Previously - All about Shayne and Dinah in Germany. Shayne finding out that Marina is set to marry Mallet. The physiotherapist wondering why Shayne is in a rush.
The scene opens with a voice-over by Shayne talking about how he's been gone for 5 years. 5 years can go by fast but it can also take a lifetime. Some things don't change like Josh. Josh is still the salt of the earth. He's still a good man. It was 5 years ago that the accident happened. Shayne explains the injury to his spine and how it was complicated by a previous car accident. Shayne knows that Josh would blame himself for the accident. He would still have guilt if he saw Shayne in the chair. Shayne doesn't need that right now. Shayne talks about the fact that Reva has a new life with her new family. Marina has moved on as well.
She looks happy with Mallet so he must be the right guy for her. All Shayne can do is wish her the best. You can always go home but home may not be the same anymore.
Shayne watches from the viewing area at the courthouse as Mallet sees Dinah again.
Mallet hugs Dinah. He never thought he would see Dinah again. He wasn't sure if she was ever coming home. Dinah wasn't sure either. Dinah says that Mallet is completely wrong. Bill did not kidnap Lizzie. Mallet questions that? He thought she was talking about his marriage to Marina. Dinah says that is not right as well. Mallet says that he is not in charge of Bill's case. Frank is the lead detective. Dinah says that Frank is out of his mind. Bill would never hurt Lizzie. Mallet says that may be right but there is a ton of evidence against Bill. A grand jury agreed with all the evidence. Does Lizzie still believe in Bill? Mallet says that she does. Love makes you do crazy things. Dinah again says that Bill did not do it. Dinah wants to know all the evidence. Mallet questions why Dinah has such fire in her step. She's been back in Springfield for what 5 minutes? Where did she go? She was around. Mallet says that he wasn't sure if Dinah was coming back. She ran out on Bill when things started to get tough. Dinah questions why Mallet is all the sudden worried about what happens to her? Why is it so important to him if she ever came home? Shayne continues to watch.
At Cross Creek, Reva is in the house looking at her hair. Jeffrey says that the chemo may not cause hair loss this time. Reva tries to act strong. Jeffrey says that they agreed that they would be scared together. If it happens then it happens. They will deal with it. Reva says she tossed out of her wigs from last time. Jeffrey says they can get new ones for her and the baby. Jeffrey suggests staying home and pampering Reva. Reva says he can go. She has stuff to do. Jeffrey says he knows she loves to torture him. Reva says that the chemo affects are less this time because of the baby. Jeffrey says way to go baby. He does have some plans. Reva says that she does as well. It's time. She has to tell Josh the truth about the cancer. She can't have him find out another way like last time. Jeffrey agrees. He suggests a video camera for later. Reva says to do what film her ever growing belly? Jeffrey says no to show Atticus what an incredible mother he has. Atticus O'Neill? She doesn't like it. They can talk about it.
At the convenience store, Josh feels like he's being watched. He looks over and sees Frank Cooper. He confronts Frank. Frank has no clue what Josh is talking about. Frank lightly grills Josh about the supplies he has ( for a wedding ). Josh says he's done with the game. He's going to pay for his stuff then leave. Frank questions flat out if Mallet and Marina are getting married today. Josh tries to lie but Frank says that Josh is a horrible liar. Josh knows. Josh says that Mallet and Marina want a quiet wedding without the Cooper chaos. Frank says sorry that is not happening. Marina is not getting married without her family. Josh says he not going to come in between. Frank says good because he has some changes to Josh's plan.
At the Beacon, Marina is knocking on Josh's door when she's surprised by Reva.
Marina drops her wedding vows on the floor. Reva questions if Marina is getting married today? Marina says she needs to be quiet. Marina is trying to do it without her family there. She hasn't told them yet. Mallet and Marina just want a simple wedding. They can have a huge party afterwards. Reva questions if Marina can imagine not having Frank walk her down the aisle. Marina loves her family but well they can be overbearing. She just wants to do one thing herself. Reva understands. Is Josh doing it? Yes. Marina is dropping off the vows then she has other work. Reva can do it. She needs to talk to Josh anyway. Reva would love to see Marina's dress? Reva says that Marina will be a beautiful bride. Reva always thought that Marina would be her daughter in law. Marina says she will always love Shayne. There has been a lot of changes in their lives. Marina still thinks about Shayne. She misses him. It was the best for both of them when he left town. She could move on.
Shayne watches Dinah and Mallet talk. Dinah wants to know the evidence against Bill. Mallet says he's not going to do that. He has a very busy day ahead of him. He's getting married. Why is it so secret? Marina doesn't want the Coopers to know. Why? It's a long story. Shayne watches and listens. Is it happening tonight? Soon. Mallet still has to get changed. Is he wearing his blue or grey suit? Blue one. Dinah suggests the grey one because it brings out Mallet's eyes. Dinah says sorry for crying. Is he excited? He is. He's happy. It feels right for him this time. Dinah questions why she wasn't right. Can he at least tell her the truth? Mallet says truth. Mallet tells Dinah he loved her with every fibre but she nearly killed him. It wasn't good for him. Dinah is in tears. She hugs Mallet. Shayne watches the exchange. Dinah leaves. Mallet is really affected by the words he said to Dinah.
Outside Court, Mallet is run into by a bitter Shayne.
Mallet tells Shayne to watch where he is going. Mallet and Shayne snipe at each other. Mallet is just going to walk away. Walk. Nice word to the man in a wheelchair. Shayne hits Mallet again in the legs. Mallet questions if Shayne has a problem with him? A big problem.
At Cedars, Jeffrey walks into see Olivia in her hospital bed. He says that they should name a wing after her since she's there so much. Olivia says that is a great idea. Jeffrey questions if they are going to take a trip to see Ava this year since it's Christmas. It's hard being without her. What about Reva? Jeffrey says that is fine. He's obviously worried. Olivia coughs. Jeffrey gets her some water. Jeffrey questions how his daughter is. He misses her. He wanted to get her a gift. Olivia questions the guitar. Jeffrey brought it to sing to Reva. Olivia questions if the baby is o.k.? Jeffrey says not really.
Jeffrey tells Olivia that Reva has cancer again. It's leukemia. Olivia is so sorry for Reva. Jeffrey says that Reva's started a treatment protocol. It's doing good. They said she will be fine. Olivia says it's good that Jeffrey is there for his wife. Jeffrey can be an ass but he's a good in a crisis. He's always so sure of himself. It was the rock that Olivia needed earlier this year. Jeffrey says that actually this time he's never felt so unsure about everything.
Josh enters his room at the Beacon and finds Reva in there.
Reva says sorry but she had to borrow his bathroom. She had an intense conversation with this bride. Josh says that is fine but what is she doing in his room? She was planning on waiting outside but she had this overwhelming urge to well puke. She bribed a maid to come into Josh's room. Is it still morning sickness? Nope but she's sick all day. Reva says it would be better for Josh to sit. She realizes that she is procrastinating. She just needs to say it. The cancer is back. She has leukemia this time. Josh questions if Reva is alright? Reva not sure how or why it came back. They caught it early which is the main thing. They are taking aggressive action against the cancer. Josh has no clue what to say. Reva says she will get through this. Can she do it while being pregnant? Reva says there are a lot of cases of women being pregnant and going through chemo. The risks to the baby are about the same as cancer as with her age. Reva says one good thing. Colin is back in town. Josh says that Jeffrey is a great support through this. She knows what to expect this time. Josh can see that. Does she need his help to tell the kids? Maybe.....Reva strong demeanour starts to crumble. Josh knows that she is scared. Josh pulls Reva into his arms and hugs her close.
Marina is getting ready in her room for the wedding. She's ticked because she screws up on something. She goes over to the table by the bed. She finds a picture of her and Frank. Marina questions if she can get married without her family there.
Mallet and Shayne continue to spar outside the courthouse. Mallet says he's a police officer. He can't do this. He better walk away. He doesn't want trouble with Shayne. Shayne just loves guys like Mallet. They think they are decent people that can save the world as if the world really cares about heroes. Mallet jokes and says that Shayne is insane. Mallet says he has to go. He's getting married today.
At Cedars, Olivia questions about Reva starting chemo while being pregnant. Jeffrey says that Reva refused treatment at first. She didn't want to take the risk with the baby. Jeffrey says he had to convince Reva to fight for her life. She had to fight for both of them. He was being a selfish fool. How was he selfish? Jeffrey says he needs Reva in his life. Olivia questions what is wrong with that. Jeffrey was there for Olivia when she needed him. Jeffrey says this is different. So much can go wrong. What if something happens to the baby because he pushed Reva to have chemo? What if something happens to her? Has he told Reva this? Jeffrey can't. Reva needs him to be strong. Olivia laughs and says it's unbelievable that she's the one telling Jeffrey this. Olivia says that Reva is tough as nails. She needs Jeffrey to be completely honest with her. They need to be in this together. He just has to be there for her. Olivia would give anything if she had someone like that by her.
Reva says she's sorry she became a blubbering mess.
Josh says that Reva has nothing to be sorry about. She didn't come there just to sob on his shoulder. Josh says it's fine. Josh will always be there to help her. Does Jeffrey know? Did she tell him right away? Reva did. She does learn from her mistakes occasionally. Josh says they can call the kids together and tell them the news. Josh isn't sure if they will be able to get through to Shayne. Reva tells Josh that Shayne called her out of the blue yesterday while she was having her first chemo treatment. It's as if he knew how much she needed to hear his voice. Josh questions how Shayne sounded? Shayne is taking a break in Germany. He likes what he is doing. It gave her hope. Josh says that they should make sure that all the kids come home. Why? To see what an incredible mother they have. Reva laughs does that mean she can have Jonathon stay with her? Josh agrees of course. Josh and Reva hug.
Jeffrey is at Towers when Reva shows up.
She told Josh the news. How did Captain Earnest take it? Josh says he took it fine after she puked in his bathroom. Is she fine? She'll be fine. Josh likes the name. He just gave Reva a drive over. Jeffrey questions if their duo has become a trio. Josh says that it's Jeffrey job to take care of Reva now.
It's a big job. A lot of people rely on her. Josh is there whenever to help out. Jeffrey and Josh shake hands.
Frank is at the convenience store when he's ambushed by Dinah.
Frank didn't know she was back. Frank says that he has to plan a wedding. Dinah is grilling him about Bill. Dinah says there is no way that her brother is involved in Lizzie's kidnapping. Frank questions how Dinah knows. She just does. Frank says that he has to go.
At Mallet and Marina's house, Mallet is attaching his boutonnière and waiting for Marina. She comes out in her dress. He says wow. Is that all? How about a double wow.
Marina says that is better. He can't believe that is all for him. She looks beautiful. What are they going to do since they have time to spare? Mallet says that they did everything backwards so.... Marina questions that he wants to have his honeymoon before the wedding. Mallet says that fantastic but she doesn't want to mess up her dress or hair right? He was thinking about a first dance. Marina loves the idea. Kyler England's If you want me to plays in background. Mallet and Marina dance. She makes his life better. There is nothing more that Marina wants to hear. Just then the phone rings. Marina groans. It’s a frantic Lynne from Company.
Someone broke in. She needs their help like right now. Marina agrees. She tells Mallet they have to go.
Coop smiles and tells Lynne she did a great job.
At Cross Creek, Jeffrey has a confession for Reva.
He knows that she needs a strong stoic man but he's not that right now. He's scared for her and the baby. He's scared he's going to screw up raising their son. He's afraid he's going to lose her because he pushed her to have chemo. Jeffrey is really scared.
Reva says he doesn't need to tell her. It was pretty obvious to her. He's not hiding it as well as he thought. She's seen him try to be strong but throw water on his face ten times a day. She knows he's freaking out. It's o.k. He's new to this marriage concept. He gets a pass for now. Reva suggests a deal.
They both freak out at different times so they can rely on each other and not fall down. Reva tells Jeffrey how much his honesty means to her. Jeffrey says he's never going to let her down. He's going to fight tooth and nail for her and the baby.
At Company, Mallet and Marina walk in to find out that they got hoodwinked by everyone.
Josh says he's sorry but there were other plans. Frank says Marina is not getting married without her family around.
Buzz will be there in a moment. Mallet questions if Marina is alright with this. Marina says it's everything she wanted and more. She just didn't realize it. Shayne watches and sinks his head. He leaves. Frank says that Marina looks like a beautiful Greek Goddess. Is she ready to walk down the aisle with he father?
Always ready.
Dinah arrives outside of Company.
She can't believe that she's seeing Shayne. Did he follow her from Germany? Shayne says quiet. He's there to see a wedding. Dinah questions why the wedding matters to him.
Preview : Chaos at the wedding. Frank boots out Daisy and Grady. Marina tells her father that she's going outside for a moment. Then she's coming inside after he's calmed down. Then she's going to get married. Marina walks outside and sees Shayne.
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