Previously : Shayne punching out Mallet. Dinah and Shayne being arrested by Mallet. Josh telling Shayne he's taking him to a higher power : Reva.
At Cedars, Reva hugs Shayne.
Shayne tells her that he'll be fine. Reva says she's his mom. She has a right to cry. She hasn't seen her son in a long time. This time it's happy tears. Shayne knows that is not true. Reva questions if Josh saw Shayne in his wheelchair in Afghanistan. Josh says no. Reva says that the injury must be recent then. Shayne says he's fine. Shayne questions why they are at Cedars. Josh says that Shayne needs to be checked out. Shayne says he was in Germany. Josh questions what they said.
Did they tell Shayne when he would be out of his wheelchair and on his feet ?
At the seedy motel, Grady enters to find Cyrus sitting on the couch.
Cyrus tells Grady he needs a better lock. It took Cyrus about 20 seconds to break in with that one. What if he had a better one? A couple of extra minutes for Cyrus probably more for Grady. Cyrus tells Grady to shut the door they have to talk.
Grady questions why. Cyrus says they have a big problem. Didi is back and that is not good news. Grady knows that Dinah is back. Cyrus says that Dinah could find out that Grady was behind setting up Bill. Grady says that Dinah already knows that because he told her. Cyrus can't believe that Grady told Dinah the truth. Dinah loves her brother. Grady laughs when she doesn't hate him. Cyrus tries to reason with Grady. Dinah is not going to let Bill take the fall for Lizzie's kidnapping. Dinah is loyal to her brother. Grady reminds Cyrus that Dinah is more loyal to herself. It's what Grady is counting on.
At The Spaulding Mansion, Alan is pouring himself a glass of orange juice when Dinah enters.
Dinah warns him. He heard that she was back. Did he miss her? No. Alan says Dinah can't stay at the house. The inn is full. Dinah likes the Christmas metaphor. Bill isn't there right now. Dinah doesn't want to see him. Vanessa isn't either. Dinah doesn't want to see her either. Alan starts to take a sip again. Dinah warns him. Dinah reminds Alan that back in the day rich people who were despised has personal taster in case their orange juice was poisoned. Alan puts the juice down on the table.
At The Bauer Cabin, Bill is sitting on the couch looking at all the paperwork on the kidnapping.
Lizzie walks out. Lizzie says she had the best sleep. They should see if they can borrow the cabin more from Rick. Lizzie didn't hear Bill get up. Bill tells Lizzie that he didn't sleep at all last night. He was up reading the paperwork. Where did he get all the paperwork? He brought it with him. Bill says there is a lot to read about the kidnapping. Bill says that everyone thinks that he's guilty. Lizzie says that they are wrong. She reminds him that this trip is supposed to be relaxing. Bill says there must be a detail that he missed. He has to find it to show everyone that he is innocent. Lizzie says that is why he hired Mel. Did Mel find something? No. Bill says he doesn't want to lose Lizzie. If he goes to prison then he could lose her. He has to find something to clear his name. Lizzie understands that. The whole time he was in his coma, she was scouring the papers looking for something. She understands why he is looking. Bill hugs Lizzie.
Lizzie says that it's good that Bill is doing something. Lizzie says she barely slept looking for information to prove his innocence. Bill says he has to read it all over again. How much has he read? All of it at least once. He needs to read it again. Bill says that Lizzie looks exhausted. She needs to sleep. It's crazy how nobody was on his side. Everyone started turning away. Alan was even on their side for a bit but that changed. Lizzie describes how it was overwhelming that nobody but her was on Bill's side. She had to take all the weight herself. They are all so convinced that he did this. Lizzie tells how she heard Billy and Vanessa talking at the hospital. Bill says if he didn't do some of that stuff when he first got back then maybe they would believe in him. Lizzie suggests a ride. Bill doesn't have a clue where he put the keys. Bill can go look for them. Bill leaves. Lizzie looks nervous.
Only Love Can Change the World, Only Love . . .
Alan and Dinah continue to spar at the Spaulding Mansion.
Alan had figured that Dinah was never going to come back. Dinah says that her family is in trouble. Alan says that Bill got himself into that trouble. Dinah knows that Alan and Grady are framing Bill. Alan counters saying he knows that Dinah and Grady were the ones that had Lizzie kidnapped. None of them are innocent in this. Dinah says punish her not her brother. Alan smirks he likes seeing Dinah squirm as well. It's like a two for one deal. Dinah warns not to cross her. She wants Alan to leave her brother alone. Alan says fine then Dinah can go down to the SPD and tell the truth. Right, Dinah won't do that because she doesn't want to go back to prison. Dinah looks smarter than she is. Alan suggest calling the SPD and telling the truth. When Dinah does, she will need more than just a food tester if she crosses Alan.
At The seedy motel, Dinah is not going to hurt her brother. Cyrus tries to reason with Grady.
Cyrus says it's pretty obvious who kidnapped Lizzie. Grady has the evidence of the scar on his chest. Grady laughs. What scar? Grady points to a small cross on his chest.
Cyrus says that a fresh tattoo is really going to throw off suspicions. Dinah can go to the police and turn Grady in. Dinah will not do that. Grady really thinks he knows Dinah. How was she during the kidnapping? Impulsive. Dinah will turn Grady in. Grady says that Dinah is very loyal to herself. Cyrus says that is true but Dinah is very unpredictable and dangerous when crossed and that is why Cyrus has stepped in. Cyrus says you can not just play one angle, you have to play all of them. Grady laughs big brother Cyrus to the rescue again. Grady goes to kick his brother out of the room. Grady says it's too late. Cyrus says that Grady needs to think. Cyrus leaves. Grady slams the door in frustration.
At Cedars, Reva brings a drink to Shayne as Josh is on the phone with the doctor.
It's a Doctor Wallace who is a specialist. Shayne questions why. Josh questions if Shayne saw a specialist in Germany. Shayne says he did but he doesn't speak German. Reva tells her son to stop being a smart ass.
This concept is new to Josh and Reva. They have a right to be worried about their son. Josh says that it was a very dangerous job clearing landmines. Shayne should stay home with his family. Josh wants to know what the prognosis is about Shayne's walking. They want to know what to expect. Shayne says lets talk about something else.
Josh and Reva are divorced. Reva is married again. Josh says that Shayne has changed. He's more bitter. Josh says that Shayne is a hero. Reva agrees.
Shayne risked his life to remove landmines so people can go use their land. Shayne tells Josh to stop with the hero worship. What would Marah say to all of this? That they are giving Shayne a swelled head. Does Marah know? They used to talk all the time. They would tell each other stuff that they wouldn't tell their parents. Shayne says that Marah doesn't know. Shayne questions about the baby. Reva again mentions all of her boys. Marah is fine with it. Shayne again says that Marah is probably thankful that she is the only daughter of Reva Shayne. Shayne says he'd love for them to send him a picture when the baby is born. Why ? Where is Shayne going? Shayne is going back to Europe. The first chance when he can find a flight. Reva says that Shayne has to stay. She wants to take care of her son. He can recuperate at home with her. He can't go back to the job. Shayne says heck he's closer to the ground now. It's should be easier. Reva again tells her son to stop being a smart ass.
Shayne says that Reva has enough on her plate with the new baby coming around. He doesn't want her to waste her time. Reva wants to waste her time. Josh says Shayne has only been in town for one night. Reva questions why Josh didn't call him. Josh says with the chair and being tossed in jail, he thought it would be too much for Reva. Jail? Shayne says right he shouldn't throw a punch at a wedding full of cops. Not a smart move. He was trying to break up a wedding. Marina's wedding to Mallet. Is that why he came back to break up Marina's wedding? No Shayne says he was drunk and had to blow off some steam. Shayne says though Mallet is a jackass. He says that he is just friends with Marina now. Nothing more. What is it then? He was just going to leave town with out seeing them at all. Shayne says it was just a visit. A spur of the moment. Josh says that Shayne shouldn’t travel in the. Chair? Shayne has no problem with his wheelchair. Reva says she needs her son. She wants to take care of him. She just wants one of her kids around for Christmas. Is that too much too ask? Josh says that there is more. Reva stops Josh from telling Shayne about Reva's cancer. Josh and Reva are both getting old. They just want to spend one Christmas with their children around. Shayne reluctantly agrees to stay till Christmas. After that he is gone.
At The Spaulding Mansion, it's a face off between Dinah and Alan. Did he just threaten her? Dinah gets all mad but Cyrus stops it from escalating.
Alan says that Dinah was just leaving. Cyrus pulls Dinah aside. He tells her that he's taking care of Alan. Why is she there? Alan is hurting Bill. Cyrus knows he's handling it. He can control Alan. He will do whatever it takes. Dinah says that is not an answer. Dinah leaves. Cyrus looks at Alan. What the heck did he do to send Dinah into a tizzy? Alan just put Dinah in her place. Did Alan back Dinah into a corner? Don't push Dinah or else she will strike back. She is a very dangerous woman.
Bill and Lizzie are walking outside the cabin. Lizzie says see.
It's perfect. They don't need a car. Lizzie suggests doing Christmas at the cabin. Bill agrees but then grills Lizzie about the kidnapper. Lizzie already told him. She really doesn't want to go through that again. Bill hates how alone Lizzie felt. Lizzie says it is not Bill's fault. Bill says that nobody believes him but Lizzie never stopped doubting him. Dinah does as well. She was there for a bit. Bill says what good does that do. Dinah is out of town now. Dinah was crushed when Bill was hurt. She was there for him. Bill told her how Dinah was his rock while Lizzie was kidnapped. When he didn't come out of the coma, it was too much for her. Bill doesn't want to talk about his sister. He suggests talking about Christmas. Lizzie says she wants another dog.
It must have been so hard for Roxie while Lizzie was gone. Bill says that Lizzie is tough. Of course she is, she's a Spaulding. She never had a doubt in him. She can tell him if she did.
He's tough as well. Lizzie says there was never doubts in him. Bill suggests heading back inside the cabin.
At Cedars, Reva and Josh talk. Reva says she's fine. Josh says he's going to go find the doctor. Shayne does music while they are waiting. What is up with the specialist? They just want to know the facts. They can talk until the doctor comes.
Shayne can start by telling Reva her name. She knows that there was a girl. Josh said as much when he came back from Afghanistan. Shayne says that Josh was seeing things. Shayne lies and says there was no girl. There was lot of girls. You can't get close to someone with this job. It's not smart to get attached. Reva knows. Reva can't think about the dangers of Shayne's work. She says that Shayne is brave and a hero no matter what if he wants to hear it. Shayne doesn't want to talk about it.
Dinah is outside in the Gazebo when her phone rings.
It's Bill. Bill says long time no talk to.
Dinah is so happy to hear her brother's voice. Bill says good but not so good. Dinah knows. Dinah can't believe what people are saying about Bill. So she's home in Springfield? She just got back. Bill and Lizzie are at the cabin trying to relax. They wanted to get away. Bill says he never thanked Dinah for being by his side during Lizzie's kidnapping. He knows he flaked out a bit. He says it was nice knowing that he had Dinah in his corner. Dinah pulls away the phone. Bill calls her name. Dinah says that she is there. It's nice to have both Lizzie and Dinah by his side. It helps take the pressure off of Lizzie. Lizzie has been dealing with a lot. Dinah knows that her brother is innocent. Bill suggests stopping the fighting between them. He wants his sister by his side like before. A fresh start. Can Dinah do that? Dinah pulls away the phone. She looks at the phone.
Inside the Cabin, Lizzie calls Cyrus.
Cyrus and Alan are doing business deal. Cyrus says that they need to talk about the money again. Alan reminds Cyrus that his brother was the kidnapper. Cyrus knows. Alan thinks that Cyrus is playing both sides. Cyrus says that he has to take this call.
Lizzie questions if Cyrus has made any progress. Lizzie looks outside.
Shayne looks at his phone at Cedars just as the doctor shows up.
Shayne says the worried man running down the hall is his father Josh. The doctor says that Josh told him about the landmine. Is there anything else? Shayne sarcastically says he has insurance. The doctor says is there anything else medically that he needs to know. Shayne thinks about the car accident and lies to the doctor. The doctor looks at him.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Cyrus questions if Lizzie is alright. Alan questions where Lizzie is.
Cyrus tells Alan to stop. Lizzie tells Cyrus that she is at the Spaulding cabin with Bill. She thought it was a good idea for him to get away. Cyrus says that it is good to relax for both of them. Lizzie says the problem is all Bill can think about is the case. Has Cyrus found out anything? Cyrus says not yet. She needs something. Lizzie say that Bill is not sleeping. All he does is sit and read the articles. Cyrus again questions how Lizzie is? Lizzie says not good. She says that Bill is questioning if she has any doubts. Bill would understand if she did. What did she say to him? Lizzie is unaware that Bill has entered the room.
Lizzie says she has doubts in Bill. She hates herself for it. Cyrus needs to find something so she can stop these doubts. Cyrus promises to do his best. Lizzie thanks Cyrus. Bill watches then leaves dejected.
Dinah is outside in the Gazebo walking around thinking about her conversation with Bill.
At Cedars, Josh, Reva and Shayne are in the room with the doctor.
The doctor says there is nothing yet. They have just done preliminary tests. Has he emailed the doctors in Germany? The doctor says that he's getting that information back. Josh starts to say that Shayne is a hero.... Shayne tells his father to stop. They have to do a couple more tests. Shayne says he's wiped out. He just wants to go home and rest. Reva and Josh leave with the doctor. Shayne pulls out his phone.
He tells the person he needs help to get the heck out of there now. Reva and Josh chat with the doctor.
Josh wants the doctor to be clear. There is nothing. The doctor doesn't have a clue why Shayne isn't walking or how long he will be in the wheelchair. Reva and Josh go to tell Shayne the news. They find out that Shayne has bolted.
Dinah walks outside past the chair and finds Shayne sitting in the dugout.
Why did he call her? Shayne laughs. Who else can he call? He needed to get away from that hospital. Shayne's parents took him to the hospital and he didn't want to go there. Why should she help him? He was belligerent and grouchy with her. Where does he want to go? The airport or bus stop. He has the look of get me the heck out of here now. Shayne says he can't leave town until after Christmas. He suggests she find the best bar in town. Dinah can do that. Shayne starts to stand up. Dinah wants to help but stops herself.
At The Spaulding Mansion, Alan grills Cyrus.
He wants to know where Lizzie is. Cyrus says he can't do that. That is confidential information. Alan says Cyrus has to give him something before he gives over the money. Cyrus says Alan doesn't get it. Cyrus doesn't work for Alan. Cyrus is blackmailing Alan. Cyrus hands Alan his bank details. Everything is there including the amount. Cyrus wants to see it there by the end of the day. Cyrus leaves.
Outside the cabin, Bill is looking at his phone shaken by what Lizzie said.
Bill heads back inside. Lizzie is sitting there. Bill questions if she was talking to someone. Lizzie says she was talking to her maid about Roxie. Roxie is doing fine. Bill says it's time to head back to Springfield. Lizzie says they were only there one night. They need to rest.
Bill says every moment he stays away the cops are building more of a case against him. Bill says he needs to tell the cops everything he knows so he can show that he's innocent. Bill says he is innocent. Lizzie knows. Lizzie say they don't know where they keys are. Bill says he found them. They have to be ready to leave in 5 minutes. Is she alright? She's sure of his innocence. Bill says he'll talk to the cops and then everyone will be sure of his innocence. No one will doubt him then.
Preview -
Lizzie trying to reason with Bill. What if he says something that could hurt his case? Bill says he has to tell everything to the cops.
Frank says that Bill shouldn't be in there without his lawyer. Bill says that he's got nothing to hide.
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I continue to enjoy seeing Jeff Branson as Shayne. I think Branson has quickly become my favorite Shayne. Branson has his own unique style, and look. He also brings with him the experience of working on a soap, so he does not appear awkward like so many of GL's recent hirings. He is seasoned and it shows.
ReplyDeleteOf course I am "Alan's" biggest fan, so I always enjoy seeing him in action and today was no different. I enjoyed his interactions with Cyrus and Dinah, I just hope that he doesn't let his guard down with either of them.
I think here you see two actors who both came to GL as recasts, and just as Ron made Alan "his", I think Branson is showing us he can do the same thing.