Mallet and Marina want to get married as much as Remy and Christina want to get divorced.
Previously - Mallet and Marina are being watched by Shayne at the courthouse. Remy and Mel talk. Shayne and Dinah watch the wedding.
At the wedding, Eleni hands Marina a bracelet that belonged to her great grandmother.
Marina is touched. She tells her mother not to cry or else Marina will start. Eleni is very happy that she and Frank could be a part of the wedding. Frank says that Marina can always come home if it doesn't work out. Marina says that this wedding is for keeps. Frank still can't believe that Buzz is in Chicago. Buzz will come home when he has the chance. He has to make a big entrance. Eleni and Frank are very happy for Mallet and Marina. Greek weddings are big. Marina laughs right she was the surprise at their wedding. Frank will always be number one for her but he is going to have to learn to share her. Frank says he can try. Josh suggests getting the wedding started.
Outside, Shayne and Dinah watch the wedding. Dinah questions what the heck Shayne is doing in Springfield.
Dinah is there because she lives there, what is his excuse? Is this some type of sick joke. He lied about his name and now he is here. Shayne comments how people at weddings are so hopeful. They believe that love can conqueror all. It's a joke. Dinah questions if Shayne is following her. Shayne tells Dinah it's not all about her. It's just a coincidence then? Shayne says that Mallet and Marina are clueless. They think they can be together and work it all out because of love. Dinah laughs and says that Shayne is quite the cynic. Why has nobody snapped him up already?
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
The music begins inside. Frank starts to walk Marina down the aisle as Shayne and Dinah watch.
Dinah didn't think that Mallet would actually go through it but it looks like it's actually going to happen. Nothing is going to stop it not even the rainy y weather. Shayne laughs they are lambs being lead to the slaughter.
Remy and Christina arrive at Mallet and Marina's house.
Christina says the place is really nice. Remy questions where everyone is for the wedding. Mallet and Marina called Remy and Christina to witness their wedding again. Christina laughs. Mallet and Marina want to get married as much as Remy and Christina want to get divorced. She needs to get back to her life and just study for her exams. Remy says she needs to chill and relax. Christina says it's weird being alone in Mallet and Marina's house. She doesn't even know them. Remy reminds Christina that they were invited to Mallet and Marina's wedding as witnesses. That is pretty personal. As personal as wedding a complete stranger. Remy tells Christina not to worry. They will get unhitched soon enough.
Mallet questions if Frank is actually going to give Marina away to him.
Frank says after a couple of questions. It's a stand off.
Eleni tells Frank to just give Marina to Mallet.
Frank has some rules first. Will he promise to take care of Marina? Always. Will he put her first in his life? Always. Will he be the man that she deserves? Mallet says he's going to give it his best shot. Will he promise never to call Frank " Dad " ? Mallet laughs and says that Frank is pushing it. Since it's a hostage situation, Mallet agrees to do it " Dad " . Marina says not best to call Frank " Dad", " Pops" or any other variation. Mallet agrees to terms. Josh begins the ceremony.
Marina tells Josh to get moving before Frank has other demands.
Outside Dinah questions who the heck Shayne is? Why does he even care about this wedding? Shayne says love is doomed. Why is Dinah there? Shayne leaves. Dinah sees Grady and Daisy show up.
Daisy questions if they are late for the wedding. Dinah says she's been trying to reach Grady. Why is she there? She needs to have a conversation with him. There are problems they need to straighten out. Daisy says they should head inside. Grady feels like he is going to court again. Daisy is glad that Grady is making an attempt. It's their first public date as a couple. Grady says it's like putting a pit bull in a crate full of kittens. Daisy says her family will have to come around. Daisy wants to see Grady. He's a part of her life. Dinah stops Grady from heading inside.
Grady will see Daisy in a moment.
Inside, Josh begins his speech. Daisy says sorry late. The Coopers tell Daisy to get her butt inside. Daisy says she'll stand at the back so as not to disturb when Grady gets there. Grady is her date. Frank is pissed off. He questions if Daisy is trying to ruin Marina's wedding. Daisy says no. She came to be a part of a family affair. She brought a gift and everything for Marina and Mallet. Frank says that Daisy is not coming with Grady to the wedding. Marina tells her father to stop. He's ruining her wedding. Daisy is welcome.
Outside, Dinah looks at Grady.
Grady heads inside. Frank tells him to leave.
Daisy says that Frank is being the rude one. Where is Buzz? Buzz welcomed Grady into Company. This should be a happy day that belongs to Marina. Frank says he's sorry. Grady says it was a mistake that he came. They just need to accept him. He's a part of Daisy's life. Marina feeling the disaster creep around tells Coop to turn on the music quick before it gets worse.
Shayne is outside in a barn with a beer in his hand.
He pulls out a picture of someone he lost.
Marina tries to reason with her father. Just let Daisy stay please. It doesn't need to be perfect. She just wants to marry Mallet. Frank can't do that. Daisy says fine. She's leaving with Grady. Daisy tells Marina she's sorry. Marina looks beautiful. Daisy laughs and says it was a miracle if she thought that her family would accept Grady. Frank says he's sorry. Marina says she's not getting married without her family there. That includes Daisy. Mallet agrees to go find Daisy for Marina. Daisy says she's done with the Cooper clan.
Dinah says she's not done with Grady. Grady says they are. She just needs to think about what he said. Dinah questions what else can go wrong with today. Just then Mallet sees Dinah.
Remy and Mel are at Towers. Remy is mooching food.
He wants to do something for Christina. Mel says she can't move faster with the divorce. Remy says it's not the divorce. Does she remember the cheat sheets she offered before the MCATs to him? Mel does. Remy says he wants to give them to Christina to help her with her test. Isn't that a touchy subject? Remy says that he will work it out. Christina needs a break in her life. Mel agrees to bring them over to Mallet and Marina's house. Remy leaves.
Josh says he has to reschedule something. The wedding is going into overtime. Ashlee offers Eleni a cheese puff.
Eleni says that she doesn't know what is happening but Frank has to learn he can't control everything. Grady didn't seem that bad. Ashlee clarifies saying that Grady is Cyrus' brother. Cyrus is the reason that Harley is still in Greece. Grady is also the reason why Cassie's daughter Tammy is dead. Coop explains that Frank is like a dog with a red truck when he sees a Foley. He can't control his emotions. Ashlee says she expected calm today. Coop laughs and says that chaos is more common then normal with the Cooper clan now. Normal is long gone.
Marina lectures Frank.
Why couldn't he just let it go? Frank doesn't have to control everything. She didn't need fighting at her wedding. Marina says she's fine in doing it alone with Mallet if needed. Frank says he's sorry for being pushy. Marina says she's going to go outside to cool down. When she returns their better be peace and harmony or she is arresting all of them for disturbing the peace at her wedding. Marina leaves. Marina is walking around outside when she sees Shayne.
Hey long time no see. Shayne is uncomfortable. Marina is stunned.
Remy returns to find Christina comfy on the couch reading a gossip magazine. Remy says she's going to love him. Christina looks at Remy.
She's going to love what he did for her. He's got some incredible study notes from Mel that will help her. Christina says she's has study notes on how to read study notes. She just wants this divorce so she can move on with her life. He can do that for her. She needs to go on with her life. It's like they are together but not really together especially after he married her while he was drunk. He didn't choose her while he was sober right.
Marina is stunned to see Shayne in the wheelchair. She rushes over and hugs him. What happened to him? Shayne says that it is only temporary.
Marina knew that Shayne was going to get hurt working with landmines. Shayne says she was right. Why is he here? He didn't call her or anything. Shayne is not staying. He heard about her wedding. She's getting married today. It's a lot more complicated now. Does he remember A.C. Mallet? They can head inside and he can meet them. Shayne can even see Josh. Shayne is adamant that Josh not know that he is back in town. Why? No problem why but she can not tell Josh. Why is she even doing this? What? Marrying a man. Does she think she can actually be happy? What? Does he have to say it again? Does she think she will be happy with Mallet? Marina says she can be. Is this about them? That was a long time ago. She's moved on with her life. Shayne says he's not there because of them. If not then why is he there and doing this to her? Does she think she can be happy with Mallet? He's a good guy. She wants to be happy. Shayne says she's not going to be happy.
Mallet questions what Dinah is doing there?
She wasn't planning on coming. She just showed up. It's just one last goodbye. It's never that way with them. It's never that simple. Dinah laughs the wedding is like a train wreck. You can't turn away. You have to watch. Mallet thanks Dinah for the analogy. Dinah knows there is nothing she can do about it. She's still hanging onto hope. Dinah will be fine. She's not going to freak out or give excuses. He's told her that he's happy with Marina. She knows that. She just can't stay away from Mallet. It's not possible. Mallet hugs Dinah.
Marina questions how Shayne knows Mallet. Shayne doesn't. Shayne just knows that Mallet is not going to make Marina happy. Mallet was married to Harley when they were in playpens. It's going to end and badly. Marina questions what happened to Shayne. Shayne says they all get sucker punched by love. It gets the better of us. Is this because he's in a chair? Shayne says no. Then what is it? Shayne says he's just trying to show her some reality. He's trying to warn her. Bull. Marina knows Shayne. She knows how he feels about life. Shayne says they were kids. They had no clue back then what could happen. Marina questions what happened to Shayne over there to change him so much?
Dinah says that Mallet has told her over and over that he loves Marina.
She gets it. She doesn't like it but she gets it. It's hard for her. Mallet says it's just as hard for him to move on. Dinah says she feels like she's treading water. Not in her head. It's fine. It's her heart. She will keep her distance. It's his day with is wife not with his ex wife. She's not going to ruin it for him. It's just going to take her some time.
Shayne says it's not about him and what happened over there. So, he came home to crash her wedding? She's sorry but she's happy with Mallet. She loves Mallet. Is he enough for her? What else is there in life? Shayne says the person you love the most is always the person that leaves you. Love doesn't guarantee that they are going to stay. Marina says that is a load of garbage. Marina says that Shayne must be drunk. He needs sleep. He can go have some sleep. She will call him tomorrow. Shayne says he's not drunk. He just wants her to see the reality. Marina says he's wrong about everything. She welcomes him home and leaves.
Marina walks to Company and sees Mallet comforting Dinah. Marina rushes off. Shayne sees Marina run by and calls out to her.
Shayne heads to the front and sees Dinah with Mallet. Of course. Shayne shakes his head.
Daisy and Grady are inside the barn.
Daisy questions what is up with her family. She shouldn't have expected a miracle that they might just accept Grady. There has to be more with life. It can't be ordinary. Look at Bill and Lizzie. Bill came back to Lizzie. Grady says but there is the kidnapping charges. They will go away when Bill is found innocent. Bill and Lizzie can then have their happy ending. Bill and Lizzie have fought through so much to be together. Daisy questions why her family can't forgive Grady.
Remy and Christina are talking about if their marriage is a mistake when Mel shows up with the MCAT notes. Mel drops a bomb and says that she can't do their case anymore.
She has too much on her plate. They are just going to have to go through regular channels. It will just take a bit longer to get divorced. Remy and Christina try to sweet talk Mel but it's a no go. They are on their own. Remy tries to reason with his sister. They are very thankful that Mel decided to help them. Mel says they need to do a lot more talking and figure out what they want. Mel leaves.
Grady gives Daisy his jacket. Grady says there are some things that her family can not accept. He's just going to accept that. Daisy says true but Bill understands what it's like to be an outcast. Maybe he can take a chance on Grady and give him a job? Daisy can put in a good word for Grady. Grady laughs at the concept of working for Bill. That's not going to happen. Daisy says that Grady underestimates his potential. She tells him he can do anything that he puts his mind to. Does Daisy really see him that way? All he wants right now is Daisy.
Frank and Eleni talk at Company.
Frank is sorry he ruined the wedding. Eleni says he has to learn he can't control everything. People love who they love. Coop says that this wedding is one for the books. It could be worse right. Josh questions if there is going to be a wedding. Marina arrives and says there is still a wedding today.
Where is Mallet? Josh can go and find him. Marina stops Josh saying that Mallet will be back soon.
Mallet questions if Dinah is going to be fine. Dinah says she's a survivor right. He pulled her out of that fire years ago. She can come inside if she wants. Dinah says that would be too much. Mallet wants Marina. Mallet will always remember what he had with Dinah. Dinah thanks him and says goodbye. Mallet leaves and heads inside.
He sees Marina. Marina kisses him.
She cloyingly says she thought he would be back before her. Mallet got caught up in something. He couldn't find Daisy. Marina says it's probably best for Daisy to cool off. It will also give Frank time to cool down. Marina says it's a long story what happened. She's glad that Mallet is there. Coop says he wants the wedding to finish so he can eat. Marina says of course it's all about Coop. Coop says he wants to see them happy. Frank tells Josh to start from the top. He promises not to crash the wedding.
Dinah and Shayne are outside. Shayne says he tried to reason with Marina.
Dinah questions how the heck Shayne knows Marina? Shayne doesn't owe Dinah any explanation. Dinah pushes again who the heck is he.
Remy and Christina are at the gym.
They are looking at a book on divorce. Remy questions where they are supposed to get started. Christina says she's read too many books. Remy is sorry that Mel flaked out on them. They are stuck longer together than planned. Remy suggests dinner to talk about their divorce. Christina agrees.
Mel confesses on the phone to Felicia that she couldn't take the case.
If Remy and Christina divorce then they have no reason to talk. They just need time to realize how perfect they are for each other.
Daisy and Grady make out in the seedy motel.
Josh is doing the vows about love as Dinah and Shayne listen. Shayne can't listen anymore and crashes the wedding.
Josh sees Shayne and questions what happened to his son. Frank remarks on little Shayne Lewis. Dinah is surprised by the name of her confidante. Mallet says Shayne is the man that picked the fight with him. What is he doing? What is he trying to get out of this? Josh questions again what is wrong. Shayne says sarcastically it's just a scratch nothing more. Shayne just has one question. Shayne and Mallet spar. Does Mallet really think that he can love, honour and protect Marina? Can he really do it in this world? Mallet says he can. He doesn't want Shayne to cause trouble. Josh is just going to take Shayne home. Shayne says he's staying put. Shayne gets up and hits Mallet square in the mouth.
Cops pull Shayne off of Mallet.
Beth and Alan have it out.
Beth leaves and ends up spending the night with Coop unintentionally. Beth worries what Alan will say about her not coming home. Buzz finds out that Beth stayed with Coop. Beth returns home to find Alan all grouchy. It seems he's just fired his incompetent private investigator? Does he know about Coop and Beth?
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