RIP: Kahlil 05-26-71 - 10-31-08

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dayna's In-depth Recap: Episode 15560 Thanksgiving November 26,2008

"Life is full of screw-ups. If it was perfect, then it would be boring."

Previously - Natalia all excited about her investment deal with Decker. Olivia looking and finding that the fund went belly up and has no money left.

At Cedars, Lizzie is laying beside Bill when her phone rings.

It's Alan. Lizzie is listening then sees the paper with the headline " Bill Lewis Indicted ".

Lizzie tells Alan that she is still there. Alan reminds Lizzie that it's Thanksgiving. Lizzie forgot. She closes her phone.

At The Beacon, Olivia sees that Natalia's fund has no money left. There is a knock at the door. Emma is all excited to see Natalia.

Natalia questions how Olivia is feeling? She's fine. Natalia questions if Olivia has the computer on. Natalia wants to check her fund to see how it's doing. Olivia lies saying that the markets are closed because of Thanksgiving. Natalia wants to go over to the farm before they head over to Mallet and Marina's place. Olivia reluctantly agrees.

At Mallet and Marina's house, Marina is outside when Mallet finds her. Marina says it's too crowded inside the house.

Mallet says that they need her help. He's not doing all the work. Marina knows. Marina had no clue that Buzz would be opening their house to all the Thanksgiving stragglers. Mallet laughs. Buzz would love the description really. Mallet says he can burn down their kitchen as well just like he did Company. Mallet really needs Marina's help with the food. He explains how the fridge smell. Mallet realizes that there is the another reason why Marina is ticked off. Mallet first says I love you when he's being held at gun point then when he's drunk with ouzo. He can do it sober if she wants. Marina says he already said it. Everything will be fine. They hear a crash inside. They walk in to find Frank and Coop dumping a burnt cornbread in the garbage.

Frank questions how Coop can write books but not read them. That is the third cornbread that Coop has burned in a row today. Coop seems distracted? Is it a new woman? Coop covers though he is visibly uncomfortable. Daisy tells everyone to keep quiet she's trying to watch the parade. Mallet yells that she doesn't like the parade. Daisy says she likes the parade more than cooking. Marina questions what the stench is? Mallet says something went in the fridge. He can go and get more cornmeal for the bread. Marina can't take the chaos and starts bellowing out orders to everyone on what their job is. She then goes to pull out the turkey. A scrawny specimen.

Frank questions what happened. Marina says it's all natural... it was the only one left in the store. She had no clue that Buzz was going to invite everyone in town to their house. How many people are coming? Pretty much everyone except the Foleys. Daisy can call them. Frank and Coop agree it's not a good idea. Marina hopes that Buzz didn't invite anyone else.

At Cross Creek, It's still stormy between Jeffrey and Reva. Jeffrey questions if Reva came to her senses last night?

Reva was going to ask the same question to Jeffrey. Jeffrey wants Reva to take some responsibility for her life. Reva is worried about their child. Knock at door. Buzz is there.

Buzz wishes Happy Thanksgiving. He invites them over to Marina and Mallet's house. Reva and Jeffrey are not sure. Buzz then smells fresh coffee.

At the farm, Josh enters the house and finds Olivia in the living room.

He was just checking on the house for Cassie. He had no clue that Natalia would be there. Natalia is interested in the house. Josh questions if something is wrong? Olivia says the house is not going to happen. Josh questions if the price is too much? No Natalia put all of her money in an investment. Josh says maybe Natalia will get lucky. Olivia tells Josh that the fund went belly up. There is no money left. Josh questions if Natalia is in denial? No she has no clue yet. Josh tells Olivia that she needs to tell Natalia the truth. Olivia can't do that. It's Thanksgiving. Natalia sees a future in the house. Is Josh going to Mallet and Marina's place? Josh is not going because he doesn't like turkey. Olivia says that is a lie. She was married to Josh. She remembers wrestling over a turkey leg with him. Josh remembers the wrestling. Olivia laughs.

At Cross Creek, Buzz tells Jeffrey and Reva that there was a fire at Company but it will be fine tomorrow. Reva and Jeffrey tell Buzz they just want to keep it simple. Buzz suggests that it might help. Lillian came home from work... She didn't say what exactly. It may be good to forget stuff that is hanging. Jeffrey says they will do it next year instead. Buzz suggests coming then leaves. Reva question how do it. Is she supposed to say she's not pregnant, doesn't have cancer. She can change her clothes at least. Jeffrey tells Reva she needs to change her mind. Reva questions does he mean the clothes? Reva leaves the room.

At Mallet and Marina's house, Frank, Coop, Mallet and Marina are trying to save Thanksgiving but the toilet stops working and the sink downstairs is clogged.

Mallet says he will fix it. Marina questions why he didn't call a plumber? Oh, right he could do it himself.

Frank and Coop laugh and say Mallet and Marina act like a married couple. Frank says they could have saved Mallet and Marina trip to Mount Arrowhead last week. Marina can't get married without her family. Marina questions why she would want them there? To clean up. Marina says part of her life is private, separate from the Cooper clan. Coop makes crack that is why Marina is not letting Mallet drink after yesterday's declaration. Marina doesn't care what Mallet does. Rick shows up. Marina growls as to why Rick didn't bring any food. Rick didn't know he was supposed too.

At the Spaulding house, Lizzie and Billy talk.

Billy can go sit with Bill at the hospital later. Lizzie is still ticked at Billy for his comments about Bill. Billy wishes he could switch places with his son. She still can't believe that Billy would think that Bill would kidnap Lizzie. She needs people by Bill's side that believe and love him. She has no clue how she is going to get through all of this. She doesn't even know where to send Sarah's birthday present. Billy realizes it's Sarah's birthday. Lizzie says it's fine. Everyone forgot. They will probably all be talking about Bill's indictment at dinner. Billy suggests going over to the open house at Mallet and Marina's instead. Lizzie's not sure. She doesn't want to go alone. Billy says he will go with her. Lizzie heads off to change.

At Mallet and Marina's house, it's all quiet. A little too quiet. Daisy tells Marina she had to throw out the dinner rolls because they were hard as a rock. It could hurt someone. Marina says they can't afford to throw out food. Mallet says everyone needs snacks. Marina pulls out cheese and crackers. Mouldy cheese? Is that why the refrigerator smelled? Marina hates that her first Thanksgiving is a screw-up. Olivia and Natalia are questioning if the drinks are edible. Natalia is going on and on about her house. The other houses have too many memories. Olivia tries to reason that the market is not solid enough for buying a house. Natalia should just wait. Natalia laughs. Olivia wanted her to take a chance. She is now thanks to the deal. Mallet shows up with a stinky plunger. Mallet tries to reason. Buzz says that Mallet and Marina were impulsive with their wedding. It's a Cooper trait. Coop suggest not doing crazy things. Mallet suggests meeting the plunger. Reva and Rick are chatting about her follow-up with the oncologist.

Reva lies and says that everything is peachy. Olivia and Jeffrey chat about Ava. Jeffrey sent Ava a care package. She's moving into a condo not a bomb shelter. Jeffrey says there are some fun things in there as well. Olivia says that Jeffrey is a wonderful father.

Reva walks over and says she knows how lucky she is. Olivia questions how she is feeling. Reva says fine. Olivia leaves. Reva mentions that she is hungry now. Jeffrey says he doesn't have an appetite. Reva questions Jeffrey. She thought today was about forgetting their problems. They are supposed to be grateful about life. Jeffrey questions how he can be when she's taking her life for granted. She's doing a WTH attitude with this which is not good. Did she forget the sickness and health part of their vows? Jeffrey leaves frustrated. Reva grabs her jacket. Billy and Lizzie show up. Lizzie takes one look around the room and bolts. She can't do this. Billy leaves to find her. People continue to play Cooper football. Marina questions to Buzz why the turkey is getting smaller.

Mallet calls out and says he needs a bigger plunger and towels now. Natalia is on the phone. She's all excited it's Rafe's new high powered attorney. It cost her a pretty penny but she loves the quick service. She can have a better life now. Olivia sets Natalia straight telling her that the money is gone. All of it. The fund went belly up over night. Natalia can't believe that she is back to nothing. Did Decker not go over the risks with her? Natalia had to know it was a long shot. High risks for a high reward. Natalia says that she spent all the money already in her head. She has to go see Rafe and explain it to him. What is she going to do now.

Natalia leaves. Mallet calls out for more towels. Marina pushes Daisy over with towels.

At Company, Lizzie sits outside on the floor. Billy shows up. He didn't have to come. It's fine. Lizzie says she couldn't be there with the looks and whispers about Bill. They all must think that he is guilty. Nobody is on Bill's side. Billy wishes it was that black and white. Lizzie can't listen to Billy because he is not on Bill's side. Billy want to believe. Lizzie questions why nobody can see that this is an easy frame job. Bill is in a coma. He can't defend himself. SPD just want to wrap the case up in a nice red bow. Lizzie says how tired she is. She's the only one who is on Bill's side. Billy never believed in his son and now everyone knows. Lizzie leaves.

At Towers, Josh sees Reva enter. He wishes her a Happy Thanksgiving. Josh is just waiting and hoping for a call from Marah and Shayne.

He just talked to RJ and Cassie and they are both doing fine. Josh saw the papers. He's going to go see Billy and Bill later at the hospital. Reva admits it hurts that none of her kids want to spend the holidays with her. It's also Sarah's birthday so it's hard.

Josh questions if Reva is o.k.? Reva's not in the mood for talking today. Josh tells Reva to sit. She's been a good mom to all of her kids. She wasn't there. Josh was. Jonathon came to town an angry man but Reva believed in her son. Dylan is a great kid. Reva questions if this is when Josh tells her that she should count her blessings. Josh says that Reva needs to forgive herself. Reva questions what Josh is talking about. Reva is beating herself up because she was not there for her kids. That kind of guilt eats away at you just like cancer. Josh tells Reva they can learn from the past but the past doesn't have to dictate how the future will turn out. Reva questions if Josh is going to tell her how to raise her new baby now. Josh says that is not his life.

Josh questions how Reva can live life without room for screwing up. Life is full of screw-up’s. If it was perfect, then it would be pretty boring. Reva needs to just be herself. Nothing more.

At the Jail, Natalia sees Rafe. She hopes he had a good dinner. He did. Rafe questions about the new lawyer. There is no money. She bet their future on a whim and now they are going to pay for it.

At Mallet and Marina, Olivia asks Frank to watch Emma for her.

Olivia leaves. The Cooper clan and friends hate the dinner. Buzz tries to be cheerful with the toast when Reva shows up. She questions if he has done the toast or grace. Buzz says people are not that interested today.

Reva wants to take a chance.

Reva says To Life. Jeffrey looks at her.

At the Jail, Natalia beats herself up. She always looks at the risks then decides if it is the right move. She should have found out more before.

Rafe questions how Natalia could have known. It's not her fault. Natalia says she was not practical. She was greedy and selfish. Rafe says she's not wrong to take a gamble. If she hadn't taken a gamble and came to Springfield, Rafe never would have known Gus. Rafe and Natalia will be fine. The guard shows up and Rafe has to leave. Natalia is in tears. Just then Olivia shows up and wraps her arms around Natalia consoling her.

At Mallet and Marina's, Reva starts her toast.

They say that this is the time of year to take stock. Be thankful for what you have. Be thankful that you are alive. Some realize because they almost lost what is the most precious.

Being at this house, some never will stay or be there to sit at the table. It's easy to be aware of the people that are not there but the others that are. They are blessings. She knows that because of her new baby. She's not sure why they were granted this gift but Reva and Jeffrey are both very thankful. She wants to live her life in love. It's a duel edged sword to give faith and trust to someone else. To be vulnerable but you can be happier than you ever were before.

Flash on Bill and Lizzie together.

They should be thankful for families and children that are here and not here and will be here next year.

She hopes her children are happy. Flash on Olivia and Natalia hugging.

Love everyone then it will all fall into place. Reva says she's tired. Frank eggs her on waiting for the big finish. Reva says Happy Thanksgiving. Not good enough. Reva laughs and says looking around the room at each other. You know who you can count on. Know that when you really need someone they will be there for you. They all need to not forget that no matter what time of year. They should make every day count and matter.

Buzz suggest music. To counter no food? Frank suggests calling pizza and Chinese. Mallet and Marina watch everyone.

Mallet tells Marina she is that person for him. She can count on him. Marina says that Mallet is everything to him and more. He doesn't need to yell it out to the world. She knows. They pulled of their first Thanksgiving in their house. If they can do this, they can do anything. Like getting married? Mallet wants to marry Marina more than anything. Marina does as well. Mallet and Marina kiss.

Reva and Jeffrey are outside.

Jeffrey tells Reva that was quite a toast. Reva tells Jeffrey she wants to do it. She's going to do the chemo. She wants to live for all of them. She wants to be a mother to her baby from the first moment. She wants to grow old and laugh with Jeffrey. Jeffrey hugs Reva relieved by her choice. He questions what happened. Reva did.

At Cedars, an exhausted Lizzie is with Bill when his finger starts to move.

Lizzie looks up.

Tears falling down her face. Bill is awake. Where is he? He's back that is all that matters now.

Preview :

Bill being questioned by Frank. Bill is stunned that Frank thinks that he kidnapped Lizzie.

Go to the Daily Thread on the GLMP Message Board to discuss this episode.

Sneak Peek: Episode 15560 November 26, 2008

I started this blog with the Wednesday spoiler from SOC, courtesy of Lifer7 because I wasn't sure I would be able to see today's show. I was able to watch most of it while pies were backing, so I updated the descriptions with my own take on the show. Today's episode features Lizzie, Bill, Emma, Olivia, and Natalia.

Olivia tells Natalia that the market's closed because of the holiday. Natalia wants to go by the farmhouse on her way to the Coopers. Olivia knows Natalia's dreams of owning the farm house are for naught, but she keeps it to herself and lets Natalia maintain her dream. Marina and Mallet sit on the concrete stoop. Coop burns the cornbread because he's distracted. Daisy and Frank are there, too. Marina tries to whip everyone into shape.

Her turkey's too little, but at least it's organic and cage-free! Jeffrey wants to know if Reva came to her senses last night. That went over like a "toot in church," as Lifer7 put it! Then Buzz arrives to invite them to dinner. Josh stops by the farmhouse and talks to Olivia while Natalia's nosing around. Olivia explains Natalia's high risk hedge fund to Josh. Olivia says the money's gone. Josh tells her she has to tell Natalia. Josh and Olivia reminisce, rather sweetly. Things are very icy between Reva and Jeffrey.

Jeffrey doesn't like Reva's WTH approach to her situation. Then he reminds her of her better or worse vows. He's really ticked at her. Olivia finally tells Natalia that her money's gone. Natalia is crushed.

There's a sign on the door at Company that says Open House has been moved to M&M's. Lizzie and Billy arrive at M&M's, but Lizzie feels uncomfortable and leaves. Billy follows. They have a talk and Billy tries to help her but she won't take any comfort from him. Lizzie reams Billy for not believing in Bill.

Reva is now at Towers. She runs into Josh. She tells him that she'll go back to M&M's later. They are both waiting for calls from Shane and Mara. Josh said he talked to Cassie and RJ and they are fine. Reva says she's GOT to call Cassie. Josh reassures Reva about her mothering skills. He tells her that it's time to forgive herself for all of her motherly regrets. . . . He tells her that kind of guilt eats her up inside. He said none of this is his business, but she needs to forgive herself and BE HERSELF. She said he's had too much turkey! Josh thinks she needs to leave some room for screwing up.

Natalia went to see Rafe in jail. She tells him she bet on a long shot and lost their future. She won't forgive herself for being greedy. Rafe says it was a gamble, not greed. He tells her they will be OK, they always are. They say I love you and he has to go. Natalia cries, and Olivia comforts her.

Thanksgiving dinner at Marina and Mallet's place is a bust. They all hate Thanksgiving. Then Reva arrives with a newly optimistic that she's talked to Josh. Jeffrey looks on as she begins her toast. Buzz is at Reva's side while she speaks. She says, "What about Life itself? Sometimes it takes almost losing it to appreciate it. I have a new life now and I'm getting ready to bring another new creature into this world." She says that God gave her this gift, pats her tummy, and says she is very thankful for it and thankful she has someone to share it with. She is living love now. It is a dual-edged sword. It makes you vulnerable but it also makes you very happy. So she gives thanks to their families, children, and grandchildren, past, present, and future! She cries a bit, then she finally sits by Jeffrey and he smiles before giving her final toast: To being able to look around this room, each and every one of us and know that there is another person you can count on every day. Try to make each day Thanksgiving! To Life!

Their plates looked pretty sparse so they call out for pizza and Chinese. Mallet tells Marina she is his one person. She says he is her one person too. If they pulled this dinner off, they can do anything, like get married. They want to marry each other. They kiss.

Jeffrey and Reva go outside and he compliments her on her toast. She tells him she'll do the chemo because she wants to live FOR ALL HER KIDS, et al. Jeffrey wants to know what changed. (SHE TALKED TO JOSH, Jeffrey!!) She changed, she says.

Bill opens his eyes and startles Lizzie by saying HI. "Where am I?", says Bill. PREVIEWS: Billy, Vanessa, Frank, Bill, Lizzie. Can you wait for him to have a meal before you haul him off, Frank?

(Thanks to SOC & Lifer7 for posting early recaps!)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dayna's Tidbits: Episode 15559 November 25, 2008

Reva didn't come home last night and Jeffrey is all worried. Reva finally shows up and Jeffrey questions if she has a death wish.

Reva's still not buying this concept that she has to have chemo for her cancer. I guess Reva and Jeffrey go toe to toe over the idea. Reva makes the crack that Jeffrey can't understand what it is like for her because she's the mother.

She's the one nurturing the baby and growing it inside of her. Jeffrey says it's his child just as much.

Reva is ranting at Jeffrey when he tells her he has news from Lillian. Colin McCabe is back in town. Reva is all happy. Colin tells Reva that the chemo is fine for her while she is pregnant. He can't guarantee 100 % that the baby will totally o.k.. Reva tries to bolt at that concept. Colin and Jeffrey get her to stay to hear Colin out. Colin Jeffrey and Reva set up a game plan on what is to happen next. Josh runs into Jeffrey and Reva as they are leaving Dr. Colin's office. Josh tells Reva that Shayne's not coming home for Thanksgiving. Reva didn't know that. She's all sad that she can't have her kids around. Reva gets all hormonal again and tells Jeffrey she's not doing the chemo even after the game plan was set up. I guess Jeffrey and Reva really get into it.

Remy and Christina

Mel meets Remy and Christina at Company.

Remy didn't send the annulment papers in on time. Christina is not a happy camper with the news. Christina was crying at the news.

Remy can't handle her crying over that. Remy and Christina head to the ever popular convenience store set as well to track down a judge to work out their annulment. Remy and Christina found their judge but he's busy at the moment. Christina's rather ticked. I guess the annulment is not going through.

Springfield Happenings :

Josh is chatting with Shayne online. Blake and Mallet have another scene at the ever popular convenience store set with their kids.

It's another promo for the V8 campaign from yesterday.

Blake and Matt are having Thanksgiving dinner together after Matt extended the invitation to her.

The Trial
for some reason I've got Stand By Your Man stuck in my head today with Lizzie and Bill.

Alan finds Lizzie chatting with Bill at the hospital. Alan tries to convince Lizzie to not go to the grand jury. Lizzie is determined though. Alan pays a rent a cop so he can listen to the Grand Jury/Lizzie.

Lizzie tells Doris if she and the Grand Jury indict Bill then they will be doing a far more injustice.

Doris was able to get the jacket back in somehow although it was excluded or suppressed yesterday.

Anyway Lizzie was stunned by that development.

Reva and Jeffrey
Doris is doing what she does best and is down right nasty in the courtroom ( like I would suspect anything less from her.) Jury's already back with the verdict on Bill. Lizzie heads back to the hospital and tells Bill she's exhausted. News comes up and Bill's going to be indicted for 20 years for the kidnapping among other charges.

Preview - Cooper Clan Thanksgiving.

Thanks Dayna!