Previously - Beth and Alan crashing the Cooper Christmas party. Beth and Coop kissing upstairs as Alan is chatting with Buzz downstairs.
Outside Company, Coop rushes off to see Beth. He has to reason with her. Buzz sees and tries to stop Coop. Beth has a life with Alan and Peyton. Coop tries to reason saying that Beth doesn't love Alan. Alan has a hold on her. Buzz tells Coop that he can't be Beth's knight in shining armour. It's not real. Coop says he can handle Alan. Coop rushes off. Buzz calls out to his son.
At The Spaulding Mansion, Beth and Alan pack and plan for the trip to Minnesota.
Beth questions if Alan is really happy about going to Minnesota in the middle of the winter. Alan likes the idea of the trip because he'll be close to Beth. Alan then pulls out a huge diamond ring.
He says his life was never the same until Beth showed up. He loves her very much. He hopes she realizes that. Alan gets down on one knee and proposes to a stunned Beth.
At Cedars, Ashlee is trying to help out Doris.
Doris just wants to know who is the man who rescued her. She never saw him because she passed out. Ashlee closes the door when Doris sees Grady.
Can Ashlee get Doris some water or pudding or better someone's head on a platter? Doris questions why Grady is there. Grady is the one that brought Ashlee to the hospital when she heard about Doris.
He really cares about his job. Ashlee is in tears looking at her mother.
Also at Cedars, Reva and Josh see Shayne.
Shayne says that he wasn't burned. He just has some smoke inhalation. Shayne says it's no big deal. Josh says it is. He saved a person's life. Shayne tries to leave not wanting to hear the hero talk again. Josh tries to stop his son. Shayne says that they should give the bed to someone who needs it more than him. He's fine. Reva and Josh tell Shayne to stay put. Reva says this was one or the reason why Shayne was supposed to stay in Springfield after Christmas. Reva says that was the best gift ever.
Reva says that she doesn't have a gift for Shayne but rather a big offer. She talked with Jeffrey and they want Shayne to be the baby's godfather. Shayne is stunned and says no.
He's not the right person. Shayne asks for some water. Reva says that Shayne has been through a lot today. He just needs to rest.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
Can he just think about the offer?
Shayne agrees. Josh questions if the doctor has been there yet? Shayne says no. He just wants to rest. Reva and Josh get the hint. Josh tells Shayne not to go into anymore fires. Reva and Josh talk outside of Shayne's room.
They both admit they have a pretty incredible kid. Shayne can't listen to anymore and starts to leave the hospital again.
At Company, Mallet is talking with Ashlee when Grady shows up.
Grady tells Ashlee that the man that saved Doris was Shayne Lewis. Reva's son? He's some kind of superhero in town. He's going around doing good deeds. Ashlee is glad to see Grady. She questions why he is hanging out with her. Grady says Ashlee looks like she needs a friend. The outsiders have to stick together right? Grady asks to use Ashlee's phone for a second. Grady tells Ashlee if she ever needs him then just send a text message to him. He'll be there for her. Daisy is outside of Company trying to get a hold of Harley again. Daisy just wanted to wish her mother a Merry Christmas. They can talk when they have a chance. Daisy is sorry that their call got cut off the other day.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Beth is trying to read over her messages.
Beth is more concerned about their trip. She doesn't want them to get stuck in the snow. Alan says that wouldn't be so bad then they could....
Beth can't do that now. Alan says all Beth has to do is say yes to his proposal. Beth can't do that right now. Alan agrees not to pressure Beth. He would just love to start the New Year with Beth as his wife. Alan suggests just putting on the engagement ring and see how it feels. Beth squirms uncomfortable by the suggestion. Alan persists and puts the ring in her hand. Alan leaves to head upstairs. Beth looks at the ring jut as Coop shows up.
Beth questions what the heck is Coop doing there? Alan is right upstairs. Coop says that he's come to pick Beth up for their trip.
At Company, Mallet tells a distracted Buzz that they are almost cleaned up from the Christmas party.
Mallet calls out to Buzz.
Buzz says that his car was just stolen by Coop.
Does Buzz want Mallet to report this? Does he want Mallet to stop Coop? Buzz says that Coop is making a huge mistake.
About what? Buzz can't tell Mallet that. Mallet can't file a false report for Buzz. Buzz leaves as Mallet is calling out his name. Shayne arrives at Company and is snarky with Alan. Mallet says that for some reason Marina told him that Shayne was a nice guy.
He was a long time ago. Mallet says fine. Shayne can be a twit but don't take it out on Mallet or Marina. Just then Mallet's phone rings. Mallet says he doesn't have to look for Shayne. Shayne is right here beside him. Shayne looks at Mallet.
Mallet says it looks like he has to take Shayne in. Shayne wheels his chair out as Mallet is following him.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Coop and Beth are talking.
Coop says he brought a gift for Peyton with batteries.
Alan will be down in a moment. Coop has to go. Coop questions why Beth is staying with Alan when she's so scared of him? Beth says it's not that. Then she can just tell him it's over and leave. Beth deserves more than half a life with Alan. Beth says it's not that easy. Coop doesn't understand why Beth is holding onto this. She could have a wonderful life with Coop. Why stay with Alan? Is it the power, money, prestige? If that is what it is then Coop will back away. Coop knows he can't compete with that. It's not the money. Then why? She doesn't love Alan. She may care for him. Coop knows that they share a child together. Alan is not giving Beth what she deserves. She deserves so much more. What does Beth want to do right in this moment? Beth and Coop passionately kiss. What is her heart telling her? She can just walk away with Coop right now. Beth looks at Coop. Just then Alan calls from the top of the stairs.
He is holding Peyton. Alan tells Beth that Peyton agrees it's a wonderful idea if she will just say yes to his proposal.
Just then Alan sees Coop there as well.
Why is Coop there?
Beth is freaked out. Coop says he came to talk to Beth. About what? Coop says that Beth left her scarf and gloves at Company. He knows how cold it is outside. Beth says thanks. Alan questions if there is anything else. Coop looks at Beth. Is there? Coop wishes them a Merry Christmas. Coop leaves and finds Buzz in the hallway.
Coop hugs his father. Coop says that Beth is going to marry Alan.
They should just leave.
Beth is holding a babbling Peyton as Alan is planning out the wedding.
Lizzie can be a bridesmaid. Emma can be a flower girl. Peyton babbles some more. Alan says that Peyton is enough reason for them to stay together.
They could have it all. They also need to keep all the others in their place. Alan takes Peyton from Beth. Beth suggests a drink. Alan agrees. Alan plays with Peyton as she babbles.
Beth mixes a drink for Alan. She slips some sleeping pills into his drink. Alan again says that they can all have a wonderful life together. Beth gives Alan his drink. Beth picks up Peyton.
Alan tells Peyton that Beth will come around to their point of view soon enough. Alan drinks the laced booze.
Ashlee finds Daisy outside of Company.
Daisy questions how Doris is doing? She'll be fine but she hates the food at Cedars. Ashlee has come to get her some pumpkin pie which Grady has already grabbed and brought out for Ashlee. Daisy is surprised. Daisy can't believe that Ashlee and Grady are friends.
Ashlee says that Grady was the one that took her to Cedars when she found out about Doris.
Grady has been taking care of everything. Daisy knows Grady is wonderful at taking care of things like her. Ashlee says she has to get back to Doris. Ashlee says thanks to Grady again. Daisy is shocked. People are actually starting to like Grady. Grady and Daisy kiss. How is she doing? Daisy thanks Grady for being so nice to Ashlee. Grady says it's all part of the job right. He likes taking care of Daisy more. Daisy smiles. She tells Grady that they have to drop off the toys and batteries off at the Toy Drive. Grady says then he can take Daisy home and take care of her. Daisy smiles. Grady and Daisy kiss.
At Cedars, Mallet is driving Shayne down the hallway.
Shayne questions why he is there. Mallet says he's bringing Shayne to Doris.
Doris wanted to thank the man that saved her life. She says that he's a hometown hero. Shayne's not happy with the hero talk. Doris says that they are told that superheroes are fictional but Shayne is a real one. She's never met anyone like Shayne. He had courage saving her. Doris wants to give Shayne a medal on behalf of the town. She asks Reva to place it on Shayne.
Shayne says thanks. Josh says congratulations to his son. Shayne asks if they are done with this? Shayne says it was no big deal. Josh says Shayne was a hero.
Shayne may not see it but everyone else does. Doris tells Shayne that if he ever needs anything, he can just ask her. She wishes Shayne a Merry Christmas as photographers take pictures.
Shayne wants to leave. Reva and Josh suggest getting some food. Reva says she has to get home to Jeffrey. Josh suggests tomorrow? Reva says that she has another round of chemo tomorrow. Reva says it's not that bad. She just lays around and listens to the music that Jeffrey got her. Can she get Shayne anything? Shayne says he's fine. Shayne tells Reva that he will be the godfather to her baby. He can do that. Reva is very happy.
Reva hugs her son. Reva and Josh leave.
In the motel, Grady tells Daisy he's sorry the Cooper party didn't turn out as she wanted.
Daisy again thanks Grady for helping Ashlee. Grady is her hero. Daisy suggests opening their Christmas gifts. Grady suggests cashing them in to get another night at the motel. Daisy questions if Grady blew all his money on her. Grady says the best gifts are for free. He didn't steal it? It just takes time and prep. Daisy's phone rings. It's Harley. Daisy says she can barely hear her mother's voice. Daisy questions what time it is where Harley is.
At Company, Coop feverishly pours out his feelings for Beth into the story.
Ashlee shows up just then.
Ashlee says that she wanted to pick up some dinner for Doris. Coop says that is fine. How is Doris doing? She's mushy. Coop says that's to be expected after a near death experience. Ashlee questions if Coop is writing again. Coop says he's trying to. Ashlee offers to read some chapters and edit it. She could give him some feedback. Ashlee snoops and realizes the story is about Coop's new woman. Ashlee questions if that is going well? Coop says it's not going anywhere. Ashlee can't believe that. Coop had fallen in love with the woman. Coop tries to shift the conversation by asking what Doris wants for dinner? Turkey or ham? Ashlee watches as Coop prepares a platter.
At the Spaulding Mansion, Alan is really sleepy from the laced drink.
He really needs a coffee to walk up. Beth tells Alan to get some sleep. Just relax and take a nap.
Alan falls asleep. Beth puts a blanket over Alan. She grabs her purse as Lillian shows up.
Lillian says she needs to talk to her daughter. Beth says they can’t talk now. Alan is dead to the world.
Beth mixed a couple of sleeping pills with his drink. Why did she do that so she can go be with Coop? That is not going to work. Beth reads Lillian some of the book. Coop wrote such beautiful words about her. Lillian tells Beth to knock it off. Coop is not Phillip. Beth says this is not about Phillip. Lillian says it always is with Beth. Beth doesn't want to hear the truth so she leaves. Lillian questions what she is supposed to do with sleeping beauty? Lillian looks down at Alan.
At Company, Ashlee and Coop talk.
Ashlee says she has a confession for Coop. There was no guy that she was going out with. She's been out with guys since they stopped dating. She didn't want Coop to think less of her. Coop says that Ashlee doesn't have to exaggerate her life with him. Ashlee is a beautiful woman. Ashlee says thank you to Coop. Sometimes when she wakes up. She has no clue who she is. Beth arrives outside of Company and sees Ashlee and Coop.
Buzz walks by and tells Beth that Company is closed to her but she already knows that. Buzz starts to leave. Beth tells Buzz to give the notes to Coop but stops.
Buzz leaves. Beth looks at Coop. What is she doing? She has three children. He's too young for her. Beth leaves as Buzz watches her.
At the motel, Daisy tells Harley that she loves her.
Daisy says she's just hanging out with friends. She wishes her mother a Merry Christmas. Daisy says goodbye to Harley. Daisy looks at Grady.
She didn't want to get into it with Harley about everything. Grady gets that. Daisy says it's time for Grady's gift. Grady is all excited. He opens the present and finds a leather jacket. He says it's perfect. Now it's time for her. Grady gives Daisy a small box with a huge red bow. Daisy opens the box to find a chain with a small key on it. Just like their key. Daisy and Grady kiss.
Outside Cross Creek, Josh and Reva share hero stories about Shayne.
Reva says that Shayne was trying to escape the hospital again. Josh wishes he would stay for a long time.
Reva tells Josh that Shayne will walk again. Josh hopes so. Reva says it's a good sign that Shayne agreed to be the godfather to the baby. It means part of him does want to reconnect with them.
Josh tells Reva that they have some pretty great kids. Reva knows.
Josh kisses Reva. Reva starts to head inside but stops. She says Merry Christmas Bud. Josh wishes Reva Merry Christmas as well. Josh wishes there was more as Reva heads inside.
Outside in the park by the lake, Shayne is in his wheelchair on a bridge.
He pulls out the medal and looks at it. He pulls out a picture of someone and looks at it. He has tears in his eyes. Shayne fights to stand up.
He tosses the something (medal? picture?) into the water. He sits down obviously very emotional.
Preview – Mel and Bill talk about the kidnapping case against him.
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