Frank checks up on Natalia in her room at the boarding house.
She is out cold and he startles her.
“You’re not that late.” “I just sat down a second to tie my shoes.” He realizes she took a third job. “You can always do better, right?”
Olivia is at the hospital with Rick.
She tells Rick that Emma has a pageant coming up and she can’t miss it.
He tells her she might have to miss it. The heart rate is irregular. They are having trouble with her dosage of heart medicine. Rick can’t promise she will ever be normal, but he can promise there will come a time when she won’t have to think about all this stuff.
Buzz and Coop are outside of company.
Buzz says, “Coop why do you think people confide in me? Because I don’t lecture, I listen; I give them my opinion based on many, many years of experience.” Coop responds incredulously, “Experience? Really?” Buzz says he just wants to help Coop. Coop doesn’t NEED Buzz’s help or advice. Then he asks for Buzz’s opinion. He is out of his mind. She is a beautiful woman but it is safer for Coop to have a love affair with the deli meat slicer in the kitchen!
Alan at is the mansion with Beth complaining about Lizzie being upstairs with Bill in her room.
Beth thinks they all can keep an eye on him, including Billy and Vanessa. Alan says are you kidding?????
Beth responds that Billy loves Lizzie almost as much as Bill. Alan retorts, “Almost? Almost?”
Beth says fine, then it is up to them, and they will protect Lizzie. Alan grabs his keys and heads for the door. Grady music starts playing. Beth asks where he is going? He says he has to get out of the house and leaves.
Grady music plays. We see a bare chest with a scratch like Bill’s.
It is Grady’s chest. He is putting salve on the wound. Somehow his scratch didn’t heal during the “weeks” that Bill was in the coma. Someone is at the door. It is Cyrus.
Grady lets him in, says that no one knows he’s there, not even Lizzie. Cyrus says well you’re not invisible, you know.
Grady tells his big brother that everything is fine, that Bill woke up and doesn’t recognize him as the kidnapper! Cyrus says you think it is that easy? Grady took an extra precaution, the souvenir from Lizzie, stab wound. Bill has a wound too. Cyrus is incredulous and says, “You cut a guy in a coma?” Grady thinks it is brilliant. Lizzie will see that her boyfriend is the kidnapper.
Back to Lizzie and Bill, they are getting ready to make love.
Lizzie opens his shirt and sees the mark on his chest. He says don’t worry you’re not going to hurt me. She says, “I’m sorry. I have to go.” She runs to the bathroom, sits down and freaks! Bill doesn’t know what to think.
Only Love Can Save the World! Only Love!
Lizzie tells herself. That is Bill. It’s Bill. Bill looks at the scar. Lizzie looks at herself in the mirror.
Back at Grady’s place, Alan shows up. He just missed Grady.
Alan barges in and says close the door. Cyrus thought Grady’s business with Alan was finished. Alan says it isn’t finished until Bill Lewis is out of his life forever. Cyrus said that his brother said it was all under control.
Alan thinks Cyrus’s brother is a little rough around the edges. He wants Cyrus to work for him to finish the job. Cyrus tells him to leave without answering. Alan takes that as a maybe.
Buzz is talking to Coop outside Company.
He says that he and Beth just happened. Neither went out looking for anyone. But they found each other. Coop hasn’t dated anyone since Ashley. He complains about Blake calling and causing writers block. Buzz questions if Beth is the answer to the writers block. Coop tells the story of meeting Beth at college and connecting. No big deal. Buzz doesn’t believe him. Dangerous to be with Alan Spaulding’s wife; they live together and have a baby together even if not still married. Coop doesn’t want to be like Frank. He wants a woman in his life, I guess! He asks Buzz to not expect him to be level headed. None of the Coopers are. Buzz said that Coop was always the one who got it right. Coop wants to be a Cooper having fun. He wants to live the book before he writes the ending.
Olivia is still short of breath back at the Beacon. She sits down in the hallway.
Of course Decker comes by and sees her. He asks if she is alright. She says she is just having a power rest. She asks about the hedge fund. Decker says “We all got spanked on that one.”
[It is no big deal to him, yet he knows that it was all the money Natalia had to invest! I used to like him, now I’m thinking Decker is slimy.] He says “We are gearing up for a huge tour through Asia next week. If you can’t handle it, I need to know.” Of course, Olivia assures him she is fine! She hands him her hand and gets up.
Olivia goes to pick out clothes for the trip and says, “Would you like to help me, or should I surprise you?” in a teasing way as she opens the door to her suite.
Decker seems impressed, or at least in wonderment.
At Company, Buzz and Frank watch Natalia, who is exhausted.
Buzz can’t tell her what to do. Frank stops her from working to talk to her.
She is not buying Cassie’s house. He questions her some more and she tells him about the investment. “I invested it badly. It’s gone all of it.”
Lizzie comes out of the bathroom and tells Bill about the incident where she slashed the kidnapper.
He realizes that the slash on his chest is the same.
She says he is being set up, or maybe he got the scratch from the accident. She doesn’t doubt him. It would take a lot more than that to make her lose faith in Bill.
Back at Company, Frank makes Natalia take a break and sit down. He knows what she is trying to do, to make up for the loss but if she works 24 /7 she will kill herself. Rafe wouldn’t want to see his mother suffer like this. Frank wants to ask her out on a date to get out so she can relax. She says he has been a great friend, but she just can’t with Rafe in prison. She has nothing to offer him. He offers to finish waiting on her tables to let her rest. Olivia and Emma come in while she is sitting at the table.
Emma asks, “Mommy, why is Natalia so tired?”
Coop is in a convenience store standing in front of a large display of Charmin, looking at Halls cough drops.
He calls Beth to tell her he may have told his dad that he is the guy she is seeing.
She say, “May have?” He says, “OK, I did.” She says, “Why would you do that? You know he is going to tell my mother.” “He won’t; OK he might.” Just then Alan walks in and says, “Mr. Bradshaw, just the man I want to see.” Beth can hear him and freaks out.
Coop says a quick goodbye and turns to talk to Alan.
Back at the mansion, Bill pours himself a drink.
Lizzie comes in and asks if he is OK; she says he didn’t have to leave the bedroom. He doesn’t want her to sleep with him to prove something to him. They talk about who may have set him up. She says that she knows he is thinking about her grandfather, but he has actually been on her side. Even when everyone else doubted Bill. He started to confess for her. he has been on her side. He asks about Dinah. She took off. His mom said Dinah left town to search for a specialist to help him.
They sit down. He wants to know what she has been through. She talks about being blind folded. They are both tired. She is sorry she made a big deal about the scar. It is from the car accident, she knows it is.
Emma goes to Natalia. Natalia takes her to the counter for some ice cream.
Natalia and Olivia talk about conventions at the Beacon. Olivia offers her a raise. She doesn’t want Nat working there. Nat says a raise would be wonderful but she won’t stop working there.
Coop and Alan talk at the store.
Coop thinks it is about Beth, but it turns out to be about James. Coop will be teaching James in the 8th grade! (Sorased at last!) Who else would it be about? Alan asked. Coopers and Spauldings end up intertwined with each other. He is not sure he trusts coop. He read some of Coops book. Beth bought it. It wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be but his expectations were pretty low. Maybe he will like the next book better, about an affair an older woman a younger man. Alan might learn something. Alan says, from a boy like you? Coop says, “Alan, I’m not a boy.” Then he says he will be very fair with James. He gets along with all of the rest of Alan’s family. Maybe the problem is with Alan.
At the mansion, Mel stops by to talk to Bill about the kidnapping case.
He thanks her for taking the case. He asks if she thinks he is guilty. She asks if he is. He says he is innocent. They go over the evidence. The coat will be tough. They talk about proving he was set up. She only needs a little doubt. Is that all the evidence? Mel wants to know what he and Lizzie know. He describes what happened with the kidnapper. Lizzie thinks she left a mark on the kidnapper. He shows he the scar on his chest. Lizzie thinks he is innocent and that is all that matters. Mel says to button the shirt and don’t let anyone see it again.
Lizzie meets Cyrus at the convenience store.
Cyrus congratulates her on the good news that Bill is out of the coma. She is looking for something to fix a scar, for Aunt Alex. Cyrus says to tell Aunt Alex that to totally remove a scar she will need a plastic surgeon. Lizzie then offers him a job to find the real kidnapper.
At Company, Frank takes Olivia aside and tells her how upset he is about Natalia sinking her money in a get rich quick scheme.
Olivia didn’t know she was listening or that she would invest in it. Olivia has tried. Frank says stop trying. She will never be a decent human being. [Wow, Frank, kind of hard on her!]
Somewhere at the Beacon?? Natalia sits writing a letter to Rafe, still wearing her Company T-shirt. She tells him she won’t rest until he has every one of his dreams.
At police headquarters, Mel is with Bill. Frank wants to question Bill to clear up some matters. Mel advises against it. Bill is the only one who talked to the kidnapper. Bill says Lizzie believes in him. That’s all he knows. If Frank wants to know any more, talk to Mel. Frank says he has no choice but to take him in for fingerprinting.
At the store in front of a Prylosec display, Lizzie asks Cyrus if he will do it. She doesn’t want a cop; They think he’s guilty. She wants the truth. Cyrus agrees.
Natalia empties out her purse to count her meager tips and cries. Buzz listens in. He knocks on the door. She can’t quit crying.
Olivia knocks on Decker’s door at the Beacon. She want him to give Natalia her money back.
At Company, Buzz looks out the window and sees Coop and Beth making out. Buzz shakes his head.
At the mansion Alan is leaving Beth a message when Cyrus walks in. Cyrus tells him that Lizzie hired him to find the kidnapper. Alan says he assumes Cyrus will protect Grady. Cyrus agrees, and says he will protect anyone else who deserves to be. Alan asks if that would include him. No. Cyrus needs money for that!
Lizzie finds Mel and Bill at the station after bail has been paid. Bill turned himself in. He is the one and only suspect. They want to get out of here. Lizzie doesn’t want to go home. Too many parents. She doesn’t want to be in Springfield. She wants to get away for a while to be alone with him.
Previews (by V8): Mallet has a surprise for Marina.
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