RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap: Episode 15749, Friday, August 28, 2009

Billy tells Josh about his plan to woo Vanessa. She wants to be courted so Billy is going to do that for 52 dates. He will then pop the question to her. Is he just going to carry his ring in his pocket? No he's going to put it on his dresser so he will be reminded of the task at hand.

Frank thanks the Cooper clan for showing up at Company. Buzz is back. How is he doing? Frank has no clue. Did he find Cyrus? Frank has no clue. Does Frank know anything? Frank says no. He's just worried about his dad. Buzz was off when he was talking to him on the phone. Something big happened down in Australia. Buzz walks in and says he's fine. The Cooper clan hugs him. How was his trip? Very illuminating. Did he find what he was searching for? More. Treasure? A treasure more amazing then Buzz could have ever thought. Daisy says she's glad she missed the breakfast shift. Buzz tells the Cooper clan to come outside. Did he leave it out there? Nope. He wants them to come meet someone again.

Cyrus is pacing around. Remy watches and chuckles. Cyrus looks like he's getting ready for a blind date. Cyrus is not sure who is going to be the most pissed off when they find out that he is Jenna's son. Marina, Frank or Lillian. Remy warns Cyrus that Marina has a nasty right hook. Cyrus knows as he continues to pace. Remy says it will be fine. Cyrus is family. They will all love him. Cyrus is not so sure about that concept. Coop started on that book for a reason. The reason is that Cyrus is Coop's big brother. Cyrus says that Frank didn't want him to date any member of his family. Cyrus is pretty sure Frank will not like Cyrus being his brother.

Rafe tells Natalia that he's not coming home. Natalia is not going to pressure him to do that. Rafe says that he can't come home. Rafe has enlisted to be in the Army. He leaves in two weeks.

Rafe tells Natalia to eat something. He can't go away. Rafe has been planning on this for a bit. He needs some direction in his life. The army can give him that. He can't be a cop so this is the next best thing. Rafe want to move on with his life. He doesn't want to have low end jobs for the rest of his life. He wants more. Natalia says that Rafe is just impatient. Something will come along eventually. Rafe says that he's not going to wait. He can even come back and go to college when he returns. How did Rafe do this? How did he decide? A couple of days ago. Why did he not tell his mother? She was gone. He never told Frank then. Rafe is a man he can make his own decisions now. He signed the paper work himself the other day. They will just stop it. Natalia did not sign anything. Rafe says he's been signing his own paperwork for a long time. Rafe is 18 years old. Natalia does not get why her son wants to go over there and get himself killed. He could get killed while being a cop in Springfield. Natalia was fine with that. It is different. Rafe says he's going to be serving and protecting on a larger scale. How can Natalia expect her son to accept her decisions when she can not do the same for him?

Josh finds Vanessa at Towers. Josh asks to join her for breakfast. Does he come there a lot? He's trying to get out of a rut. Vanessa just finished a meeting so she's having some coffee. Josh can join her. Vanessa says it's tough at the station. TV is not the same medium it was years ago. Vanessa then admits to Josh she goofed. She should have married Billy when she had the chance the other day. Josh is taken aback. She wanted to marry Billy even after the incident with the pillow case. She was mad but he was right. She wanted to be wooed and Billy is wooing her with a vengeance now. Vanessa says that life is short. She loves Billy and wishes that hey were married now.

Billy see Matt at the mini mart. Billy tells Matt that he's going to woo Vanessa for a year then marry her. That is ambitious. Vanessa is worth it.

Buzz wants to take the Cooper clan outside. Frank can't. He has to man the phones. Buzz tells Frank to bring the phones then. They all have close their eyes. They can do a conga line outside. Buzz walks everyone out. Remy tells Cyrus that Buzz is coming out. Buzz walks over to Cyrus. Buzz tells everyone to open their eyes. Marina says that all she sees is her louse of an employee. Buzz says that Cyrus is more than that. Christina says she sees her sneak of a husband. Remy realizes that he's in the dog house. Blake asks Buzz what they are looking for. Buzz introduces the Cooper clan to Cyrus. Lillian says that they know Cyrus already. Buzz says that they don't know who Cyrus is really. Frank asks what the heck his dad is doing. Buzz tells everyone that Cyrus is Jenna's son and Coop's brother. Cyrus is the treasure that they found in Australia. Cyrus is family now. Marina and Frank are not sure what the heck to say.

Buzz tells everyone this is why he thinks that Jenna and Coop sent him on that journey to Australia and New York. It's why Buzz has always had a connection to Cyrus. Cyrus is family. Frank says that Cyrus is not a blood relative. Buzz asks when that has ever mattered. Cyrus knows that this is shocking news for all of them. He was shocked as well when he found out. Lillian welcomes Cyrus to the family. Marina and Frank groan. Cyrus has always been fond of all of them. He will make sure to work hard to deserve to be a member of the family. Blake heads off and calls Ashlee. Blake says that Buzz is back. The end of the book is great. They can meet later to type up the last chapter of the book. Blake cheers. Cyrus tells everyone he is still getting used to the news. Buzz hugs his son. Marina is not sure that she ever will. Daisy is confused. She thought that they were getting money. Marina says no they got someone who steals money. Cyrus winces at the low blow. Buzz tells everyone that they are going to head inside to celebrate Cyrus, Coop and Jenna Bradshaw. Marina asks her dad if this is possible. Frank says with their lousy luck. It is probably true.

Frank's phone rings then. It's Natalia who really needs to talk to him. She's at the post office. He will head over there now.

Olivia sees Josh at the Beacon. She's sorry for jumping his bones the other day. Josh says it's fine. It was the highlight of his day. Olivia says that it will not work out with her and Natalia. Josh says he's sorry. Josh tells Olivia about the run in with Reva and the wedding dress. Between the two of them, Josh has sworn off women. Olivia has as well. Olivia says she owes Josh for helping. Josh knows and she's going to pay up.

Billy sees Vanessa at her hotel room. He wants to take her out but she must change her shoes. They are going to have lunch at the gazebo. He wants to take a walk. So she can change her shoes. That is not happening. Billy says good because he has always loved those shoes. Billy and Vanessa leave.

Josh tells Olivia about Billy's botched wedding attempt at Towers. Vanessa still wants to marry him. They just crossed their wires. It happens. What can Olivia do? Josh wants to get into Billy's room and take the engagement ring. They are going to be doing a date later at the gazebo. Josh is just going to give his brother the push he needs. Olivia is impressed. Josh is such a romantic. Does she have her pass key? She does of course.

Frank sees Natalia at the post office. The baby is fine. Rafe enlisted in the army. He wants to go away and get killed. She wants Frank to stop him. Frank says that there is nothing they can do. Rafe is an adult. Rafe is not a little boy anymore. He is a man. This time is not about what Natalia wants. It's about what Rafe wants. Natalia has to respect that.

Olivia and Josh arrive at the Gazebo. Olivia is impressed. Lewis boys are full of charm. Josh says that is true. Where do they put the ring? In the glass. What if Vanessa drinks it? What if Billy sits there and the ring is gone forever? Olivia says they can put the flower on the plate. Billy will take it from there. Josh is impressed. Olivia knows what women want. Josh says that they hide now. Why hide? So they can watch. Olivia likes.

Natalia is heartbroken at the mini mart as she drinks a quart of milk. Remy sees her as he tries to find flowers for Christina. Natalia tells him about Rafe enlisting. Remy is impressed. He considered that. Christina will love the pictures.

Rafe shows up at Company. He wants to tell Buzz, Frank and Daisy the news. What is the noise inside? Daisy tells Rafe that Cyrus is Coop's brother so it's sort of a family reunion. Rafe can come in to. He's family as well.

Frank grumbles as the Cooper clan watches pictures of Australia with Cyrus. Blake sees that. Frank says that he can't stand it. Does everyone forget all the damage that Cyrus has done to this family? Blake says that Frank hired Cyrus to work at the SPD. He's a good man. Frank says true but he doesn't want Cyrus as his brother. Remy walks in with flowers. The Cooper clan tells Christina to forgive her hubby. Remy was sworn to secrecy. Cyrus agree. Christina take the flower but no kiss.

Vanessa is charmed by Billy's plan. She's even more impressed when she sees the ring in the glass. Billy has no clue. Vanessa fishes it out. She assumes that Billy is going to put it on her finger. He is.

Josh walks out and asks Billy if he has any clue what just happened. Billy realizes that Josh set it up. Billy thought it was a dream but was hoping it was not. Josh talked with Vanessa. Olivia helped him get the ring. They put the ring in the glass. Billy thanks his brother. Josh says it was mean to be. Billy better not screw it up this time. Where is Vanessa? She's gone to tell Matt. Vanessa is a good woman. Billy knows he's lucky. Josh kisses his brother and leaves.

Vanessa sits with Matt. She tells him that Billy proposed. Matt thought that Billy was going to do 52 dates then propose. He didn't even make it to one. Vanessa said yes. Matt says congratulations. Matt wishes Vanessa the best.

Cyrus and Marina are pouring drinks for everyone. Is she o.k. with the turn of events? He knows that it is weird that he is a member of the family now. Marina says not weird. Odd. Peculiar. Troublesome. Freakish but not weird. Will they be alright now that he is her step uncle? Marina says that last week she would not have been fine with it. This week has taught her that surprises happen. You just have to go with the flow. Cyrus has to learn how to be a better bus boy.

Buzz tells Lillian in the kitchen how much he's missed her. Not many loves would let their current love chase after a past love. She's his current love. If she has no clue then he has to work harder at his job. Buzz kisses Lillian.

Cyrus pulls Remy aside. So it's good with Christina? It will be. Remy is wearing her down. How is it for Cyrus today? It's good. He's still here right. He's supposed to be. He's a member of the Cooper family. Daisy walks over. Family? So that means he can take out the trash now. Cyrus laughs. Cyrus asks if Daisy is o.k. with him being her step uncle? Daisy says yeah. The Cooper clan is healing. Coop would love that. Cyrus hugs Daisy. He hopes his brother would be happy.

Rafe tells Frank the news that he's enlisted. Frank is very impressed. Frank calls out the Cooper clan. Rafe tells them the news. They are all impressed with him. Frank hugs Rafe.

Olivia finds a heartbroken Natalia outside of her room. The baby is fine. It's Rafe. He's enlisted. Natalia needs Olivia to reassure her that everything will be fine. She needs to stroke her hair and reassure her that she's a good mom. Olivia can't do that. She can call congress. She can give money. She can be a good friend. She can't be more than that. Natalia stomped on her heart when she ran out the last time. Olivia can't take the chance of that happening again. She will do whatever she can as a friend only.

Vanessa and Billy cuddle in the gazebo. She asks how he did it. Billy fudges. She wants to get married soon. So does he. Vanessa and Billy kiss.

Buzz chats with Rafe telling him that they are all proud of him being a soldier. They don't get the choice that he made but Buzz does. Rafe will see things over there that will change him. There will be magnificent and horrible things. Those things do not make Rafe a man. This choice right now does. Buzz hugs Rafe. Rafe leaves. Lillian walks over and hugs Buzz. He has an odd collection of kids in his family. Buzz knows. The family is expanding every day. Especially today. It's what it is all about family and connections. You need to hold onto that.

Josh sees Olivia outside her office. They did good. Vanessa and Billy are very happy. He thanks her for being a good friend. How is she? Not good. Does she want to talk about it? Not really.

Natalia prays that Rafe will be alright at the church. She's not sure about this next challenge. She's not sure she's taught Rafe all he needs to know before he goes to war. He could get hurt or die over there. Natalia asks God to watch over her son and keep him safe.


Vanessa and Billy want Reva to be the matron of honor at the wedding. Phillip and James argue. James takes off and Phillip chases after him. Phillip collapses in pain. Jeffrey and Jonathon read a warning from Edmund. Reva still doesn't know that Jeffrey is alive. If she ever does Edmund will kill all the kids. Bank tells the Cooper clan that Company is too far in debt. It is not making enough money. The bank is going to have to call a foreclosure before the Cooper clan declares bankruptcy. Buzz is devastated by the news.

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