New Years Eve
Previously - Alan proposing to Beth. Coop telling Buzz the news. Shayne saving Doris' life.
At the farmhouse, Emma rushes in waking up Olivia.
Olivia told Emma that she could stay up past midnight on New Year’s Eve. Olivia tells Emma that she got up early. Does she think she will last? Emma says of course. Natalia is downstairs cooking. Emma pulls Olivia down the stairs to the kitchen where Natalia is cooking and singing to music. Olivia and Emma enter and start dancing.
In the Spaulding Mansion, Alan is all alone. He calls out for Beth but can't find her anywhere. He questions if anyone is actually in the house.
Mel walks into Spaulding - Lewis and finds a drunk Bill passed out at his desk.
Bill says he was talking to Lizzie then he passed out. He must have been tired. Mel suggests that Bill passed out because of his drinking. Bill tries to cover badly. Mel says all the drinking is not helping his case. It's making him look even more guilty. Mel hauls Bill out of his office to his room at the Beacon. Bill questions who the heck would call a meeting on New Year’s Eve? That would be Doris and it's important. Bill questions what is up. Mel says that they should listen to Doris. If Doris offers a deal they should take it. Bill looks at her. Mel turns on the water and pushes Bill into the shower clothes and all. Bill shudders because of the cold water.
Dinah is walking outside and finds Shayne by the water. She questions about his medal from Doris.
Shayne doesn't have it anymore. Dinah insists on seeing it. Again Shayne tells her that he doesn't have it. Dinah questions what is wrong with Shayne. It's cold outside. Dinah says that Shayne really helped her out the other day. She owes him a favour. Anytime he wants to call it in, he can. Does he want some company for New Year’s? Shayne says he doesn't have any plans. Shayne knows this isn't the greatest thing with Bill going to trial. Dinah tells Shayne she's not going to hang out with him if he's going to be a pain in the butt. Dinah says they need to celebrate. Shayne reminds her the last time they were together. The warehouse, the big fire. Does this ring a bell? Shayne asks if he can cash in his favour now. He just wants her to leave him alone now. Dinah says no that is boring. They are going to do something else.
Only Love Can Save the World, Only Love . . .
Dinah and Shayne arrive at Company.
Dinah tells Shayne to give up the skulking routine. Shayne questions how nothing can change in 4 years. Marina enters Company. This is the last place she expected to see Dinah and Shayne since they broke up her wedding the last time. Dinah takes that as her cue to leave. Marina questions when Shayne turned into such a jerk.
At Lewis Construction, Matt is working at his desk when Rick shows up. Rick explains that he bought this dinosaur but it's not working. Rick can't figure it out. Matt agrees to take a look at it.
Olivia, Natalia and Emma are clearing the dishes off the table.
Natalia likes to do it because it's her kitchen. They are all happy they get to spend New Year’s Eve together.
Olivia agrees that she and Emma have to have big dreams next year. Natalia says she's going to help them all stay up by playing music. Natalia is going to have fun with them as well.
In China, Lizzie's phone rings. It's Alan.
Alan hopes his granddaughter is enjoying her trip. He questions how the meetings went. Lizzie says they went fine. She will fill him in when she gets back. She wants to get ready for her flight so she can come home and see Bill. Alan questions if Lizzie has talked with Beth yet. Lizzie says that she talked to her mother last on Christmas morning. So Lizzie doesn't know the news that Alan proposed to Beth? Lizzie is surprised. What did Beth say? Alan says they haven't quite ironed out all the deals yet. Beth will say yes eventually. Lizzie says she has to go. She wants to be back by Bill's side for the trial. Alan tells Lizzie to worry about herself more than Bill.
At Towers, Bill is eating breakfast full of carbs.
He tells Mel it's a sure fire way to take care of a hangover. Mel says that she's worried about the science part with the DNA. They need to consider taking a deal if Doris offers one. Mel says that Doris' case is strong. Mel says that having Lizzie on their side will help. She can give a very powerful victim impact statement but it's not that much. Bill says he can't take an offer. How would that look to Lizzie? Everyone believes that he is guilty. He can't take a deal and let them think that they are right. What would that do to Lizzie? Mel asks Bill to at least hear Doris out. Bill agrees. Mel says that they need to get going.
Olivia and Emma are in the kitchen in the farmhouse when there is a knock at the door. It's Alan.
Alan is surprised. So the rumours are right? Olivia and Natalia are living together. Emma hugs her grandfather. Alan makes the crack that the farmhouse has a Green Acres feel. He came over to give Emma her Christmas present. Alan hands Emma a small box. Inside is a bracelet. Olivia says that's a little overboard for a little girl right? Alan says onboard is the only way right. Emma should check the card. Emma reads the card. It's from Grandpa and Daddy. Olivia asks Emma to take her bracelet up to her room. Olivia tells Alan that was over the top adding Phillip's name to the parcel. Alan says that his son may not be there but Phillip still cares about his daughter. Alan tells Olivia that the living relationship will never work. Olivia and Natalia are like oil and water. Olivia has ambition. Natalia has none. Olivia does a countdown and tells Alan to buzz off. Alan leaves and Olivia slams the door closed.
Natalia is upstairs when she gets a phone call. It's from Towers. They are short staffed tonight. The same Towers that fired her last year? Natalia has plans for tonight. Towers offers to give Natalia double wages if she can come in. Natalia agrees.
Shayne and Marina are arguing in Company.
Shayne questions how in 4 years that nothing has changed. Marina says there is a hero menu just made for him if he wants something. He's a big hero now after pulling the mayor out of that fire.
Marina questions why Shayne is being such a jerk. Marina says they can't change the menu. Company is about comfort food. Marina tells Shayne not to worry that he screwed up her wedding. Shayne says that wasn't his plan. Marina says no matter she still married Mallet. Marina says that Shayne can apologize. Shayne agrees to apologize to Marina but he will never do that to Mallet. Marina says that she doesn't know Shayne anymore.
Dinah arrives at the graveyard and sits by Ross' grave.
Dinah tells her father that she's doing better. She's really trying to do the right thing this year. She knows that she let him down. He's probably shaking his head at her. Dinah says she can't hear the sound of her father's voice anymore. Dinah misses Ross so much. She says that 2009 will be different in a good way. She can feel it. She asks that her father keep an eye on her. Dinah says it's nice to know she's not alone. Dinah says she loves her father. She hopes he has a New Year.
Mel and Bill arrive at Cedars.
Bill tells Doris he's sorry to hear about the fire. He's glad that she's o.k. Doris flat out asks where Bill was on Christmas morning? He was with family. Doris expects that the Lewis clan will vouch for him right. Bill questions if he is hearing Doris right. She thinks that he started the fire. Doris says all the evidence against him was in the warehouse that got torched. Mel realizes that Doris can't make a case against Bill now. Doris says it's going to be hard to prove that he's guilty without the evidence. There is no choice but to dismiss the case. Doris tells a stunned Bill that he's free.
Marina and Shayne are still arguing at Company.
Marina tosses Shayne a baseball. Shayne says he doesn't miss it at all. Shayne says he's gone around town trying to figure out what doesn't quite fix the picture like the ramp at the church. Marina says that Josh added that last year. Shayne says of course. She can tell him about all the changes in Springfield. Shayne's not interested. Marina tells Shayne that he missed a lot while he was gone. Marina is all quiet. Shayne says that maybe he's the one that has changed after all he is a big jerk right. She tells him that he will get back on his feet again. Shayne laughs. He says if he had a dollar for every time he's heard that since he came back to Springfield, he'd be a very rich man. Shayne says no thanks for the pity. He turns to leave. He will see her around. Shayne tells Marina to tell Buzz to update the menu with some new items.
Matt gets the dinosaur to work.
Rick put the batteries in the wrong way. How did Matt figure that out? Matt has a young daughter. Maureen would have figured that out. Maureen has been talking about all the charity work that they have been doing. She's been dropping off toys and batteries to the 5th Street toy drive. Matt asked Maureen what she wanted for Christmas. Maureen says to help out others. Rick is surprised. Matt tells Rick that if he doesn't get a chance he wants to wish him a New Year.
Natalia is getting ready for work at Towers.
She heads downstairs and finds Olivia and Emma playing crazy eights.
At Cedars, Doris gets a surprise visit from Alan.
How is she feeling? Much better. Alan says that Doris is too happy. Maybe she needs a room in the psych ward. Where Alan always has a bed waiting for him? Alan laughs. Alan says things are going good for him. He's asked Beth to marry him again. Doris almost chokes on the words as she congratulates Alan. When is the big day? Alan says they still have to iron out some details. Doris says it's good he came. She has some news for Alan. The warehouse that was torched contained all the evidence against Bill. Alan is furious. What does this mean? Doris says she can't prosecute Bill. She doesn't have anything to make a case against him. Alan says there is no way in heck that Bill Lewis is going to go free. Alan says that Doris' incompetence is unforgivable.
Bill finds Dinah outside.
He questions if she set the fire. Dinah tells Bill that she would do anything for him. Bill thanks his sister. So that means there is no trial right? Bill talked to Doris. There isn't a strong case now to prosecute him. Even the arson case is pretty weak. Dinah says that her brother should be happy. It's New Years and he's free. Dinah and Bill hug. Dinah is still worried about her brother.
At Towers, Natalia is working cleaning up after people. She watches all the people having fun. She decides to take Olivia's advice and not work tonight. Natalia takes off her apron and leaves.
Alan and Shayne run into each other at the convenience store.
Alan says that Shayne is a big hero saving the mayor. Shayne questions why Alan is there. Is he slumming? Alan says no. Alan needs to get a lighter for his smoke. Shayne says Alan can't be to happy about the merger of Spaulding - Lewis. Shayne's family told him all about it. Shayne agrees to pay for it. Shayne has to go since his beer is getting cold. Alan thanks him. Shayne leaves. Alan questions if Shayne has big plans. Shayne says of course. Alan ? Always.
Natalia enters the farmhouse to find Olivia and Emma sleeping.
It's a good thing she showed up or both of them would have missed New Years. Olivia questions what happened? Natalia says they can get by without tips for tonight. Olivia is happy with the news. Natalia says that they need music for dancing. Emma agrees. Natalia brings in a player and starts the music. Emma starts dancing. It's going to be a good time for all of them now.
Alan is smoking a cigar while playing chess alone in the Mansion. He's watching the countdown on TV.
Shayne enters Remy's room at the motel. Shayne grabs the beer off the counter. He turns on the TV. Shayne is visibly spooked when firecrackers go off.
Dinah and Bill are drinking champagne at Towers.
They should be toasting his freedom. Bill says he owes his sister. He treated her horribly last year. Dinah says it's o.k. Bill says that with everything that happened this year, it's brought them closer together. He never should have doubted her. Dinah says they are fine. Lizzie loves him. The family is always there for them. Bill says that he did chat with Lizzie for a bit. Bill says it's best if she's not there for the trial. Dinah sees that Bill is still doubting his innocence. Bill questions how he can be with Lizzie and not question if he's the one that kidnapped her. He doesn't know if he did or didn't do it. Dinah tells Bill to let it go. Bill did not kidnap Lizzie. Bill can't be so sure. Bill says the evidence against him is gone but the scare on his chest will never go away. How can he expect Lizzie to believe that he's innocent when he can't do that himself. Dinah tries to reassure her brother. Dinah says that Bill just needs to start over with a clean slate. Tonight is the perfect night to do it. It's a new beginning for all of them. Dinah leaves. Bill looks around and finishes Dinah's glass of champagne as well.
Emma makes noise with the party makers at the farmhouse waking up both Natalia and Olivia who had fallen asleep. They watch the TV as they make a countdown.
Alan listens to the countdown at the Mansion alone just as Alexandra shows up.
Alexandra questions why Alan isn't happy to see her. Alan is still questioning where Beth is. She took the kids out for a bit. Alan would have expected them to be home soon. Alexandra says he's just going to have settle for her.
Alan says he needs a new start. Alan needs justice for Lizzie. Alan says he sounds pathetic. He keeps on saying he wants. He's Alan Spaulding. He should just take it. He has some of his money back not all of it. He says that Springfield has suffered greatly this year. They need a leader. What about Doris? Alan laughs and says that Doris is incompetent in her work. Alan says he can be the hero for Springfield. He wants all of it back. He wants the fame, money and power.
Dinah knocks on the motel door.
Shayne opens it. Dinah tells Shayne that Bill's trial is over. She wanted to celebrate with him.
Shayne says he's busy but Dinah enters the room. Shayne helped her now she wants to help him. Shayne says he doesn't need to be fixed. Dinah says they have less than one minute to midnight. She pops the cork on the champagne and passes the bottle to Shayne. Shayne says if this is about that stupid kiss at the bar she can find someone else. Dinah sits on Shayne’s lap and kisses him. Shayne returns the kiss passionately.
Countdown at Towers begins, Bill is looking around. Lizzie rushes to him. She heard the good news. Bill and Lizzie passionately kiss as the countdown ends.
Preview : Daisy telling Grady that all the evidence against Bill burned in the fire. Daisy says there is no case against Bill now.
Grady says he has to rush over to the Mayor's office. Lizzie tells Bill that the people who tried to frame him have nothing against him now. Bill tells Lizzie not to celebrate yet. Need to hear what the judge says first. Lizzie holds Bill's hand as Doris starts to talk to the judge about the case.
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