Marina is outside with her work and finds a gambling chip in her brief case:

In the next scene she is in her kitchen and Frank is there. She trades him a file for whatever he took out of the fridge. She tosses the chip around, Frank asks about it, and she is about to tell him about the almost wedding when Mallet enters and changes the story to one about gambling.

Lizzie is in her bedroom and finds a paper outside the door; the headline is about the Grand Jury.

Her lawyer calls with some good news. A brief scene shows that Doris is angry that the motion to suppress evidence was upheld.

Another brief scene shows Alan, at the mansion, also peeved.

Lizzie arrives at the hospital to find the bed empty. Bill has been taken upstairs for more tests. Lizzie is relieved. She is happy that they are not going to be able to use the jacket as evidence against Bill. She says to herself that who ever is setting up Bill (and she doesn't think it is Alan anymore) is going to have to go through her.

Only Love Can Save the World! Only Love.
Marina and Mallet talk about gambling and getting married. Marina rambles on and on. Annoyingly. Frank is confused, and Mallet is bemused. Laughter, then Mallet changes the subject to Thanksgiving. Marina continues to talk about unmarried single people. Mallet says they have to go to work. Frank takes the hint (finally) and the muffin and bananas and leaves.

Marina, "What is your problem?" Mallet, "Were you going to tell you dad we almost eloped?" "What are you afraid of?" Mallet says, I'm afraid because "he's your dad." Then he says, "I told you how much you mean to me." Marina retorts, "You are just a big wuss! Wuss, there, I said it again."
Coop gets a text messages from Beth about a delivery he is going to make to her room. Inside at Company, Coop asks for the delivery. The delivery for Beth hasn't been ordered yet. He double checks that there isn't something else to be delivered.

He leaves with the package, which is not for Beth. Just then Beth calls and orders something. Lynn has a nice scene on the phone with Beth, says the delivery guy has just arrived, looking at Buzz, who just walked in. Beth, using her Lorelei accent, ordered potato salad for two.

Alan and Lizzie meet. He tells her he hopes everything works out the way she wants it to. Lizzie apologizes again for thinking Alan set up Bill. Lizzie says they have no case. Alan is dubious. If Grand Jury gets idea that evidence is being withheld they will wonder why. Lizzie says they will never know, because it is being suppressed.

Lizzie says everything is going to be fine. Alan tries to get her to be realistic. He says that even Vanessa and Billy doubt Bill. But Lizzie has no doubts. "Don't tell me what can't be done!" Lizzie wants to testify. Alan's phone goes off. A message about the mayor doing an interview. Lizzie goes off to the interview.
Beth is in the room looking sexy in black, Buzz is at the door when she opens it. Whoa!

Mallat and Marina talk outside about feelings like love.

Mallet points out that Marina hasn't said I love you in public yet. She says that when he said it, it was at gun point. She says he was just throwing her a bone, a booby prize by asking her to elope. Mallet shuts her up by kissing her. He says he is going in to clean the turkey with a bunch of burly men, kisses her again and leaves.
Doris gives an interview regarding the Lizzie kidnapping. Lizzie interrupts. Doris tries to stop her, but Lizzie continues by asking why Doris is railroading her partner, Bill Lewis, and why Doris won't let her testify.

Lizzie says, "Either you want to solve the case or you don't." She fights back when Doris tries to make her look bad. Lizzie says, "This is my life, this is Bill's life, and you just want to take that from us to add to your resume. Pretend this is Ashley, put me on the stand, and let me testify." Doris didn't back down.
Lynn and Frank at Company talk about raising dollars for families in need. She tells Frank he just missed Coop. Frank says Coop is acting weird these days. V-8 gets placement, as Lynn reminds Frank that one V-8 contains "a whole serving of vegetables"

Lynn tells him to drink his V-8 then she takes a drink from his bottle!
Beth covers up and tries to stop Buzz and explain. They have a really great scene, and Beth seems like Beth again. She tries to explain, cries, head in hands, Buzz asks if they are alone and then sits down.

"Is it Rick?" he asks. She says, "No, its not Rick, its a new guy." She explains that she and Rick were trying to recapture their past and it was doomed to failure. Buzz asks, "What about Alan?" Beth says, "It did work, not love like Phillip, but Alan was so . . ." and Buzz fills in, "so Alan." "What happened?" Buzz asks. She says, "A lot of things. He made me feel small for trying to go to law school." She goes on to explain that Alan's visions made her doubt him. Their relationship wasn't working on a lot of levels. Buzz says that people fall in love for worse reasons. Beth says, "That's not love, that's lust." Then she goes on to say "He understands me, he gets me. This affair helped me through a bad time with Alan and then Lizzie was missing . . ." Buzz says, "but she's back." Buzz gets ready to leave and says, "Whoever Mr. Benjamin is, don't let Alan know. He'll take bad behavior to another level. And next time try room service, they are used to this!" Buzz goes back to Company to cook turkeys.
Mallet and Frank are at Company peeling potatoes.

Mallet declares that he won't wear an apron. Buzz interrupts and says he needs a drink! "Women! you can't figure them out, so don't try. Must I drink alone?" Frank and Mallet ask "What are we drinking to?" Buzz says, "True Love!" They click their glasses of ouzo together.
Lizzie and Alan talk after the interview with Doris. Lizzie is crying. Alan says that he can't stand it when she cries.

Lizzie says she knows Bill is innocent. She just needs the chance to tell the Grand Jury that. Tonight, she says, she will sleep in Bill's bed alone and still won't know if he will ever share it with her.
The burly guys are getting smashed when they should be cooking turkey. Frank says something snide, says Mallet is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He wants to know what Marina was talking about.

Then he says (hilariously!) "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Mallet retorts, "I'm buying a house with her!" Frank says, "Maybe you should have gotten married before buying a house?" Buzz yells that is about love, true love!
Mallet gets up on the table and shouts "I love Marina Cooper! And we almost eloped! I don't know why we didn't go through with it because I love her!"

Marina says, "Oh Mallet." Then the smoke alarm goes off.
Coop is with Beth asking about what happened with Buzz.

He asks, "What did you talk about? Alan?" Beth wants to change the subject and leave. Coop wants her to stay. She reminds him that Alan is back, back with a vengeance. Coop doesn't think Beth should have to deal with that vengeance every single day. He asks, "Are you breaking up with me?" He says what they have is not even an affair, because she is not married to Alan. Then he asks, "How do you end something that doesn't exist?"
Lizzie lies down on Bill's bed, crying, holding his money clip.

Marina yells, "You guys, on the fire, not each other." The burly guys come in room looking like drowned Rats!

Frank explains that they were drinking Ouzo shots because Pop was in a mood and it was contagious. Buzz complains loudly about the kitchen. Marina wants an encore performance from Mallet. Just then Mallet leaves the room gagging . . . "True Love" Marina says.
Coop and Beth in the room. Word games. Word play. OK, all of this whatever it is is something. We started it and we can end it. We both enjoy this, he says. Come on, we have fun with this. Run back to Alan to find out if there is something there, I get it. Or if you just want to be there for Lizzie, I get it.

He hands her something and says "But just take it, to be on the safe side."
Alan knocks on the door and tells Lizzie it is about the Grand Jury. They are calling her in to testify. Doris changed her heart when she realized she was giving Bill grounds for an appeal.

Lizzie hugs Alan. Alan flashes his wonderful smile and then looks pensive.
The preview is about Lizzie winning over the jury and Alan warning her not to go in there.
Recap by JaneW
I enjoyed today's episode, except for the scenes with Marina going on and on about marriage, and Mallet and the burly guys getting drunk so he could announce his love for Marina. The scene with Beth and Buzz, the scenes with Lynn, the scenes with Lizzie and Alan were all well done and helped move the story along. I also enjoyed the scenes with Doris.
ReplyDeleteIvn (a.k.a. Kahlil) would have loved Lynn being featured in this episode, however briefly. I'm glad I got her in a couple of the screen shots! :)