Previously - Dinah grilling Shayne about his girlfriend. Everyone finding out that Lara is dead. Lizzie seeing Beth and Coop kissing.
Lizzie purposely knocks over a vase as she rushes away from the sight of Beth and Coop kissing at the Spaulding Mansion.
Beth freaks out wondering who saw them when she sees the vase. Coop says it was just a fluke. There is no one. Alan is inside. Beth says that Coop has to go but he has to leave by the back door. Coop leaves. Beth picks up the pieces just as a furious Lizzie walks up and says oops for breaking the vase.
Beth looks at her daughter.
Alan walks into Spaulding Lewis and finds Bill there working.
Alan assumed that Bill had left. Why is Alan there? He’s looking for Lizzie. Bill says he can’t walk away. He knows that Alan has plans for Lizzie.
Bill has to protect Lizzie. Alan says there is nothing to protect Lizzie from. Alan is heading to New York with Lizzie to woo some investors. Bill doesn’t by the story. Alan can just go to hell instead. Alan says that he will but first he’s taking Lizzie to New York. Lizzie will realize how irrelevant Bill is to her life. She will have success with Alan and move on. Bill will be just a forgotten memory. Right, Bill knows what that is like? Alan leaves.
Josh and Reva look at the picture of Shayne’s deceased girlfriend.
Shayne is fighting back the tears as he walks over and takes the piece of paper.
The woman’s name was Lara. The picture doesn’t do her justice. She has such a glow in her eyes. You could see that something was going on in her eyes so you wanted to be close to find out her secret. She had a great laugh. Laughing was a luxury with the work they did. Shayne would give anything to say goodbye to her. Reva is in tears listening to the story. Dinah is in shock. Jeffrey asks what happened to her? She was killed.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
Jeffrey questions more about Lara.
Josh says that Lara must be the woman who Shayne was talking about in his emails.
Josh could hear the love in his son’s voice as he described her.
It seemed very serious. Shayne admits it was. What can he tell them about her? She was from Europe. They didn’t know much about each other. They met while working in a camp together. They had a lot to deal with so the little moments were even more precious. They spent a lot of time apart because of work. The connection was even stronger when they were together. She was the love of his life. Dinah says she’s sorry. Shayne says everything was heightened because of the life and death aspect of their work. They were caught up in everything. It was so intense when they were together. They wanted to spend their lives together. Jeffrey asks how she died? Shayne can’t get the words out so Josh does. Josh says she died in the same explosion that took Shayne’s legs. Reva says poor girl. Shayne says not to say that. Lara knew the risks of her work. She wouldn’t want the pity. Shayne asks if the inquisition is done because he’s leaving. Shayne wheels out as Reva calls to him. Dinah walks over stunned. Reva then lashes out saying that Dinah is the reason that Shayne is in so much pain.
Dinah is taken aback by Reva’s venom.
At Spaulding Lewis, Bill assumes right that Lizzie has no clue about the travel plans.
Alan is going to spring it on her. Alan says that of course he’s told her the details, they just have to iron out some ideas.
Bill laughs. Alan accuses Bill of being a kidnapper but in fact that is what Alan is doing. Bill is not going to lose Lizzie this way.
Beth attempts to reason with Lizzie at the Spaulding Mansion.
It’s not what Lizzie assumes. Lizzie laughs. Isn’t the line that people always say when they are caught? It was some random meeting. Right, Beth slipped and Coop caught her with his lips. Beth didn’t plan the affair. It just happened. Lizzie has to understand. Beth was alone and lost during Alan’s visions of Gus. Lizzie says alone. Lizzie was kidnapped in a building. Beth had people in the house to take care of her. Beth says that was horrible when she had no clue where Lizzie was. Beth was frantic. So, what she looks for a distraction with a man young enough to be her son? Beth says it isn’t like that. Coop was already helping her with her law studies. He was there someone that she could talk to. Lizzie says that of all the men that Beth had to choose. It was Lizzie’s first love. Lizzie’s first fiancé. It’s sick.
Beth gets ticked at Lizzie’s attitude and questions who the heck Lizzie thinks she is.
Coop is inside the Mansion.
This is stupid what is he doing when Beth needs him. Coop heads outside and sees Beth and Lizzie squabbling. Beth is sorry for hurting Lizzie.
She knows that she should have been there for Lizzie since she got home. Lizzie says right. She needed her mother. Beth says she’s a grown woman not just her mother. Beth wants a life as well. Beth says that her affair with Coop is not sleazy but it’s real. Lizzie says that is hogwash and Beth knows it. Lizzie suggests a big fancy party so Beth can introduce her boy toy to everyone. She can show them how much she loves Coop. Better off Lizzie can go and tell Alan all about it. Beth says that Lizzie can’t do that. Lizzie leaves and Beth rushes off after her.
Outside the courthouse, Dinah almost gets away when mama bear Reva catches her.
Reva is not done with her harping at Dinah. Dinah was the one that found Shayne in Germany. Dinah should have told his family about him. They could have helped. Dinah wasn’t planning on finding him. Shayne had no intention of telling her his true identity in Germany. He was more than willing to stop that. The reason because Dinah reminded him of all the problems with his family back in Springfield. Reva says that her son is a mess. He needs his family.
Dinah says that Shayne needs to rage against what has happened. Shayne didn’t need to come home and hear how much of hero he is. Reva says that Shayne is but he can’t seem to get rid of Dinah. Dinah knew that Shayne had lost someone. Reva could have helped her son with his grief. Dinah says that Shayne’s venting back at the courthouse is good for him. He needs to talk. He needs to rage against losing her. He needs to work through the pain. He needs to be hurt and angry. He doesn’t need to be coddled by his mother. He needs to do this by himself and Reva has to let him do it. Dinah leaves. Reva looks at Dinah.
Josh arrives at Company and asks if Buzz has seen Shayne. Buzz says no. Jeffrey arrives. The two of them had the same idea. Buzz suggests a round of beers on the house. Shayne will show up there sooner or later.
Shayne is trying to wheel through the mud but his chair is not working.
Shayne rages and yells out about losing Lara. Dinah walks up and says she hopes he feels better. Shayne looks at Dinah.
Reva arrives at Company to find Josh and Jeffrey drinking beers with Buzz.
What the heck are they doing here? They should be looking for Shayne. He’s in crisis right now. Josh says that Shayne will show up there eventually then they can help him. Jeffrey was looking for his wife the way she took off after Dinah.
Is Dinah alright? Reva says, Dinah! Reva is the one who is pregnant and fighting cancer! Dinah could have taken her easily! Josh, Jeffrey and Buzz all chorus not likely. Reva says that this is not her fault. It’s Jeffrey’s for not telling her.
Beth tries to stop Lizzie in the Spaulding Mansion before she tells Alan about the affair.
What does Beth want to give up her bargaining chip? Coop is more than that to her. Coop has dreams for her. He believes in her. Lizzie says that Alan doesn’t deserve this. He’s a good man. Beth questions why Lizzie is standing by Alan. Alan has been there for her more than anyone. He’s got big dreams for her. For her? What does Lizzie want. Beth says that it has always been the two Raines women. Lizzie says she’s tired of taking care of her mother.
She can’t believe that Beth is with Coop. Beth laughs just like Lizzie is with Beth’s ex husband. Lizzie looks at her mother. You can’t help who you fall in love with. Coop gets her. He cares for her like no other man. Lizzie says that is hogwash. It’s not love. It’s just an affair. Beth is just being a cougar with her boy toy and taking advantage of Alan at the same time. Beth says that she wants to be a part of the Spaulding family without it swallowing her alive. She wants to stand on her own two feet with her children. She assumed Lizzie would support her instead of betraying her. Alan enters after hearing the last part of the conversation. He questions what is wrong. Lizzie looks between her grandfather and her mother.
Alan questions what is wrong. Lizzie lies and says that they are just worried about Alan.
Alan says he’s fine. They don’t have to worry about him. Alan says in fact he’s got meetings set up in New York with some investors. With the markets the way they are, this is the perfect time to pick up acquisitions. Company was only the beginning. Why didn’t he invite them? Alan says he learned from the incident with China. He wants Beth there but he knows how important her studies are to her. Alan was hoping in fact that Lizzie would come with him. Lizzie says of course. She’d love to see her grandfather.
Alan says he wants Lizzie to be happy. He doesn’t want to make her come. She doesn’t have to choose between the trip and Bill. Lizzie says that Alan is all she wants. Lizzie hugs her grandfather as Beth watches.
Alan says that broken hearts do heal. Lizzie thanks her grandfather for being there for her.
Meanwhile upstairs in the mansion, Bill is in Lizzie’s room about to open her diary. He stops himself.
That ended really bad last time. Though last time he was doing it for all the wrong reasons, this time is help Lizzie. Bill cracks open the diary and reads Lizzie’s thoughts about the kidnapping. She wishes she could turn the moment into something positive in her life.
Reva tells the guys at Company she had a good talk with Dinah.
It’s not Dinah’s place to squeal Shayne’s secrets. That belongs to her husband. Jeffrey knew about Lara and didn’t tell Reva. Reva could have reached out to her son sooner. Josh says that Reva can leave him out of it.
Josh agrees they can talk to Shayne when he is ready. Josh agrees with Jeffrey. Reva is shocked. When the heck has that ever happened?
Coop enters and hears Reva ranting at the boys. Buzz explains it’s about kids. Coop says he can see the look. He doesn’t need another lecture about how bad Beth is for him. Coop leaves.
Jeffrey says it would not have mattered. Lara died. If it wasn’t for Dinah, Jeffrey wouldn’t have even have taken a look into the file. Shayne is hurting. He needs their help. They can do it together. Shayne will show up eventually. Josh and Jeffrey agree again. Reva questions what is up with the buddy stuff.
Jeffrey kept Reva in the dark to protect her. Reva says she can take care of both of her sons just fine thank you very much. She can even whip cancer’s butt as well. Shayne will show up here when he’s ready to talk. They all do at one point right Buzz. Buzz offers Reva a tea. Reva tells him to stuff it and leaves to find her son. The guys look at each other and suggest another round.
In the park, Shayne tells Dinah to help him out of the muck. Dinah says not until Shayne tells her the whole story.
That whitewashing back at the courthouse was hogwash. He needs to tell her the truth and all of it. Shayne curses at Dinah.
Why does she care? She wants to know the truth. Shayne was just playing the hero angle big time back at the courthouse. It’s what his parents wanted to hear. Dinah wants to truth. Shayne becomes infuriated so he yells that he killed Lara. Is that what she wanted to hear? It wasn’t an accident. Lara died because of him. Dinah is stunned. Dinah can’t believe what she is hearing.
Shayne questions if she is sorry now for asking the truth. Shayne says what he told her in Germany was the truth. It was a beautiful sunny day. Shayne’s life was good.
It had been months since he’d seen Lara because of work. They were planning on seeing each other that night. They were so happy and so in love. Shayne was planning on proposing to her. Dinah assumes that then Shayne must have stepped on the mine. No not that easy. Shayne explains his mind was where it wasn’t supposed to be. It was on seeing Lara again instead of doing his work like it should have been. Shayne had just finished clearing a field or so he thought. Lara was not supposed to be there. He was going to meet her back at her room. She ran across the field and hit a mine that he had missed. He got all the mines but one. She trusted him to do his work properly. He was supposed to protect her and he couldn’t do that one thing. Dinah tries to say it’s not his fault. Shayne says he was supposed to clear that field of mines. Shayne says the mistake is on him. He’s the reason that Lara is dead. Reva watches in the distance as Shayne gets even more and more angry with Dinah.
Shayne finally stands up. He tells Dinah it’s his fault. Shayne walks away.
Dinah is in tears and follows him. Reva is stunned. Just then a mysterious man in a hat shows up. He picks up the picture of Lara. He makes a phone call as Reva watches. It’s as they suspected. She’s dead. The guy leaves with the picture.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie looks at the model of Springfield.
Alan questions if she is unsure.
Lizzie wants to. She just has to get her stuff ready. She loves her grandfather. Lizzie hugs Alan.
Lizzie says with all the changes happening, it’s been crazy. Alan says the changes are good. He can feel his family coming to him finally. Lizzie tries to hide back her tears. She heads up to her room.
Beth sees Coop in the parking lot.
She says he can’t be there. He can’t be in the parking lot or the Mansion or else where. Where can he be? He wasn’t going to leave her alone with Alan if he was the one that found out the truth. Beth says it’s fine. Coop say it’s even better than that. He didn’t hear what Lizzie said but she knows now. They can finally be out in the open. Beth says she can’t do.
Coop says the biggest hurdle has happened.
They can finally be a couple. Eventually it will all come out. Beth smiles. She didn’t realize how much of kid Coop was. He’s a romantic. That is not reality. Coop says that is hogwash. She’s the one making excuses now and she’s running out of good ones. Alan is going to be out of town with Lizzie. They can finally be together. It’s their time.
Lizzie is surprised to see Bill in her room.
Bill tells Lizzie not to go on the trip.
How? He was at Spaulding Lewis when Alan showed up. Spaulding Lewis? He had the papers. He has to go. Lizzie can’t trust her grandfather. It’s just a business deal. It’s more than that. Alan has plans for Lizzie. Bill says he’s tried to forget them but he can’t. He doesn’t want to change Lizzie. She’s perfect. Lizzie can’t listen to this again. He has to go. She’s going to get some things and when she returns. He better not be there.
Shayne is standing at a monument when Dinah walks up.
He asks is she is happy. Did she get her whole story? She asks if that was the real one. What's wrong with you? he asks.
She says she doesn't know, but she knows she did good today, because if he hadn't noticed, Shayne Lewis is walking!
Reva tells Jeffrey that Shayne was walking. Not well, but he got out of the wheel chair and was walking.
Jeffrey stops her from talking by giving her a big hug.
Jeffrey is so happy for her. She wants him to be happy too because Shayne is his son too, now. Josh was right about her needing to appreciate Jeffrey more, the way he
looks out for her and her babies, all of them (really? She liked the way he looked out for Mahra? Hmmmmmm, I think that episode has slipped her mind!). Jeffrey says that would appreciate her going home an dtaking a break and putting her feet up. She leaves him there to do his important work, but she will go home and get rest. She says that they are going to have problems. She wants to find out who this guy is who was spying on Shayne, and what he wants with her son. Jeffrey salutes and says, Got it!
Beth and Coop are talking in the parking lot. She says she needs some space. He says, Space? All I've been giving you is space!
By the time Alan gets back to town they will be out to everyone. They are already out to Buzz, Lillian, and Lizzie. Now they just need to come out to the rest of the town.
Coop is still clueless and seems to think that it won't be a big deal when Alan and the rest of the town learns of their affair. Beth isn't so sure and comments on his being young and a hopeless romantic. He thinks the entire town will be behind them, and they can stand up to Alan. He can't take on the entire town by himself. Yes he can, Beth says. And what makes you think that this whole town won't be on his side. They know better than to fight him. He yells, Because they don't feel about you the way I feel, Beth! He thought she felt the same way. She does. Then stand up to him. She is scared and he should be too. Beth this is your life, your chance, your time. Stand up to him and come away with me, or you will just be running forever. He leaves.
(Coop really needs to get his head examined because he still thinks that he can take on the alpha dog and he seems to be a bit clueless about the fact that not only will he and Beth have to pay the price, but now his father will as well thanks to Beth).
Alan is on the phone about getting the presidential suite ready, so Elizabeth can be treated like the princess she is.
Lizzie, meanwhile, is leaving the grounds with her bag, feeling very blue, when Bill surprises her.
He puts his hand over her mouth and takes her away.
Preview: Alan on the phone asking where the hell is Elizabeth. They were supposed to have left for New York yesterday. He tells the other person, who turns out to be Cyrus, to find her fast. Bill is outside the white van with Daisy.
Preview: Alan calls Cyrus when Lizzie fails to show up to go to NYC. Bill has the van and tells Daisy he would like her help.
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