RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

IntoTheLight's View

Well-the wedding took place. In jeans and with runny mascara.

But....maybe this is the begining of the end of Marina and Mallet. They have both withheld information from one another. A girl can hope at least...

Shayne and Dinah get hauled away to jail. There is a pretty good scene between the two there. He insists that he didn't interrupt the wedding due to any feelings for Marina. There's a tender scene of Josh, Shane, and Reva at the hospital at the end.

I wonder if Shayne will run into Olivia there? Will the writers remember that those two had a good relationship and that he had a kid crush on her? Or will this be another forgotten storyline. Also, will they have Olivia prop up Reva during her time of need-or is that confined to Jeffrey? I'd like to see Olivia support Reva and it would be consistent with the character.

On the downside, there are a couple of musical interludes to the M&M storyline. Talk about a double downer!

I liked the scene with Alan and Beth. They were sort of different as Beth stood up to Alan for once. I think BC is doing a good job with the story line. It is just that Beth with a young boy toy has been done (Bill). Beth having an affair has been done (Rick). So aside from Beth goes to law school, this is old stuff.

I did like the Buzz/Alan scene and Coop coming down the stairs and meeting Alan for the uneasy Buzz reaction. I also miss the conversations between Buzz and Alan. I really enjoy it when those two are in a scene together.

There are also two scenes I'd rather forget with Reva and Jeffrey. The first is a Reva throws a hissy fit because Jeffrey is on the phone and she's worried. Jeffrey--god that he is--calms her every fear. That part of the scene was actually okay and in character for Reva, but I'm still not buying saint Jeffrey. The next bit of the scene has Reva apologizing for the hissy fit and saying how great Jeff is and how wrong she was. The Reva Shayne I've seen over these years never, ever said she was sorry or wrong at the time--years later yes, but not immediately. Exactly who is Reva Shayne anymore!? Then there's more of the school-girl simple act. Yuk!

The second is in the park where Jeffrey introduces Reva to a beautiful girl with a name I can't recall. She goes away and Jeffey explains the girls mother had treatment for cancer while pregant with the girl and every thing was A-OK. Reva is so relieved--yes they will have a perfect baby. Uggg. I really must start fast forwarding this story line again-I simply do not care for it one bit. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will make me buy the story line. I was more into the jumps through paintings than this was much more believable.

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