Beth’s Choice
Alan tells Beth to marry him or else. Beth breaks Coop’s heart to save him. Buzz tells Alan to go to hell with his offer. Olivia defends her life with Natalia rather passionately. Remy and Christina work to get the grant and discover something even better : each other.
Previously - Doris’ press conference. Coop telling Blake that the book was not supposed to be published. The reading as Alan and Beth watch on. Alan telling Beth he knows about the affair.
Doris continues her press conference on TV. Natalia is nervous. Olivia is furious. Where does Doris get the right to make a judgement saying that Emma needs to be protected. It was just a paper for school nothing more. They are just a family like everyone else. Natalia can’t take the speculation and says she has to go on her date with Frank. Olivia questions what made Natalia run.
At Company, Remy sees Christina. She’s smiling. She did the right thing and cancelled the loan application for the scholarship. It should be for a real married person. She doesn’t need it now. He doesn’t have to be married to her. She has a way into Johns Hopkins now thanks to Remy. Christina thanks Remy for getting her the spot. She got the spot but she still has to pay tuition. Christina is aghast when she sees how much money it costs per semester. There is no way that she can afford that. Remy says then the marriage plan is back on track. Christina has to go and play nice with the loan officer. Christina is not sure what to do.
Buzz watches Coop talk to his groupies at Towers. Coop walks over. Buzz is very proud of his son. Coop can’t believe that so many people showed up to say hello and get his autograph. Buzz says that a lot of people were touched by his book. It matters to them. Coop says the book matters to him as well. He wanted to tell their story and do it justice. So being with Beth was not such a waste of time now? Buzz questions why Coop could not have made the picture look less like Beth. Coop had no clue. Blake did that. Coop looks at his watch. Beth should be back now. He wants to share this special moment with her.
Beth tells Alan to let go of her wrist that he has forcefully grasped. Why so she can go back to Coop? Beth’s new lover that used to be involved with her daughter. Beth attempts to lie but Alan says there is no point. He in fact saw Beth and Coop making love at Company with his own eyes. Alan says that is what he wanted to talk to Beth about. Beth looks terrified. Alan says that indiscretions happen in a relationship. He was willing to forgive her and move on to their marriage. Then they walk into that travesty of a book reading. It was sickening to hear Coop read from his book. Alan was being made a fool of by the whole town. Beth doesn’t think that this romance with Coop is just a fling does she? She thinks she has a real chance at a life with him. Alan says there is no way. She took Alan’s and devotion and made it sick and humiliated him. The lies are going to stop now. The affair is going to stop now. What does Alan want? Alan smiles and pours a brandy for his bride. Why of course to get married to his bride? Beth is aghast. He wants her to marry him ! Yes, it’s the most obvious solution to their problem. Beth says that their life together ended a while ago. Alan has to realize that. She tried to him and give their romance a chance. Beth is sorry that she hurt him. They have so much history as friends. Alan says friends ! She cheated on him and kept him in the dark while the whole town knew of her torrid affair. That does not sound like friendship at all. He still wants to marry her to what save face? No Beth and Alan are meant to be together. The affair is just a passing a whim nothing more. Beth will marry him or….obviously she doesn’t care that much about what happens to Coop. Beth steps back horrified. Did he learn nothing from Tammy’s death? He learned how to be more cautious. Payton deserves to have her family with her parents married. Beth needs to let this silly notion go that she will have a life with Coop. That is not going to happen. Beth is all about family right. Well she’s part of the Spaulding family now. She has made her choice. Alan gives Beth one hour to accept his proposal. Beth is horrified as Alan walks away.
Coop is starting to get really worried about Beth at Towers. He tells Buzz he should go look for her. Buzz says that it looks like Coop is not finished with his fans. Coop walks over. The lady introduces herself as not a fan but instead the main person at Stanford University. Coop is impressed. He knows of their creative writing program. She has an offer for Coop to become their writer in residence. Buzz says that is an incredible opportunity. Coop says that Stanford is miles away. He can’t leave for that long. Buzz says that he gave up Oxford for Ava. Is he going to give up this chance as well? Coop says he has to unless. Coop walks over and says that he is very flattered. He would to take the position but he needs help with something. If they can do this then he will consider the offer.
At Mallet and Marina’s house, Remy arrives to find Marina packing a huge bag. Is she leaving? She and Mallet have a couple of days off so they are going to go up to the mountains and have lots and lots of sex. Remy gets squeamish and tells Marina that is way too much information. Marina says they have been so focused on the adoption problems. Remy understands. It’s not going to work if Mallet and Marina push it to happen so they are going to leave and rest for a bit. Does Marina need a house sitter this time? Marina says no because she has no plants. Why does Remy and Christina want to play house again? Actually Remy needs the house because the financial aid officer is coming over to see if Christina qualifies for the financial aid. Does Christina know? She will. Marina says that is fine. Just then Christina shows up. Christina questions what is up with Mallet and Marina’s house. Actually it’s Remy and Christina’s house for now. Good luck. Marina leaves. Christina looks at Remy. Remy picks up his bride and carries her across the threshold.
Olivia arrives at Doris’ office and is ticked off. Where does she get the right to be so judgemental? Doris wants to protect the children. It’s not personal. She wants to get attention to the project. So she uses Emma to do that? That was Emma’s paper about her family. Doris doesn’t care what Olivia and Natalia do in their private lives? Olivia says she and Natalia are not lesbians or a couple. They just live together. Doris says that Olivia should explain this to Emma then.
Frank questions if it is too cold for picnic. Natalia says it’s fine. A picnic will be nice and private away from the judgemental eyes. Frank is confused and asks what she means. Just then Natalia’s phone rings. It’s Emma’s babysitter. Emma’s missing. She just left the playground and went away. Natalia freaks out. She’s coming over right away. Frank says that he found Emma last time. He will find her again.
Christina giggles and tells Remy to put her down. He plops her down on the couch. Remy says that he has a plan to talk to the advisor. She cancelled that. Remy called back and convinced the advisor to give Christina a second look. He explained that his wife has too much pride to take a government grant even though she needs it. Christina says this will not work. It will. They will see our beautiful house and life together. So another lie about the house? Well separate places would not give the idea of a warm and loving couple right. Knock at the door. Will Remy or Christina get that? Christina started this. She will finish it. Christina goes to open the door. She looks at the advisor and welcomes him to their house.
Olivia tells Doris that Emma did what she was supposed to do. She wrote a project about her family. They are just friends that live together. Friends? There is nothing salicious about it. They live together to help raise each others kids. Does Doris have a clue that Olivia nearly died last year? She barely knew Natalia though she knew Gus well. Gus died in a motorcycle accident. Natalia let Olivia have the heart even though Olivia was with Gus. Even after everything, she still cared about Olivia. Would Doris do something so unselfish? Natalia is a kind, warm, beautiful woman who is stronger than anyone realizes. She has such a strength inside of her. When Olivia realized she had Gus’ heart, she wanted to give up but Natalia refused to let that happen. She fought for Olivia to live. They live together in a real home. It’s different but very safe for her daughter. There is no shame in their life together. Why is Doris looking at her like that? Doris says that is such a passionate speech. A loving description. Olivia says that nobody can judge their life. Olivia warns Doris never to hurt Natalia or Emma or she will have even bigger troubles on her hands. Doris says fine. She has to get back to work. Olivia leaves.
Natalia and Frank find Emma at the mini mart. Emma was not supposed to leave school. Why did she do that? Did she not like a kid at school. It was what they were saying. Natalia gets the point and tells Frank to call Olivia for her. Natalia tells Emma she doesn’t have to tell her the truth but it’s o.k. if she wants to. She can tell Natalia anything. Emma explains how she can’t see her friend Derek anymore. Derek from the presentation? Derek’s parents don’t want him near Emma anymore. Emma’s not sure what she did wrong. Natalia hugs Emma.
In Company, Alan shows up and sees Buzz with Coop’s book. It’s quite the page turner isn’t it.
Coop tells Beth that it’s too cold out there to be talking. They can go back to his room. He can warm her up the proper way. She can’t do that. Did she talk to Alan? She did. It didn’t go well. Not at all. Well at least she finally did it. It could be worse right. Now they can finally be together. Beth say no. They have to talk about something. Coop says that something amazing happened. He got offered the writer in residence at Stanford University. Beth is so happy for him. It was because of his new book? That is amazing. Coop says it gets even better. He made it so Beth has a place in the Law School if she wants. It’s happening they can finally have it all together. All they have to do is reach for it and they can have their dreams. All she has to do is say yes.
Remy and Christina invite the advisor in to their house. Christina offers the guy a soda or juice. She’s not sure if they have any in though. Remy covers and says that they both work so much that they don’t get out to get groceries very often. The advisor remarks that the pictures don’t look like them. Remy covers again saying that they are subletting the house from friends. Mallet and Marina were at their wedding. Remy says he’s very proud of his wife for getting into medical school. She really needs the grant to make it happen. The advisor says there is a problem because Christina turned it down before. Remy says that his wife is too proud to accept assistance. Christina says there is no question that she wants to be a doctor. She’s always wanted to help people. The reason she made it through is because her husband is a dedicated EMT. Christina understands that there are other couples that may deserve the money as well. It has taken them a lot to get to this point so whatever the advisor decides is fine with her. Remy and Christina will figure it out together. Remy and Christina hug.
Emma hopes that Natalia is not mad at her. Of course not. Grown people just sometimes care too much what other people are thinking. They forget what really matters. Olivia shows up. Emma hopes her mom is not mad at her. Of course not. Olivia says sometimes you find out who your friends are the hard way. Natalia questions about taking Emma back to school. Olivia suggests that they play hookey together instead. All three agree that is a great choice.
Buzz attempts to change the conversation. He says he has ideas for improvements. Maybe a wood stove. Alan negates that idea. Buzz says that maybe a set of franchises. Alan says that shows Buzz has ambition, must be where Coop got it from. Buzz realizes that Alan knows the truth. Buzz warns Alan not to hurt Coop. Take it out on Buzz first. Alan will consider that, but it depends on what Buzz does next.
Coop is smiling as he’s walking with Beth. He says that they can write a sequel to their story in California. Stanford is so beautiful. Beth would be getting into one of the most prestigious law schools. They could find really good schools for James and Payton and have an incredible life together. The bonus is they would be miles away from this cold town and Alan. Alan could not touch her or the kids again. It could be a new beginning for them. It could be so much more for them. It could be a real life finally. All she has to do is say yes. Beth says No, surprising Coop. She can’t go away with him. She has to end this affair before it gets any worse for the people involved. Coop looks at Beth not understanding what she means.
The advisor starts to head off but turns and looks at Christina and Remy. He says they make such a wonderful couple. Christina says thank you . Does this mean they have a chance? The advisor can’t confirm it but she should really start look at rooms at Johns Hopkins. The advisor leaves. Remy and Christina hug. She was so proud of him and he of her. He thought they were the ideal married couple in love. They fooled him.
Olivia, Natalia and Emma eat ice cream at Towers together. They are a family no matter what other people say. Olivia says good because then she can tell Natalia that she has ice cream on her face. Where on her mouth? No on her nose. Olivia removes the ice cream. Olivia and Natalia continue to flirt as a pair of ladies from the row above start to watch them.
Alan questions how long Buzz knew that Coop was involved with his wife. Coop has filled Beth’s heads with fantasies like the ones in the book. Buzz again warns Alan not to put a hand on Coop. Alan says that will not happen provided Coop takes the job at Stanford. Coop will leave town. Beth will return to being Alan’s wife. Added bonus Buzz will get a franchise of Companies. All Buzz has to do is the smart thing. Buzz gets ticked and tells Alan to screw off. Alan can total Company for all Buzz cares. Buzz is not making a deal with the devil.
Beth starts to tell Coop what happened. She was trying to talk to Alan about giving up everything but she couldn’t do it. It’s a fantasy this life that she has with Coop. It’s not real. It’s a great book but not real life. Coop asks if Alan did anything to scare Beth? Beth says she is fine. She just woke up. She can’t leave the life of the Spauldings. Coop says this is some joke. This is not her talking. It is. What is she doing being involved with the boyfriend of her daughter? Life is complicated. Beth’s mother is going out with Coop’s father. What did Alan do to her? Nothing. Beth then acts furious about the book. How could he have it published with her on the cover? Coop had no clue that Blake was going to do that. Beth says that the book proves that Coop is young and foolish. He doesn’t see that there are consequences for your actions. It was just a selfish fantasy. Coop says that Beth doesn’t believe that. She’s not some perfect character in his book. That woman does not exist. She needs a man not a boy. It was just fun nothing more. Beth is a mother with children. She can’t do this. Beth says goodbye to Coop. Coop is stunned and starts to walk away. Beth attempts to keep from sobbing even though her heart is shattering inside. Coop turns and sees Beth sobbing. He walks away.
Remy and Christina are at the house celebrating. They are drinking a bottle of wine. The next stop for her is Baltimore. What is she doing checking the weather? No the mileage. It’s 798 miles to Baltimore or a one way flight. Remy already checked. He knows that he will need to fly up and keep his wife relaxed so she doesn’t burn out. Christina says he can’t do that. It’s going to be 5 years at Johns Hopkins then more afterwards. She really appreciates his help with the scholarship but she can’t expect him to stay that long. Remy wants to. Remy’s family always wanted him to marry a doctor. Well hello to medical school, Dr. Boudreaux.
The ladies continue to gawk at Olivia and Natalia as they flirt at Towers. Natalia says she should probably get Emma back to her babysitter so she can go on her date with Frank. Olivia says fine as she looks up at the ladies. She needs to take care of some things. She wants to do a party to show what a loving family looks like. Natalia leaves with Emma. Olivia walks up to the gawking women and ask if they have a problem with their family?
Buzz is taking his frustration out on a cucumber when he hears Coop ripping up his book. What is he doing? Coop says it’s over. Buzz knew right. He was right all along. Why did Coop not listen to Buzz that this thing with Beth was not going to work? Beth ended it today for good. Coop was a fool. Beth wants a life with Alan. She was so hurtful and spiteful with her words yet she was the one crying. Buzz looks at his son. He was not a fool. Alan knows the truth. Alan forced Beth to push him away. They all lose but Alan gets what he wants. That is not right. Alan made her do it. Coop say it’s not over by a long shot. Coop hugs his father. He’s going to get Beth back.
Alan is in the study when Beth shows up. It’s done. Beth walks over to the balcony and starts sobbing. Alan watches as she cries.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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