Finding The Truth
Reva and Shayne both look at the baby’s sonogram. Shayne calls Lara’s father. Jeffrey tries to figure out the truth about Crenshaw. Mallet and Marina decide to be parents. Buzz has a panic attack but is saved by Remy and Christina.
Previously - Shayne revealing the truth about Lara to Dinah as Reva watches. Remy explaining why he ticked off Christina before her MCATs.
Reva is sitting at her desk at Cross Creek when Jeffrey comes in with a huge plate of nachos for her. She has a craving. Reva questions if Jeffrey will be late for work. No, because he’s not heading to work today. Reva has a doctor’s appointment. Reva says that is later. Reva wants Jeffrey to find out who them man was with Lara’s picture. Reva can do the doctor’s appointment alone. Jeffrey is ticked. Reva will take care of their son. Jeffery needs to take care of her son. Shayne is grieving for Lara. Reva agrees never to asks for nachos again. Jeffrey asks if the baby Rambo is o.k. with that. Rambo? Reva says that name is not going to work for their son.
Remy and Christina meet outside. She asks what he is doing. Remy is hurt. No hi how are you husband. Thanks for bringing me a coffee. Christina says all of that then asks what Remy is doing there. Remy wants to take her out for the day. He can keep her company while she is waiting for the MCATs score. He has the ambulance over there. She can come along today. So it’s bring the wife to work day? Remy and Christina head off to work.
There is a knock at the door of Dinah’s place and there stand Mallet and Marina with Maureen. Mallet and Marina caught Maureen shoplifting at the mini mart. Dinah is ticked and tells her little sister to get her butt in the room now.
Shayne is standing by a bridge looking at a picture of Lara. Jeffrey goes to check Shayne’s room for clues and low and behold finds the guy with the cat hat snooping around. Jeffrey grabs him before he can slink away. The guy says that his name is Crenshaw and he works for Lara’s father.
Only love ……
Jeffery tells Crenshaw to spill what he knows. Crenshaw says that Lara disappeared and her father was worried. They have not been in contact for a long time. Jeffrey wants more. Crenshaw questions why he should squeal. Jeffrey shows his badge and says spill. Lara’s father knew that Lara was in Europe last year. He asked Crenshaw to follow her then she disappeared. They just found out that Lara was dead. Crenshaw passes Jeffery a number to contact Lara’s father with. It’s the first of the news. Jeffrey asks where Crenshaw is staying. Room 203 at the Beacon. Jeffery will be there later. Crenshaw better be as well. Crenshaw leaves just as Shayne spots him. Shayne calls out asking what the heck he is doing there. Shayne then turns and finds Jeffrey in his room. Jeffrey is surprised to see Shayne on his feet and walking again. Reva is happy as well. How does Reva know? She saw Shayne at the park. Shayne didn’t see her. He must have been going as she was coming. Reva saw this guy Crenshaw following Shayne and asked for Jeffrey’s help. Who is he? He works for Lara’s father. What can Shayne tell Jeffrey? Nothing. Lara no mention him because he was not in her life. They lost touch. Jeffrey hands Shayne the phone number. Now he can get a hold of Lara’s father. Why is Jeffery there? To make Reva happy.
Reva is at Cross Creek making a video for her son. She says he’s been very busy and kicking her a lot. Reva says that she’s been busy with Shayne as well. Shayne is having a difficult time because he lost the woman he loved. He wanted to make a life with her so she would have been a part of the family. Reva’s sorry she never got to meet Lara. Both of her boys need their mama. Baby boy is about to make his grand entrance. Shayne is dealing with life that is so unfair to him. They all have to take care of each other just in case.
Dinah is attempting to lecture her sister at the Beacon as Mallet and Marina watch. Maureen was lucky that it was people that knew her that caught her. Maureen says the point is not to be caught. She was just trying to help homeless people. Dinah knows that is a line of hogwash and asks Mallet and Marina what Maureen stole. A magazine, tape and a candy bar. Maureen tells another lie. Dinah tells Maureen to go to her room. She doesn’t have a room. Go to Dinah’s bedroom and call Vanessa then. Just get Vanessa’s voicemail. Dinah closes the door. It’s just a cry of attention from Maureen. Is there problems with Matt and Vanessa? They are never home. When they are home they fight. Maureen gets shuffled from one house to another. It’s not fair to her because she’s just a kid. She needs good parents like Mallet and Marina. Marina tries to fight tears. Dinah looks at her and questions what she said wrong this time.
Christina finds Remy checking his phone a lot . What is he doing calling his mistress? No, he’s not. Christina takes the phone and finds out that Remy is snooping at the MCATs website to find out if the scores have been posted. That is too cute. The scores are not up yet. Just then Remy’s pager goes off. They have a call. Remy and Christina take off.
Mallet and Marina look at each other then Dinah at the Beacon. They are putting the baby talk on hold for a bit. They are not rushing into making that decision. It’s not going to work out anyway. Dinah is confused. Mallet and Marina can’t have a child together. Dinah says there are other ways to have kids. They can adopt. Marina asks what that was like for Dinah then pulls back. Dinah says it wasn’t too bad. She was raised by everyone and no one. Any kid that got Mallet and Marina as parents would be very lucky. Mallet and Marina thank Dinah for her thoughts and leave. Dinah walks around her room.
Jeffrey is still snooping in Shayne’s room when his phone rings. It’s Reva who wants to know what the scoop is. Jeffrey says he found the guy. He works for Lara’s father. Reva hadn’t considered that there was a family out there. Jeffrey is just checking out Crenshaw’s story. Reva has to head off to her doctor’s appointment now. Jeffrey can come. Reva says no. Jeffrey gets agitated. Reva fakes that her phone is coming in and out. She can’t hear Jeffrey. Reva says that she hope she heard that right that Jeffrey is going to take care of her son. Reva closes her phone just as Shayne shows up. Reva is beyond happy that Shayne is walking again. He knows that Reva saw him. She would have run up to him but he was too quick. How is he? She’s glad that Shayne told her about Lara. Where is Reva headed off to? Reva has a doctors appointment. Where is Jeffrey? He’s working. He’s not going with her. Jeffrey is doing a very important case. Reva has gone on her own before. No big deal. Shayne says he’ll come along. Reva can’t go to a chemo appointment alone. Reva says it’s not that type of appointment this time. Reva and Shayne leave.
At Cedars, Reva is having a sonogram. She’s all giddy to see a picture of her unborn son. Shayne is distant and detached not really wanting to look at the picture.
Buzz is on the floor on the mini mart after collapsing. Remy and Christina rush up. Buzz couldn’t make it over to Cedars. When did this start? There has been a lot of stuff happening the last couple of days. Is he in pain? Remy explains to Christina that Buzz has a history of heart attacks. Has he been under a lot of stress? Buzz laughs saying it’s something like that. Can Christina be there? They are working together today. Remy does a basic test to check Buzz’s blood pressure. They are going to take him over to Cedars to be checked out. He can then have a stress test. He’s in good hands now.
Dinah watches Maureen sit on the bunk. Dinah tells Maureen to answer the door because that is probably Matt. Can’t Dinah talk to him first? Dinah says sorry. Matt questions how Maureen had money after school. Dinah covers saying it was just a mistake. Maureen says it’s not Dinah’s fault. Matt knows that. He knows that his daughter is not perfect nor does he expect her to be. They are going to have to get together with Vanessa and talk about this. Maureen is going to have to fix this. She will. Dinah tells her little sister to do as Dinah says not as Dinah does. Matt thanks Dinah and takes Maureen home.
Mallet and Marina are at the SPD working on a case. They are surprised it was Dinah’s sister. She’s just a kid who made a mistake. Mallet says kids that age should know right from wrong. Mallet was going to write her up but he knew that Marina would not let that happen. She probably would have gone in front of a judge then headed of to juvie. Marina says all she wants to do is give Maureen a hug and find out what she did that. What does that say about Marina as a cop? Mallet says it shows she would be a great mother. Marina walks over and kisses her husband. Mallet says that is against procedure. Marina says they’ve already broken a couple of rules today. What is another? Marina say it’s funny and ironic that it was Dinah that told them about adoption.
Dinah arrives at Shayne’s room and finds the door open. She heads inside and finds Jeffrey there. Where is Shayne? He’s out. So why is Jeffrey there? Has Shayne told Dinah anything more about Lara? Why does he want to know? Jeffrey says he caught a guy who broke into the room. He’s working for Lara’s father. Dinah knows that Shayne was close to Lara and loved her. What is Dinah going to do now? Jeffrey gave Shayne a number so he can call Lara’s father. Maybe they can talk and he can help Shayne.
Shayne is still detached at the sonogram at Cedars. He should just go call Jeffrey. Reva tells Shayne not to leave. She wants him to look at the sonogram of his brother. Pictures like this give her hope when days are bad. Reva knows there is hope because of her baby boy. Reva tells Shayne that she has been leaving messages for her baby just in case. Jeffrey doesn’t know yet. Reva knows she was not there for Shayne. She wants to leave something for his brother. Reva knows it is possible she may not be there for the baby. Reva asks Shayne to take the video camera for her. She wants a video of the video. She wants to have it to watch at home on the bad days. Reva tells her baby boy that she will see him one day. They will be together. She tells Shayne to look at the picture but he can’t. Reva asks Shayne to say something. He’s really uncomfortable but she keeps pushing. Shayne says no. Reva says she is so hopeful right now. Shayne agrees to say hi and says they have a great mom. He’s done. Shayne has to go now.
Buzz is grouching about being in a wheelchair at Cedars. It was just a panic attack not a heart attack. Christina has had those before. Why is she there? They are playing doctor. Remy blushes at his faux pas and says that Christina will be a doctor soon. Is there any family Buzz wants Remy to call? Buzz says no. Christina says that Buzz is very lucky to have such a huge family. It will all work out fine for all of them. Buzz then asks to get the heck out of the wheelchair again.
Mallet and Marina arrive home. Marina realizes that she forgot to pay the phone bill so she questions how she can be a mother. She will forget something else. They are both so forgetful. What if the baby is allergic to them. ? Can that happen? What if he or she has questions ? Can they answer all of them? Marina says that the family idea is definitely not a go. She can make pasta for dinner. Mallet says sure. He has to go have a shower.
Shayne is walking around Cedars when he sees Reva filling out paperwork. She’s sorry that she made it so hard for him. She doesn’t expect him to get over losing Lara over night. It will get better. Just have to take one day at a time. Eventually things will make sense again. Miracles do happen. Look at both of her sons. Shayne is walking. He did survive that explosion. They both can survive their problems. Shayne loves his mother. He wants her to be around for everything. She has to be dancing on the table at her son’s 50th birthday part. 50th ? Reva is going to have to crunch some numbers on that one. Reva has to be around. Reva says that Shayne did his good deed for the day. He can go and do something fun now.
Dinah and Jeffrey look at each other in Shayne’s room. She wants to help. He feels like he’s being forced to help. What is his problem? Jeffrey says that the kid picked lousy timing to come home. Jeffrey is just trying to figure out Shayne’s story. Jeffrey is worried about his wife and unborn son. Dinah says fine. She will be the one to help Shayne. She knows what it is like to have everyone glaring at you. She is Shayne’s best shot to figuring this all out. Jeffrey leaves. Dinah cleans up Shayne’s room.
Remy and Christina agree to stay around for Buzz . Remy says the test results will not be back for a bit. Test results ! Christina wants to check the MCATs scores first. This is the rest of her life. She is shocked. Remy says they will figure it out. Christina says she made it. Remy and Christina kiss and surprise each other. It was just the moment nothing more. Remy leans in and tenderly kisses his wife again to show it was not just a fluke.
Mallet and Marina work around their house both trying to accept that there will be no kids. They both call out each others name. They want to be parents. They want to adopt a baby and see what happens. Mallet and Marina kiss. They are going to be great parents to any kid because it will be their kid.
Jeffrey thanks a maid for helping him into Mr. Crenshaw’s room. Jeffrey snoops around.
Reva calls out to Dinah outside. Dinah is done with Reva’s venom from the other day. Dinah has not seen Shayne. He’s avoiding her. Reva just saw him. How is he? Hew’s walking. Reva knows that Dinah is a close friend to Shayne. As such Reva is going to stick close to Dinah and make Dinah’s business her own. Reva also wants Dinah’s help on Lara’s funeral tomorrow. Shayne wants one. Reva says no but she’s going to do it. She has a lot to get together before tomorrow. Reva leaves. Dinah shakes her head.
Shayne looks at the card with Lara’s father’s number on it. Shayne calls. It’s is Shayne Lewis. He knew Lara. He didn’t know her dad though. Lara was the best thing that ever happened to Shayne. A man sits on a bed and listens to the phone call. Lara was very special to Shayne. Shayne misses her every day. Shayne is so sorry for Lara’s father’s loss. Shayne closes the phone.
Preview - The memorial begins. Shayne doesn’t want any part of it. Reva, Josh and Jeffrey are shocked when they find out who Lara’s father is.
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Friday, January 23, 2009
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