RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap and Charleyfan's Clips: Episode 15596, January 23,...

Reva and Josh planning Lara's memorial believing it will help. Reva not sure how it feels to lose love of your life. Josh looks at Reva. He understands perfectly well. Jeffrey enters and suggests cancelling it. Josh says it's not an intervention. It's a memorial. Josh heads off to talk to Shayne.

Dinah is attempting to call Shayne to warn him. He's on his bed with the headphones on trying to drown out the phone calls.

Josh arrives and bangs on door till Shayne answers. Josh happy to see Shayne walking. Reva told him. Shayne figured Reva blabbed to everyone. Shayne offers beer. Josh agrees toasts to walking again. Josh attempts to mention memorial. Shayne bristles and says that he's not interested. Tell Reva to cancel before she starts putting plans together. Reva already did.

Figure listens to Shayne's call and fills a suitcase.

Reva sees Dinah arrive. Dinah suggests cancelling which ticks off Reva. Reva and Dinah start throwing nasty comments at each other as to who knows what is best for Shayne.

Reva and Dinah continue to spar. Reva hits below the belt and then boots Dinah out.

Josh attempts to talk to Shayne but he bristles at the help. Josh says that grief will pass. Lara would... Josh realizes he's stepped over the line. Josh says the memorial is in a half hour. He can go if he wants.

Jeffrey finds a bouquet of flowers for Lara outside with the note " To Lara with love" no answer as to who it is. Reva and Jeffrey are puzzled. It could be Lara's father but how would he know. Shayne could have called him.

Dinah tells Shayne he doesn't have to go. She says he will grieve in his own time. He doesn't need to hear a room say that how much they loved Lara when they didn't know her. Shayne will get there on his own time. There ? Where he will be perfect and all happy. Shayne can't see that happening anytime. Dinah again says he doesn't have to go.

osh arrives back at the chapel. Reva questions if Shayne will be coming. Josh is not sure. They show Josh the flowers. How did Lara's father know? Shayne no say much to Josh. Marina arrives for the memorial. Christina and Remy arrive as well. Reva tells all to sit. It will be starting soon. Without Shayne? They can all talk about Lara. Reva begins just as Shayne and Dinah arrive. All are thankful. Marina starts and tells a mushy story about Shayne and how he's the perfect boyfriend. Shayne shakes his head. Remy then up not sure what to say. Shayne is like a brother to him. Remy emotional so Christina helps. Loretta told her after her mother died that she can't hold onto the grief she has to share it around. Josh then come up. He's adding a new wing to HB's hospital in Lara's memory for dedicated work she and Shayne did. They were both so heroic. Josh and Reva will also do a memorial scholarship for exemplorary people who are true to themselves like Shayne and Lara. Shayne can't hear anymore and decides to speak. Dinah is worried.

Shayne says Lara was his best friend. They had a life planned. Shayne says the last bit he hasn't been living. He's just been existing then Dinah found him. He knows he can be a pain in the butt. Dinah smiles. Shayne says it's good that he came home to everyone. He's tells Josh he can't live with the guilt. Josh is the best man that Shayne had ever known. Wish Josh and Reva still together but Jeffrey must be a decent guy for Reva to put up with him. Shayne says that Reva was right at the hospital. She's a survivor. She has to live for that baby. Shayne has never seen Reva smile so much. Reva says she said they were both survivors.

Reva wishes that Josh and Shayne would come to her house. They can all talk some more. Shayne says he's tired and just wants to rest. Shayne thanks his parents for the memorial. It meant alot. They hope it helped even though they never met Lara. Shayne loves both of his parents. They can't forget that. Shayne leaves. Dinah follows. Reva tells Dinah to leave Shayne alone.

Shayne on the edge of a buiding roof looking down. He's so close just a bit further....Dinah calls out and questions what the heck he's doing. Shayne tells Dinah to leave him alone. She can't do that. So is that what the speech was? A goodbye. He needs to make her understand why he's doing this. Is it a thrill like the train tracks. Shayne then reveals in anger that the train tracks along with everything was his plan. He's not supposed to be there. He's not supposed to be alive. He was trying to kill himself. So rushing into the fire to save Doris? Shayne hoped he would suffocate but no luck. Dinah tells Shayne he survived the blast that killed Lara. Shayne says he saw Lara killed in another blast. It was on him but she was killed. After he saw that.... Shayne didn't care anymore. He walked purposely into a live mine field hoping to be killed as well but no luck. Dinah is horrified and holds onto Shayne. Shayne says if there was justice in the world then he would have been killed.

Reva will take the flowers back to the house. It was good for Shayne. Knock on door. A person who wants to attend the memorial. Its too late. Why does he want to come? He's a friend. The door opens. Reva, Josh and Jeffrey are stunned as they look at Edmund Winslow. Why is he there? Lara was his daughter.


Reva is beyond ticked at Edmund. She says there is no way by chance that her son and Edmund's daughter were involved. Edmund says that we are all connected. We come into each other's lives for a reason. Dinah meanwhile is pleading with Shayne not to jump. She comes closer to the edge to try and stop him. Just then a scream and the screen fades to blue sky. Does Dinah live? Will Shayne jump? What is Edmund's real connection to Lara? To find out Keep the Light Shining.

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