Dinah meets Shayne in Germany, Boudreaux clan meets Christina, Lizzie defends Bill to everyone.
Previously - All about Remy and Christina's drunken wedding. Doris and the grand jury indicting Bill for Lizzie's kidnapping.
At Cedars, Billy and Vanessa are outside waiting for Bill to wake up.
Vanessa questions if Billy has eaten yet. Nope. Why not go to the cafeteria for some food?
Inside Bill's room, Bill's not sure where he is. Lizzie is so happy that he's back.
She'll explain everything to him in a bit. Lizzie explains how they were in an accident. Bill was really hurt. He's been in a coma for a couple of weeks. Lizzie says she should go get the doctor. Lizzie tries to explain. Bill's still not sure. Lizzie questions how Bill is feeling. He's fine. Just tired and thirsty. Lizzie says she is not going anywhere. It's all Bill wants. She tells him that he told her that he loved her before the accident. They are not going to let anything or anyone come between them. They are going to find a way to be together. That is all that Bill wants. Bill and Lizzie kiss.
In Germany, Dinah is walking through a forest. She finds a woman.
The woman says that Dinah is lost. Dinah laughs and says the woman has no clue.
At Towers, The Boudreaux Thanksgiving in in full swing.
Clayton says how the mashed potatoes are not as good as Felicia's. Felicia says they are fine. She could get used to this if it means she doesn't have to cook. Does anyone want dessert yet? Remy says he's not finished his dinner yet. Mel says she has to get going. She has the next shift at the hospital. Clayton questions Remy's plans for medical school. Someone with high MCAT scores like he had should not just drop it. Remy says that he's been busy with other stuff. Felicia questions if there is a new woman in his life. Remy is visibly uncomfortable now. Mel watches him. Mel covers and mentions that Leah got the award at school. Clayton questions if a scholarship comes along with it. Felicia continues to grill Remy. Remy says he's been busy with work. Where's dessert? Clayton watches Remy noticing how uncomfortable he is.
Christina walks outside a building. She pulls out her phone and calls Remy. She just wants their divorce over and done with. Is it done yet? Remy says yes to Clayton about dessert and no about the divorce to Christina. Christina questions where Remy is. He's at Towers having dinner. It's not as good time. Remy hangs up the phone. Christina can't believe that Remy just did that to his wife.
At Cedars, Vanessa questions if it was bad that they doubted Bill's innocence. Billy says that it wasn't. They are going to make sure nothing happens to their son. Bill is not going to jail when he wakes up. Billy leaves to get food from the cafeteria.
In Germany, Dinah picks up her phone and calls Vanessa.
Vanessa questions how her daughter is doing. Dinah says she's lost. She's o.k. She's in Germany somewhere. She just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Vanessa thanks Dinah for the doctor referrals for Bill. Vanessa says they are waiting to see Bill. He's with Lizzie right now. Dinah questions if the cops figured out who kidnapped Lizzie. Vanessa lies and says there is no news. Is Dinah coming home? Dinah wants to do some more travel. Vanessa questions if Dinah's found what she's searching for. Dinah's not sure. Vanessa says it's hard to be alone on Thanksgiving. Dinah says it's not Thanksgiving in Germany. She's fine. Vanessa suggests doing some volunteer work. Dinah has good in her. Dinah questions if her mother is really serious. Dinah tells Vanessa to say hi to Maureen and Bill for her. Dinah closes her phone and tosses a stone in the water.
At Cedars, Lizzie looks at the paper and dumps it in the trash. She says that it being Thanksgiving must be weird for Bill. He's been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. She's eaten every hospital dish at least twice while waiting. Bill says she didn't have to stay.
Lizzie wanted to be there. Bill thanks Lizzie. She should go get the doctor. Bill's parents? They are outside. She just wants a few more minutes with him before everything happens. Bill questions if they caught Lizzie's kidnapper. Lizzie tells Bill not to worry about that right now. A nurse watches their interaction.
Vanessa grabs a water. Billy still questioning about food. Nurse rushes out and tells them that Bill is awake.
Vanessa and Billy hug. The nurse makes a phone call to someone telling them that Bill is awake.
In Germany, Dinah delivers food to a soldier.
She finds Shayne in bed. How is he feeling? Good. Shayne says at least he's not dead right. Shayne questions what Dinah is. A nurse? No she's here to help out. Shayne's not impressed and very bitter. Dinah calls Shayne Sgt. Jack Randolph. She introduces herself as Dinah Marler. She tries to pass him the food and help. Shayne pushes the food away. Is she here to volunteer? Shayne gets mean and sarcastic. He loves people like her that are so helpful. It's Thanksgiving in the States so what she's got nothing to be thankful for so she's decided to turn her life around and be a do gooder. She can help the cripple and feel like a better person. Dinah tries to cover the sting from the words. Shayne continues on. Shayne assumes that her family can't stand her or is it the other way around and they can't stand her? Dinah's heard enough of Shayne's bitterness and leaves. She calls Shayne ungrateful. It's obvious after she leaves that Shayne was just lashing out.
At Towers, the Boudreaux family is still chit chatting. Felicia and Clayton were telling the story of how they met. Everyone groans because they've heard the story so many times. Just then Christina shows up. Mel tells Felicia that this is the Christina. Remy tells her that she can't be there. Remy explains that he took the MCATS with Christina.
She just wanted to talk to Remy. The family suggests that she stay for Thanksgiving. Christina says her family is out of town. She's probably not dressed up enough for them. Felicia and Remy say she looks fine. Leah likes Christina's hair.
Christina tells how she was a nerd in high school. All she wanted was a stethoscope when she was little. Remy comes from a family of doctors and lawyers. Christina says she would be the first one in her family to get a degree. Felicia says the tests are not easy. Christina bristles at the comment. She and Remy squabble. Remy tries to push Christina away. Felicia asks how Christina did. Remy tries to stop. Christina assumes that Remy is ashamed of her. What he doesn't want his family to know that she failed? Christina doesn't care. Christina says she should really introduce herself. She's not just a friend of Remy's.
She's Remy's wife. It's nice to meet all of them. A pin could drop with the shock in the room. Remy and Christina look at each other.
In Germany, Dinah is outside.
She grumbles and curses. She tried to do something nice and got kicked in the teeth. Well, screw him.
Dinah leaves and returns to the hospital. She walks in on Shayne attempting to walk. Dinah tries to help.
Shayne yells at Dinah to leave. Dinah questions what happened to Shayne's leg? Shayne counters and questions what happened to her life? Dinah is just asking. Dinah tries to help Shayne get back into bed but again he tells her to leave. He pushes her away. Dinah leaves. Shayne is bitter and hurt.
At Cedars, the doctor is with Bill. Vanessa and Billy come in. Billy says it's good his son is back. The doc says that Bill's vitals are good. Billy says they never gave up on Bill. Lizzie says sort of. They all believed in him. Bill notes the sarcasm in Lizzie's voice. Frank then shows up. Lizzie says he can't do that right now. Billy tells Frank to leave. Bill is not talking without a lawyer. Bill looks around really confused. Franks says he hates to do this but he has to arrest Bill for Lizzie's kidnapping. Bill looks at Lizzie stunned by the news. Everyone argues at Company. Lizzie warns Bill not to push it and move to fast.
Bill questions stunned they think he kidnapped Lizzie! Frank says there was enough evidence to indict Bill.
Billy says no questions without a lawyer. Bill has no idea what they are talking about. The doctor says that Bill can't be released yet into police custody. Frank says fine but he expects Bill to turn himself in eventually. Frank leaves. Billy tries to reason with Bill. It's all circumstantial. Lizzie couldn't identify the kidnapper. They found a jacket that matches the kidnapper under his bed. Lizzie is getting irritated and says that the jacket was planted. She tells Billy to stop.
Vanessa tells Bill not to worry. They will work it out. Bill questions why the police would think he did that? Lizzie says it's rubbish. She believes in Bill. Those who know and love him, believe in him. She glares at Billy and Vanessa.
At a bar in Germany, Dinah sits down and grabs a beer.
At Towers, Remy and Christina try to explain their drunken nuptials. It's all fuzzy. She wouldn't do that. Remy and Christina argue. Remy says it's not a real marriage. They are going to try to get annulment papers. If Remy had sent them in on time. Mel puts on her lawyers hat and says that they can only end the marriage with a divorce now. Felicia is stunned that Mel knows. All are yelling.
Clayton tells everyone to hold on. The wedding may not be such a bad thing. Everyone looks at Clayton like he's gone mad. Clayton says Christina may be the perfect wife for Remy. Felicia says that Remy barely knows her. Felicia says it's crazy. Christina says she's leaving. Clayton watches his son. Does he have to tell Remy to go after his wife? Remy leaves. Leah can't stop laughing.
At least she didn't get married during drunken nuptials. Mel tells her daughter to be quiet.
In Germany, Dinah is at the bar when shouting breaks out. Shayne is purposely antagonizing another patron over a chess game.
The guy argues and says Shayne is drunk. Shayne goads him into a fight from a wheelchair. The guy says he's not going to fight a cripple. Shayne goads the guy questioning if he really wants to see what a cripple can do. Dinah watches the whole exchange.
Outside, Remy calls to Christina. What is he doing? He's not on her side of the tracks is he. He's got everything over there. He should be thankful for everything he has.
She's back on her side of the tracks where she belongs. He can just send her the divorce papers. She'll sign them. Remy says they are just train tracks nothing more. She's making a big deal about nothing. It's crazy. She's making a big deal about nothing because that is all she has. She forgot it was Thanksgiving. Remy questions. Christina tells him that she has no family. Christina's parents are dead. Christina's grandmother raised her but they are practically strangers. She goes to see Remy to sign papers and finds him all cozy with his Huxtable family. Does he have a clue how that felt? Remy is lucky. Remy says not all the time. He asks Christina not to hate him for his life. Christina doesn't. Remy says she didn't finish her pie. He doesn't have it with him? It's not in his pocket but back in his car. They have to go to his side of the tracks to eat it. The right side. No just his. Does she want to come with him? Remy and Christina walk back to the car.
At Cedars, Vanessa and Billy question if they can get anything for Billy. They didn't want Bill to wake up to this.
Lizzie says they should be happy that Bill is just awake. It is the best Thanksgiving. Vanessa can order food from Towers for all of them.
It's clear though that Lizzie doesn't want them there. Bill tells his parents to leave. Vanessa and Billy agree. They have stuff to take care of. Lizzie sits beside Bill. Lizzie can go get him some food. What is up with her and his parents? Bill saw the tension. He's trying to piece everything together. He needs Lizzie's help. He's the prime suspect in her kidnapping? She could have told him. She was more worried about his health. She's the only one that believes that he is innocent.
Whomever framed him convinced everyone that Bill kidnapped her. His parents think that he did this? Lizzie says he was right when he told her about Billy and Vanessa and how he had to fight for their approval. Bill has Lizzie by his side. She's been to do it all and help him. Bill is getting better now so he can help. They can fight this together. Before she was all alone. Bill says all he needs is Lizzie.
In Germany, Dinah pushes a belligerent Shayne out the door.
Shayne has had it. He could have taken that guy with one punch. Shayne questions why she is helping him again. What did the guy say to piss him off so much? He called him a cripple. Dinah says he is. Shayne is ticked. Dinah says go for it. Shayne says nobody calls him that. Dinah calls Shayne out that he's just looking for an excuse to fight someone or himself.
Maybe if he's beaten up so much or so drunk he won't feel anything. Shayne looks at Dinah. Dinah tries to help again. Shayne tells her to stop. Is his life really that bad that he can't get away from it fast enough? Can she call someone for him? Shayne says he doesn't need a do gooder's help. Shayne and Dinah argue. Where is she from? Springfield a little town outside of Chicago. Shayne says he will never go there. Dinah leaves.
At Cedars, Bill and Lizzie are cuddling in bed.
Lizzie wishes Bill a Happy Thanksgiving.
In Germany, Dinah looks at the chess board and plays it. She finds the watch that Shayne dropped on the floor during the fight.
Shayne heads back to the hospital. A Sergeant is there waiting for him. He can't keep leaving the hospital. It's not some summer camp. The sergeant questions what Shayne did this time? Another fight. Shayne laughs he should see the other guy. Shayne can't keep crashing there if he's going to refuse treatment. Shayne says not to worry Randolph will be back soon. Shayne will be gone then. The sergeant hopes Shayne never becomes a real soldier. Shayne laughs. He's a natural soldier. " Shayne Lewis, reporting for duty sir."
Alan says there is no way the cops will figure out that Grady was behind the frame up and kidnapping.
Daisy puts clues together as she's talking to Bill. Grady finds Bill talking to Daisy at the hospital.
Thanks Dayna!
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