RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap: Episode 15754, Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Part 1

Reva is getting birthday decorations together for Henry's first birthday when she hears a familiar knock at the door. Reva tells Josh to just come in. Josh says he wants to show her the present he got for Henry. Reva picks up Colin and heads outside. Reva is shocked to find out that Josh picked out exactly the same rocking horse that she did for Henry.

Marina is working on putting up decorations for Henry's birthday when Shayne knocks on the door. Marina tells Shayne he doesn't have to knock anymore. He doesn't have to do it today of all days on their son's birthday. Where is Henry? He's asleep upstairs in his crib. Marina wanted him to sleep a bit longer so he would not be a cranky birthday boy. Marina shows Shayne all the decorations. Reva and Josh are bringing over more later. Marina realizes she did not leave anything for Shayne to do. She should have consulted him. Did he want to have the party elsewhere? Shayne says that the Cooper house is fine. This is Henry's home. Shayne can help tape up the birthday banner. Marina goes to get tape. She opens the drawer. She is saddened when she sees Mallet's badge.

Mallet chats with the director of the agency in Europe. Mallet has a new assignment out in the middle of the boonies. Nobody knows where it is. It's just a one man job. Mallet will need GPS to find his way. Mallet thanks the director for the job.

Buzz and Frank bring in a box of goodies into Company. Frank says that there is a lot of stuff. Buzz says that there is food for the people at Henry's birthday. There is also secret gifts for everyone. Frank questions if they should just postpone the birthday for Marina's sake. Henry doesn't know what is happening. Buzz questions if Frank doesn't think that his daughter is up to it. Buzz says that the Cooper clan will support her. They all have to move on with their lives. Frank leaves. Lillian arrives. Buzz is surprised to see her with everything that is happening to Phillip. Lillian says she's rather be involved in the Cooper craziness then the Spaulding sadness. The first birthday of a grandchild is good news. There is nothing they can do for Phillip since there is no match yet. Buzz says that Alan is a match. Lillian is shocked. Buzz tells Lillian to forget what he mentioned.

Alan and Phillip talk outside of Cedars. Alan questions if his son heard him correctly. Alan is a match. Alan can be the donor and save his son. Phillip says he told the same thing to James as well. Phillip is not going to let anybody in the family risk their lives to save him. Alan wants to do this. He admits he was scared when he found out but not anymore. He wants to save his son. Phillip says that this is not about his dad.

Part 2

Alan and Phillip talk outside of Cedars. Alan questions if Phillip heard him right. Phillip says that Alan does not have to make a great gesture to show that he's a great dad. Alan says look at the chances. They are not biologically related yet Alan is a match. The chances of that happening are very rare. There is a reason it happened. Phillip is not going to let this happen. It's just Phillip's time to die now. No one is going to save him. It's just not going to happen.

Lillian sees Daisy putting together a package of food. The sandwiches are for the workers at Bill and Lizzie's place. Lillian tells Daisy that she is worried about James. James is having a really hard time dealing with the news. He wants to help but Phillip is not letting him. James is very angry about that. James is so brave and stubborn just like his father. Lillian asks Daisy to keep an eye on James. Daisy is trying to do that.

Buzz is working when Cyrus walks in. Cyrus has a package that he wants Buzz to give Henry at the party. Buzz tells Cyrus to give it himself. Cyrus says he's not going. Buzz says that is not happening. Cyrus is a Cooper now. Coopers go to family events so Cyrus better be there. Buzz needs some help getting the food ready. Cyrus goes to pick up food. Buzz tells his son to go wash his hands first. Cyrus leaves.

Reva and Josh laugh about the two rocking horses. Reva says it's obvious. Josh is just going to have to take his back. Reva has decorations and other stuff to do. She has no time to go back to the store and get a new gift. Josh says that they can just figure out a new gift. since he's giving the rocking horse to his first grandson. Reva grumbles and agrees to head out. Josh will have to work on decorations then. They can talk to Marina and Shayne and find out if Henry needs anything. Reva says that they will have to get more wrapping paper as well if she has to buy a new gift.

Marina, Henry and Shayne all work on decorations for the party. Shayne says it looks good. Henry is going to be a ballplayer just like his dad. The phone rings. Shayne answers saying that his is Henry's happy birthday party. Mallet is there. Mallet asks to talk to Henry. Marina tells Henry that this is his...friend. Mallet says it's great to talk to Henry. He made it to his first birthday.. Mallet is sorry he could not be there. Mallet asks Henry to watch over his mother. Marina is fighting back the tears after hearing Mallet's voice. It becomes to much and she leaves the room. All Mallet hears is a dial tone.

Part 3

Bill and Lizzie are eating breakfast in their house. Lizzie asks if Bill is going to fix the weird spot under the master bedroom window. Bill says no. Why? Lizzie says it looks hideous. They need to test paint colors. Bill asks if they should go to Henry's party. Lizzie is not sure with everything that is happening with Phillip. Phillip walks in and tells the kids to go. Lizzie is worried about her dad. What is he doing here? He was hoping on doing some work. Lizzie disagrees in his condition. She thinks it might be too risky. Phillip says that is one the things with dying. Risk kind of goes out the window. He tells Lizzie and Bill to go to the party. Life goes on. Phillip tells Bill to make sure that his wife goes.

Shayne and Henry are playing when Josh comes in. Shayne says hi to Grandpa or would that be grandpy? Josh doesn't go for that. Reva and Josh are having gift issues. Is there something that Henry needs? Shayne says he needs a mitt. He's a little young. Josh says he likes all the baseball decorations. Josh used those when Shayne was a baby. Shayne is having a great time. Josh asks if Shayne has considered the coaching job at the local high school. Shayne will consider it. Shayne has a lot on his plate right now. It's the first time in a long time that his life feels complete and settled. Shayne says the big reason for that is his son. Josh knows that Shayne is going to be a great dad. Josh remarks on how ironic is that Shayne never would have known about his son if it wasn't for Dinah. Shayne is uncomfortable but picks up his son. He says he has the best thing is his life right here.

Alan is walking in the park when Lillian sees him. She knows that he's a match for Phillip. She also knows that Phillip will not let it happen. He's too proud. Lillian says that Alan is so brave for wanting to do it. She says that there may be hope for Alan yet.

Phillip is working at Bill and Lizzie's house when Daisy shows up with the food. She was going to give it to the workers. Phillip says good since he is hungry. She will just leave it inside. Daisy tells Phillip she's sorry that he's dying. Phillip is as well. He's going to miss all of them. James is heartbroken no matter what he says to his dad. He says the opposite of what he's feeling. Does that make sense? Phillip gets that. Phillip is glad that Daisy showed up.

Part 4

Reva and Josh both return to Cross Creek at the same time. Reva found another gift. A baseball mitt and an outfit. They both can give that and the rocking horse together. Josh says that is fine. He can help with the rest of the gifts. Josh goes to open the back of her car. Reva tells him no as Josh lets a ton of balloons go from the back. Josh is able to capture a couple before the take off.

Alan is walking in the park when he sees the balloons. He's fascinated with them.

Shayne is holding Henry when Frank walks in. Frank says that the birthday boy is getting so big. It's a big day for both families. Frank notices the baseball theme. Marina went a bit crazy with it. Frank tells Shayne that he's doing a good job. He's a good man for stepping up and being a dad to his kid. Frank knows that it's tough. Frank says he's about to have a kid with Natalia. They are going to welcome the baby into a very unconventional family as well. Shayne thanks Frank as they shake hands. Marina comes down wearing a beautiful dress. Frank says his daughter looks beautiful. Shayne passes Henry to his mom. Is Henry ready for this?

Alan continues to follow the balloons. He runs into Bill and Lizzie. They ask if Alan is alright. Alan says he needs to walk. Does he need the car? He's fine. Bill and Lizzie should go to the party. Alan leaves. Lizzie says this is so hard with her dad. She's glad she has Bill by her side. Bill says she does. They can check on Alan afterwords.

Mallet sees a figure stranded by a car on the side of road. Mallet goes to help and is shocked to see Dinah standing there.

Alan sees the balloons in the graveyard. He walks up to Phillip's headstone. Alan tells Phillip he can't lose him when he's so close to changing. Alan gets it finally what Phillip was talking about. Phillip who is on the other side of grave stone listens to his dad's plea. Alan says he's been a selfish man his whole life because he's been afraid. He's been afraid to lose the ones he loves. Alan loves his son. Alan knows that he's not been the dad that Phillip has deserved to have. Alan pushed him when was younger to succeed. When he did succeed, Alan was paranoid that he would lose all of his power. Here Phillip is facing his own mortality and instead of being scared he's embracing it. Alan feels like his son has already crossed over. Alan wants to do that as well. He wants to become that better man that Phillip sees in him. Alan wants to change. Alan didn't have the courage to do it before but he does now. He wants to risk it all to be the dad that he should have been. He needs this chance to save his son so he can be the man he was always meant to be. If he loses Phillip, Alan loses himself as well. Phillip brushes the tears away and comes out. Alan looks at his son.

Part 5

Lillian, Frank, Josh and Reva all arrive at Marina's place. Frank asks Lillian if she wants to be here with everything that is happening with Phillip. Reva asks what is happening. Josh says that they will find out. Lillian tells Josh and Reva that Phillip is dying. He only has a couple of days. There is nothing that he doctors can do for him. Reva and Josh are stunned and heartbroken by the news. They should all head in to the birthday.

Mallet is stunned to see Dinah in Austria. What is she doing there? Dinah's car broke down. This is where she has landed for now. Why is he there? This is where he landed as well for his new job. He's not working with the SPD anymore? No he's back with the agency. How is Marina dealing with that? Mallet tells Dinah that he's not with Marina anymore. Dinah asks how that can be. Mallet and Marina were meant to be. Mallet says maybe they were not. Mallet tells Dinah remember how she said she screws up everything. Mallet says that thanks to Dinah everyone is where they are supposed to be. Dinah let Mallet go so he could be with Marina when she needed him. She found Shayne in Germany . She convinced Shayne to come home when nobody else could do that. Dinah made Shayne walk again. Dinah found a good mother and home for Henry when he needed it. She found out that Shayne was Henry's father. She told Shayne when he was ready for the news. Shayne can now be a dad to his son. Mallet says that they are all where they are supposed to be. Mallet as well.

Lillian sees Cyrus pouring some punch at the party. Was that for her? Of course. Where is Buzz? Buzz put the food in Cyrus' car and left. Just then Buzz walks in dressed as a clown. Everyone is shocked.

Part 6

Shayne and Marina help Henry blow out his cake. Daisy gets everyone's attention. Buzz the clown wants them all to take one of the packages. Inside are wishing chocolates. They are to give the chocolate to someone and make a wish. Shayne tells Marina he hopes that everyday is like today. Marina tells Shayne she didn't think it would be alright again but it is. They are all in a good place.

Mallet says he's not much of a mechanic but he was able to fix the car enough so she can get to her next stop. Mallet says he's looking for this little town. Dinah says it's a couple of miles down the road. How long will he be there? Mallet is not sure. Where is Dinah going? Dinah is not sure. Some days she has a plan other days not. She just drives and stops when she's feels like she is supposed to. What made her stop today? The car. What made him stop? Trying to figure out his GPS. Dinah has no clue where she is headed next. Choices in life lead you to where you are supposed to be. Dinah says she's felt unsettled since she left Springfield. Mallet say she will figure out where she is going. Mallet hopes he will see Dinah soon. Mallet and Dinah hug.

Cyrus looks at Frank and hands him a chocolate as Buzz watches with baited breathe. Cyrus suggests a peace offering. Frank agrees to wish peace for Cyrus as well. Buzz hugs both of his sons. Cyrus and Frank laugh. Reva and Josh pull out their chocolate. They have good things in their lives right now. They things they do not have they do not have. Josh and Reva exchange chocolates. Bill and Lizzie have a lot to wish for. Bill wants to finish the house. Lizzie wants Sarah back. She also wants to have a new baby with Bill. Bill says they need some alone time then. Bill and Lizzie kiss. It will all work out.

Mallet walks away down the road. He turns back and calls out Dinah's name.

Lillian sees Buzz. He is the most incredible man. Look what he did for his grandson. She wishes that Phillip would be cured. Buzz and Lillian hug.

Phillip is sorry but he can't let his dad risk his life like that to save him. Phillip is not that selfish. Phillip says Alan does not have to prove anything. Alan wants to take this step. Phillip needs to let his dad do this. Alan has to stay alive to take care of the family. Alan asks how Philip expects Alan to go on if Alan hasn't tried everything in the book to save his son's life. Alan says that he needs to do this. He's lacked courage all of his life until now. Let Alan do this. Phillip through tears agrees. Alan hugs his son. Can Alan have a balloon? No. Phillip is pretty ungrateful since Alan is going to save his life. It hasn't happened yet.


Jonathon asks Josh if Springfield is safe to come back to since he's thinking about moving back for good with Sarah. Phillip and Alan are wheeled into surgery side by side. Edmund and Jeffrey continue to play cat and mouse with each other.

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