the hallway and sees Reva and Josh. What can they do? Buzz says there was a car accident. Was there ice on the road? Coop was going to stop Alan and Beth’s wedding. Did Alan know? Buzz can’t think about that right now. He has to go and call his family. Have they seen Frank? He was just there a moment ago.

Dinah asks what Shayne bought for Lara for her birthday. It was a ring that he found. He was going to ask her to marry him. He was. Maybe Edmund would want the ring now. He’s going to be there soon. It’s just a ring. Nothing important. Dinah can’t believe that Shayne is even saying that. Edmund is not part of their love story. Edmund was Lara’s father. He can never learn the truth about the accident. Shayne knows that Edmund has done a lot of stuff. Dinah says yeah. He left her to die in a burning farmhouse. Edmund can charm and weasel a way into a persons life. Shayne gets irritated by Dinah and asks for the ring back. Dinah picks up her coat and leaves just as Edmund shows up at the door. Edmund asks how Dinah is. Dinah says that some people never change. Edmund smirks.

Josh and Reva are at Company. Reva is nibbling on some crackers. Dinah walks in and says there is trouble. It’s Lara’s birthday. Shayne was just in his apartment staring at the ring. Reva asks why Dinah didn’t stay and help Shayne. She tried to but he booted her out. He is getting way to close to Edmund each day. Josh agrees with that. Dinah says she needs some backup in order to take care of Edmund. Dinah has experience with Edmund. She knows personally what his scary side is. She doesn’t want Shayne to have to see that.

Edmund and Shayne are sharing a toast to Lara at Towers. Edmund says they should celebrate this day together every year. Shayne says that is a good idea. Shayne’s phone rings. It’s Reva. She was coming out of her chemo appointment and ran into Buzz Cooper. Coop was in a horrible car accident. Shayne may remember him. Reva started thinking about her own son. Shayne says he’s fine. Reva would really like to see her son. Shayne agrees. He tells Edmund he has to go. Edmund says thanks for the drink. Shayne leaves.

Buzz is waiting in the hallway when Frank shows up. Where was he? He had to check in the station. Any changes? Coop is awake. He’s heading to surgery. It’s really serious. Buzz asks all sorts of questions about the car crash. Does Frank know if the car was tampered with? The team is looking into that. Buzz has to stay focused right now. Frank tells his father that Alan did call Coop right before the accident. Buzz questions why Alan would do that.

Beth is outside in tears when Alan shows up. She tells him to stay back. She told him to stay away from her. Alan just wanted to make sure that Beth was o.k. He knows that it was very traumatic for her. How is her friend? He’s critical. Alan says he’s been praying with the minister. The minister? He’s in the car. Alan want to go back to the chapel and continue their wedding vows. Beth says they are finished. She will never marry him. Beth runs away.

Phillip walks up to Cedars. Rick is outside having a drink. How is Coop? He’s in surgery. Rick tells Phillip not to go in right away. Rick asks who came back his friend or the man who kidnapped his son. Phillip understands that. Phillip asks if Beth loves Alan. Rick says no. Beth actually loves Coop. Phillip says that makes sense with Beth’s reaction at the church. Phillip says that Rick left out a lot of stuff when he told Phillip what had happened the last bit.

Phillip questions if he heard that right with Rick and Beth. They were together for a bit. Alan was married to Beth the first time. She and Rick started as an affair. Rick has always loved Beth. Phillip knows that. Rick says he came to the realization it was just high school memories. Rick is sorry. He knows this is a lot for Phillip to digest. Phillip says the same thing happened to him while he was gone. He had a lot to digest and figure out who he was. He had to learn how to control that dark side. Phillip imagined a lot of scenarios coming back but not this. Rick gets that. It’s just blue skies and palamino ponies. Phillip says it’s good to see Rick. What is the plan? He wants to see his kids. The mothers are not going to let that happen. Phillip will get through to them eventually. Rick says he has to head back inside. He tells Phillip to leave before anyone sees him yet.

Beth is outside in tears. She can’t breathe. Alan shows up. Beth tells Alan to get away from her. He wanted to see her because he knew how upset she was. Beth says that Coop got into that car because of them. He wanted to stop the wedding. Alan says they are not to blame. Coop showed terrible judgment with trying to stop the wedding. Alan grabs Beth’s arm. If he loved her he would not be forcing her into this marriage. Beth is doing what is best. Coop was reckless. Was? Beth tells Alan not to do that. Alan says sorry that was slip of the tongue. Alan suggests getting out of there. She can’t talk or look at him right now. She is never ever going to let Alan touch her again. She doesn’t care what he does to her. She is not marrying him. Alan says all she needs is time.

Reva is at Company waiting with Josh when Shayne shows up. She’s not alone. She ran into Josh at the hospital. He was getting the permits for the new wing they want to work on. Shayne says that Reva could have talked to him on the phone. Reva wanted a hug from her son. Shayne realizes that Dinah spilled the beans about Lara’s birthday. She told them about the ring. Reva asks if he will tell them. No. They are not going to talk about that. Shayne wants to leave. Reva says that she ordered a cake. Chocolate. It’s still his favourite right. Just have one slice with them.

Dinah is at Towers. She orders a glass of red wine. She looks over and sees Edmund. Is she still not speaking to him? He was doing some work with Shayne today. He had to go see Reva. Dinah is sorry about Edmund’s daughter. It has to be a tough day for him. He does know how it will end right though for both of them. They are Lewis. Dinah and Edmund are not part of that perfect little circle. Edmund say Shayne is not like the others. They are working together. It gives them focus. Of course. Dinah remarks that the man behind Edmund is watching him. Edmund says actually Rock has been following him. Edmund invites Rock down. It’s been a while Mr. Winslow. Do they know each other? Edmund laughs not in the biblical sense but he’s an associate of Jeffrey’s and therefore not a friend of Edmund’s. Dinah says that is interesting since Jeffrey has been one of Edmund’s biggest champions yet he even has a man following Edmund. What does that say?

Buzz and Frank wait as Coop is pulled out for surgery. The nurse works on him. Frank remarks that a lot of cute nurses are around. Coop is sorry for the car. Buzz says it’s fine. Frank says Coop can borrow his car next time. Coop says not thanks to that offer. Coop winces as the pain becomes stronger. Frank questions did Alan call him? Yes. About Beth? Yes. He never made it to the wedding. They didn’t get married. At least not today. Coop did his job. Frank agrees that his brother saved Beth. Coop says a guy in a sweatshirt pulled him out of the car. He wants to thank him. He loves both of them. Tell Rocky the same thing. Frank says that Coop can tell his little brother that himself. Rick says it’s time to go. Coop is wheeled away. Buzz says he needs to walk and clear his head.

Beth is in tears outside as she sits on a rock wall. She looks down a the blood on her hands. In the distance Phillip watches her. Beth reacts when she sees Phillip. Phillip walks up and sits beside her. Beth can’t do it and runs away.

Dinah and Edmund are still at Towers. Dinah describes the man she found in Germany. He wasn’t walking or talking. She was the one that got him back to living. She thought that there may have been something there. Edmund is intrigued. Dinah learned though that she would never be accepted by the Lewis family. Bill is a Lewis doesn’t that change things. No. They will never trust her. They are tight knit family. Shayne is their golden boy. Edmund and Dinah will never be let into that inner circle. Edmund says that Shayne is his own man. He loved Lara. If Edmund trusted the Lewis family he would have told them about Lara’s pregnancy. Dinah told him not to. Dinah says that is not true. He doesn’t trust the Lewis family. Dinah gets that.

Reva, Josh and Shayne are eating cake. Shayne says that Reva is about to pop and have that baby. Reva knows that. She’s not ready to sing happy birthday to his baby brother yet. Did Lara like chocolate? She liked honesty. Would Shayne have come if they told him what was up? No. They care about their son and they all need him. Shayne’s phone rings. It’s Edmund. Edmund says that some high rollers from the embassy are coming to town. It would be a good way to get money for the care center. Shayne says he’d love to help but he’s at a doctor’s appointment right now. Shayne will call Edmund later. Edmund is not impressed as Dinah watches.

Beth walks in and sees Frank. Is she o.k. ? How is Coop? He’s gone into surgery. Beth had so much more she wanted to tell Coop. Frank says that she can talk to Coop when he gets out. She can talk to him later. He was in good spirits right before and cracking jokes. It’s a good sign. Beth agrees. He ’s going to be fine. Where is Buzz? He went out to clear his head.

Reva, Josh and Shayne sit at the table. What was her last birthday like? Shayne says that he got a ton of balloons and hid it in a tent. Edmund arrives outside and sees the close moment. She loved chocolate cake. He had all sorts of other treats for her. It was a feast. As the sun went down. Shayne took her toward the tent to be surprised. The problem was a pair of foxes had gotten inside and were eating the food. All Lara did was look at him and laugh. Dinah watches as Edmund is left out of the party.

Phillip arrives back at his grave site. He looks at it and shakes his head. Nothing makes sense.

Beth paces in the hallway as she waits. Rick shows up. Rick says that it will be a bit. Beth can go and rest. Beth tells Rick that she saw Phillip. What did she do? She just ran away. She didn’t say anything about them.

Alan is outside on his property when Buzz shows up. Buzz is furious. How did Buzz get through the gate? Buzz says that it’s Alan’s fault that Coop is in the hospital. Buzz say not it’s time for Alan to be in the hospital as well. Buzz lunges at Alan with a rock in his hand only to be stopped by Phillip. Buzz is stunned.

Preview: Buzz confronting Alan and asking if Phillip was a part of the accident.

Phillip Happens Here.

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