RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap: Episode 15753, Friday, September 4, 2009

Part 1

Emma is working on a card for Phillip to make him feel better. Olivia asks to talk to Emma. She warns her daughter that the cookies will not cure her dad.
Natalia calls then. She wants to check on both of her girls. Emma is going to go see Phillip today. Does she have the cookies? She does. Natalia is sorry that Phillip is sick. Olivia has no clue what to do since Emma is about to lose her father. Natalia wants to help in anyway. She would do anything if she could. Olivia tells Natalia that she has her sonogram in two hours. She will be fine. Olivia and Emma have to go.

Buzz is working in Company when Ashlee shows up. She has the galley book from the publisher. Buzz laughs so this is the book that he didn't approve but it was still a great idea. Two brilliant ladies wrote it for him. Coop was the one who wrote it. Ashlee did it for Coop. She felt closer to him as she had to decipher his writing. Ashlee hugs Buzz.

Olivia and Emma see Phillip at the Spaulding mansion. Emma hopes the cookies make her dad feel better. Emma wants to take a cookie to cook. Olivia says that Emma thinks that the papers will heal Phillip. Emma doesn't believe that her dad is dying. How is Olivia going to help her daughter deal with this? She can't give her false hope. The cookies are not medicine. It's all so sad.

Alan and Edmund chat elsewhere in the house. Alan is a match for the procedure with his bone marrow. He's an 86% match to Phillip. Not great but the best so far. Alan can save his son but he must know that the risk to Alan is huge. He could lose his life while saving his son's life.

Part 2

Alan asks Ed the chances that this procedure could save his son. Ed has no clue. It looks great on paper but has never been done before. Alan says he's not doing a great pitch job. Ed doesn't want Alan to do it. Ed can't recommend it in good conscience since he is Phillip's doctor. He has to follow his patient's wishes. Phillip does not want anyone else to risk their life to save his. Ed wanted to tell Alan though that he is a match. Alan says that he has to try but he could die. If he doesn't try then Philip has no chance in living. Ed says it's a horrible choice to make.

Buzz is working when Doris walks in. Doris looks at the book about Jenna. She's an incredible woman. Coop wrote it about his mom. Doris told Ashlee that she could write a book about her. Ashlee told her she couldn't because she doesn't know zip about Doris' life. Buzz tells Doris she needs to get on that before it's too late.

Blake sees Ashlee outside of Company. Blake has some wonderful news. She wanted to see Ashlee's face when she opened the envelope. Ashlee does and it's a check for $5,000. It's an editor's fee. Blake didn't want to tell her until she was sure she could swing it. They also will get a tiny percentage of the royalties from the book. Ashlee needs to spend it wisely. Ashlee is beyond excited. Blake leaves. Ashlee's phone rings then. It's Doris who wants to have lunch. Ashlee can meet her in ten minutes.

Olivia, Emma and Phillip continue to talk. Emma leaves again. Is Phillip going to go into the hospital? He's not going to do that. He wants to die at home. He's a dead man walking. There is nothing that the hospital can do for him other than make him comfortable. Phillip makes a crass joke that Olivia can dance at his wedding again. He heard about that. He did. Olivia says it's really sad this time. Olivia and Phillip hug.

Alan tries to make choices on what to do with Phillip as he walks in the park [ Simple Machine by Kyler England ]. Alan begins to read Ed's report but drops some pieces of paper in the water.

Part 3

Buzz sees Olivia as she is sitting at the table in Company. He's trying to figure out how to get the stove to work. He doesn't have any customers. Olivia wants Buzz to tell Frank that he's a great dad. Buzz says that Frank is not so sure. He's got a new chance with the baby with Natalia. They are going to find out today if it's a boy or girl. With a mom like Natalia and a dad like Frank, the kid is set.

Natalia is nibbling on ice cream at the mini mart when Blake finds her. Natalia admits the baby likes it. The baby is kicking up a storm right now. Blake realizes that Natalia has no clue if it's a boy or girl. Natalia is going to find out. She can't afford to buy two sets of everything. Blake gets that. Natalia is pretty sure that Olivia and Emma want a girl. What does Frank want? Natalia honestly doesn't have a clue. She could tell that something was wrong the other day. Blake can see Natalia's joy but asks her not to forget about Frank. Don't push him out. He's a good man. The kid could have no better dad then Frank. Natalia knows that. She would never push Frank out.

Rafe walks over and sees Alan picking papers out of the water. Rafe hopes it's not important work. Alan says thanks. He assumes that his grandson has something to tell him. Rafe says that he enlisted in the Army. Alan says so he made the choice. He was not asked to do it. Rafe wanted to do it. Alan says that is very brave. When does Rafe leave? In two weeks. Alan says that he will take care of Natalia. She has a good job. Alan would like to see his grandson before Rafe leaves. They can talk some more. Rafe says that they have time. Alan says that Gus would be very proud of his son.

Ashlee sees Doris in the park outside the courthouse. Doris has not done this before. She should right. The office is just right there. She's has this habit of doing the same thing over and over. She really wants to make a change. She got Ashlee a Swiss cheese sandwich. Ashlee admits she hates Swiss cheese. Doris says sorry. She never actually goes into the cafeteria to get lunch. She's trying to do new things. She's trying to open up her life. Doris asks if Ashlee remembers the time when she was seven and they went to the beach. They were going to have a talk. Ashlee says that was the sex talk. She's fine with that. Doris has just always tried to protect her daughter. Ashlee asks why her mom is so spooked. Doris admits that she's a lesbian. Ashlee is stunned by the news.

Part 4

Ashlee is in tears as she looks at her mother. Did Doris just tell her that she is a lesbian? Doris knows that it's a lot to accept. Doris says that now is a different time then when she was growing up. People are more tolerant. Doris tried to date but it never quite worked out. When she graduated school she decided to live her life her own way. She wanted to have a baby so she went to a sperm bank. She got Ashlee. Ashlee means the world to her mom. Doris wanted to tell Ashlee before when Ashlee asked why she had no dad. Doris chickened out and just did the sex talk instead. Doris says that Ashlee is a remarkable young woman. Ashlee asks how her mom could lie to her. How could Doris not trust Ashlee enough to tell her this big secret? Doris loves her daughter. The world can be cruel. Ashlee knows that better than anyone. Doris was cruel to her. Why could Doris not trust her? Doris questions if Ashlee is ashamed or embarrassed by the news. Ashlee says no. She's angry. She's angry that her mom did not love her enough to tell her. Ashlee leaves.

Natalia sees Phillip at Cedars. Olivia told her the news. She's so sorry. Phillip says he should do t-shirts. Natalia says she has to go. Phillip says no. Phillip has wanted to talk to Natalia but has never felt it was his place. He knows that Olivia is pushing her away. Phillip tells Natalia to keep fighting for her. Olivia and Emma will need her more than ever when Phillip is gone. Natalia will get what she wants.

Alan walks up and sees Buzz outside of Company. Buzz heard about Philip dying. Alan first loses Gus then Phillip. Buzz is sorry. Ed told Alan though that there is a small chance that there is procedure that could save his son. Buzz says that is great. Alan says that there is a big problem. There is great risk to the donor. They could lose their life during the procedure. Phillip doesn't want anyone to help him. Buzz can get that. Alan asks if Buzz was enlisted or he chose to go to Vietnam. He enlisted. Alan admits he was drafted. Buzz asks where Alan served. Alan says he didn't go. He was too scared to die. Buzz went. Alan was a coward. Alan tells Buzz about what Brandon did with Gerald. Alan says that he only thing that came back was a flag draped coffin. Alan has been tormented since that happened. He's felt like a coward since then.

Part 5

Buzz tells Alan that we are all cowards. Buzz is not. He went and served his country. It's one of the things that Alan has always hated. Buzz did the one thing that Alan could not. Alan has watched Buzz and his family deal with such adversity and come out with honor. Buzz says that he wasn't brave. He ran away from his wife and son. He was a coward. Alan tells Buzz that he's a match for the operation. Buzz is stunned since Alan is not Phillip's biological father. It's ironic. He could save his son but right now he feels the same way when he saw those draft papers. He's scared of dying. Buzz says that we all die. Alan doesn't think he can do it. Buzz gets up and grabs his broom. Buzz tells Alan that he can do it because he can not do it. Buzz kisses Alan on the head and leaves.

Frank and Natalia are at the hospital waiting for the sonogram. He brought her some crackers in case she is queasy. She's not that anymore. She's hungry. She made some cookies with Emma earlier. It's so sad about Phillip. Emma thought that the cookies could make her dad feel better. She thought they could cure him. Frank says that he thought that the Cooper clan had problems but they are small things compared to what is facing the Spauldings. It shows you how important family is. Natalia says that is why she wants the baby to have the chance to have as much family around it as possible. She wants Olivia to be a part of this.

Alan sees Ed in his office. Alan wants to know the procedure exactly and how it will save his son. What are the chances? Ed will try to explain it all to Alan as best he can. Alan wants to know how he can save his son.

Phillip sees Olivia in the park. Is this a routine for her to come to the park and cry? She has nothing to talk about. She can talk to him. He's got nothing to hide. He's only got a bit of time left. He's got no time to beat around the bush. Olivia tells Phillip not to do that. How can she feel sorry for herself when he's facing what he is. Phillip say he's fine. When he goes, he goes. He's gotten used to the idea. He's sorry about the people who are left behind. He doesn't like it but he's had time to work it out. He's actually spent a lot of time chatting with his headstone. Everyone has dark moments in their life. Olivia is not sure what she's going to do. Emma will not have her father. Ava has lost Jeffrey. Rafe is going off to war. Phillip says you do what you always do. You keep on living. Take a chance on happiness if you get it. Olivia has someone who loves her and wants to be by her side. Phillip tells Olivia to stop pushing Natalia away.

Part 6

Ed tells Alan that is all there is too it. Phillip could be up and out of the hospital in a couple of days if it all works. Alan is impressed. Ed says that bone marrow transplants are quite common now. What is different this time is the amount that they need to take from the donor could be lethal. The hours after the operation will be the telling time. Nobody has ever done this before. It's the first time. Alan says that he would be the guinea pig then. Nope lab rat. Alan says that he will do it to save his boy. Ed says that is fine but they have one huge obstacle. Phillip will not accept this. Alan says that he will deal with his son.

Buzz sees Doris at the bar. She wants a shot. She screwed up again. She really talked with Ashlee and mentioned some big truths. Ashlee walked away from her. Buzz tells Doris to have faith. Our kids have seen us at our lowest point and they still love us.

Ashlee is in the courtyard at Company contemplating what her mom said. Rafe arrives there. She didn't respond to his text. She wasn't looking for him. She's also not looking for her mom either. Rafe asks if Ashlee is alright. She seems a bit off. Ashlee tells Rafe about Coop's book about his mother. Ashlee told Doris that she doesn't know zip about her so Doris decided to let it all hang out today. Doris is gay. Rafe is stunned. Is she serious? Very serious. Is this some bandwagon that people are jumping on? Ashlee says that her mom has known all of her life that she was this way. Ashlee is furious that her mom kept this a secret. She assumed that her daughter would be homophobic. Ashlee doesn't care about that. She's ticked off that Doris did not share this huge part of her life with her until now. Rafe says that at least Doris told her and she didn't find out on her own. Doris didn't trust her enough to tell her. Doris has not been happy because she never let herself because she was worried about what her daughter would think. Rafe tells Ashlee to calm down. This is not all about her.

Alan sees Phillip outside. Phillip was just going in to chat with Ed. He's planning on going over to Bill and Lizzie's house later and working on it. Alan can come along if he wants to do some work like steaming wallpaper. Alan says he has a meeting. He does need to chat with his son. Alan says that he is Phillip's match for the bone marrow transplant. Alan will explain it all to him later but they need to get ready. Phillip appreciates his dad's thoughts but there is no way that he's letting that happen.

Frank and Natalia are all excited waiting for the sonogram. Natalia says the last time she was young and scared with no family around. It was tough but she loves her son. Frank tells Natalia that Rafe loves her. He will get over this. Natalia just wants their baby to have a full family. She wants all of them there. Just then Olivia shows up. Frank says she's just in time. Frank has to go. Frank leaves. Olivia had to be there. She's not going to waste anymore time. Olivia caresses Natalia's face.


Next week on Guiding Light. Please note that due to coverage of the US Open, GL will not air on Monday September 7th and Friday September 11th.

Mallet sees Dinah on the side of a road in Austria. Olivia and Natalia sit Emma down to tell her the truth. The Lewis clan arrives for Billy and Vanessa's wedding. The Spauldings wait for news on Alan and Philip.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap: Episode 15752, Thursday, September 3, 2009

Part 1

All the Coopers arrive back at Company to celebrate Shayne and Marina both getting custody of Henry. Daisy is really confused. Is this why Mallet left? Blake shushes Daisy. Blake then asks if Shayne and Marina are getting married. Shayne and Marina look at each other like oh oh. Thankfully Ashlee comes in with Henry who is fast asleep in his stroller. Marina suggests that she and Shayne move to the quieter part away from the crazy family. Just then a man in a suit shows up. He has papers for the Cooper clan. Buzz takes a look at them. Buzz calls over Marina since it's bank stuff. Marina reads it and finds out that the bank is calling in both mortgages in thirty days. The bank is going to close Company before they declare bankruptcy because they are not making enough money to pay the minimum payments.

Olivia is working when Natalia shows up. Olivia does not want to be disturbed. Natalia is there to tell Olivia that she is having her sonogram tomorrow. They will be able to find out if their baby is either a boy or girl.

Lizzie, Bill and Alan all talk in the waiting room. Lizzie can not believe that this is happening. Alan is all grouchy. He says that Phillip found out a long time ago but choose not to tell the family the truth. He wanted to control the situation. Lillian tells Alan to stop they all need to pull together. Lizzie does not want to fight with her grandfather right now. They all walk into a hospital room where Phillip is sitting. He is being a very grouchy patient. He does not want to die in a hospital. Beth says that he has to fight for his life. He wants to live. Phillip wants Rick to tell them the truth. Rick says that there is no cure or treatment. Phillip wants to die at home with his family not in some sterile hospital room.

James is lashing out at Ed. Ed found a cure to save Phillip. Why is he keeping this from everyone? Ed says at best the cure is experimental. It's too risky for Phillip and the donor. James says hogwash. They should make the choice. James walks into Phillip's room with the file and tells them that Ed found a cure but he didn't bother to tell them. James glares at Ed.

Part 2

he Spauldings want to know more about the cure. Why did Ed not tell them the truth? Ed says it would be very experimental. It would take too much bone marrow, blood and immunologic suppressants. It's just a theory nothing more. There is a very faint chance that Phillip could survive with the treatment. There is also a high chance that the donor and Phillip could die. No doctor would recommend this course. Only if a person was brought in with fatal injuries and was a perfect match would it be considered. Lillian says only then the family would have to accept and sign the papers. It's a very slim chance. James and Lizzie both want to see if they are matches. Phillip says no way in hell is that going to happen. There is no chance that his kids are taking that type of chance. It's why he said nothing.

Olivia tells Natalia to let go of this. Natalia says hogwash. They are meant to be together. Olivia will just have to get over this fear that she has about them. If she doesn't then she will miss out on the family moments that she can have with Natalia and the baby. This is only going to happen once. It will not happen again. Olivia says she can't deal with this and tells Natalia to leave.

Ashlee and Blake are talking outside of Company about the book when Cyrus comes out. They have to do something. They need to finish the book and now. Blake says that the book is not ready. They still need a final chapter about the exploits in Australia. Cyrus says that they need the money to pay off the mortgages. Blake says in order to get that type of money they need to have a finalized copy in with publisher before 6pm tonight. It can't be done. Cyrus says hogwash. The Cooper family risked everything to rescue Cyrus.. He's not going to let Company go under because of it. Cyrus is going to save his family. They are going to save the Coopers and Company. Ashlee agrees. Blake says they can't do it without her so she's in as well.

The Cooper clan sit stunned on their seats. Buzz is on the bar with a towel on his head. What do they do now? Natalia walks in and wonders what the heck happened. Buzz says in deadpan humor " welcome to the morgue" Natalia says fine as she walks over and tells Frank about the sonogram tomorrow. It's at 10am. Is Olivia coming? She will. Frank says oh good. Natalia leaves.

Part 3

Ashlee, Cyrus and Blake all sit on Blake's bed. Cyrus asks so what do they have to do? They have to write 35 pages in 3hours. They just need to write one chapter about Australia and Cyrus. They can just write it then. Ashlee says it's not that easy. They would have to write from scratch. Blake says that they would have to edit on the fly. The time is now 3:45. Cyrus says that they need to get the show on the road as he plugs the computer in. He will chit chat about what happened. Ashlee can translate and write it in Coop's words. Blake can edit as the pages come out. They need to get to it. Doris walks in and sees everyone working.

Shayne tells Henry that he is part of a pretty crazy family. Buzz says welcome to the nuthouse. Shayne says that the Lewis clan are just as crazy at times. They can actually make the Cooper clan look pretty sane.

Frank walks outside and sees Olivia. So he will see her at the sonogram? She's not going. Frank says he gets that she's confused. They all are. Nothing makes sense anymore. Frank says that he has no clue what side is up lately. Mallet and Marina split up. Shayne is Henry's real dad. The restaurant is failing miserably. Cyrus is Jenna's son. Frank says the one thing he knows for certain is that Natalia loves Olivia yet she is having Frank's baby. It's all upside down. If you look at the big picture it's not so bad. Olivia does not need to beat herself up because of this. She just needs to do what she should. Frank leaves.

James says that there is no law against him getting tested since he's eighteen now. They can not stop him. Lizzie says she will do it as well. They both love their dad. Phillip says no way in hell is this happening. They are not going to test any members of his family to save his life. James and Lizzie leave. Phillip frustrated says that this is why he never told any of them. He didn't want his last few weeks to be about this illness. Phillip says that he has one last person to tell. He has to go tell Emma the news.

Part 4

lan walks out and sees Natalia in the waiting room. What is she doing there? She's picking up her prenatal vitamins. He's there for a routine checkup. How does she like her job? She loves it. Alan tells Natalia that they were all there to see Phillip. Phillip told the family today that he is dying. Natalia is heartbroken. She asks Alan how he is. He's coping. The family is holding it together. Alan wanted Natalia to know since Rafe is family. Where is Rafe? Natalia tells Alan that Rafe enlisted in the Army. Alan is very impressed with his grandson. That was very brave. Alan asks Natalia to tell Rafe to call his grandfather before he leaves. Lillian walks over with Natalia's vitamins.

Cyrus and Ashlee talk about the book. Cyrus explains how Buzz dug into the earth by the tree like his life depended on it. Ashlee likes that. Doris asks what her daughter is doing. Ashlee explains that Coop was writing a book about his mom Jenna. The book is due by 6pm. Doris is impressed with her daughter. Ashlee could write a book about her. Ashlee says that would be hard since she doesn't know anything about her mom. Doris is stung by the comment. Cyrus continues with the book as he talks about the metal box.

Olivia is stunned by Phillip's news. How long has he known? For a couple of weeks. How long does he have? A couple of weeks at most. Emma rushes over. She knew that she would see her dad today. Olivia cries as Phillip asks to take a walk with is daughter. Olivia watches as Phillip breaks the news to his youngest daughter. Emma hugs her dad.

James and Rick talk in the doctor's office. Phillip is not going to let his son do this. James asks if everything is about his dad. Does Phillip want to die? James is not going to let that happen to him. James wants the test. Rick can't do that. James wants to do this for his dad. He loves his dad. Would Rick do the same thing for Ed? James loves his dad. James needs to make this alright.

Alan and Lillian talk in another office. Lillian says that Alan has a cardio test in one hour. Alan is planning on skipping it. Lillian says he can't do that. Alan needs to take care of himself. The family needs him. Alan says that nobody needs him anymore.

Doris sees Natalia at the mini mart. She is really showing now. How is she feeling? great. She is going to have a wonderful family with Olivia. Doris is confused. Olivia stepped away. Natalia says she's hanging onto their love story. Olivia is the love of her life. She's not giving up on her.

Emma is heartbroken as she see Olivia. Phillip is not going to come back this time. He wanted to say goodbye again. What does Emma want to do now? Emma says she wants to bake cookies with Natalia. They might cheer up her dad. Olivia is not sure but then agrees to call Natalia.

Part 5

Olivia and Emma arrive at the farmhouse. Natalia opens her door. She's glad that they are there. Emma walks in but Olivia can't do it yet.

Cyrus and Ashlee continue to jabber on but they need to get back to the medal box. Blake looks at the time. It's 5:15. [ Go Up To Go Down by Gabriel Mann plays ] Coopers sit at Company, Beth chats with Ed as she signs papers, Alan walks along the park as Phillip watches him from a distance. Natalia and Emma bake. Natalia walks over to the window and looks out at Olivia who looks back at the house. The Cooper clan reads the paper. Marina and Shayne play with Henry. Alan walks up to Phillip on the bridge in the park.

The writing is done. Cyrus tells Blake to get the publisher on the phone. It's almost time 5:58pm. Cyrus hacks into the count and makes sure that the time looks like the book came in on time. While Cyrus does this, Blake does her best sales pitch to the publisher to get time to pass. Blake says that he publisher got the book on time. Blake asks that the advance be sent to the bank details that she sent earlier. The publisher agrees. Blake closes her phone as Cyrus and Ashlee cheer.

Lillian and Ed chat about the donor registry at the hospital. The hospital is doing some blood work. The first past lab results are in. There is a match. Rick gets a call from the lab. Rick tells James that he is a match. James can save his dad. He might be able to. What do they have to do now? James says that he is going to beat the odds and save his dad. Phillip is livid when he finds out that James is going to do this. Phillip lashes out at his son. There is no way that James is going to do this. James runs off. Rick lashes out at Phillip for being a schmuck.

Part 6

They Cooper clan is sitting in Company when Cyrus, Blake and Ashlee walk in. Cyrus asks if this is still a restaurant. Buzz asks where his son has been. Cyrus says that they have been busy. They have good news. The Coopers look at Blake and Cyrus. Blake explains that Coop was writing a book about Jenna. Buzz knows the notes. Buzz will read them when he finds a new place. Cyrus tells Buzz that he can read it now. Cyrus told their story. Ashlee wrote and Blake submitted it. The publisher accepted the book and they have an advance. Enough to save Company? Enough to pay the mortgages and all the other goodies. Coop was a heck of a writer so they gave a huge advance. Blake is a hell of seller and Cyrus well he is shady. Buzz says that this deserves a toast to Coop and Jenna. Milkshakes for all of them. Booze as well. Cyrus says that Buzz is talking now. It's time to party.

Natalia and Emma continue to bake. The cookies will be ready in a bit. Emma asks if Natalia is having a baby girl or boy. They don't know yet but they will soon. Emma feels the baby kick and says it's a little girl. What if it's a boy? Emma say no it's a girl.

Olivia is walking along when Doris sees her. Natalia looks beautiful with that new life inside of her. She also heard about Phillip dying. Olivia says that life is full of choices isn't it. Olivia has to make some realistic ones. She's worried about Emma growing up with no father. Ashlee didn't have a dad. Doris wishes that she had taken more risks and chances in her life. Olivia did and they didn't always turn out. Doris says maybe it's time for both of them to risk it all.

Daisy sees James outside of Company. Daisy tells James about the windfall that saved all of their problems. Daisy can see then that something is wrong. James has something to tell her. Can they go for a walk.

Phillip and Rick argue heatedly about what happened with James. Phillip did not agree to James doing this procedure. He is just a boy. He's also Phillip's son who became a man. He wants to help his dad but Phillip just ripped him a new one. Phillip is protecting his son. James needed his dad a moment ago. Phillip is dying so guess what he has no control over others and how they will react. James just wants to be his son. How did Rick become such a good dad? He has one.

Ed tells Alan that for some twist of fate Alan is a match for Phillip's bone marrow transplant. Ed needs to run more tests but he's certain Alan can save his son. It's a long shot. There are huge risks but he thought Alan would want to know. Alan is stunned by the news. Ed tells Alan that he can stay and think about his choices.


Alan tells Rafe that he is very proud of him for having the courage to join the Army. It's very brave. Gus would have been proud of his son. Doris has something to tell Ashlee. Ed warns Alan again that the risk is very high to Alan but in the end it could save Phillip's life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dayna's In-depth Recap: Episode 15752, Wednesday, September 2, 2009

After having collapsed on the Spaulding grounds, Phillip pulls out his cellphone. He tells the person on the other side he needs their help now.

Beth and Daisy run into each other at the mini mart. Beth offers to pay for Daisy's stuff. Beth has noticed that Daisy and James are spending a lot of time together. Beth is glad for that. James needs a friend right now. Daisy's phone beeps with a text message from James. Daisy says she has to go.

The Cooper clan are all chatting at Company when Josh comes in. Josh says that his life seems calmer now. How are the Coopers doing? Buzz says fine. Pretty much normal. Frank looks at his dad. What is Buzz talking about? Frank is about to be a dad. A career criminal has turned out to be a member of the family. Josh says maybe this is the storm before the calm.

Marina and Shayne are at her place. Shayne talked to his lawyer and the papers are ready. They can move forward with the custody agreement. Is Marina ready to do this? Shayne says that there is space in a couple of hours. Marina says good it will give them time to tell their families the news. News. Shayne says it's probably good that they hear from them and not a newspaper. Shayne asks who they should tell first.

Jonathon calls out Jeffrey's name. Jeffrey is not an easy man to track down in the best of circumstances. Jeffrey says that is part of covert work. Does he have any food? Jeffrey brings over the peanut butter and jelly. It's all he has. Jeffrey asks how Reva is? Whacked. Colin? Cute. Has Jonathon seen Edmund? Nope.

Alexandra practices with the Frisbee. Alan says not in the house. Alexandra agrees that it is very freeing. James must not get it from Alan then. Alan and James get each other. Alan and Alexandra toss the Frisbee.

Lillian finds Phillip collapsed on the ground. Phillip explains that he was chasing James and fell down. He couldn't get back up. It really scared him. It's time to tell the family before this gets any worse.

Ed chats with Phillip at Cedars. They can use drugs to make him comfortable until the end. Phillip does not want to be in a hospital when he dies. Ed knows he just has to say it. Lillian walks in. Beth is on her way. Lillian has called all the family. Phillip says it's good that he tells Beth first. She will have to be the one to take care of the children.

Daisy got James text. She was actually at the mini mart with Beth before. Beth was really nice to Daisy. It must be nice to have a mom around. James says that actually it is but he makes up for it with a crazy dad. So what do they want to do? Does Daisy have to work today? She does but maybe she can switch shifts for a change. She's really been helping out the last bit. Daisy hopes she can get Cyrus to work her shift.

Jeffrey and Jonathon continue to chat. So what has he been doing? Watching a CSI marathon. Edmund has not gone back to Springfield yet which is weird. Jeffrey was able to track his trail though. It's just enough so that they know each other is out there. Jeffrey hands Jonathon a note he found from Edmund. Edmund states that Reva still thinks that Jeffrey is dead which is good. If that changes then Edmund will kill all the children one at a time. Edmund has really snapped. Jonathon says he has to go get Sarah and make sure that she is safe. Where is she going? Somewhere Jonathon can trust.

Buzz sees Cyrus walk out of the kitchen. Buzz was an action hero before tracking down leads. Now he's home just working. Buzz is where he belongs. Cyrus is as well. Cyrus is still getting used to this family concept.

Rick sees that Frank is working on the online dating. Did he find someone? Frank admits that he may have found someone in particular. Rick has had no luck. Well Rick lied about his age and posted a picture with that stupid hat from the Bauer BBQ. Blake walks over. She needs the salt for the fries. Frank closes the computer. Why did Frank do that? Frank is not looking for babes. Just some fun to deal with all the craziness that is his family.

Mallet arrives in an office in Germany. The director takes a look at his file. Mallet worked there before. He did. He then got a job as a warden and moved to Springfield. When would he like a job? Immediately. He has no ties to family back in Springfield. Mallet says no. The director has a good assignment for him then. He will have to leave later today.

Mallet, Shayne and Henry all sit in the park. Shayne asks how they should tell everyone. Get the all in a room and just let it come out. What are they going to say? Shayne is Henry's dad. Marina says they can do better than that. This is big news. Shayne tells Marina he wants to tell the families one on one so they have time to digest it. Who first? Josh. Josh asks what they want to tell him as he shows up.

Marina and Shayne look at Josh.I t is about Henry. Marina explains that there were extenuating circumstances to Henry's adoption. Dinah and Shayne found out the news about Henry's birth parents when they were in Bosnia. Dinah did a DNA test and it turns out that Lara is Henry's mother. Lara had Henry before she died in the hospital. Shayne had no clue that she was pregnant so of course he had no clue about his son. Henry is Shayne's son. Josh is stunned. Some twist of fate and Mallet and Marina ended up raising him. Marina will continue to be his mother. Henry is Josh's grandson. Time to meet him and welcome him to the family. Josh holds his grandson.

Reva and Alan run into each other at the mini mart. Reva is a pretty amazing woman. He can remember some times. Reva tells Alan not to go there. What is he doing there? Doesn't he have servants that can come and get his stuff. Alan says that the hides there from his family. He likes the peace and quiet. They always though seem to track him down. Reva says family is like that. They are all he has.

Buzz sees Lillian crying on the stairs. He asks her what is wrong. She tells him that Phillip is dying of an infection that is attacking his body. He's had it for a long time. There is nothing they can do for him. Lillian has been working with Ed's research project about it. Phillip only has a few weeks left. Lillian is so sad and feels so alone. Buzz tells her that she is not alone as he comforts her.

Daisy thanks Blake for the time off. Daisy is thankful that she got Blake on the phone. Blake is the only one that gets it. She doesn't have to work today. James asks what she wants to do. What does he want? James kisses Daisy.

Beth sees Phillip in the park. Philip has not found James. Beth is not sure if she would tell Phillip where James is. Phillip has been antagonizing all of them the last bit. Phillip agrees with that. It will take time for him to get to know his son again. James is not a bad kid. Phillip looks at Bet. He's sick. What does that mean? He got an infection which has spread throughout his body. It has compromised his immune system. Phillip is dying. He may only have a few weeks left at most. He didn't want to tell the family yet. Beth sobs as Phillip holds her. Phillip is so sorry. He loves her so much.

Reva is home at Cross Creek when Josh, Shayne and Marina show up with Henry. Reva is so happy to see all of them. Josh says that they have some news. Reva assumes that Dinah has been found. Shayne says no. Shayne says though Dinah was a big part of the news that he's about to tell her. Reva is nervous. Shayne says that it is good news. It's actually a twist of fate thanks to Dinah that they found Henry. Reva looks at Shayne. Henry is Shayne's son with Lara. Reva hugs Shayne. Reva knew there was a reason she liked Henry all along. What does this mean for Mallet and Marina? Shayne tells Reva that nothing changes. Marina his Henry's mother. It will stay like that. Reva says of course. It's obvious to anyone how much Marina loves Henry.

Blake sees Frank looking at the mail. She hands him his lunch. He says he's not sure how long the Cooper family will be able to hold onto Company. Blake says that it will all work out. There are good things about to happen.

Cyrus walks out and sees Buzz sitting on the step. Is Buzz alright? Buzz says he's glad that he found Cyrus. Buzz knows that it must be weird for Cyrus to be part of the Cooper clan now. Cyrus says it's easy being a part of them. Buzz thanks Cyrus for fixing the door. Daisy sees Cyrus talking with Buzz. She was with James but he got a call from Beth so he had to go.

Alan arrives at Cedars. Alexandra is there worried about what the news is. Is Alan alright? He's fine. What is this about? Alan takes his sister into the waiting room. Rick shows up. Ed walks over. Rick says he got a beep to come into work. Ed says that he loves his son. Rick loves his dad as well. Ed tells his son to go into the waiting room. It will all be explained in a moment. Bill and Lizzie show up then. What is going on? Lillian says it will be fine. They can go into the waiting room. Phillip and Beth arrive then. Beth is in tears. Phillip is so thankful that he has her by his side. She will always be there. James shows up. Beth hugs her son and walks into the waiting room. Phillip heads in then. The camera pulls back and with no voice over. Philip tells the stunned and saddened Spauldings the news that he is dying. The notes on the music say, " Life one step at a time. "

Ed tells the Spauldings the news. There is nothing they can do. James says that they have to do something. Ed has been working day and night to find a cure. Lizzie says that her dad does not seem sick. He's been using drugs to delay the effects. The drugs only last so long. He's not sure how much longer he has. Maybe a few weeks. James runs out unable to take the news. Lizzie just got her dad back. Alexandra sees Alan. She has no clue what to say to him. Phillip tells his family that he is not going into the hospital. He wants to spend time with his family. He can have the big room at home to rest. Phillip says he wants everything to stay as normal as possible. James arrives in Ed's office and lashes out trashing everything. He then sees Phillip's file. He sits down and reads the information.

Jonathon calls and tells Jeffrey he has to go see his kid. Jeffrey is driving a car. Jonathon says it's weird that Edmund has not made a move yet. Jeffrey then looks in his rear view mirror. Oh there's Eddie boy. Not very imaginative. They are playing their cat and mouse game again. Jeffrey drives a bit faster. Edmund is intrigued and says that they can play this game a bit longer.

Cooper clan arrive at the courthouse to see Marina and Shayne. Marina says that they have news. Frank says that they have all been shocked a lot in the last couple of days. Nothing could do that now unless Shayne is Henry's dad. Marina says actually he is. Shayne tells them that they will tell how later. Henry is Shayne's son. Dinah found a lead in Bosnia about Henry's parents. She then found out that Shayne is Henry's dad. Henry's mother was Lara but she died in Bosnia. Marina will always be Henry's mom from now on. Mallet knew the truth. It's why he left. Mallet tried to be a real dad. They wanted to leave it the way it was with Mallet and Marina raising Henry and Shayne being a part of it. It was awkward. Mallet realized that it would only get harder with time. Marina says that she and Mallet talked and agreed that this is best. Marina loves Henry more than anything. Mallet just wanted Henry to have a simple life with one mom and dad. Shayne says that Mallet is a great guy. Henry was lucky to have him as a dad. Shayne promises to be the best dad he can to his son. Frank asks if Marina is fine with this. She will be o.k. Henry is so lucky to have two dads who love him so much. He's lucky to have Marina. Marina says that Henry is her whole life.

Josh and Reva talk at Cross Creek as he holds Colin. Reva should have gotten her camera out to take a picture of the newest Lewis member. Hard to believe that their boy has his own little boy. He'll be a good dad. Reva realizes that this is Josh's first grandchild. Congratulations. Reva jokes that Josh needs to sit in the rocker now Grandpa. Josh laughs. Reva will have to show him the ropes. Reva says that is true. She has a couple of grandchildren but Henry is her first grandson. They better get to the courthouse for the ceremony for the newest member. Reva asks if Josh is fine holding Colin. He is. Reva and Josh leave as she continues to razz him about being a grandpa.

Frank calls Mallet in Germany. Mallet asks if everything is alright. It is all fine. Marina just told them the news about Henry. Frank gets why Mallet did what he did. Frank is sorry for being so hard on his friend. Mallet gets it Frank only saw him breaking his daughter's heart. Frank says that Mallet is a brave man. Mallet hopes that he did the right thing. He loves Marina and Henry still. Mallet tells Frank to keep an eye on them. Anything they need just call him. Frank tells his friend to take care.

Marina holds Henry as Shayne and everyone look on. The judge declares that Henry is a very lucky little boy to have so many people watching out for him. She can also see that he has two devoted parents. She tells him that the case is final. They can now go celebrate being a family. Everyone cheers.

Jonathon talks to Sarah outside their car. They have to get her bag together. She is going on a long trip. Where? to see her mommy.

Phillip says that he has to call Olivia and tell her and Emma the news. Lizzie is heartbroken for her little brother and sister. What about Zach? Phillip says that he will not be able to go to Greece to see Zach. He's sure that Harley will not have a problem if he calls. Bill asks what he can do. Phillip says he can take care of Lizzie like he is right now. Alan says that he's taken Alexandra home. Does anyone else want to come? Phillip just wants to walk. Beth will walk with him. Bill holds Lizzie. Ed returns to his office. He looks for his paperwork. A furious James confronts him. He found a cure. Why has he not told Phillip about it? Ed looks at James.


The bank tells Buzz that they have to close Company because it can't make enough money to pay the mortgage back. James tells Phillip in Cedars that Ed found a cure. Why did Ed not tell any of them? Beth looks at Phillip. Natalia wants to be with Olivia. Olivia says that is not going to happen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Steph's In-depth Recap: Episode 15751, Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Billy is visiting Reva at Cross Creek. He asks Reva to be the matron of honor at his and Vanessa's wedding.
Bill and Josh are working on a project for Billy and Vannessa wedding. They are making something noisy to disrupt the wedding night. Lizzie doesn't like the idea. She says Vanessa will not like it and stops them. The guys continue to plot.
Beth calls Lizzie and asks her out to lunch. Lizzie mentions that they are getting ready for the wedding. Beth is okay with postponing lunch. Lizzie says it is every kids dream for their parents to get back together. Beth says that her and Phillip had their time together and glad Lizzie has repaired her relationship with Phillip. Says a reunion with Phillip won't happen.
At the Spaulding mansion we see Alex, James and Alan. The guys are getting ready for work. Alan tells Alex they aren't going to work right away, they are going to play frisbee. It is their morning routine and Alan and James like spending time together. James gets Alan and accepts him for who he is. Alan says he is trying to understand James better. Alan says Alex is the only other person besides James who understands him better.

At Company. Phillip meets with Ed and Lillian. Ed asks if Phillip is feeling is weaker. Phillip says he feels that time is running out and that it is time to say goodbye.

Part One:

Billy tells Reva that it was sweet to offer to be part of the wedding.

Reva says the wedding needs to be about Billy. Reva thinks it is because Jeffrey died. Billy wants her to be part of the day, because Reva has been a big part of his life and is his best friend. Reva then says she will be there with bells on.

Beth is getting coffee at Company. Ed says he has to go. Lillian wants Beth to sit with her.
Beth asks what is going on. Lillian says she will tell her later. Beth thinks something is going on between Lillian and Ed. Lillian assures Beth that she is doing research with Ed and is a one woman man. Lillian says Beth should leave her phone on vibrate while at the library in case someone calls.
James and Alan are at the mini mart. James asks Alan what he did for fun when he was James age. Alan said he was being groomed for business.
Phillip goes to the mansion. He asks Alex where James was. She says they went to play frisbee. Alex says she should be proud of James. Alex says Phillip will have time to spend with James. Phillip says he has time to spend with his favorite aunt now and they are going to play cards.

Reva shows up and Vanessa room at the Beacon. Vanessa says they are having a dress fitting. Vanessa says Billy wouldn't have mentioned it because he is a man. Lizzie is also coming. Reva thought that Billy was kidding about being in the wedding. Vanessa says she wants Reva to be a part of the wedding. Reva is teary. She can't believe that the girl brought to SF to break up Billy and Vanessa's 1st wedding is in their wedding now.

Alex runs into Bill and Lizzie at the mini mart. Alex is hinting about spring babies to the happy duo.
Alan sees Billy at Towers. Billy asks if Alan is going to congratulate him.
Love Alan comments to Billy. Alan is rolling his eyes. Invites Alan to the wedding. Says he is busy no matter what the date. Billy says he is going to send an invite anyway and that he wants to celebrate with everyone.

Alan and James are at the mansion. Asks how the frisbee went. Phillip asks James to spend some time with him. James says no.
Beth walks in. She tells Phillip to let James go. She says we don't always get what we want.

Part 2:

Reva is looking at a dress and Lizzie shows up.
Vanessa thanks the ladies for coming. They gather for a drink and talk about clothes. Vanessa wants the ladies to be comfortable. Vanessa doesn't want the ladies to dress the same. She is just happy to be marrying Billy.

Bill, Billy and Josh are playing horseshoes. Billy says this is the bachelor party. No booze and strippers, those are for Josh. Josh tells Billy to shut up.
Lillian walks into Alan's study.
She says she needs to talk to him about Phillip and tells him that Phillip is gathering the family today and tell them that he is dying. Lillian wants the fighting to end between Alan and Phillip. She says Alan needs to be there for his family. Lillian says not everyone can stuff their emotions away like Alan. Lillian says she loves Phillip. Alan says he does too. Lillian says he has a funny way of showing it.

Alex is at Company and sees James.
She asks him how frisbee was. She says she should learn to play the game. She asks if he wants to play. James agrees. Phillip is packing up to golf. Beth says James doesn't like golf. Beth says Phillip has time for things to work out with James. Phillip says he doesn't. Beth says Phillip always wants to do things on his own time line. Phillip gets upset and tells her that sometimes it is about him. He grabs his clubs and walks away.
At Towers, Josh is toasting Billy and Vanessa and says they will be very happy. Lizzy is the next to make a toast.

She says he was like a father to her when she needed one and believed in her when she needed someone to. Lizzie says she thinks Vanessa and her will be great friends.
Reva wants to say something, she says she feels like everyone is where they are supposed to be and she is happy to be a part of it. Bill joins in with a toast, to mom and dad, he has been waiting for this moment since he was a little kid and this makes him happy. He's not sure what the reason is but he couldn't be more happy and proud and he loves them.

Billy says he will never let Vanessa go. Reva leaves to go tend to Colin. Josh goes after Reva. Asks her how she is. Reva says that she made it there to the party and that is pretty good.

James comes upon Lillian reading a book. They talk about Phillip.
Alan confronts Phillip about telling everyone he is dying. Phillip said he had a chance to spend some time with everyone before he tells them. Alan said Phillip didn't spend anytime with him. Phillip says that is because Alan told him to go away and die.

Reva is talking to Jeffrey's picture and tells him she is doing better and she wants to be there for Billy and Vanessa.
She mentions Billy's toast about growing old together. She says she needs to move forward. The phone rings. Josh is checking on Reva. He is glad she is okay. Josh says he will let her know about the wedding rehersal. She tells Josh he is right and she needs to pull herself together and she will be okay. He says he knows Reva will be okay.

Phillip is looking for Alan. He sees James. They are both doing nothing. Phillip says lets do nothing together. Phillip wants to play a video game or basketball. James says no. Phillip gets mad and goes after James. Lillian wants Ed to do something. He says it is too risky for the donor.

Phillip is running after James as he drives away. Phillip collapses to the ground.


Shayne and Marina decide to tell their families about their arrangement.
Jeffrey looking like Richard asking Jonathan how things are.

Phillip calling someone. He needs help.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Steph's In-depth Recap: Episode 15750, Monday, August 31, 2009


Buzz is complaining to Josh. Buzz doesn't want Company to be open. He wants to go on a date with Lillian. James shows up at Daisy's place. He wants her to skip work. She tells James that she can't and then says Cyrus is related to the Coopers and nobody wants to go to the restaurant this afternoon. James says he will hang out with her.

Matt and Olivia are in the park. Matt is munching on Pringles. Matt tells Olivia about Vanessa remarrying Billy. Olivia says shes been there, done that. Matt decides to get on his bike. Phone rings it is Nat calling Liv. She tells Nat she has every right to be upset about Rafe. Nat wants to go shopping for maternity clothes. Asks Liv to join her and then get ice cream. Liv says okay. Nat is happy. Nat says she will pick Liv up in 30 minutes.

Billy and Vanessa are happy. Talking about setting the date. Vanessa says there are alot of people to call. Billy says they should go visiting to break the news and take goodies with them.

Bill tells Lizzie she deserves a treat, movie and dinner for all her hard work on the house. Suggests they go visit Reva instead. Lizzie says she saw Reva and she was freaked out and at a loss.

Reva starts putting pictures of Jeffrey away. She decides to leave some out, because if they were all put away, that would be weird too. Tells Colin that Jon was right. She and Colin need to get back out in the world. She is ready to go out with Colin for a ride. Then she says they don't need to do it because Blake bought groceries and she went to the mini mart. Takes Colin out of the car and says they will save it for another day.

Part One:

James shows ups with Daisy and says he can date Daisy as long as he busses tables. Billy and Vanessa drop by at Company and break the news. Billy is looking for pies . Lillian offers to bake with Buzz, James and Daisy. Daisy thinks her grandparents are weird.

Billy calls Josh and tells him he and V are coming over to announce the engagement or act surprised.

Matt and Nat are in the mini mart. Trying to decide between ice cream and tequila. Nat says get the ice cream. Matt tells Nat about Vanessa. She tells him not to give up on what he wants.

Josh checking out Liv stretching at the park. She tells Josh that she is still trying to figure the friend thing out. Olivia says she wants to help Natalia as a friend, but, she still loves Nat. Josh relates how he experiences that with Reva. Olivia says they are going shopping. Josh says now he has an image of the two women in a changing room together.

Bill and Lizzie pop in on Reva. Bill says he would rather be at home having sex with Lizzie. Reva says she is fine. Says she would invite the duo in if she wouldn't have put Colin down for a nap. They exchange dinner invites. Bill/Lizzie leave.

Reva tells Colin they will have to go outside the house soon because people keep dropping by.

James shows ups with Daisy and says he can date Daisy as long as he busses tables. Billy and Vanessa drop by at Company and break the news. Billy is looking for pies . Lillian offers to bake with Buzz, James and Daisy. Daisy thinks her grandparents are weird.

Billy calls Josh and tells him he and V are coming over to announce the engagement or act surprised.

Matt and Nat are in the mini mart. Trying to decide between ice cream and tequila. Nat says get the ice cream. Matt tells Nat about Vanessa. She tells him not to give up on what he wants.

Josh checking out Liv stretching at the park. She tells Josh that she is still trying to figure the friend thing out. Olivia says she wants to help Natalia as a friend, but, she still loves Nat. Josh relates how he experiences that with Reva. Olivia says they are going shopping. Josh says now he has an image of the two women in a changing room together.

Bill and Lizzie pop in on Reva. Bill says he would rather be at home having sex with Lizzie. Reva says she is fine. Says she would invite the duo in if she wouldn't have put Colin down for a nap. They exchange dinner invites. Bill/Lizzie leave.

Reva tells Colin they will have to go outside the house soon because people keep dropping by.

Part 2:

Back at Company frosting cakes. Buzz and Lillian fooling around.

Crosscreek, Billy and Vanessa show up with a cake for Reva. Asks if Reva will invite them in for a piece.

Matt shows up at Lewis. Asks if Josh wants to go out for a drink because Vanessa and Billy are remarrying.

Billy tells Reva he and Vanessa have news. Vanessa tells Reva that they are getting married. Reva thinks it's wonderful. She thanks them for coming over. Vanessa says it will be soon. They ask if Reva will come to the wedding. Reva says she won't miss it.
Group hug.

Olivia changing her clothes. Fretting over what to wear shopping. Liv says to herself that she can do this. Liv calls Matt and asks him out for dinner. She says they could cheer each other up. She is going to meet him at Towers in 10 minutes. Matt says he has a hot date. Nat shows up and Olivia begs off of shopping. She says she has dinner plans. Liv says she changed her plans, because she just can't be Nat's friend.

Reva is still trying to take Colin out. Get a bite of cake. Walks out the door again.

Back at Company. Lillian is laughing about James asking Buzz about his intentions. Lillian wants to clean up the mess.

Bill and Lizzie are sitting on the porch. Bill says he needs a fight, because they have been married 7 weeks and haven't had one. Daisy and James come by with the cake. Billy and Vanessa show up. Announce the engagement. Hugs.

Reva sees Josh at the mini mart. She is buying wine. Josh says he is worried about Reva. Josh says Reva is looking more like herself. Josh and Reva talk about Billy and Vanessa and says sometimes love wins out. Reva is taking the wine to Bill and lizzie's house. Invites Josh, he declines.

Liv and Matt at Towers. Matt lets Olivia picking out the wine. They both like red. Matt and Liv like hanging out. Nat shows up. Tells Liv she needs to talk.

Back at Company. Lillian is readying for the dinner rush. He wants to go to dinner and dancing. Has the table set with candles and champagne. Closes Company. Buzz and Lil dance.

Bill says they can handle Billy and Vanessa's wedding. Lizzie says no. Vanessa says she has a professional. Reva and Colin show up.

Josh eating alone. Matt shows up. Tells Josh that Natalia shows up and interrupted. Matt thinks there is something else there besides friends between the two women. Josh says Matt is right.

Olivia says Nat can't do that and that Olivia needs friends and she can't do this stuff with Nat now. Nat says she can wait.


Billy asks Reva to be the matron of honor at their wedding.

Lizzie telling Beth about Billy and Vanessa. Beth doesn't think that will happen for her and Phillip.

Phillip, Ed and Lillian at Company. He says it is time to tell everyone.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Daytime Emmy 2009 Courtesy of Charliefan

The opening for the 2009 Daytime Emmys by Vanessa Williams. Spoof includes a tribute to Otalia near the end.

Vincent Irizarry ( David, AMC ; Ex Lujack, Nick GL ) and Jeff Branson ( Shayne, GL ) tie for Outstanding Supporting Actor during the 2009 Daytime Emmy Awards that appeared on Sunday August 30th, 2009 in Los Angeles on the CW.

Shayne fans the clip is of Shayne talking to Josh on GL 12/22/08 at the bar.

The finale tribute to Guiding Light at this years Daytime Emmy Awards. Guiding Light airs it's final episode on CBS on September 18th, 2009 after being on for 72 years. The show has filmed over 16,000 episodes.

Some of the highlight clips include the 2008 Bauer BBQ ( clips are in my collection). Bert ( Charita Bauer) and Papa Bauer talking. Reva baptizing herself as the slut of Springfield in front of Josh. Bert helping Josh in his wheelchair. Holly talking to Meg when she was first born. Jonathon sobbing at Tammy's bedside after she died. Buzz saying goodbye to Coop ( which I have in my collection). Maureen yelling at Ed for his affair with Lillian. Roger and Holly arguing. Tammy's funeral. The Fifth Street Fire. Lillian discovering that she has breast cancer. Olivia and Natalia's groundbreaking kiss.

The curtain pulls back and the cast appears as they are lead out by Kim Zimmer ( Reva ) and Robert Newman ( Josh ). Robert has been on GL for over 28 years. Tina Sloan ( Lillian ) has been on for 26 years. The camera does way too quick of a pan as it shows a glimpse of the rest of the cast members. For Cyrus fans: Murray Bartlett is in the very back row beside EJ Bonilla ( Rafe ), Lawrence Saint Victor ( Remy ) and Gina Tognoni ( Dinah). Jeff Branson ( Shayne ) is on the very far right side.

The tribute was bittersweet, heartbreaking and so final. It's the last time we will see our beloved cast on the same stage again. I found it too short. I wish that GL had been given a longer tribute since it is the longest airing show in broadcast history. Thank you so much to the wonderful cast and crew of Guiding Light for the last 72 years. I have enjoyed Guiding Light for almost 26 years personally. Guiding Light will never dim in my heart or memory. It will always have a special place.