Emma is working on a card for Phillip to make him feel better. Olivia asks to talk to Emma. She warns her daughter that the cookies will not cure her dad.

Buzz is working in Company when Ashlee shows up. She has the galley book from the publisher. Buzz laughs so this is the book that he didn't approve but it was still a great idea. Two brilliant ladies wrote it for him. Coop was the one who wrote it. Ashlee did it for Coop. She felt closer to him as she had to decipher his writing. Ashlee hugs Buzz.
Olivia and Emma see Phillip at the Spaulding mansion. Emma hopes the cookies make her dad feel better. Emma wants to take a cookie to cook. Olivia says that Emma thinks that the papers will heal Phillip. Emma doesn't believe that her dad is dying. How is Olivia going to help her daughter deal with this? She can't give her false hope. The cookies are not medicine. It's all so sad.
Alan and Edmund chat elsewhere in the house. Alan is a match for the procedure with his bone marrow. He's an 86% match to Phillip. Not great but the best so far. Alan can save his son but he must know that the risk to Alan is huge. He could lose his life while saving his son's life.
Part 2
Alan asks Ed the chances that this procedure could save his son. Ed has no clue. It looks great on paper but has never been done before. Alan says he's not doing a great pitch job. Ed doesn't want Alan to do it. Ed can't recommend it in good conscience since he is Phillip's doctor. He has to follow his patient's wishes. Phillip does not want anyone else to risk their life to save his. Ed wanted to tell Alan though that he is a match. Alan says that he has to try but he could die. If he doesn't try then Philip has no chance in living. Ed says it's a horrible choice to make.
Buzz is working when Doris walks in. Doris looks at the book about Jenna. She's an incredible woman. Coop wrote it about his mom. Doris told Ashlee that she could write a book about her. Ashlee told her she couldn't because she doesn't know zip about Doris' life. Buzz tells Doris she needs to get on that before it's too late.
Blake sees Ashlee outside of Company. Blake has some wonderful news. She wanted to see Ashlee's face when she opened the envelope. Ashlee does and it's a check for $5,000. It's an editor's fee. Blake didn't want to tell her until she was sure she could swing it. They also will get a tiny percentage of the royalties from the book. Ashlee needs to spend it wisely. Ashlee is beyond excited. Blake leaves. Ashlee's phone rings then. It's Doris who wants to have lunch. Ashlee can meet her in ten minutes.
Olivia, Emma and Phillip continue to talk. Emma leaves again. Is Phillip going to go into the hospital? He's not going to do that. He wants to die at home. He's a dead man walking. There is nothing that the hospital can do for him other than make him comfortable. Phillip makes a crass joke that Olivia can dance at his wedding again. He heard about that. He did. Olivia says it's really sad this time. Olivia and Phillip hug.
Alan tries to make choices on what to do with Phillip as he walks in the park [ Simple Machine by Kyler England ]. Alan begins to read Ed's report but drops some pieces of paper in the water.
Part 3
Buzz sees Olivia as she is sitting at the table in Company. He's trying to figure out how to get the stove to work. He doesn't have any customers. Olivia wants Buzz to tell Frank that he's a great dad. Buzz says that Frank is not so sure. He's got a new chance with the baby with Natalia. They are going to find out today if it's a boy or girl. With a mom like Natalia and a dad like Frank, the kid is set.
Natalia is nibbling on ice cream at the mini mart when Blake finds her. Natalia admits the baby likes it. The baby is kicking up a storm right now. Blake realizes that Natalia has no clue if it's a boy or girl. Natalia is going to find out. She can't afford to buy two sets of everything. Blake gets that. Natalia is pretty sure that Olivia and Emma want a girl. What does Frank want? Natalia honestly doesn't have a clue. She could tell that something was wrong the other day. Blake can see Natalia's joy but asks her not to forget about Frank. Don't push him out. He's a good man. The kid could have no better dad then Frank. Natalia knows that. She would never push Frank out.
Rafe walks over and sees Alan picking papers out of the water. Rafe hopes it's not important work. Alan says thanks. He assumes that his grandson has something to tell him. Rafe says that he enlisted in the Army. Alan says so he made the choice. He was not asked to do it. Rafe wanted to do it. Alan says that is very brave. When does Rafe leave? In two weeks. Alan says that he will take care of Natalia. She has a good job. Alan would like to see his grandson before Rafe leaves. They can talk some more. Rafe says that they have time. Alan says that Gus would be very proud of his son.
Ashlee sees Doris in the park outside the courthouse. Doris has not done this before. She should right. The office is just right there. She's has this habit of doing the same thing over and over. She really wants to make a change. She got Ashlee a Swiss cheese sandwich. Ashlee admits she hates Swiss cheese. Doris says sorry. She never actually goes into the cafeteria to get lunch. She's trying to do new things. She's trying to open up her life. Doris asks if Ashlee remembers the time when she was seven and they went to the beach. They were going to have a talk. Ashlee says that was the sex talk. She's fine with that. Doris has just always tried to protect her daughter. Ashlee asks why her mom is so spooked. Doris admits that she's a lesbian. Ashlee is stunned by the news.
Part 4
Ashlee is in tears as she looks at her mother. Did Doris just tell her that she is a lesbian? Doris knows that it's a lot to accept. Doris says that now is a different time then when she was growing up. People are more tolerant. Doris tried to date but it never quite worked out. When she graduated school she decided to live her life her own way. She wanted to have a baby so she went to a sperm bank. She got Ashlee. Ashlee means the world to her mom. Doris wanted to tell Ashlee before when Ashlee asked why she had no dad. Doris chickened out and just did the sex talk instead. Doris says that Ashlee is a remarkable young woman. Ashlee asks how her mom could lie to her. How could Doris not trust Ashlee enough to tell her this big secret? Doris loves her daughter. The world can be cruel. Ashlee knows that better than anyone. Doris was cruel to her. Why could Doris not trust her? Doris questions if Ashlee is ashamed or embarrassed by the news. Ashlee says no. She's angry. She's angry that her mom did not love her enough to tell her. Ashlee leaves.
Natalia sees Phillip at Cedars. Olivia told her the news. She's so sorry. Phillip says he should do t-shirts. Natalia says she has to go. Phillip says no. Phillip has wanted to talk to Natalia but has never felt it was his place. He knows that Olivia is pushing her away. Phillip tells Natalia to keep fighting for her. Olivia and Emma will need her more than ever when Phillip is gone. Natalia will get what she wants.
Alan walks up and sees Buzz outside of Company. Buzz heard about Philip dying. Alan first loses Gus then Phillip. Buzz is sorry. Ed told Alan though that there is a small chance that there is procedure that could save his son. Buzz says that is great. Alan says that there is a big problem. There is great risk to the donor. They could lose their life during the procedure. Phillip doesn't want anyone to help him. Buzz can get that. Alan asks if Buzz was enlisted or he chose to go to Vietnam. He enlisted. Alan admits he was drafted. Buzz asks where Alan served. Alan says he didn't go. He was too scared to die. Buzz went. Alan was a coward. Alan tells Buzz about what Brandon did with Gerald. Alan says that he only thing that came back was a flag draped coffin. Alan has been tormented since that happened. He's felt like a coward since then.
Part 5
Buzz tells Alan that we are all cowards. Buzz is not. He went and served his country. It's one of the things that Alan has always hated. Buzz did the one thing that Alan could not. Alan has watched Buzz and his family deal with such adversity and come out with honor. Buzz says that he wasn't brave. He ran away from his wife and son. He was a coward. Alan tells Buzz that he's a match for the operation. Buzz is stunned since Alan is not Phillip's biological father. It's ironic. He could save his son but right now he feels the same way when he saw those draft papers. He's scared of dying. Buzz says that we all die. Alan doesn't think he can do it. Buzz gets up and grabs his broom. Buzz tells Alan that he can do it because he can not do it. Buzz kisses Alan on the head and leaves.
Frank and Natalia are at the hospital waiting for the sonogram. He brought her some crackers in case she is queasy. She's not that anymore. She's hungry. She made some cookies with Emma earlier. It's so sad about Phillip. Emma thought that the cookies could make her dad feel better. She thought they could cure him. Frank says that he thought that the Cooper clan had problems but they are small things compared to what is facing the Spauldings. It shows you how important family is. Natalia says that is why she wants the baby to have the chance to have as much family around it as possible. She wants Olivia to be a part of this.
Alan sees Ed in his office. Alan wants to know the procedure exactly and how it will save his son. What are the chances? Ed will try to explain it all to Alan as best he can. Alan wants to know how he can save his son.
Phillip sees Olivia in the park. Is this a routine for her to come to the park and cry? She has nothing to talk about. She can talk to him. He's got nothing to hide. He's only got a bit of time left. He's got no time to beat around the bush. Olivia tells Phillip not to do that. How can she feel sorry for herself when he's facing what he is. Phillip say he's fine. When he goes, he goes. He's gotten used to the idea. He's sorry about the people who are left behind. He doesn't like it but he's had time to work it out. He's actually spent a lot of time chatting with his headstone. Everyone has dark moments in their life. Olivia is not sure what she's going to do. Emma will not have her father. Ava has lost Jeffrey. Rafe is going off to war. Phillip says you do what you always do. You keep on living. Take a chance on happiness if you get it. Olivia has someone who loves her and wants to be by her side. Phillip tells Olivia to stop pushing Natalia away.
Part 6
Ed tells Alan that is all there is too it. Phillip could be up and out of the hospital in a couple of days if it all works. Alan is impressed. Ed says that bone marrow transplants are quite common now. What is different this time is the amount that they need to take from the donor could be lethal. The hours after the operation will be the telling time. Nobody has ever done this before. It's the first time. Alan says that he would be the guinea pig then. Nope lab rat. Alan says that he will do it to save his boy. Ed says that is fine but they have one huge obstacle. Phillip will not accept this. Alan says that he will deal with his son.
Buzz sees Doris at the bar. She wants a shot. She screwed up again. She really talked with Ashlee and mentioned some big truths. Ashlee walked away from her. Buzz tells Doris to have faith. Our kids have seen us at our lowest point and they still love us.
Ashlee is in the courtyard at Company contemplating what her mom said. Rafe arrives there. She didn't respond to his text. She wasn't looking for him. She's also not looking for her mom either. Rafe asks if Ashlee is alright. She seems a bit off. Ashlee tells Rafe about Coop's book about his mother. Ashlee told Doris that she doesn't know zip about her so Doris decided to let it all hang out today. Doris is gay. Rafe is stunned. Is she serious? Very serious. Is this some bandwagon that people are jumping on? Ashlee says that her mom has known all of her life that she was this way. Ashlee is furious that her mom kept this a secret. She assumed that her daughter would be homophobic. Ashlee doesn't care about that. She's ticked off that Doris did not share this huge part of her life with her until now. Rafe says that at least Doris told her and she didn't find out on her own. Doris didn't trust her enough to tell her. Doris has not been happy because she never let herself because she was worried about what her daughter would think. Rafe tells Ashlee to calm down. This is not all about her.
Alan sees Phillip outside. Phillip was just going in to chat with Ed. He's planning on going over to Bill and Lizzie's house later and working on it. Alan can come along if he wants to do some work like steaming wallpaper. Alan says he has a meeting. He does need to chat with his son. Alan says that he is Phillip's match for the bone marrow transplant. Alan will explain it all to him later but they need to get ready. Phillip appreciates his dad's thoughts but there is no way that he's letting that happen.
Frank and Natalia are all excited waiting for the sonogram. Natalia says the last time she was young and scared with no family around. It was tough but she loves her son. Frank tells Natalia that Rafe loves her. He will get over this. Natalia just wants their baby to have a full family. She wants all of them there. Just then Olivia shows up. Frank says she's just in time. Frank has to go. Frank leaves. Olivia had to be there. She's not going to waste anymore time. Olivia caresses Natalia's face.
Next week on Guiding Light. Please note that due to coverage of the US Open, GL will not air on Monday September 7th and Friday September 11th.
Mallet sees Dinah on the side of a road in Austria. Olivia and Natalia sit Emma down to tell her the truth. The Lewis clan arrives for Billy and Vanessa's wedding. The Spauldings wait for news on Alan and Philip.
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