Reva's still not buying this concept that she has to have chemo for her cancer. I guess Reva and Jeffrey go toe to toe over the idea. Reva makes the crack that Jeffrey can't understand what it is like for her because she's the mother.

She's the one nurturing the baby and growing it inside of her. Jeffrey says it's his child just as much.

Reva is ranting at Jeffrey when he tells her he has news from Lillian. Colin McCabe is back in town. Reva is all happy. Colin tells Reva that the chemo is fine for her while she is pregnant. He can't guarantee 100 % that the baby will totally o.k.. Reva tries to bolt at that concept. Colin and Jeffrey get her to stay to hear Colin out. Colin Jeffrey and Reva set up a game plan on what is to happen next. Josh runs into Jeffrey and Reva as they are leaving Dr. Colin's office. Josh tells Reva that Shayne's not coming home for Thanksgiving. Reva didn't know that. She's all sad that she can't have her kids around. Reva gets all hormonal again and tells Jeffrey she's not doing the chemo even after the game plan was set up. I guess Jeffrey and Reva really get into it.
Remy and Christina
Mel meets Remy and Christina at Company.

Remy didn't send the annulment papers in on time. Christina is not a happy camper with the news. Christina was crying at the news.

Remy can't handle her crying over that. Remy and Christina head to the ever popular convenience store set as well to track down a judge to work out their annulment. Remy and Christina found their judge but he's busy at the moment. Christina's rather ticked. I guess the annulment is not going through.
Springfield Happenings :
Josh is chatting with Shayne online. Blake and Mallet have another scene at the ever popular convenience store set with their kids.

It's another promo for the V8 campaign from yesterday.

Blake and Matt are having Thanksgiving dinner together after Matt extended the invitation to her.
The Trial
for some reason I've got Stand By Your Man stuck in my head today with Lizzie and Bill.
Alan finds Lizzie chatting with Bill at the hospital. Alan tries to convince Lizzie to not go to the grand jury. Lizzie is determined though. Alan pays a rent a cop so he can listen to the Grand Jury/Lizzie.

Lizzie tells Doris if she and the Grand Jury indict Bill then they will be doing a far more injustice.

Doris was able to get the jacket back in somehow although it was excluded or suppressed yesterday.

Anyway Lizzie was stunned by that development.

Reva and Jeffrey
Doris is doing what she does best and is down right nasty in the courtroom ( like I would suspect anything less from her.) Jury's already back with the verdict on Bill. Lizzie heads back to the hospital and tells Bill she's exhausted. News comes up and Bill's going to be indicted for 20 years for the kidnapping among other charges.
Preview - Cooper Clan Thanksgiving.
Thanks Dayna!
Thanks for the tidbits, Dayna!
ReplyDeleteI like the way Dayna broke up her comments according to the various story lines.